
Jan 15, 2009
After reading some other comments since my last,
I think that they could actually utilize Harley Quinn
without even bringing in the Joker - as Nolan as mentioned not wanting to.

We all know HQ is enthralled with our dear Jokester, so what if she becomes a Joker copycat? You know, doing crazy things in Gotham, leaving the playing cards around etc....GPD is perplexed, hires super Private eye Edward Nigma to figure out what is going on, considering jokers current situation.

At the same time, since bats in on the run, Nigma is obsessed with finding ol' pointy ears and slowly reverts to creating disturbing riddle based crimes to lure bats out of hiding - perhaps abducting lucious/alfred...i unno something like that. where we have a dual personality of nigma, hunting the joker wannabe (heck her cards could have female jokers on it aha)

just a thought


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 1, 2004
Based on pure looks alone Tom could pull Hugo Strange off as he looks like Bronson somewhat. But I'd like to see Tom play the Riddler or maybe the black mask.
Oct 17, 2010
I think bane or clayface would be the best fit. if they used clayface they could steal jokers back story from tim burtons batman and have some guy get into a fight with batman and somehow his face gets horribly disfigured afterwords he becomes a serial killer abducting poeple and wearing their faces and living thier lives. every few months he would change faces and change lives. then he becomes so obsessed with being other people that he tries for a celebrity and goes for bruce wayne. anyway you get the idea. or they could go with bane and at the end of the movie have bane break his back and for once end a movie where the hero loses.
Aug 23, 2010
I think it would be a character used in a realistic context, so uys like Clayface and Mr. Freeze aren't it. Maybe the Riddler or the Penguin, but Black Mask seems like he would make a good mini-villain like Scarecrow was in the first.
Jul 16, 2009
I think either The Riddler or Bane would be the best choices. Personally I would like to see The Riddler become a more scary character, not a laughable character. I also think with Nolan, that the riddles in the story would be pretty cool. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Aug 5, 2009
I think the Riddler would be awesome and is the more obvious choice, I think that Dr. Strange would fit nicely though and would make a pretty awesome villain in the Nolan universe
Jun 28, 2007
Won't be black mask... and Penquin might be in it but Hardy's not the right actor for him, same with Bane.

I'm thinking maybe Riddler, but I just feel like Nolan's not going to go with what everyone is expecting.
Mar 24, 2008
IMO, I feel that Black Mask and Hugo Strange as the villains would work the best for the third film, just look at how the second one ended, Batman is now a fugitive, and Using Strange as a Psychiatrist for Arkham that the police bring in to try to create a character profile for the bat. He become intrigued with the bat and tries to capture him and have him commited. The you have Black mask, at the end of the second film all of the mob bosses had there money burnt up and with Maroni now dead because of Two-Faceyou have no head boss, so Black mask steps in and takes over the criminal underworld.
Oct 17, 2010
So maybe this villain wouldn't be perfect for Tom Hardy, but if an older actor played him it would be perfect. Within the comic books, Lew Moxen is responsible for ordering the assassination of Thomas Wayne. I believe that if Lew Moxen emerges as some political figure in the film that would be perfect. Maybe sort of take that Glenn Beck-political feel to him and then have him have this complete contradiction in a thug life.


Nov 20, 2007
I guess its kinda covered in the whole Deadshot bit, but wouldn't the RedHood be an excellent villian for the last movie. Would be an excellent way to explain the Joker still alive but not around bit, story wise anyways. As the RedHood persona was taken up by Joker a one point. The ensuing cat and mouse game that could be portrayed leading the story along the lines that Bats/Wayne thinks the Redhood persona is really Joker pushing Bats to even darker shakier actions and moods. The obsession with justice/revenge could play a huge role. In the end Hood winds up of course not being but maybe influenced by the Joker character from TDK. Lots of cool ways to go with the RedHood. That would be my pick anyways.
Jun 17, 2009
Hush please! Hush and Catwoman to create the "Heart of Hush" storyline would kick so much ass. Also, Hush kicks the crap out of the Riddler in "Hush Returns" (which was terrible, BUT if people want the Riddler so bad he could have a cameo getting beat by Hush to prove how awesome he is).
Oct 18, 2010
Hardy isn't going to be a villain. Why everybody assumed that, I still don't know...
Anyways, you'll never guess the villains. Killer Croc isn't in the movie. Very surprising take on Batman. Nolan has once again re-defined a classic Batman baddie.
Sep 28, 2010
I'm hoping for Hugo Strange, out of all of these he seems the most fit not only for the Nolan Universe but for the 3rd film in general which will take place with Batman on the run and the Gotham P.D. (with Gordon fighting this) trying to uncover Batmans identity. I can also see Deadshot or Catwoman coming into this as well as maybe a vigilante who takes up the streets after Batman is noticeably more absent then usual. However we all know Catwoman and Talia are in the film already to do that chick from Inception turning down both roles... I'm really hoping this doesn't turn into a Spider-Man 3...


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 12, 2008
how about let Nolan create an original villian. I'm down with that. I would love to remove any constraints that the characters (batman villians) have in the comics in order to let Nolan create a masterpeice. If he uses an existing character it comes with certain expectations.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 20, 2010
well if this truley is nolans final batfilm than i suggest talia ghul because what better way to end the trilogy is by having ras's daughter go one on one with the man in the cowel? i admit id love to see joker again but the only person imo who can meet ledgers version is mark hammill
Oct 28, 2010
Can we somehow incorporate Clayface as a villain in this third installment of the franchise.Their are so many ways to spin it considering there were 8 versions of him and 3 of them could fit perfectly into something dark if we expect the movie to be darker now that the law is after the batman. Clayface makes for a dark and conflicted side character that adds depth to the state of Gotham and add a more intellectual villain in there and Im thinking it would make for a badass flick considering nolan is directing it. It also guarantees that the cgi or recreation of clayface will appeal to those of us who want to see something out of the norm, part of the comics and also that it wont just look super fake but somewhat real.
Oct 30, 2010
I think Azrael would be the perfect choice because you can use the character in so many different ways. He could be a half brother, the son of Bruce Wayne, maybe Butler Afred's son, or an ex-employee of Wayne Enterprises. Have Talia in to close the movies up. Colin Ferrel as Azrael and Angelina Jolie as Talia. If Christopher is going younger, Zac Efron as Azrael and Scarlett Johanssen as Talia.


Original poster
As long as The Bat-Lisp is gone, I no longer care which enemy....
Jun 20, 2010
You guys: It isn't the Riddler. That's pretty much confirmed. I think the best story point would be to go from the 'new Batman' concept, whether appointed or independent. The big gangster aspect could be incorporated too. The role of new Batman could go to several villains-Deadshot, Catwoman, Hugo Strange (he dresses up like Batman in the comics), and even (don't laugh) Killer Moth . I think Killer moth, if done well, would be a great villain as opposed to say, Azrael, who'd just be a teched-up Batman clone. KKiller Moth, with his drug and alcohol problems, connections to criminals, and interest in the occult, could be a very interesting villain, if a secondary one. I think either Hugo Strange or Black Mask are very likely to appear. Catwoman is also very likely to be a character, perhaps not a villain


Oct 19, 2010
I think Mark Hammill should play the Joker in this movie. He already is amazing with the voice. Even if they kill him off early in the film. I think it would be awesome. I think it would be the right thing to do just so they can explain where Joker is. They can't just have him disappear all of a sudden. As for other villains, I'd like to see Hush but I think it's too late in the series to get through his whole story.