
Almost Not a Noob
Jul 1, 2004
"Its hilarious hearing all these crazed rockstar fanatics calling the british govt fascist for not allowing their beloved manhunt. What's that little gamers? Are you MAD that the big bad govt is not letting you play your little games?

I have yet to find anything or anyone as amusing AND utterly pathetic as you people who use the censorship of a damned videogame to complain that the world is turning draconian. Get a frigging life, and stop wasting it looking forward to a mediocre cash in from rockstar. Rockstar in general just seems to make the kind of games a violence obsessed ADHD 12 year old would like."

Oh great this idiot is back. [face_rolling_eyes] weren't you banned ? perhaps proof IGN is too lenient with retarded posters.

Anyway the only opinion that I'm interested in when I see a game I like the look of is my opinion. That review sucked as do nearly all of IGN's reviews. Why is it this website knocks everything that isn't Halo 3 ? anyway I'll be importing this game seeming as the UK is too much of a pussy state to bother with it.

Oh and general beast or master beast whatever the hell name you use to circumvent bans, don't bother with the childish Jack Thompson esque insults your opinion isn't valid because your a flaming idiot.



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
The man isn't saying that the graphics are week, no, not at all. He is just saying that they are for little kids. This is a kids game!!!


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2007
Matt Casamassina recommending the Wii version of a game - shocking!!! ;)
He probably thinks that the Wii controls for the game are the best ever - just like Metroid...


Oct 27, 2007

He no longer thinks Metroid has the best controls. he likes a new shooter for the wii now.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I wonder how much the game has been damaged by the changes ESRB forced by giving the title and AO rating...

this country stands for nothing.

I know, lets start another war in the middle east!


May 17, 2001
lol Political talk on a gaming website, is there no place I can go to escape it!

Anyways, the review seems to be based on the gameplay so you could add all the "Hostile" like gore and I think it would still get the same score.

And I really do laugh when people use the word "literally" wrong. lol at Crombian.
Sep 5, 2007
Those of you who think this is censorship or anything to do with censorship are so mislead its not even funny. This has nothing to do with the U.S. government (British gov't is another story however). Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have every right not to permit AO games from being made on their systems. When Rockstar went to Nintendo and Sony to get a license to make Manhunt 2 for the Wii and PS2 they entered into an agreement with Sony and Nintendo that their game would not be rated as AO. When the game they submitted to the ESRB received an AO rating as it should have, Rockstar broke their agreement and thus had to EDIT the game so that it would receive a Mature rating. If you want to blame anyone, blame Rockstar for making a game that they knew would receive the AO rating.


Of or pertaining to the color purple
Jun 6, 2007

It sounds to me the AI and the story -- ya know, the *point* of the game -- is not as good. The modifications made to get the M rating were only mentioned briefly. On the other hand, if the killings were what people were buying it for, then perhaps the ESRB did its job.


Of or pertaining to the color purple
Jun 6, 2007
One thing that I am ultimately surprised at, though, is why Rockstar didn't appeal the AO rating, if they really though they were in the right. By the publicly published accounts, they expressed surprise and claim they weren't told what got them the AO rating. What would be the reasons for that? I speculate:

1. They wanted to release it this year, having it in stores for the Christmas season giftbuying, which I find highly ironic of nobody under 17 is supposed to own this game.

2. They rationalized the game content so much in their minds that they lost sight of how someone unattached to the game might respond to it. Upon re-examining their own work, they realized they overdid it and tried to make efforts to tone it down.

3. They're fibbing, and at best suspected the ESRB would slap them down, and at worst intentionally tried to provoke the ESRB for publicity purposes.

And yes, I do find it highly ironic that most of the criticism within the IGN review have to do with gameplay elements, like the weak AI and thin plot, which are really what matter to me. If the AI is challenging and the plot draws me in, as Resident Evil 4 did, then I can accept the violence as a necessary part of the game.

But all of you are fixating on the executions and the supposed censorship of the title, which was barely mentioned in the review. I think that says more about you all than it does Nintendo or the ESRB.

David V


Feb 19, 2007
axeof you are 1/2 right nintendo and sony dont permit ao games, but the esrb did screw this was not a break in contract it was fault in policy. They have every right not to produce AO games. But i think everyone thinks they should make the games. How is this rockstar's fault tho? if they knew it wouldnt be able to be sold why would they want to make an AO game?

the us version does have to do with censorship...not the people doing the censorship but the fact that the people who want censorship are stupid. Im not saying that to be cruel but it just doesnt make sense to edit something because a few people arent happy. If you dont want a kid to play dont buy the game. If the store sells the game to a kid regardless thats the stores fault and no one else's.

and what it breaks down to is this: if some people werent so touchy about the extremity-or would just not have their kids watch/play the games then there wouldnt be an issue-if people never made a fuss about the entire concept of A0 in the first place nintendo microsoft and sony wouldnt have an issue still putting it out


Jun 9, 2001
EagerFranky said:
I wish there was some code in the game to make it uncut, or have some code within the game you buy to let you download the uncut version if you have an ID or something.

I wonder if its possible for people to hack into the game and take off filters and restore the original version.

This is possible for those who know programming out there. A possibility includes modifying the code from within the disc files, after extracting, editing the code then re-burning of course, and changing the "if" and "then" statements code wise.

Example: If this action occurs then the filter is activated.

Bad example but you get the point. Someone will find some way if not many to crack the censoring on each version. For those of you most concerned on the censoring issue then, it's only a matter of time.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
you arn't a good follower are you splinterCELL7892, Europe version is banned by ESRB and i think nintendo and/or sony don't want this game in Europe. EVER!
Jan 31, 2005
I am glad that the rating that it got, I think that excessive violence in games is not necessary and is causing a moral decline in youths today. Not to say videogames are the only reason, but you cannot deny how violent the times we live in today, and personally, i think violent games only add to that.


Oct 27, 2000
It sucks that people who really think video games are the cause of todays violence in society. Its wrong and it hasn't been proven. Take for example the douche bag who posted before me, i mean come on give me a break. its just a fuckin game for adults not kids. People committed violent acts since the beginning of time.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I agree completely, Heart_o_ice. But it's more than just pornographic violence that give this chunk of crap the reviews its getting. The sociopaths who actually buy this thing will find themselves getting dumber as they play. It's a soulless, bad game, regardless of the score-padding Nintendo games get on IGN (check the press average). If you want a good survival/action, go to Rapture. Play the game of the Year.
Jan 31, 2005
First off, actually read my comment and realize I didnn't say that videogames are "the" cause for todays violence, I just don't think that violent games promote the right thinking. You don't have to agree with me, I'm just stating my opinion.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Hitman, no one is saying that video games cause violence. They don't. But to offer up violence in a needless quantity without true consequence is not merely a good time for borderline cases, its bad writing, and poor game-making. They're fooling you, kid. Don't buy in.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
ESRB didn't screw anything. They just gave this one product a rating. You can still sale the product anywhere you want to... just as long as it comes with its own platform to play on. Sony sucks, Nintendo sucks. Make your own console and stop winning Rockstar!


Oct 30, 2007
We live in violent times due to not being suppressed by higher authorities and lack of parental control, how come you didn't mention books in your hypothesis as they have always had violence in them including the so called good book!
I looked forward to this game, due to I know its just an interesting game, im well over 18, so its a shame I wont see it in London.
Jul 12, 2007
f*ck I hate censorship. Friggin christian scum. Keep your views out of my videogames. Where's a pack of lions when you need one?


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 1, 2004
Careful dude you could be labelled racist saying stuff like that. "Black folks" is a racist remark on this board now it seems.


Sep 9, 2003
I agree, Gorilla...the whole point of Manhunt was the over-the-top violence and the way it was presented. That two had to be toned down is rediculous...the ESRB needs to be retooled or abolished altogether. Let me put it this way: if you play Grand Theft Auto and decide that it's a good idea to jack a car, run over police officers and beat a dead hooker's body with a bat for half an hour in real life or, heaven forbid, you play Manhunt I or II and think, "HEY! Maybe my every move is being videotaped and I need to kill people in extremely violent ways until I find somebody with a chainsaw and his nuts hanging out and kill him, too!", chances are you were never a functioning member of society and should be banished from the country, if not the planet.

Instead, we the normal people who can differentiate between fantasy and reality have to limit where OUR entertainment comes from because the lowest common denominator of society may not be able to handle it or may misconstrue it as something imitable. That we don't rise as one and slay the ESRB is either impressive or very, very sad.


Jan 17, 2006
iceveiled78 said:
f*ck I hate censorship. Friggin christian scum. Keep your views out of my videogames. Where's a pack of lions when you need one?

F*ck you douche. And what the hell do "Christians" have to do with this? It's a matter of common sense.

Also khayne666, If you seriously can't see the difference between reading about violence and acting out a simulation of it, then you are a complete moron.

And earth to all you other idiots: This isn't a matter of them imposing new "draconian" censorship laws opposed to the first amendment. Do you seriously think if someone tried to peddle this pile of shit 10, 20, 50 years ago the reaction would have been any different? If anything the situation has gotten more lax.
Jun 19, 2007
what kind of a coward calls people who worships a religion scum from the safety of a computer screen? why blame leftist censorship on christians? is hillary clinton a christian? is sen. lieberman a christian? is michael bloomberg a christian? get your facts straight. i'm a christian, and i love manhunt and grand theft auto.


Mar 2, 2007
iceveiled78 posted:
f*ck I hate censorship. Friggin christian scum. Keep your views out of my videogames. Where's a pack of lions when you need one?
You sir, are a ******, don't blame religion for the reason there's censorship in this game.


Feb 3, 2007
I don't know, I'm conflicted. I like this game but I would never play this game with my son or any other child. I do believe the game should be allowed to be created the way it was intended. I think it should be handled very carefully so that children should not get their hands on it. There is definitely a market for the game and the game makers should know what they are getting into when they make games like this. No, it should not be sold in Walmart or Toys r Us but they do ave the right to create and market the game. If a person or group does not like or want the game, just don't buy it. It's as simple as that.


Sep 3, 2007
dude what is your problem religion has nothing to do with this and personally i want to know when game get as much right as movies and all this ither media a movie can be as violent as it wants to be and hardly ever hear anything over them


Oct 3, 2005
Lots of people have their opinions and you have to respect that but im my opinion this is a pretty sick game and theres nothing to be proud of. Though it has to be said I don't think games tell people how to act but this is nothing more than mind-less violence.

If you lets kids get hold of this - which they regrettably will - it will effect their mentality and their view of whats right and work. Again it gives me no pleasure criticizing a game from such a successful developer but this is a below - par game and I hope none of more of such mindless games are made for any console let alone such a successful one as the PS2


Jul 18, 2006
Hey iceveiled78 Just want to let u know that God Loves u even if u don't think so!

and besidese that it wasn't the Christians who did this it's the government! The Government always has to screw things up!
for being a free country we arent very free!
Feb 7, 2005
heres something noticed..

why are anti violent game types looking at an 'obviously violent game' for a console that they view as kiddies only??

if its just to whinge and complain then join the queue and get a life ..

of course kids will get hold of it because peer pressure wins and some parents are thick as piggsies number 2's
Apr 17, 2006
It was not the government nor religon that censored Manhunt 2, but the way the ESRB works as well as Nintendo and Sony.
Oct 12, 2007
Well since you gave in and wussed your game up 2K i'm afraid i'll have to pass on this one. Thats to bad because I love Rockstar games for the fact that they really stand there ground against censorship. I loved the first Manhunt and still do but I'll pass on 2. Manhunt 2 just doesnt have the balls the first one did.


May 2, 2003
G-Unit007 get a clue. Go read research on violent videogames and their effects on people who play them. Do something other than repeat what Thompson and the rest of the mainstream media tells you

Also, how about playing it before saying it's a "below par game." Or look at the rating, a 7.5 is not "below par." If it's not your style of game than fine, don't play it.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Oh well, I feel no sympathy for Rockstar.good for them.Because they whined and complained like little girls about the "grand theft scratchy" level in the simpsons videogame so EA Had to take it out.


Aug 17, 2005
I know the Wii version must have the better graphics.

but I wonder how PS2 and PSP version differ ?

anyone got both PS2 and PSP ver. ?

which is better ?


Apr 22, 2006
For anyone saying that the censorship of this game is unconstitutional, you are wrong. After the ESRB gave this game an AO rating Rockstar chose to censor it because most major gaming companies do not allow AO software in their systems (which they reserve the right to do).
Feb 25, 2002
Funny how this review complains about the Brutality being censored, yet, were the first to call Rockstar on it when they played the original and uncensored version.

Funny, indeed.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Keep in mind they lowered the score partly because it didn't change much from the original. So if it was completely new, the score has to be somewhere in the 8's.