
Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker

Without spoilers I will say I didn't really have any expectations going into this movie. I had already seen the general consensus before even watching the movie, which may have colored my impression a little, but overall I'm so over SW and the commercialism Disney brings to all of their properties that I didn't even care one way or the other. Not sure if that helped or what, but I will say the movie is not that bad. It's not terrible. It's not going to ruin or tarnish the SW legacy. It's fine. I would rate it as just OK. Not great, not terrible, just a movie that exists. It has some fun moments. It has some dumb moments. It's incredibly flawed but that's ok.

With that out of the way, the rest are some pretty serious spoilers so don't unspoiler them unless you WANT to be spoiled.

Things I liked:
1. Kylo Ren
Probably the best part of the movie, to me anyway, was Kylo Ren. And his best scene was with >redacted< who I won't even mention in spoilers just in case. But it was a very touching scene and it's what I wanted out of that character. I will also say it's extremely fitting that a character who modeled himself after Darth Vader was "undone" through his humanity. And I felt like his character arc was possibly the only truly complex arc in the entire trilogy. You see him start in a position of power, you see him defeated, you see him take back control in his own way, and ultimately you see him find the right way. Throughout all of this his internal struggles are incredibly clear. It was sorta predictable that he would eventually turn but the way it happened felt so natural and earned that this aspect of the movie alone redeems most of the dumb decisions in the rest of the movie.

2. I liked that they actually gave Finn and Poe and Rose things to do that made sense for their characters. It makes sense for Finn and Poe to pal around the galaxy doin the rebel thing. It made sense for Rose to do procedural stuff at the home base. After rewatching Last Jedi I have toned down on Rose and I actually didn't dislike her, but it would have been kind of silly to continue to involve her on the misadventures this time around. I also liked that they gave the various characters a bit more back story and their own interests rather than trapping them in whatever coupling may have been implied in the earlier film.

3. I am of a mixed opinion on this, but I will say I *mostly* liked that Hux was the traitor and that his reasons were just "fuck Kylo Ren." That's very on brand for Hux to the point where it's actually kind of amusing.

4. I really liked the appearance of Emperor, with the gigantic metal arm holding up his frail body. That's, um. That's really all I liked about the Emperor. But it was a damn cool visual.

Things I was indifferent to:
1. Rey. Honestly, I don't really care about her character. I feel like her story has no real progression of any kind at any point in the entire trilogy. I have no emotional investment with her character. I actually feel like even people who ARE emotionally invested in her care more about her as a symbol of "female power" than as a character. And even in that regard, or maybe even especially in that regard, she fails miserably. She doesn't earn any of her power. She doesn't struggle to get where she is. She just magically has a silly amount of power. Overall I don't have a reason to hate the character I just find her uncompelling, which seems like a bad trait for a main character.

Things I disliked:
1. Emperor. Probably the weakest part of the movie. His inclusion seems rushed and nonsensical. Why would he lay in wait for decades and then just randomly announced his presense to the whole universe? He would have had a much better hand had he waited until all his ships were actualy deployed and started destroying planets. This is really not in keeping with how Emperor acted in the past. He was always known for being sneaky, working in the shadows, and striking when you least suspect it. But in this movie suddenly he's like HEY GUYS I'M STILL ALIVE SOMEWHERE AND I'M GOING TO TAKE YOU OUT HAHAHA. Ok man, whatever. And it was never really clear what actual plan he had. Did he want Rey alive? Did he want her dead? Both seemed like actual objectives of his at various points in the movie. I don't think even he knew which he wanted, and when he found he could suck the life energy from Kylo and Rey, which surprised him, it seemed like his "plan" changed yet again. For such a calculating enemy this all seems very sloppy. Moreover, his reveal that he "created" Snoke (and the visual aid of seeing alternate Snokes in glass vats in one scene) was almost more disappointing than impressive. So Snoke was nothing more than a puppet? Ok. I mean that's lame, but if it's true why not just replace him after he died? That would have scared the shit out of everyone. It really feels like to accomplish what they wanted, storywise, they would have needed 2 movies. But you can't have a Star Wars story in 4 movies, that just isn't done. It has to be a trilogy! sigh.

2. The movie was incredibly toothless. Almost every time a character *seemed* to die they popped up a scene or two later, completely unharmed and vaguely unaware they were ever in danger. Fuck you, Disney. Seriously.

3. The Knights of Ren. Who are they? What do they want? We will never know. This group of chaps from Kylo Ren's formative years have been built up since Force Awakens and we finally get to see them in Rise of Skywalker and.......uh...*shrug* I mean, we never see their faces, we never hear them talk, we don't even see them do anything but pose like a boy band until the very end of the movie when they are quickly and emotionlessly dispatched by Kylo Ren. Through all this we never see any emotional struggle when they are forced to turn on their old leader, nor are we given any struggle when Ren/Ben takes them out. They add nothing to the story and nothing to the trilogy. They could have easily been random thugs or guards. If anything they had less presence than the Red Guards in The Last Jedi. What a waste.

And that's about it. I feel like I might have forgotten something, but whatever. I got out most of my thoughts, that's good enough.

I would rate this:

Better than I thought it would be / 10.

But my real rating would probably be something like


Not terrible, not very good. Vaguely forgettable but with some amazing things thrown in there for good measure.


Put that in your God and smoke it!
Aug 25, 2000
Cats - 9/10

I thoroughly enjoyed this. It was essentially the stage show, just higher production value and I could make out a lot more of the lyrics.

Just like the musical, it was mostly just... people dressed like cats, singing about how they sure were cats. The plot's only there to give some vague reason as to why the cats are bothering to gather, really. It's entirely secondary.

There's a few really bad jokes that were added. Random nut shots and some really stupid "funny" comments made by characters in the background. But while idiotic, that didn't really distract me from the rest of it. The new song in the movie wasn't great either; it wasn't awful, but it definitely didn't fit. I've only seen Cats once before, and didn't remember a lot of the songs, but I after the movie I immediately googled to make sure that that one wasn't in the original. It just stood out.

Honestly I don't understand the negative reviews. If you don't like Cats at all, that makes sense. It's a plotless hour and a half of people dressed like cats singing about being cats, but trying to make that seem full of import all the same. But the movie does that perfectly. Were people expecting the musical to be changed so much that a plot was added? Were they expecting the actors to not act like cats and be all slinky and wiggly? How much of the source material did these people expect to be thrown away? It's odd.


Put that in your God and smoke it!
Aug 25, 2000
Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker - 7 or 7.5/10

Wasn't perfect by far. Plenty of the type of logical or plot "uhhh...what?" moments that the past two films had. Leia randomly deciding to contact Kylo right then. Maybe she felt something? But all we saw was the other woman saying "she knows what it will cost to do this". That was the only time it was mentioned.

Or how the emperor's cult built a fleet hundreds of times bigger than the Galactic Empire's fleet? In like what, forty years? In one system? What? That's like Hitler surviving WW2, living in Brazil, hiding in the mountains and building the biggest and most advanced airforce and tank battalion that has ever existed on the planet. It's even more nonsensical than the First Order building starkiller base, and that was my biggest single issue in 7 (the first order's massive strength and capability against all logic). A few things like that.

But I liked it as a whole a good deal. The overall plot? I really liked. The ending? I thought was very good. I expected it, at least the big swathes, Any big surprises would have been kinda shitty. Dunno.

It was much better than The Last Jedi, and a little bit better than The Force Awakens. It had more plot issues that TFA, but did a better job with that plot than TFA did. I really enjoyed it, even though it had some pretty stupid parts.


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
I disagree pretty strongly with that ranking. I would probably rank the movies this way:

1. The Last Jedi if you completely remove the casino planet subplot
2. The Force Awakens minus all the stuff DB hates about it (estimated runtime, 35 seconds)
3. Rise of Skywalker


May 24, 2001
We watched Alien because my daughter is 11 now so it is time for her to be afraid. She was quite impressed with Ripley. We'll watch Aliens.


Treads the Jeweled Thrones of Earth Under His Feet
Nov 10, 2000
New York City
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker -- 8/10. I surprisingly liked it a lot, more than I was expecting. But I had re-watched TLJ just the night before (having never watched it again after seeing it once in theaters -- a rarity for me) and realized that it wasn't as bad as I always remembered it being. The strongest aspect of that movie was the development of Rey and Ren's character arcs, especially with relation to each other. And so, naturally, the best parts of TRoS were those scenes between these two. I really dug that. Even still, other parts of the movie were complete wrecks. Ugh! So many plot points in the previous two movies that were just never paid off -- or worse, dropped entirely. However, what elevated my score to an 8 is the ending. I did feel it nicely closed up everything. And I absolutely *adore* that very final parting shot right before the credits roll ... and that music, which gave me goosebumps!


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
As down as I was on the movie, I have to admit I actually kind of want to watch it again (in theaters), which I absolutely did not feel with The Last Jedi.

And yeah I rewatched TLJ the night before going to see TRoS and enjoyed TLJ quite a bit more. I'm not going to say it's suddenly a good movie, but I probably hated certain aspects less. I no longer hated Rose and the Casino subplot, while still pointless, stupid, and on-the-nose, at least ended quicker than I remembered.


Treads the Jeweled Thrones of Earth Under His Feet
Nov 10, 2000
New York City
Funny, that's exactly what happened to me! [face_shock]

I remember hating the casino bit so effin much that it actually prevented me from rewatching TLJ until the very last minute. For all this time I remember it being not only pointless, frustrating, and downright dumb ... but also unbearably long.

Yet upon the rewatch, it went by much quicker than I recalled. And while it was still a dumb and pointless departure from the main plot, it wasn't as annoying as I remembered it. It was basically just something to briefly grit your teeth and sit through until it was over.

But yeah, overall TLJ was a better movie on the rewatch than memory served. So that was nice.

It still sucks, tho. [face_tongue]
Last edited:


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
Plus Benicio Del Toro is on the Casino planet and his character is pretty great imo.


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
Little Women - 8/10
I have never read the novel and I'm sure I never will. Not because I don't believe a story about women could be entertaining, I just don't read much anymore. That said, this was pretty good in a general sense. It's a well made period piece. The narrative structure has two timelines that continually jump back and forth showing an early, happier timeline of the girls and a later, more world-weary timeline of the women. For the most part I find that structure to be clever except there were many cases during the film where I found the timeline confusing because I wasn't sure if the scene I was watching was in the past or the present. Likewise, apparently the ending
was meant to be a clever bait and switch
but it went completely over my head until I read an article about it. Oh well! So yeah I found this mostly entertaining as just a well made period piece, nothing more. I did not find it as clever or as well made or as engaging as Lady Bird, Gerwig's previous film.

The Irishman - 8/10
This was another perfectly fine film. There is nothing specific that happens in the movie that I would say is bad. It's essentially as good as many other crime based Scorsese films. Except it's so goddam long. I hate to be one of those people, I really do. But 3.5 hrs is just longer than I find enjoyable. I'm not sure where my cutoff is, but it seems to be somewhere before the 3.5 hr mark I guess. But enough about that. Everyone in the film is in fine form. The anti-aging tech is *mostly* good, but doesn't entirely work at all times. But yeah it's a really good story and I really enjoyed the ending. If this were maybe a miniseries or something I probably would have found it more enjoyable as a whole. Or perhaps if it had an intermission.


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
I refuse to use pause for the same reason I carry all the grocery bags in one trip. Because I'm an idiot.


May 10, 2018
Little Women (2019) - 8/10

An enjoyable period drama about the growing up and loves of a group of sisters in 1800’s America.
Superb acting from the cast and a great depiction of the presentation of the era, although it is all a bit too clean and idyllic at times.
There isn’t a strong single plot but instead a selection of events which are interesting enough and never dull, although it can feel a bit jumbled at times due to all the flashbacks.


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
There are four distinct plots, each of varying interest levels, but I would argue they each hold a singular plotline while agreeing that the course of events can become muddled due to the constant intercut of time periods. It was probably a good idea to intercut those timelines but I don't think Gerwig succeeded in making things clear each time.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - 8/10

Well I really enjoyed the movie.

I went in with reasonably tempered expectations, having heard a bunch of conflicting opinions. I enjoyed TFA and TLJ as well, for reference.

The biggest problem with the movie was that it felt rushed. Like JJ Abrams needed to do a bunch of setup to get to the place where he wanted to be to start the third movie from, so he rushed through establishing a bunch of important stuff at a breakneck pace. Like he tried to cram 2 movies' worth of stuff into one.

The other big problem I felt was that there's this demonstrable
escalation of powers from previous movies to this one. These force-users are more superhuman than ever before.

There are some unresolved threads from previous movies as well as this one.

The plot sure had some leaps of logic and some "just go with it" required.

BUT all that stuff was in service of the heart of the story and in that, I felt like it did a great job. The heart was in the right place. The characters were handled well.
I enjoyed Kylo's internal struggle and journey. C3PO was actually a fun character. Luke had some redemption. They handled Leia well.
At the end of the day, while I can poke holes in it all day, I enjoyed myself all the way through. It gave me the feelings I expect and hope to feel when watching a Star Wars movie. So I'm happy with it.

Personal ranking of Star Wars movies without giving it a ton of thought:
1) Empire Strikes Back 10/10
2) The Return of the Jedi 9.5/10
3) Rogue One 9/10
4) A New Hope 8.75/10
5) The Force Awakens 8.5/10
6) The Rise of Skywalker 8/10
7) The Last Jedi 8/10
8) Solo 8/10
9) Revenge of the Sith 7/10
10) The Phantom Menace 6/10
11) Attack of the Clones 6/10
(Subject to change on a daily basis)


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
I agree that it felt like two movies crammed into one. I honestly feel like this would have been better as two films with

movie 1
About how Snoke is somehow still alive, and they have to figure out how that's possible. They ultimately find out he's a clone which leads them to discovering Palpatine, who then makes his announcement to the universe, so that it happens in the actual movie not in some fucking videogame. This one could be used to establish some of the background stuff like Rey's heritage (they could have her use the force lightning against new-Snoke) and give more buildup to Kylo Ren's change.

and movie 2
The search for Palpatine. This gives a whole movie for Rey to come to grips with her heritage and what it means to her while conversely seeing Ben working towards the light side of the force. If the kiss at the end is truly necessary they could build up that relationship a bit more in this film.

I feel like there's plenty of story for two movies and they honestly sacrificed a lot by cramming it into one.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
I agree that it felt like two movies crammed into one. I honestly feel like this would have been better as two films with

movie 1
About how Snoke is somehow still alive, and they have to figure out how that's possible. They ultimately find out he's a clone which leads them to discovering Palpatine, who then makes his announcement to the universe, so that it happens in the actual movie not in some fucking videogame. This one could be used to establish some of the background stuff like Rey's heritage (they could have her use the force lightning against new-Snoke) and give more buildup to Kylo Ren's change.

and movie 2
The search for Palpatine. This gives a whole movie for Rey to come to grips with her heritage and what it means to her while conversely seeing Ben working towards the light side of the force. If the kiss at the end is truly necessary they could build up that relationship a bit more in this film.

I feel like there's plenty of story for two movies and they honestly sacrificed a lot by cramming it into one.

I totally agree with all of that. Would have been much better.


1st Daimyo of Ohio
Nov 21, 2000
The Guilty 9/10

Danish film about a cop on desk duty working as an emergency phone operator. Pretty good.


Sep 21, 2010
The last films I saw in theaters considering the whole Covid thing? I think were...

Dolittle - 6.5
Dolittle was fairly average. Robert Downey was enjoyable enough to watch. But the plot kind of meanders a bit.

Sonic the Hedgehog - 8
What a difference the facelift made. They took a monstrous blue horror and made him look like Sonic. I think the biggest surprise was that it was actually a pretty enjoyable film. It has some familiar tropes but it is a film that appeals to sonic fans and children. I appreciate paramount listening to fans. One of the things I also found endearing was seeing a little girl leaving the theater with her father and she wanted her picture taken with the cardboard cutout of Sonic. As video game to film adaptations go? This is up there with Detective Pikachu.

Call of the Wild - 7
An adaptation on the book by Jack London. Harrison Ford obviously turns in a great performance. I enjoyed it and the CG was decent. The uncanny valley that the Lion king had where these photorealistic animals are talking isn't present here. Buck behaves like a dog most of the time but they have him do these more human like things that does create a bit of a disconnect.

The most recent film I saw via digital streaming?

JoJo Rabbit - 10
I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this movie as I knew it had faced some controversy. A coworker recommended it. Director Taika Waititi takes very dark source material and makes a satire out of it mocking Hitler and the Nazi party. It was actually surprising at how the film managed to mine it for humor. Even more surprising was how it managed to balance that with absolute gravity and emotion.

I recently finished a lengthy series as well.

Game of Thrones - 5.5-6?
It sounds harsh to give the series as a whole a 5.5. Much of it was actually pretty good. Understand I came into GoT late and had essentially binged the whole 8 seasons (not in one sitting of course). I was with the series up until season 8 which from what I have read is where most other people fell off as well. I don't want to give spoilers, but season 8 was unsatisfying and a disappointment after all the build up. Character motivations are flipped like a switch to the point they no longer seem to reflect the characters that had been seen in the previous 7 seasons. There are a number of plot holes that are left as well that kind of sour the whole thing.


1st Daimyo of Ohio
Nov 21, 2000
The Last Dragon - 9/Sho 'nuff

Hadn't actually seen this but watched the 30th anniversary edition. Very entertaining.


1st Daimyo of Ohio
Nov 21, 2000
Vast of the Night 9.5/10

Actually saw this when it first hit Amazon Prime a month ago. Love the 50s-esque slang which I think they mostly made up but sounds authentic. Just a nice story of two people in a small town while everyone is at a basketball game. Must watch if you liked The X-Files, Happy Days, or, like me, audio dramas.


Winter is Coming
Oct 16, 2001
Vast of the Night 9.5/10

Actually saw this when it first hit Amazon Prime a month ago. Love the 50s-esque slang which I think they mostly made up but sounds authentic. Just a nice story of two people in a small town while everyone is at a basketball game. Must watch if you liked The X-Files, Happy Days, or, like me, audio dramas.

It was a 6/10 for me. I loved the production design and the setting and the camerawork (in those few stretches where there was camerawork), but I wasn't really drawn into the story, particularly not the two long monologues from bit players that are supposed to advance the plot but really make everything drag. Which is weird because my other complaint was how damn fast the dialogue flew by between the two main characters.


1st Daimyo of Ohio
Nov 21, 2000
Started into the first 30 minutes of Hamilton on Disney +. Great so far but I think I'll watch it in pieces. And of hey, Lafeyette is Leyton from the Snowpiercer TV show.

Watched Timeswap on Netflix. Not a bad little sci-fi (with mild elements of PG horror) movie. Went in with low expectations and it cleared those. 7/10
May 11, 2021
Red Dot (2021)
If the corona quarantine caused you to lose any signs of humanity, due to the boring home routine, this Swedish film will make it a bit more interesting. The new Netflix thriller Red Dot tells the story of Nadia and David, a young couple who go on a romantic camping trip that becomes the struggle of their lives. The two set up a tent in a secluded area and suddenly discover that a red dot-like that of a laser sight – appears on the tent and continues to follow them throughout the night. They must escape the possible danger when they are in the middle of a snowy wilderness, and as if that’s not bad enough – their past also returns to haunt them in those chilling moments.

To avoid spoilers, I will stop here, and just note that the film also contains violent scenes that give a clear resemblance to Don’t Breathe. Red Dot is not a masterpiece, but at the same time, it does not fall into the clichés of the genre and retains originality and interest.



1st Daimyo of Ohio
Nov 21, 2000
Red Dot (2021)
If the corona quarantine caused you to lose any signs of humanity, due to the boring home routine, this Swedish film will make it a bit more interesting. The new Netflix thriller Red Dot tells the story of Nadia and David, a young couple who go on a romantic camping trip that becomes the struggle of their lives. The two set up a tent in a secluded area and suddenly discover that a red dot-like that of a laser sight – appears on the tent and continues to follow them throughout the night. They must escape the possible danger when they are in the middle of a snowy wilderness, and as if that’s not bad enough – their past also returns to haunt them in those chilling moments.

To avoid spoilers, I will stop here, and just note that the film also contains violent scenes that give a clear resemblance to Don’t Breathe. Red Dot is not a masterpiece, but at the same time, it does not fall into the clichés of the genre and retains originality and interest.


I might check this one out.

Personally story side note, once many years ago I was living with my girlfriend and a laser pointer dot showed up one night in our bedroom. I (perhaps stupidly) went knocking on doors in the neighborhood (at 11 PM) looking for who was doing it. Fortunately I wasn't shot by some crazy person and the laser pointer dot didn't show up again.


1st Daimyo of Ohio
Nov 21, 2000
The Suicide Squad - 8.5/10

A bit long and some characters were underdeveloped. That said, overall there was a lot of fun and solid humor.

Also, I hear Idris Elba is going to voice Knuckles in the Sonic sequel. That might be interesting.


Aug 25, 2021
Blade Runner (The Final Cut): 80/100

Its a good movie. Great visuals. Was a bit boring in some parts and the whole evil robot thing is in there which is really dated as of today. Great movie besides those points, although I have to say, 2049 is better. Also I've seen BR:TFC several times now. Just happens to be the last movie I saw.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Free Guy - 8/10

Ryan Reynolds' humour did not disappoint. So many problems if you think about any of it, but a good time if you just go along for the ride.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Zack Snyder's Justice League - 8.5/10

Having finally seen the Snydercut it is infuriating that this version was not released originally. It pays off so many threads that were set up in previous films and remains tonally consistent with those previous films. Vastly superior to the theatrical release in every way. The entire team is shown to be valuable and integral. Man, I want to see part 2 now. I want to live in the alternate universe where this was released and they kept going with it.