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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Manhunt 2 Review[/link]
by Jeff Haynes

Ever since it was announced earlier this year, Manhunt 2 has courted controversy. Creating a sequel to one of the most gruesome, dark and unique stealth action titles ever made could easily be seen as a beacon for watch groups to decry video game violence. For fans, the subject was much simpler: Could the title match or surpass the mechanics that made the first title work so well? With the earlier ratings issue that delayed the title well behind it, Rockstar London and Rockstar Games have finally released Manhunt 2 for the PS2, PSP and Wii. But while the first title truly blazed new ground on the console, the sequel isn't nearly as good as the original. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


May 16, 2001
"That was the Ps2 review.... doh!...
Posted by: freakie3 on October 29, 2007 18:38 PDT"

the game is the same for all the consoles, the difference is the graphics, and the game scored low thanks to the gameplay
May 22, 2004
Directly from the PS2? Geez...maybe add a bit to the score becase Matt did say Wii was the better version, and like he said there's more interactivity.

I'm still going to get the game. It's only $35 and I never played the original Manhunt. It seems like it's a well-made game (something Wii is really lacking in), and unfortunately because of all the controversy and execution edits, won't sell as well as it should of.

EDIT: Okay, I know people will respond to it, so to clarify...with the exception of enemy AI, it seems like it was a well-made title. The story sounds discouraging, but not a lot of games have great stories anyway.


Oct 25, 2001
having never played it, go ahead and give the 2nd one a whirl on Wii.


play the original manhunt, at night, by yourself, in the dark, w/ your dolby digital 5.1 cranked up.

you'll get the real experience, and see why they said the 2nd was lacking in so many areas of their review (ps2). even though you don't have the "interactivity" in MH1, you don't need it on the ps2. it's just such a great game. conecpt, idea, execution.

*edit* - story is good, keeps you in it, and really makes your palms sweat at points (Manhunt, of course, NOT MH2).


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I guess the only thing that confuses me is that one reviewer says that the Wii version looks better but yet the PS2 version scored an 8.0 in the graphics category while the Wii version scored a 7.5. We need consistency in our reviews, don't you think.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 22, 2000
You can blame ESRB all you want, it still won't make this a great game, and it wouldn't have been a great game with the junk that was in it beforehand either. I knew this game wasn't going to be great either way, it only got so much buzz because it got rated AO, not because it was a stellar game.


Feb 25, 2004
I still plan to pick this one up, even though it doesn't seem like the AI is as satisfying as it was in the first game. I didn't need a Piggsy brother in this sequel, but it pains me to know I don't have someone like that to fight in general. Sounds like Manhunt 2 is more like a predatorial game than a sadistic survival game. Maybe I'm wrong.


Jan 4, 2006
Hmm. Im playing manhunt original now, and its pretty easy. At times its a pain in the ass to get through a mission, but thats ythe fun in replaying the level to find the perfect way to kill the bastards.

Ok i sound like a maniac, but Im still gonna give this one a shot. Even if its easier. Meaning ill rent it.


Jul 26, 2004
Whotf izzat? I want Matt's opinion. If it's the "censored" kills that put it at A rating, then big deal. I like the filter.


I told u I was hardcore
Dec 7, 2005
To the guy that said he hadn't played the original Manhunt, go get it for Xbox or PS2 and make sure you get a headset. Iif PC has the headset functionality get that version. I prefer the Xbox becasue I think it has slightly better controls, though I was playing it on 360... Just get the game ! You'll see what the review meant by "kill or be killed" and "you cant run n gun ever in the original".


Prime Member
Sep 23, 2007
Yeah anyone who hasn't played the original Manhunt, needs to get their hands off the keyboard and mouse and go buy it.Even without the executions (awesome as they are) the game engine is just genius and it's a total blast.
Jan 21, 2004
Oh God...EVERY kill is censored? I saw what I think was the executions for the Wii, and the filters looked cool, but they were saved for the more extreme kills. God help me, I still want this game, but...cripes, this is a huge step backwards. And that's not even taking into account all the other stuff. No cool "Piggsy" type character (bet there isn't even a goddamn chainsaw!), no snuff film theme, no REAL gangs, and who here didn't figure out in the whole of five minutes after learning that Manhunt 2 was about mental health that Leo was Daniel's split personality? I guess it's a spoiler, but it's so horribly predictable, how can anyone not see that coming?
Here's hoping Rockstar doesn't sell out next time and remember what made the original so great.



Oct 29, 2007
i am a fan of wii and im am glad to see when companies like rockstar release game and put good effort into them, but all in all rockstar really should have released this for the 360 and ps3 as well. because those consoles are meant for more "mature" games and it would probably sell alot better. but im not saying i have a problem with them releasing it on wii...


Leader of the Heroes Universe
Aug 25, 2002
The guy who did the review copied and pasted the PS2 review to the Wii review with the excepton of the QTE. Everything else was identical, he never once even mentioned the Wiimote executions.

It was nice to see the Another Take on the Wii version, at least you have the feeling that this guy actually played the game and can speak to it. Plus the Wii version did score higher than the PS2 version. Not much higher, but higher nonetheless.


Aug 14, 2007
I'm with you sgerto.
I think the guy who wrote this review is an idiot. "Its dissapointing to see the kills are censored.The first title was spectacular because of its brutality and its over the top nature." UH HELLO! THIS GAME WAS TO OVER THE TOP THEY HAD TO CENSOR IT! You of all people should know this. And he complained about how the fuzz didn't look for him in the dark shed. It was probably there for hiding just in case you got in a sticky situation. Like honestly theyre not going to make the game impossible with not a single hiding place. But yes it was nice to see the other guys take on the game because his 2 paragraphs beat this 3 pages of complete shit.


Blue Ridge anchored
Apr 19, 2007
No, the original was NOT literally groundbreaking. Pet peeve o' mine. Especially for a journalist? Shouldn't they of all people be aware of the meaning of literally?

I may have to give this a try. Manhunt 2, that is.
May 22, 2004
If I can find a cheap version for the PC, I might get it. I don't have my PS2 anymore, and I never had the XBOX.

For the record, the whole headset thing would be a cool thing to do in this game. Too bad the Wii doesn't even have a headset...Oh well, at least we can download songs in Guitar Hero 3! Oh, wait...that's right...
Hopefully Nintendo gets on the ball soon.

Anyway, I'll have to admit, if this game was being sold at $50 instead of $35, I probably wouldn't pick it up.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 14, 2004

They are generous on the review compared to other people that rated it bad. 1up for example gave it a 4.5 and gamespy gave it a 50. This game overally doesn't sound all that great.


Dec 3, 2005
I kind of thought this before the game's release, and I still can't help but feel that all this hype and PR that Rockstar put into this game (and trust me, it was Rockstar that initiated this whole controversy) was simply to over-hype a game they new was only decent -- not great, not GTA.

As the many replies to this review seem to suggest, fans of a gory novelty will be all too pleased to overlook the game's flaws. But hey, if random violence does it for you...whateva'.
Feb 28, 2004
I wish there was some code in the game to make it uncut, or have some code within the game you buy to let you download the uncut version if you have an ID or something.

I wonder if its possible for people to hack into the game and take off filters and restore the original version.
Dec 3, 2003
Not allowing a video game, which is just as much a work of art as a movie, which tend to get away with far more violence, to put what they want in it violates the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution. It is a travesty that there was such censorship and outright banning of this game while movies like Saw are allowed to not only release to theaters but capitalize on this violence by raking in millions, while Rockstar will suffer great losses not being able to sell their product in the U.K., though in that case the 1st Amendment doesn't apply. Not sure how the British government works but it seems to be even more fascist when it comes to censorship of art than the U.S., at least with video games, which I find amazingly strange considering a large amount of British television goes uncensored and naked women appear in newspapers and store advertisements. The hypocrisy of people is becoming so enraging I am about to go out and kill people, and not because video games made me do it, but because not being able to play my video games made me do it!


No Longer a Noob
Feb 28, 2004
Oh God...EVERY kill is censored? I saw what I think was the executions for the Wii, and the filters looked cool, but they were saved for the more extreme kills. God help me, I still want this game, but...cripes, this is a huge step backwards. And that's not even taking into account all the other stuff. No cool "Piggsy" type character (bet there isn't even a goddamn chainsaw!), no snuff film theme, no REAL gangs, and who here didn't figure out in the whole of five minutes after learning that Manhunt 2 was about mental health that Leo was Daniel's split personality? I guess it's a spoiler, but it's so horribly predictable, how can anyone not see that coming?
Here's hoping Rockstar doesn't sell out next time and remember what made the original so great.



Spoiler warnings, asshole. I haven't even played the game yet... -_-;


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Its hilarious hearing all these crazed rockstar fanatics calling the british govt fascist for not allowing their beloved manhunt. What's that little gamers? Are you MAD that the big bad govt is not letting you play your little games?

I have yet to find anything or anyone as amusing AND utterly pathetic as you people who use the censorship of a damned videogame to complain that the world is turning draconian. Get a frigging life, and stop wasting it looking forward to a mediocre cash in from rockstar. Rockstar in general just seems to make the kind of games a violence obsessed ADHD 12 year old would like.
Oct 26, 2003
General Beast, i don't think you're seeing the big picture here man. i could care less about this game and will never play it, and your comment does address many people complaining about this game being censored--but i am horribly irritated that a so called enlightened, western, at least partially democratic society that along with America touts its social freedoms to the rest of the world (in either a context of political prapaganda to convince its citizens that they really are free--which they're not, as this game attests to,-- or in the context that Brittain's or America's way of life is suprior to other allegedly draconian nations) has chosen to set such an arbitrary legal and commercial precedent in censoring this game. it does in fact demonstrate a frightening turn in events for any society that claims to be the least bit democratic: that turn is a lack of faith in the voing public to manage their own wellbeing and self-governance. it says that parents and consumers cannot be trusted with fictional entertainment of certain content, that people cannot control and shape their own development as persons without being corrupted by works of creative fiction, and it also implies that federal regulations are the solution to the average citizen's shortcomings. it's a bunch of crap feeding the modern "victim mentality" crisis among democratic citizens, and it is a subtle powerplay that shows how much of a smoke and mirrors act much of our freedoms have become (free speech, free expression, rights to privacy, right to pursue one's own happiness within the boundaries of law.) This is and ought to be a cause for public outrage, but instead it passes in silence with most of the public seeing nothing more in it that you do. yes, whiney 12 year old fanboys are annoying, but not so annoying as to laugh at the depreciation of our freedoms as citizens just because they don't get what they want out of a game.
Dec 29, 2005
I agree with General Beast. The scope of a videogame being censored is so incredibly insignificant, my mind can't comprehend it. Far worse atrocities are being commited every day by the US and UK governments that for people to get upset about this is rediculous.
The States and the UK already have a joint ability to monitor 90% of internet traffic. That's no conspiracy theory either. It's in the bloddy Guinness Book of World Records.
Ultimately, we should be much more afraid of Fox News and the Bush administration than a group banning a grusome video game.
Oct 3, 2005
I wasn't really interested in this game and after watching the videos I'm even less interested. I thought maybe the storyline would be fun just for like a freaky mind bender.. and I had somewhat of a Max Payne style look in my head. But after watching those "censored" kill-scences... What a load of crap. Can hardly see the game, the AI looks about as intelligent as a toe nail and the graphics are so ass the DS could handle it.

What a giant lump of poo in a sock.


Prime Member
Oct 10, 2007
You may agree with General Beast, but I don't agree how he put it. Calling the gamers who are disappointed "pathetic?"

General Beast, you may have good points, but you came off so unnecessarily rude that you sounded like a f***ing douche. But yeah, you're right. Instead, we should have been talking about the real injustices of the world in the comments section of a PS2 game review in an f***ing VIDEO GAME WEBSITE.

Take your retarded smugness elsewhere.

For everyone else that likes to hate on gamers' valid complaints, this is how it is. NO MATTER HOW FACTUALLY TRUE YOU MAY THINK YOUR COMMENT IS:

-A video game forum should be about video games
-A movie forum should be about movies
-And so forth

Dude, seriously, would you have responded the same way if you overheard someone in the movie theatres complain about the government because of a certain movie being censored. No, right? Cause he's in a movie theater?

Also, if you are a gamer, how dare you try to inform us of those facts believing that we don't already know them. We're complaining about Manhunt in a Manhunt review, so shut up.

Leave the gamers with valid complaints alone you smug idiot.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Is there going to be a cheat code so that you can see the full executions instead of the blur, i wish Rockstar will think about this and make it happen


Sep 4, 2000
i hope there's a hot coffee like hidden stuff to unlock the gore.

I think this is more possible on PS2 because of Cheat Devices


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Hang on.. is the game really as 'censored' as it looks in the latest videos? Cos they look really crap, extremely blurry, and headache inducing, not because of gore, but sheer shaking and moving of the camera... completely unnecessary censoring right there...


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
RAH! Video review shows up the censoring even more, bit of a shame really, cost atm it doesnt look THAT violent due to all that darkness...


Dec 29, 2006
bad review jeff it deserves 9.
sound is great as the first game. 1st game=9.5, 2nd=8???
graphics are great and enviorments too
great gameplay with many weapons and great kill 7.5 is terrible