
Jul 31, 2004
I really wanna find out how to get a bootleg copy of the original... who's with me? Go USA. Fuck Europe and them... they didn't need this game.


Apr 28, 2007
wow you guys are some major n00bs. STOP BLAMING THE ESRB. If anyone actually saw the uncut vids than of course you would know why it was rated AO. Why bash on them for giving MH2 that rating? It was obviously much more violent than the 1st and was deserving of the rating.

The ESRB if the last people you should blame. You should complain at the people not willing to put this on the shelves or even R* for being lazy as hell. They could have delayed the game and made the executions over. Instead they wanted to take the easy route out and add a "quick fix" that is terrible

Ill just wait for GTA 4, R*


Aug 21, 2005
I thought the game would have received a higher rating, whatever, it's only 30 bucks. It would be nice to have the uncut version though.


Jul 3, 2006
wow this seems to be a short game only 10 hours. i may only rent this game if its that short. and with the blurred images, disapointed with the review i thought this would get like 8.5 oh well maybe they'll make a manhunt 3


Prime Member
Apr 22, 2007
It IS the ESRB's fault, while you could say that this was indeed and "Adult's Only" game, the rating makes no sense, it's also a "Mature" game, and mature gamers can take it, the AO rating was just a way of censoring it without breaking the First Ammendment rights of the company.


Dec 31, 2006
Rockstar kinda screwed up. When they had to change the content, they kept the same executions as the AO version and just blurred them for the M version. They should've just made the executions a little less violent, as in the original Manhunt, to just barely earn an M rating like Manhunt(1) did...


Jun 27, 2002
The blurring wasn't exactly an artistic choice, it also happened to be a much easier thing to do than to actually change the animations. The blurring is a simple aftereffect, the animation change would have to require serious changes to the existing code.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
It is the fault of the creators that the product is bad.

It is the fault of the press that you all were fooled.

But it is your fault if you spend money on it. And as Nintendo owners, we will continue to play the worst games of the current generation.


Apr 28, 2007
"It IS the ESRB's fault, while you could say that this was indeed and "Adult's Only" game, the rating makes no sense, it's also a "Mature" game, and mature gamers can take it, the AO rating was just a way of censoring it without breaking the First Ammendment rights of the company."

you obviously didnt see the uncut vids. No way this game would be for a 17 y/ should def have to be 18+ to buy it. If you have seen the uncut version and still think it deserves a M rating than I won't bother responding again. You are obviously a bit clueless if you think that

and I agree with troyman or wtvr his name was. This game needed to be delayed. Who cares if it's a lot of extra work for R*. They made the game and were dumb enough that they could get away with a M rating. They should have fixed their mistakes instead of just releasing a quick fix that kills the entire point of the game


Feb 3, 2001
JinAndJews: No sir, YOU are the clueless one. To say that there is a large difference between seventeen and eighteen year-olds is ignorant and a perfect example of normalization of laws into our culture. When you turned eighteen did you suddenly find yourself ready/able to have sex with adults and smoke tobacco? I hope you didn't drink because obviously you wouldn't be ready for that until the moment you turned twenty-one...


Prime Member
Jan 10, 2005
I just bought the game today and have been playing it for a little while, and it sucks. I hate it. The controls are terrible as are the graphics. It looks like an outdated PS2 game. And here's the worst part. The newly edited version has ruined the game. You want a summary of this game? ok, here it comes. 1. sneak up behind someone 2. press a button 3. the screen goes fuzzy beyond recognition 4. you move the Wii remote how the game tells you to 5. the screen becomes clear again 6. the enemy is mysteriously dead (not even sure how) 7. rinse and repeat until you want to kill yourself instead. Great game, seriously. Good job Rockstar you pieces of Sh*t.


Apr 26, 2007
I don't even care anymore. As soon as I get a job, I'm getting 360. The Wii is cool for a handful of games, like Wii Sports and Madden Football. Otherwise, I regret buying this system.


Your Friendly Home Theatre Mod
Sep 23, 2000
It's such a shame that censorship won out and essentially ruined this game. I was seriously looking forward to it since I like the 1st one, but without being able to see the kills, there's basically no reason to play it! If Mortal Kombat can get an M rating, why couldn't this? I have no problem really with the AO rating. Saying this is for Adults Only makes perfect sense! What does NOT make sense is for Nintendo and Sony (and Microsoft too) to not allow AO rated games on their systems. Obviously many many adults buy games and game systems, so why on earth should we be prevented from viewing and playing adult content? I can watch a XXX rated porn movie on DVD on my PS2, so why can I not play a AO rated game?! Makes no sense at all!


Apr 28, 2007
Dezaemon: You missed the point. Obviously one year doesn't make all that much of a difference. It still needs to cleary be for ADULTS only. How anyone could be pissed at the ESRB for giving it that rating doesn't make any sense


Oct 31, 2007
it had potential. real potential. like the resident evil series it's all make a sad face with a tear in its eye using a colon, shift8, and upsidedown parenthesis but i don't know how.
Jun 18, 2007
Wow, what utter BS. I just got Manhunt 2, and the AI is NOT "sketchy" by a long shot. I mean it's not genius, but at least it's a little better than the original Manhunt. Way to review the beta version guys.

I see 1up has yet again BS'd their review for a Nintendo game while giving little to no intelligent reasons as to why they gave it that score. What complete idiots.
Jun 18, 2007
Hey hareek, nobody cares that you're a whiny little baby who refuses to acknowledge the good games on Wii just because you're a trolling 360 fanboy. Have fun playing Viva Pinata and Pimp My Ride (that's sarcasm, by the way).


Oct 3, 2005
I have a feeling that this game might have squeaked by with an "M" rating in its original form, if not for the Wii-specific acting-out of the executions with the Wiimote. Maybe not. However, it's undeniable that the censoring of the executions ruined the game, at least to some degree.


Jul 11, 2007
Does anyone know if this will come out in Ireland? I don't know if those BBFC guys control what gets released over here. Any ideas?


Oct 31, 2007
this must be stopped and all production must be stopped . this is pervert . this is not a game .


Aug 25, 2007
Dont bother getting this game, I just bought it and am about to return it. The blurred cutscenes are a disgrace to violence and gore enthusiasts everywhere.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 1, 2004
I respect your opinion but thats the last thing I want to hear as a Manhunt fan. I'll have to see for myself.
Sep 22, 2007
no one buy this game! teach Rockstar that we don't want this crap edited. I wouldn't even waste my time and money to play this watered down POS!
Apr 17, 2006

@jsever101 (aka jsever6)

Wow, you just keep at it don't you? You've already got one or even more accounts of yours banned... Damn, you really don't have a life.
Sep 15, 2004
I'm starting to get pissed off by all the idiots that say the censoring of the game ruined it, yet they haven't even played it. I haven't tried the psp or ps2 versions of the game, but I own the wii one and it's my favorite wii game. Sure, the censoring is a little disappointing, but it still is an amazing game and any manhunt fan knows this. You all need to stop whining about not being able to see the gore. If you want to see the game uncensored, just watch [link=]this[/link]


Oct 27, 2007
ive allready seen the uncut executions video, its GRUESOME!!!!!!!!!!!, no doubt why ESRB rated it AO, too bad for gore fans.


Apr 28, 2007
ofc the gore matters that much. that is what MH is all about

You seem to be forgetting that his game being less violent isn't the only flaw. It also has a worst main character, story, sound, atmosphere, worse AI and is far less scary.

Extremely gruesome executions was the way to make this game fun. R* tried to make a half-assed game that would still be popular due to the violence. The end was result was only a half-assed game.

Of course it's R*'s fault. They were idiots to think they could get away with a M rating. What they gave us is a huge letdown compared to the 1st one. They should have made a game that didnt have to rely on gore but they did. They also could have delayed the game and re-did the executions(it was their mistake...why not fix it?) Instead they didn't want to mess with it and gave us a quick that makes Manhunt not Manhunt


Oct 31, 2007
Hey, want a free xbox360 elite? Just copy this link to your address bar

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Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Typical score - padding of a Wii title; look at the press average. Why is it nesessary to condense mediocre games into this window of obscurity? If this travesty were released on a 360 it would scrape a 5.0 out of its' butt. It's like the reviewers are embarrassed after getting everyone excited, so they scramble to justify it.
Jun 18, 2007
Enderloaf, you're going to let the press control your opinions? Seriously, 1up and Gamepro? The most idiotic degenerates on this planet? lol, way to join their ranks.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I do agree with somehow obtaining or at least seeing what the AO version of manhunt 2 would look like. But boycotting the game because of the toned down executions is wrong. Rockstar had to do this to at least sell their product. People also complain of the bad graphics. Well if you really think about it, its a good thing they kept this game to last-gen systems. If this game were to make it to 360 or PS3, this game would be the topic of every newstation and congressman alive due to the shocking visuals that next-gen can produce. Just be glad Manhunt 2 got released and quit complaining of what happened. Get over it and play the game that rockstar so gladly made.:)


Apr 26, 2005
I would have bought this game if they didn't censore it. But it won't sell well and they will say look told you Nintendo owners don't want these kinds of games. No we do, just I don't want my game censored to the fact that you can't even see what's going on once a kill is executed. I'm an adult, this is an adult game, why censore it for adults? With all the moviues and tv shows out there showing much more violent stuff, what's the big deal.

Really pisses me off.


Nov 2, 2007
I bought this game the other day and I can't put it down! I don't understand where these bad reviews are coming from. I liked the first Manhunt, but I gotta tell ya this one is even better. I would suggest renting it if your'e skeptical because of the bad reviews. Once you get past the first few levels this game, to me, gets really fun.


Jan 24, 2007
Censorship ruined this game, and the whole fading out processes they added sucks to watch... it's such an eye sore. I traded in my Manhunt 2 today, and got Battalion Wars 2. I don't blame the censorship on Rockstar because they can't control what gets censored, but it's a shame they are carding people for this game when it's not as violent as the first one. If I'm going to get carded for this game there better be a lot more gore the what I was sold. This game is a huge disappointment to the franchise. To sell the game as a stealth game sucks because it's suppose to be more then just a stealth game. However my GF was having a hard time hearing and watching the blurred murder scenes, so maybe for the new comers to this franchise it might be a little gory.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 1, 2004
"Bottom line this game is for adults, who are they censoring the game for?"


Fibally some sense from someone who isn't me !



Prime Member
Jan 14, 2002
Th only thing I tell people is to get a psp and find the hack to see all kills uncensored, or go to youtube and watch it there. These corporate bigwigs are some real p****es. Enis
Oct 5, 2007
THis is addicting, Ive started the other day after work and cant stop manhunts combination of stealth and gory kills incredible sound is great. I admit the enemies have a weaker design but i think the storyline is original and the hostel like environment is cool with chainsaws, tasers, and environment kills, and the guys can see in the shadow but with qte. The game has the same addictive formula. I think you guys like me should ignore these reviewers saying the edit ruins the game the kills last about 3 5 secs thats a small part of this enormous game that still has pretty good ai. The environment kills are cool though like putting a guy in a grinder and you can still splatter aguys brains with a gun all over and the language is uncut and believable especially with a nice audio system and upconverted with ps3. For 30 bucks your paying for half of conan and a much deeper more immersive experience and probably the last great ps2 game.

I would give an 8.5 I want to see this on ps3 though hopefully these dumb politics will be worrying about something else like how we are in iraq when bin laden was in afgan or how the world trade center blow up windows before the collapse hit that floor or why were so focused on no nudity but show murders at 10 news yet we have the highest rates of crimes for an industrialized nation or spending billions on the war on terror but thousands are dying or in need of food all across america or not allowing kids to drink at 18 but can die in vain in the army and be lured by halo zunes or let 12 year olds in the theatre watch hostel 2 or watch a president preach abstinence when he has duis and has done drugs and has left "every child behind". Lets see i dont think games are the problem.


Jan 24, 2007
Battalion Wars 2 is a great game I don't know what you're talking about, and if you like Real time startegy the game will be right up your ally... It takes a cetin skill to play BWII. The game has great graphics, fun gameplay, replay value and it's on-line which in my books that makes it a great game, but go ahead and laugh at me for buying a great game I don't mind lol. At least I'm not sitting at home playing this game which the screen fades out on you when you do a kill, and charges you for it. I guess you could say in your books Enderloaf Manhunt 2 can make a crappy game look really good.