
IGN Administrator
Jun 9, 2021
Thoughts on spooky stuff? Because after all it’s

I love spooky stuff! I'm watching a bunch of spooky movies this month and playing games where I get to kill spooky things!, Sadly with the pandemic though no Halloween parties to go get extra spooky at.


Original poster
So I personally don't lumping people into groups with labels, as I feel it spawns more chaos and hatred and just throws more fuel into the fire. However, I will say that I value everyone's opinions equally regardless and not limited to their age, gender, orientation, race, religious practices, or any other thing that makes up their identity.

With that being said anyone who disparages anyone for any of these reasons or others that breach ToS has no space in our community. This is a community for fans of games, movies and entertainment and if users can't have a civilized discussion without resorting to slandering another person for something as ridiculous as their gender or other things related to the content then they will be on the wrong end of Mjolnir. I don't care how long someone has been a part of the community if they are making others feel unwelcome then they have no place here.

Also dig the BB and BCS Huell profile pic.
Thank you Huell is a great character glad you like it ma’am. Unfortunately I’m not sure what a mjolnir is as I am not a huge nerd


Original poster
seriously though if you have to shut down these boards you have our full love and support behind this easy decision.


IGN Administrator
Jun 9, 2021
three things.
  1. good to see teh vesti community singled out from the other board communities (especially vale tudo)
  2. how did you know that teh vesti leans left as telegraphed by your communites characterization?
  3. y halo thar
I started with the Vesti because I have spent some time here and wanted to have high visibility for this post and had nothing to do with perceived leanings of which I have no stake in. And finally, I'm not sure what your third point is referencing but yes I do enjoy Halo. If you want to clarify your final point I'd be happy to answer that as well.


IGN Administrator
Jun 9, 2021
We need more commands in the Vale Tudo area. Every day the same person circumvents the ban and to post shit, gore, porn. Despite the efforts of good Brazilian moderators, this man is motivated not to stop. We have to take him to court.

We need to show the strength of bottles and pills

We are working towards having more things in place for situations like this one.


IGN Administrator
Jun 9, 2021
Please bring back the stars that were under our names, for the users. Also the users who paid for the extra stuff please bring back the username colours that the mods, former mods vips and the users who paid for the stuff had.

A user in the thread I linked said maybe talk to someone on the site for campaign for it on the Xenforo site. It probably would be best if an ign staff deals with this[face_fedora]

I'm looking into bringing more rewards and other types of systems to our Boards and .com site so I will add this to the list of things to consider.


IGN Administrator
Jun 9, 2021
I was told some time ago that I could be a moderator although I haven't heard anything back about it. Would you be able to make me a moderator on a trial basis, for a week or two, just to see how it goes? I have some good ideas that I think could help and if at the end of the two weeks you don't feel it's a net positive I'll walk away without a fuss.

We are going to be looking to increase our moderator team soon so stay tuned for my posts.


IGN Administrator
Jun 9, 2021
What will you do to protect us conservatives, specifically Trump supporters who have been harassed and unfairly banned? As a minority on this board, we need protection and commitment

We don't ban anyone for supporting Trump or being conservative -- it's certainly not part of our moderation policy and outlines. However, acknowledging that this example might not be relevant to you, we have in the past had to flag comments that have used rhetoric identical or similar to his to talk down, insult, or disparage another person or group, which will 100% come with the appropriate responses from our moderation team. That might be the inference/connection you're making, but we definitely wouldn't ban or moderate comments that were simply voicing inoffensive viewpoints, liberal or conservative. We take the same actions for anyone regardless of their political leanings. On the same note, making statements that spread false information or make a person feel less valued is subject to removal, due to the harm it could potentially cause.

Personally, I would recommend not bringing politics into the conversation unless it's directly referenced or relevant because 99% of the time it has nothing to do with the content on our site and distracts from the conversation. We also make a distinction between conversations that touch on social issues (that some people interpret politically) and the support of presidential candidates/ex-presidents. Supporting social causes like BLM or LGBT rights doesn’t make someone anti-conservative or anti-trump -- it means that someone is supporting those that are suffering from injustices in the world.

When you see others making things political, it's because they are inserting their own opinions on the topic instead of just talking about the core of the content -- which, again, doesn't qualify for a ban, but does sometimes incite vitriol that then has to be moderated.


Jan 2, 2005
The vestibule isn't perfect like most things but it fits in the giant puzzle that is our site and boards, the trick is figuring out where it belongs in said puzzle. Also I saw your later post bare with me I'm answering these solo so it may take time to get responses.
I appreciate you taking the time out to answer both of my questions.

Welcome! It is great to have you. Please say hello to @Tal-IGN


IGN Administrator
Jun 9, 2021
That thread documents the process I went through with getting the pedo edit removed and whatnot, here is a link to the actual article

If you need anything else please let me know and I'll do my best to provide it to you

Thanks, ill read this article and check in to see what I can find out.
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IGN Administrator
Jun 9, 2021
How much do you have to consider (or even consult) P.R. when answering questions or posting stuff since you're an official representative of IGN.

I work in P.R. and feel like things could get tricky in that type of situation and would find the insight interesting.

So for the most part my team trusts me with my answers, if there is something that is a tricky subject, I reach out proactively with my thoughts and initial response, and we might workshop it a bit to make sure the correct message comes across, but at the end of the day, it's still my voice that is being communicated. I've assisted in P.R. and HR in the past so thankfully I'm pretty good about how to cover most topics.