Feb 17, 2009
So IGN, those you mentioned is about almost EVERY GODDAMN BATMAN VILLAIN EVER! And you left out Killer Croc, which alot of people at www.comicbookmovie.com believe it to be.
Instead of just reducing the possibilites to EVERY VILLAIN, why dont you just say: Black Mask, Riddler or Killer Croc?
Sep 13, 2010
in these batman movies the villians are portrade with a sense of reallity, for example joker didnt fall in toxic chemicals he was just a lunitic with scars and face paint. razalgoul wasnt a worlock but a secret society of ninjas, and scarecrow was a guy with a sack on his head that used a drug to scare people. so it will have to be a villian that can easily made real.(most likely riddler).


Jul 7, 2010
Umm? Where's Killer Croc? The film is shooting in New Orleans, which leads me and many others to believe that somehow they will make Killer Croc believable and he will be the main villain.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 19, 2000
How about "Holiday" from the "Long Halloween" graphic novel? They already got the Harvey Dent / Two-Face angle from it, might as well finish it.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 1, 2001
I like the thought put into this. I really agree the Black Mask angle; especially after watching the Under The Red Hood animated movie they put out recently. Black Mask could make a great villain who's "realistic" enough for the Nolan Batman movies.

I'm strongly against the Clayface idea, though. I get what you're saying, playing up the "man of a thousand faces" angle and make his "shape shifting" more of a disguise thing, but you know how fans will react to that. Don't ruin Clayface; as much as you think it could work, deep down, you know it wouldn't. Not that drastic a change to the character, anyway. He needs his powers to be the great villain that he is.

Same with Penguin; I wouldn't go a whole movie with a Penguin villain and avoid calling him that save for like a minion or two saying it and Hardy getting pissed (assuming he was Penguin). He just needs to be an eccentric, dirty-dealing businessman that could maybe connect the underworld and business world secretly or something.

Also, I think you may have forgotten about Talia. You mentioned that Nolan used Rha's Al Ghoul, but you know he had a daughter; a daughter than actually had a son with Bruce Wayne in the comics at one point. She could make an appearance in this movie and maybe be part of a Catwoman, Batman, Talia Al Ghoul love triangle?

Chances are this 32rd (and final I believe) movie will have more than one villain; perhaps two major ones. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it were something like Black Mask, Riddler, and Catwoman.

For each of the past movies, there has been a mob boss (Rupert Thorne for the 1st, Falcone for the 2nd). Black Mask would be the Mob leader for the 3rd movie while Riddler is the more "known" villain (like Scarecrow/Rhas Al ghoul were for the first and Joker/Two-Face for the 2nd).

Have them work together and maybe Batman works with Catwoman (she walks between good/evil throughout the film, ultimately helping him in the end). Who knows? It could work out great. Hopefully it won;t be too much longer until we actually hear something concrete regarding the villains for the 3rd movie.


Jan 23, 2010
@ BlackmageGeneral:

Rupert Thorne was never in Batman Begins and Falcone was never in TDK but Black Mask should definitely be in the third one.
Aug 3, 2010
Tom Hardy should play The Penguin!!!!! Oswald Cobblepot should be rebooted as a tuxedo-wearing former spy / private military contractor like a psychotic version of James Bond for hire (Codename: "The Penguin") who is hired to get Batman but also wants to get his hands on Wayne Enterprise's weapons so he could start World War III and thus create a market for his services? The Chinese gangsters from Dark Knight could be in play w/ him as well...
Give us THAT Penguin... We'll take it!
Aug 3, 2010
The Penguin character can be updated to give the name "The Penguin" new meaning that makes sense in the context of Nolan's movies.


Oct 15, 2010
Definitely BANE! That would be awesome he always kicked the crap out of batman and actually paralyzed bman with a back breaker forcing Bruce Wayne to stop being batman until he ultimately recovers and defeats Bain .)


Sep 1, 2010
sounds like black mask or huge strange fit the current storyline the best and there have been rumors about the riddler so probably one of those three


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 11, 2005
To small size wise for Bane.
To fit and tall for Penguin.
Clayface is a stretch.
But the two the stand out the most are Deadshot and Black Mask.
I still hope Johnny Depp gets on board to play The Riddler.
What he did as Jack Sparrow was amazing and I know he could blow the doors off this part.
Jul 19, 2009
I always liked Hush and Strange and could see them fitting into Nolan's universe. But having Azrael come in to take Batman's place and when he takes things over the edge forcing Bats to come back and stop him would be a really interesting premise. But truth be told Nolan is running the show and there is no doubt the film will be epic, it would hard to beat The Dark Knight, but no doubt Nolan will do it justice.


Oct 21, 2008

Scarecrow's been done. Unless that was your point, in which case, sure, he did the Scarecrow well. But he won't be back in this film and he won't be played by a different actor.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 1, 2001
DKRider93 said:
@ BlackmageGeneral:

Rupert Thorne was never in Batman Begins and Falcone was never in TDK but Black Mask should definitely be in the third one.

Yeah they were. They were the main "family" bosses in both movies. Thorne was who Rachel Dawes was trying to have moved from Arkham because she knew Crane was having everyone sent there. And Falcone was the one who told Two-Face who was it that betrayed Gordon.

EDIT: My bad, it was Falcone in the first one (played by Tom Wilkinson) and Maroni in the 2nd one (played by Eric Roberts).


Mar 25, 2008
I'd like to see The Penguin done in a serious manner. Like they say, don't mention the name 'Penguin' but perhaps he wears black and white, maybe he walks with a limp (with use of a cane) that would give some 'waddling' without being TOO obvious
...maybe :D
Aug 14, 2007
I'd like to see Hardly play Hush. Not only do I think he could do a great job with the role, but you could also throw Riddler into the mix as the two have a complex relationship. And hey, maybe the Hush conspiracy would force Batman to come out of hiding.

Still, Nolan seems to know exactly who to cast in his movies, so I'll probably be cool with whoever he picks.


Oct 16, 2010
I actually wrote a blog in response to IGN's villains if you want to take a look:


Personally I think one of the villains might be Black Mask. Nolan did mention the villain might not be a big name, so he might be suitable.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 22, 2003
Was discussing with a friend the other day, and also came up with Hugo Strange as a perfect villain. He fits in with Nolan's style, his background fits the general story of Batman being on the run and the police trying to work him out, the fact that he has a history with Arkham Asylum allows for references to be made to the Joker and other Batman villains... absolutely perfect! I would say Riddler and Hugo Strange for Batman 3 (possibly with some direct or indirect references to Joker).
Sep 26, 2010
I think Robin Williams should play the riddler. He can be so creepy..... Insomina anyone? Another Nolan Film. I believe he wil be cast. Tom Hardy could be anybody..... Phillip Seymore Hoffman for the penguin Angelina Jolie as Catwoman..... Bring it on!!!!!


Oct 31, 2008
Hush would be amazing. He'd fit in perfectly with the cast of villains that have already been done. Scarecrow, Ras Al Gul and the Joker are all rather odd but perfectly believable. Hush and the Riddler fit this bill quite nicely. Clayface though? Honestly? I highly doubt Nolan would go there after someone like the Joker being the antagonist. It's tough, I mean, you look at Ras being the physical match for Batman and the Joker being the complete opposite of him, I suppose if you were going to go for an intellectual match for him it'd have to be Hush.


Jul 28, 2010
I think Robin Williams would make a better Penguin. Hardy would probably more suited for a role that demonstrates a character much like Wayne who went wrong at some point. Pretty hard to follow up after that "pure evil" Joker. :/
Sep 26, 2010
Just dont know what options there are for the way the penguin could be pled - Devito nailed it. The Riddler MUST be the web that strings the movie together... Sick Riddles and the same way the joker tore Gotham apart... Any ideas who they would want to play Catwoman.... There is a rumour she will feature.... Let me know who you all think could play her!!!


Aug 1, 2009
I'm down with Hush, Black Mask, and The Riddler.

I NEED a reboot of Bane though.. he BROKE THE BAT damnit. At least as a sub character.. he plays a huge role in the Batman cannon, why is he so ignored by the public/movie industry?


Oct 16, 2010
Hollywood doesn't understand that comic books are more sophisticated than people give them credit for. When most people see bane, they see one big unintelligent muscular brute, not the Napoleonic, cold calculating musclebound one man army he really is.

I don't think Nolan would use him because he wouldn't take the venom formula seriously. Hes all about placing things in reality and having grounded characters. Thats why as long as Nolan is on board, you won't see killer Croc, Bane, Man-bat, Hush, cornelius stirk, mad hatter or even scarface.


Jan 6, 2010
Why is IGN under the impression that "the Penguin" has a stigma? I'm not even THAT into Batman, but when I hear "the Penguin", I think "nefarious gangster in suit, one of Batman's most famous enemies". So, yeah, he would make a fine villain for this film. As long as Scarecrow is the main antagonist (just think about the movies as a trilogy)!


Rock Band Board Chairman of Joint Chiefs
Apr 4, 2008
I'd love to see Bane done right. Maybe with Black Mask or Riddler in there, Bane could be a hired gun for them.


Oct 16, 2010
In Nolan's Batman? Yeah right. Nolan said Mr Freeze is a no-no, and even if he didn't, how do you suggest he writes him so that he can come off as absolute, or grounded in the film's reality?
Aug 13, 2010
a combo of riddler strange and dead shot would be great. with riddler and strange taking on the detective and pushing bats intelligence and skills to the limit then add dead shot for the fighting, someone he can take on one on one in a fight.


Jan 23, 2009
i think they need a supervillian one with superpowers in batman 3 this is what he has fought so far, a group of ninjas, gothams crime and corruption, scarcrow who wasnt even really scarcrow until the end of film and only for like 5 seconds and get taken out with a taser, and the joker. all regular villians he has versed in either fighting or with wits they need a supervillian that will take him both time and strenght to fight also if you have riddler you have to go with the greatest ditective angel and from batman begin and the darkknight i didnt get the feeling he was a dective


Jan 23, 2009
i think they need a supervillian one with superpowers in batman 3 this is what he has fought so far, a group of ninjas, gothams crime and corruption, scarcrow who wasnt even really scarcrow until the end of film and only for like 5 seconds and get taken out with a taser, and the joker. all regular villians he has versed in either fighting or with wits they need a supervillian that will take him both time and strenght to fight also if you have riddler you have to go with the greatest ditective angel and from batman begin and the darkknight i didnt get the feeling he was a dective


Oct 16, 2010
It's just too bad they killed two-face off :( Though I think Riddler would make and awesome foe for a Nolan Batman movie.


Oct 16, 2010
@bossbradley: I like the idea of both minds working together to break the batman down (mentally) and have deadshot challenge him physically almost killing him. It might be intense.


Jun 7, 2010
I'd like to see Clayface, Blackmask or Bane for the next Nolan's Batman. The Riddler is also a good idea but he is less "impressive" than the others.
Aug 4, 2008
Im really excited about Hardy getting the lead role as the villan, i loved him in inception. I'd like to see him as an Azreal type, or a realistic clayface. Hugo Strange and Black Mask also sound like pretty good options.