
Put that in your God and smoke it!
Aug 25, 2000
I remember when that episode first came on. I laughed so hard because of that joke I fell off the couch and basically started convulsing with laughter. My roommates paused the TV and had to make sure I was alright.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Watched Mary Poppins Returns tonight on 4K UHD Blu Ray. 7.5/10

The movie itself, while not on the same level as the original, is about the best they could have done for making this so many years after that timeless classic. And I’m glad they did make it, because it has a lot of family-friendly heart to it and a few good musical numbers to boot. I will say that I probably enjoyed it more on this second viewing than the first.

Because much of the movie is filmed with a bit of a murky tone to accentuate the fantasy feeling you get in the fantasy sequences, the visual impact is up and down. Much of the movie, with its muted contrast doesn’t show off HDR in any way that elevates it above the standard Blu Ray presentation, but then you get a sudden swing into a bright, colourful setting and HDR’s advantages delight your eyes. Or it takes another swing into a darkly lit scene with bright street lamps glowing and the dynamic range on display is far more impactful than when you watch the same scene on the standard Blu Ray. In those moments, the 4K UHD disc makes itself worthwhile.

The movie isn’t the crispest one to take advantage of your 4K display, looking generally good, but often a little softer than many other recent releases.

The Dolby Atmos sound mix isn’t the most dynamic mix out there. There were a handful of moments where the surrounds were put to use, but for the most part everything is very front-heavy. There is frequent movement across the front sound stage, but I really only felt like 3 of the 10 speakers in my setup were being given much to do. Outside of a couple quick blasts, the subwoofer got a rest for this one too. Not much wall-shaking today. Still, dialogue was crisp and clear and never drowned out, and the music itself sounded nice.

So, overall the 4K UHD Blu Ray is definitely a stronger presentation than the standard Blu Ray, but it’s not something you pull out when you want demo material for your gear.

The Matrix - 4K UHD - 10/10

My favourite movie of all-time got a massive upgrade in this new release. First and foremost, the colours are finally restored back to their theatrical version - not the re-tinted version they started putting out with all home releases starting with the second DVD release. I know they were trying to make it look more similar to the sequels, but I've always hated it. This is worth the purchase just to have the colouring restored to its proper state.

But they didn't stop there. While there are a couple of scenes with noisy grain, for the most part the film grain is finely resolved and unobtrusive and the level of detail is a big step up from the previous blu-ray release.

The HDR is put to fantastic use. Playing the same scenes on the old blu ray and this new 4K UHD, the difference HDR makes is ridiculously apparent. Deeper blacks, fantastic use of shadow and contrast and specular highlights and... I mean if you do what I did and swap back and forth scene by scene you will never-ever want to settle for the non 4K UHD disc in HDR again. You will notice all sorts of things you've never noticed before.

The new Atmos mix is likewise a noticeable jump up from the old blu-ray. The sound mix is punchy and detailed and very dynamic. The directions that sounds come at you from is appropriate throughout. All your speakers get a workout. Comparing to the old blu-ray, the sense of immersion is much greater with the Atmos mix. Gunfire is punchier. Explosions hit harder.

This fantastic movie received the royal treatment in its upgrade to 4K UHD. If you want some demo material for convincing your friends that upgrading from standard blu ray to 4K UHD is worthwhile, here it is.
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May 24, 2001
Captain Marvel was perfect! Once Thanos gets a look at how she poses in defiance over and over and over and over and over he'll surrender and restore the MCU. Sho'nuff


Put that in your God and smoke it!
Aug 25, 2000
Captain Marvel was perfect! Once Thanos gets a look at how she poses in defiance over and over and over and over and over he'll surrender and restore the MCU. Sho'nuff
Am I the meanest?
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The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse - 4K UHD Blu-ray - 10/10 - Such a good movie. The animation style was innovative and unique. The movie itself was the best Spider-man movie I've ever seen. As a life-long Spider-man fan, this felt like a Spider-man movie, made by Spider-man fans FOR Spider-man fans. They just "got" what Spider-man is all about at its core.

The HDR in this movie is very nicely done and certainly enhances the visuals in a meaningful way. Some scenes are just "oooo - look at that" kind of pretty. A worthy upgrade from standard blu-ray for sure.

The Dolby Atmos sound mix is great too! Dynamic use of all channels. And so much bass. It's glorious. I was standing behind the bar, having just grabbed a pop and leaning against the back wall and the bass was just literally shaking the walls over and over. This kind of disc makes the sound system feel like a good investment.


Treads the Jeweled Thrones of Earth Under His Feet
Nov 10, 2000
New York City
Captain Marvel - 3.5/5. Great movie with lots of requisite MCU-style "funny" moments. One of the better aspects of this film was the 1990s nostalgia. One of the ... less better aspects was that, as a great as it is, it can't help but feel like pretty much every other MCU movie that we've had to endure. In this way, it comes across as a bit of "been there, seen that" at times. Still, I liked the character a lot and the acting was tops. However, I suspect I'm going to enjoy more seeing Carol Danvers appear in Endgame next.

Shazam - 4.5/5. My god, but this movie was SO MUCH FUN! I'm actually surprised it was pulled off so well. Damn, DC is not playing around! They're coming for ya, MCU!!! [face_tongue] Nah, but seriously .... it's been a while since I was *this* much entertained by a superhero movie. It's not only cleverly written and directed, but the story has a lot of heart to it which is probably what surprised me the most. There's even a fair bit of deconstructing the genre going on, in the same vein as the Deadpool movies. That's always a good thing, in my book. Wow, really enjoyed this one! Can't wait to watch it again when it hits it's wide release next week. [face_applause]


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
The Little Mermaid – 4K UHD Blu-ray – 8/10
An animated Disney classic. Watching with my 9-yo daughter, it’s great to see her on the edge of her seat at tense moments. And then there’s me singing along with the songs.

I’m posting this mainly because I hear lots of people question the logic of upgrading a traditionally animated film to 4K over the standard Blu-ray. It turns out that it’s a markedly different viewing experience, primarily because of the implementation of HDR.

Off the bat, what you’ll notice is that the film is now darker, on average. When the scene is set with cloudy skies, or in a cavern deep underwater, etc. everything appears darker and more gloomy than the standard blu-ray. This has the effect of creating a larger visual tonal shift for scenes when the sun comes out and shines on the world. It also, lends pop and sparkle to the many glowing objects, light sources, fireworks, lightning, fire, magical effects, trident blasts, etc. When these bright elements are on screen, they shine more brightly than on the standard blu-ray.

As a whole, when you watch a scene on the 4K disc and then watch the same scene on the standard blu-ray it feels like the former is a more cinematic experience while the latter feels more like… well… a cartoon. It definitely changes or enhances the tone of some scenes.

I took some screenshots with my iPhone to illustrate some of the differences. Now keep in mind that my phone’s cameral can’t capture the full high dynamic range of the TV (nor does my computer monitor), so for the pictures with the HDR versions, the camera either has to clip the brightest parts to white or make the darker areas appear darker than they are to your eyes.

The first one shows how a lot of the movie is overall darker. The HDR version is on the left and the standard blu-ray is on the right. While being darker, the yellow of Flounder appears to be a richer, deeper shade of yellow, and the whites of his eyes appear a slightly brighter, cleaner white (to my eyes, if not to the camera). The sky is clouded over after a storm and you get the sense on the 4K UHD that this is the case, while the standard blu-ray feels like they are in direct sunlight. I also find myself seeing a lot more texture and detail in the clouds in the background on the 4K UHD whereas everything appears more washed out and flat when I watch the standard blu-ray.

The second scene screenshot shows how there is far more dynamic range between this explosion and the background elements. Because the camera was adjusting its exposure to the brightest parts, the background objects appear darker in this picture than they do to my eye. But it is easy to see how the blu-ray version appears as a more washed-out version of the scene without the same visual pop due to the limited dynamic range. With HDR, the brightest parts of this get brighter and the darker parts darker, without losing clarity or detail.

Same thing with the this shot of the trident. Notice how the detail in the magical energy is more readily discernable because it is has all the extra range to play with. Again – all these pictures of the HDR versions don’t do it justice to what you see with your eyes, but still help illustrate differences.

In this one, the HDR version appears to have the crown being white instead of yellow, but that’s not what you actually see with your eyes. In reality the crown is very yellow, but the camera couldn’t capture the yellow being that bright and instead clipped it to white. On the standard blu-ray the crown appears to be roughly the same brightness as the other yellow glowing thingies, whereas on the 4K disc, the yellow of the crown glows noticeably brighter than the other glowing effects.
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Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
Went to see Us again today. Still just as good, I caught several more details. I bet if I watch it a couple more times I'd still get something out of it each time. But I'm probably done seeing it in theaters. I typically don't even go twice unless I REALLY love a movie.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 20, 2011
The Little Mermaid – 4K UHD Blu-ray – 8/10
An animated Disney classic. Watching with my 9-yo daughter, it’s great to see her on the edge of her seat at tense moments. And then there’s me singing along with the songs.

I’m posting this mainly because I hear lots of people question the logic of upgrading a traditionally animated film to 4K over the standard Blu-ray. It turns out that it’s a markedly different viewing experience, primarily because of the implementation of HDR.

Off the bat, what you’ll notice is that the film is now darker, on average. When the scene is set with cloudy skies, or in a cavern deep underwater, etc. everything appears darker and more gloomy than the standard blu-ray. This has the effect of creating a larger visual tonal shift for scenes when the sun comes out and shines on the world. It also, lends pop and sparkle to the many glowing objects, light sources, fireworks, lightning, fire, magical effects, trident blasts, etc. When these bright elements are on screen, they shine more brightly than on the standard blu-ray.

As a whole, when you watch a scene on the 4K disc and then watch the same scene on the standard blu-ray it feels like the former is a more cinematic experience while the latter feels more like… well… a cartoon. It definitely changes or enhances the tone of some scenes.

I took some screenshots with my iPhone to illustrate some of the differences. Now keep in mind that my phone’s cameral can’t capture the full high dynamic range of the TV (nor does my computer monitor), so for the pictures with the HDR versions, the camera either has to clip the brightest parts to white or make the darker areas appear darker than they are to your eyes.

The first one shows how a lot of the movie is overall darker. The HDR version is on the left and the standard blu-ray is on the right. While being darker, the yellow of Flounder appears to be a richer, deeper shade of yellow, and the whites of his eyes appear a slightly brighter, cleaner white (to my eyes, if not to the camera). The sky is clouded over after a storm and you get the sense on the 4K UHD that this is the case, while the standard blu-ray feels like they are in direct sunlight. I also find myself seeing a lot more texture and detail in the clouds in the background on the 4K UHD whereas everything appears more washed out and flat when I watch the standard blu-ray.

The second scene screenshot shows how there is far more dynamic range between this explosion and the background elements. Because the camera was adjusting its exposure to the brightest parts, the background objects appear darker in this picture than they do to my eye. But it is easy to see how the blu-ray version appears as a more washed-out version of the scene without the same visual pop due to the limited dynamic range. With HDR, the brightest parts of this get brighter and the darker parts darker, without losing clarity or detail.

Same thing with the this shot of the trident. Notice how the detail in the magical energy is more readily discernable because it is has all the extra range to play with. Again – all these pictures of the HDR versions don’t do it justice to what you see with your eyes, but still help illustrate differences.

In this one, the HDR version appears to have the crown being white instead of yellow, but that’s not what you actually see with your eyes. In reality the crown is very yellow, but the camera couldn’t capture the yellow being that bright and instead clipped it to white. On the standard blu-ray the crown appears to be roughly the same brightness as the other yellow glowing thingies, whereas on the 4K disc, the yellow of the crown glows noticeably brighter than the other glowing effects.
Good stuff, nice to see the HDR difference.


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
Revenge - 9/10. This is a pretty awesome take on a revenge flick. There's TONS of violence and gore. The main character is pretty badass. Overall I liked pretty much everything about this movie.

Climax - 7/10. This is like a DARE video on acid. Literally, because it's about characters on a bad acid trip. There isn't much story here, but there's some interesting characters and dialogue. The film is about a group of dancers rehearsing who all get dosed with LSD and all have bad trips. Apparently there wasn't even much of a script, the director picked most of the cast due to their dancing ability and let them create their own characters/dialogue. It works surprisingly well and there's some interesting camerawork throughout. There's also some weird film choices like the movie starting with the ending, including the end credits, and having credits show up in the middle of the film as well. I found the film pretty interesting overall. The various characters were interesting in their own ways and it was cool to see their regression. That said, there isn't really much to the story that could be analyzed or revisited.

You're Next- 2/10. I watched about 34 minutes of this before I couldn't take any more. Basically this is an invader horror film with a Home Alone twist. One character is smart, the rest are all the dumbest, most annoying horror fodder I've ever encountered. Once the attacks start the dumb characters just start screaming their heads off and it became honestly annoying to watch.


May 24, 2001
Sharni Vinson kicks ass! I rather liked You're Next, but that is to be expected. I like such things.


Actually now that I think about it more you are wrong. Erin deserves respect. She is a great final girl and boy does she

know her way around a kitchen!
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Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
Yeah she is the smart character I mentioned. I just didn't make it long enough in the movie for her to shine. The fact that the entire rest of the cast screamed every other second once the attack began made it completely unbearable to me.
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Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
Shazam - 8/10. Very fun, totally worth watching. DC is on a roll.


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
Train to Busan - 8/10

I loved this...mostly. It was probably the most intense movie I've watched in a long time. Great sequences. The zombies were honestly unnerving esp when they moved in a mob. And overall I really liked the characters (except a few) and thought the acting was quite good. That said...

(major spoilers)
1. I felt like a major theme of the movie was family, and that was handled really well by several characters. But even beyond that I felt like the movie was meant to show the father the importance of family. And he learned that lesson. And he grew as a character. And that's great. But it was basically for nothing in the end which seemed like a lot of wasted potential

2. Zombie infections are very inconsistent. And yes that is a common thing in zombie films, almost to the point where it's a trope. But while most zombie films have the infection taking hold at indeterminate times, the speed of infection is much more exaggerated in this film. 99% of the characters become infected instantly. Unless they're about to have a dramatic moment. Then it takes several minutes, and sometimes they even get to have lines of dialogue while partially zombified.

3. The death of the annoying character was not nearly as satisfying as it should have been considering all the shit he did throughout the film.

That said, the film was still highly entertaining. Those things just bump it down a bit for me personally.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Bumblebee - 4K UHD Blu-ray - 8/10

As a fan of the 80's cartoons this is what I've wanted from this franchise all along. I am so happy I lived to see this one after so many terrible films. I am sad that this movie didn't make the same money as the previous ones and will no doubt end up moving further back towards the trash Bay films. This movie was definitely saved by smart editing - if you watch the deleted scenes..... there were some BAD ideas put to film that thankfully didn't make it into the final version.

The picture is very nice and definitely enhanced by HDR. Maybe it's a function of having become used to movies in HDR now, but with ones like this, I'm watching it thinking, this all looks really nice, but I bet the blu-ray looks almost the same. Nope. So much nope. Everything looks dramatically better in HDR. Especially the scenes on Cybertron. Every scene I jumped to to compare looked noticeably better on the 4K UHD disc.

The audio was nice and punchy. The Atmos track was nice and immersive, enveloping you in the sound field. Bass hits hard at appropriate times.

In terms of pure technical showpieces, this is a step down from Transformers: The Last Knight which was demo material for audio and video throughout. But it is still a great looking and sounding disc and in every other regard, it sits high atop the hill for the franchise.


This is it
Dec 23, 2000
Shazam- 4/5

A really fun movie with a ton of heart. It's weird though, as much as I loved it, I keep thinking of things it did wrong. It feels like quite a bit was cut because some of the foster kids have the start of a sub plot, but the movie never circles back to it. In fact I think this movie could have been even better if it Marvel'd it's villain and focused more on the foster family, because all of their scenes were great.

And by Marvel'd I mean, cut the villain's story back so he is just a villain in a movie. But a lot of time is spent on developing him. and while I enjoyed it all, again, the family was the best part of the movie and I wanted more. Especially Darla!!!!! Hilarious.

But yeah, still a really great movie, and a little darker than I thought it would be so made me love it even more.


May 24, 2001
The Monster - The two leads are excellent. If you like monster movies, especially practical effect monsters, this is a worthy watch on Netflix. I loved it. It is a film that wants you to be in pain though. It isn't fun.


May 10, 2018
Missing Link (2019) - 6/10

A run of the mill animated adventure. The animation is truly amazing and has obviously been put together with love, care and attention to detail, but the rest of the film is nothing special.

It’s too slow for young children, too boring and unoriginal for adults, and although there’s plenty of jokes and slapstick, most of them don’t lead to more than a snicker.


Treads the Jeweled Thrones of Earth Under His Feet
Nov 10, 2000
New York City
Us - 2.5/5. Umm .... yeah, didn't really enjoy this one much. I mean, it's basically all allegorical. Which is great if you're into that sort of movie, but I did want the plot to make a bit more sense at least. Or to hold up better. This is more a movie that goes: Hey, don't worry about why exactly all this is happening. Just know that it's not supernatural -- it's SCIENCE for sure! But we just won't tell you how or why. That's not important. What *is* important is how the pseudo horror bits tie in with the real -world anxiety of being a minority in MAGA country America today. Look at our red jumpsuits! And ain't I clever how I match the bunny ears to the handle loops of the scissors the shadow people carry around as weapons? So edgy, much auteur! [face_rolling_eyes]


Treads the Jeweled Thrones of Earth Under His Feet
Nov 10, 2000
New York City
I just think that this movie sits right on par with Shyamalan's The Village -- and that movie received a lot of flak, yet Us is supposed to be so edgy and fresh somehow?

I thought Get Out was brilliant. I find Peele's sophomore effort more stylistic and up to interpretation, which for me, specifically, doesn't work very well. Much like M. Night's movie, again.

However -- I *am* going to be watching it again with my friends soon, and so I will definitely give it another chance and give it a closer look.

But I'm just going to say for right now, though, that the huge exposition clunker at the end of the 3rd act really kills any will to want to sit through it again. Wow! That was painful.


This is it
Dec 23, 2000
I think the Village comparison is interesting, because they are stylistically pretty different. He is getting a lot of comparison to Shyamalan in general though, and I can sort of see it.

The Village, at least I think, gets a lot of crap because the twist feels dumb. The plot makes complete sense, but generally the twist is just silly. The people who don't like US is mostly because it's too symbolic and relies more on symbolism and interpretation.

Regarding the comparisons to Shyamalan, specifically with US, I see one key difference. Shyamalan usually grounded his twists so that you when you got to them you realized you were watching a completely different movie than you thought you were. The major twist and the final twist in US doesn't change the movie, they just add to it. At least for me. They add meaning and weight to the symbolism.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Overlord - 4K UHD Blu ray - 7.5/10

This was not exactly what I expected. I thought it would be a zombie movie with WW2 as a backdrop, but instead, it was a war movie with a zombie element. Regardless of expectations vs reality, it was an enjoyable film. The acting is done well with conviction, not camp. The story plays out in a way where I could see several options for them to go in at every turn, so I didn't know every twist it would take in advance. Violent and brutal at times, which I'm mostly neutral on.

The 4K HDR has some great detail at times in close-ups. Being mostly a dark film, the image is enhanced for the deep blacks and excellent shadow details, as well as nice specular highlights gleaming through the darkness.

The Dolby Atmos soundtrack has some demo-worthy moments and is a bigger standout than the visuals. Particularly near the beginning there's a scene where there are intense sounds whizzing around you from all sides. Good stuff.


Not the Gay Maker
Nov 29, 2005
Pet Semetary - 8.5/10

The movie is different than the original in some key ways, but overall it's still the same story... I wish they had gotten deeper into the legend of the Wendigo and the Natives fleeing the area, but that's just me. John Lithgow did a good job of filling in for Fred Gwynne, although I loved Gwynne's accent in the first one and it's not really there in this one. The movie was wonderfully gross and Zelda, the star of my childhood nightmares, was as creepy as ever. The actually have a vaccine for spinal meningitis now, y'all should get it! I know I did. ;)
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The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Avengers - 4K UHD Blu ray - 9/10

I'm assuming everyone has seen this movie. It's awesome. It's great how many of the jokes still land even though I've seen it several times. My youngest daughter watched it for the first time this time. She had all the right reactions. Cheered at the right times, was sad, laughed, got excited. She wanted to go back and rewatch a couple of the funny scenes with the Hulk after it was done.

This is a stand-out HDR showcase. Damn, I did not expect it to look so good on this format. The lighting throughout this movie is perfect HDR material. And there are so many glowing things and specular highlights and light sources and seriously, the visual candy drips thickly here.

Audio is also great. Very dynamic Dolby Atmos mix with aggressive use of surround and height channels throughout. There were a couple scenes where dialog could have been a bit louder relative to the score. I found that I had to turn the sound system up quite a bit to get everything to normal volume levels though. For most movies, my receiver is turned up to 60-62. Here, I had to turn it up to 72.5 to get similar sound. Other than that, it was a really nice sounding disc.


This is it
Dec 23, 2000
Avengers - 4K UHD Blu ray - 9/10

I'm assuming everyone has seen this movie. It's awesome. It's great how many of the jokes still land even though I've seen it several times. My youngest daughter watched it for the first time this time. She had all the right reactions. Cheered at the right times, was sad, laughed, got excited. She wanted to go back and rewatch a couple of the funny scenes with the Hulk after it was done.

This is a stand-out HDR showcase. Damn, I did not expect it to look so good on this format. The lighting throughout this movie is perfect HDR material. And there are so many glowing things and specular highlights and light sources and seriously, the visual candy drips thickly here.

Audio is also great. Very dynamic Dolby Atmos mix with aggressive use of surround and height channels throughout. There were a couple scenes where dialog could have been a bit louder relative to the score. I found that I had to turn the sound system up quite a bit to get everything to normal volume levels though. For most movies, my receiver is turned up to 60-62. Here, I had to turn it up to 72.5 to get similar sound. Other than that, it was a really nice sounding disc.

Damn. You are going to get me to upgrade all my MCU films to 4K now. Haha


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Avengers - 4K UHD Blu ray - 9/10

I'm assuming everyone has seen this movie. It's awesome. It's great how many of the jokes still land even though I've seen it several times. My youngest daughter watched it for the first time this time. She had all the right reactions. Cheered at the right times, was sad, laughed, got excited. She wanted to go back and rewatch a couple of the funny scenes with the Hulk after it was done.

This is a stand-out HDR showcase. Damn, I did not expect it to look so good on this format. The lighting throughout this movie is perfect HDR material. And there are so many glowing things and specular highlights and light sources and seriously, the visual candy drips thickly here.

Audio is also great. Very dynamic Dolby Atmos mix with aggressive use of surround and height channels throughout. There were a couple scenes where dialog could have been a bit louder relative to the score. I found that I had to turn the sound system up quite a bit to get everything to normal volume levels though. For most movies, my receiver is turned up to 60-62. Here, I had to turn it up to 72.5 to get similar sound. Other than that, it was a really nice sounding disc.

Damn. You are going to get me to upgrade all my MCU films to 4K now. Haha

If it's any consolation, I hear that Captain America: First Avenger on 4K UHD Blu ray isn't a huge upgrade. I bought it anyway, of course [face_tongue] but haven't had a chance to check it out yet.


May 10, 2018
I am not a big horror/thriller movie kind of person. But one I remembered and watched last night for fun was The Collector (2009) - excellent thriller flick, if you like that kind of thing.


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
Avengers - 4K UHD Blu ray - 9/10

I'm assuming everyone has seen this movie. It's awesome. It's great how many of the jokes still land even though I've seen it several times. My youngest daughter watched it for the first time this time. She had all the right reactions. Cheered at the right times, was sad, laughed, got excited. She wanted to go back and rewatch a couple of the funny scenes with the Hulk after it was done.

This is a stand-out HDR showcase. Damn, I did not expect it to look so good on this format. The lighting throughout this movie is perfect HDR material. And there are so many glowing things and specular highlights and light sources and seriously, the visual candy drips thickly here.

Audio is also great. Very dynamic Dolby Atmos mix with aggressive use of surround and height channels throughout. There were a couple scenes where dialog could have been a bit louder relative to the score. I found that I had to turn the sound system up quite a bit to get everything to normal volume levels though. For most movies, my receiver is turned up to 60-62. Here, I had to turn it up to 72.5 to get similar sound. Other than that, it was a really nice sounding disc.

Damn. You are going to get me to upgrade all my MCU films to 4K now. Haha

If it's any consolation, I hear that Captain America: First Avenger on 4K UHD Blu ray isn't a huge upgrade. I bought it anyway, of course [face_tongue] but haven't had a chance to check it out yet.

All three Captain America movies have now been released on 4K UHD Blu Ray. One of the biggest draws to the double-dip for me was the collectible Steelbooks that have matching-themed cases, with the same framing on the front covers and iterations of sheilds on the back covers.



Put that in your God and smoke it!
Aug 25, 2000
6.5/10. Was expecting a lot more, but slightly worried it'd be awful. It definitely wasn't awful though! It was reasonably enjoyable.


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
Barnes and Noble is holding its biannual Criterion Collection sale right now if anyone cares.


Not the Gay Maker
Nov 29, 2005
I finally got around to watching The Girl with all the Gifts a few days ago. I had read the book but I enjoyed the film a lot more, which is unusual. It was good and I love the 'science' behind the infection. 9/10


The nac'est nac you'll ever meet
Jun 22, 2002
For anyone that has the setup to enjoy good HDR on 4K UHD Blu-ray: the 40th Anniversary release of Alien on the format is well worth the upgrade. Holy cow, they did a great job with this restoration! Aside from 1979 special effects and 1979 fashion/hair, you could tell me that this movie released last year and I'd believe it based on what my eyes are looking at. HDR is put to great use with lots of dark scenes with specific light sources and specular highlights everywhere. Heck even the space shots make me smile with the way the stars light up as bright pin-pricks in the black of space. This is what OLED TVs were made for.

Audio-wise, the 7.1 track is nothing to write home about. No, super-immersive Atmos or DTS:X tracks here. But it is nice that there are so many audio track options available including the original theatrical 4.1 mix which is a nice little bonus. And there is an isolated score track that removes all the pesky dialogue and sound effects. That's kinda neat.

Honestly, as much as I liked this movie before, the picture quality of this release bumped my enjoyment up a notch, from any other time I've watched it, for sure. 9/10


Lvl 43 Chaotic Neutral Minstrel
Jul 29, 2001
Still trying to decide what I think of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I liked it, just not sure how much.