Audiences wary of AI in journalism

Audiences wary of AI in journalism

People are suspicious of newsrooms that use artificial intelligence in certain ways, according to a report from the Reuters Institute at the University of Oxford. Published on Monday, the 168-page Digital News Report suggests audiences are comfortable with journalists using AI for behind the scenes tasks such as transcribing and translation, but they're relatively wary of outlets that use AI for content generation and news production, especially when it comes to areas including politics. Some 52% of US respondents and 63% of UK respondents indicated in the study that they would feel uneasy reading news that was primarily generated by AI.

  • The report is based on surveys of nearly 100,000 people across 47 countries.
  • It also found that video platforms are becoming more important news sources, with YouTube, Instagram and TikTok emerging as news channels for many people.

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