
No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
Hector are you the bitch ex-mod who got hacked because everyone hated your "moderating" and you'd ban people for the slightest thing?


No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
He banned anyone he felt like, even if they didn't break the ToS. I know someone who told him that someone else would have made a better mod. He was banned. How is that against ToS?


May 2, 2009
SBv2 said:
Had to save the CT from page 5. [face_plain]

Haven't posted here in a while. What is everybody's thoughts on AC Revelations? I honestly didn't know anything about it until last week. My sister started going nuts when she watched a trailer for it. I haven't read or seen anything about it yet, but I know I will be preordering it. AC series is right up there with Final Fantasy for me. [face_love]


No Longer a Noob
Oct 3, 2005
SBv2 said:
SBv2 said:
Had to save the CT from page 5. [face_plain]

Haven't posted here in a while. What is everybody's thoughts on AC Revelations? I honestly didn't know anything about it until last week. My sister started going nuts when she watched a trailer for it. I haven't read or seen anything about it yet, but I know I will be preordering it. AC series is right up there with Final Fantasy for me. [face_love]

You should check out some of the other topics on the board. There's a lot of chatter about it on this forum.


Disneyland Musician
Jul 20, 2007
I'm a little surprised this board is as slow as it is. I figured AC would have a stronger following, especailly with the final installment of Ezio releasing in Novemeber. I suppose there's only so much you can speculate, though.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 3, 2005
ScottyWK said:
I'm a little surprised this board is as slow as it is. I figured AC would have a stronger following, especailly with the final installment of Ezio releasing in Novemeber. I suppose there's only so much you can speculate, though.

It fluctuates. I check it once or twice a day. rooster's always here though.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
So I'm assuming you all have heard about the issues in the Supreme Court about violent games being available to children... How are you feeling about it? I think that there should be more high-level ESRB classifications than just the giant umbrella of 'M' and the infamous 'AO'.

It just seems like there's WAY too much range in M for Mature. You've got games like Assassin's Creed, where there are some blood spurts, Red Dead Redemption, which is pretty gory, and then you've got Mortal Kombat, which turns even my stomach.



Disneyland Musician
Jul 20, 2007
There's nothing that kids can do in video games that can't be found on the internet. The whole simulation argument is stupid to me. Grand Theft Auto doesn't make kids want to go steal cars. Call of Duty doesn't make you want to go take someone's life. That mentality comes from somewhere else (for instance, the home).


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
ScottyWK said:
There's nothing that kids can do in video games that can't be found on the internet. The whole simulation argument is stupid to me. Grand Theft Auto doesn't make kids want to go steal cars. Call of Duty doesn't make you want to go take someone's life. That mentality comes from somewhere else (for instance, the home).

While it's very true that everything kids learn come straight from their daily home lives, it's also true that a lot of pathetic parents let their kids play GTA and MK from the time they can hold a controller, basically just to shut them up and serve as an electronic babysitter. Seriously, I've met kids online that I would put at around 6 years old. It doesn't necessarily make them want to go out on crime sprees, but it does lead to them being desensitized to the whole idea of violence as a daily, acceptable part of life.

Don't get me wrong, I DO think violent games should be available, but there's no real way to restrict exposure to children by regulating sales, since they're typically bought by parents anyway, and M-AO are already restricted.


Disneyland Musician
Jul 20, 2007
roosterjcogburn said:
ScottyWK said:
There's nothing that kids can do in video games that can't be found on the internet. The whole simulation argument is stupid to me. Grand Theft Auto doesn't make kids want to go steal cars. Call of Duty doesn't make you want to go take someone's life. That mentality comes from somewhere else (for instance, the home).

While it's very true that everything kids learn come straight from their daily home lives, it's also true that a lot of pathetic parents let their kids play GTA and MK from the time they can hold a controller, basically just to shut them up and serve as an electronic babysitter
. Seriously, I've met kids online that I would put at around 6 years old. It doesn't necessarily make them want to go out on crime sprees, but it does lead to them being desensitized to the whole idea of violence as a daily, acceptable part of life.

Don't get me wrong, I DO think violent games should be available, but there's no real way to restrict exposure to children by regulating sales, since they're typically bought by parents anyway, and M-AO are already restricted.
You're just proving my point. That's not the game's fault - that's a parental issue. If parents took the time to spend some time with their kids and learned to parent in an effective manner, then we wouldn't have as many issues.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
ScottyWK said:
roosterjcogburn said:
ScottyWK said:
There's nothing that kids can do in video games that can't be found on the internet. The whole simulation argument is stupid to me. Grand Theft Auto doesn't make kids want to go steal cars. Call of Duty doesn't make you want to go take someone's life. That mentality comes from somewhere else (for instance, the home).

While it's very true that everything kids learn come straight from their daily home lives, it's also true that a lot of pathetic parents let their kids play GTA and MK from the time they can hold a controller, basically just to shut them up and serve as an electronic babysitter
. Seriously, I've met kids online that I would put at around 6 years old. It doesn't necessarily make them want to go out on crime sprees, but it does lead to them being desensitized to the whole idea of violence as a daily, acceptable part of life.

Don't get me wrong, I DO think violent games should be available, but there's no real way to restrict exposure to children by regulating sales, since they're typically bought by parents anyway, and M-AO are already restricted.
You're just proving my point. That's not the game's fault - that's a parental issue. If parents took the time to spend some time with their kids and learned to parent in an effective manner, then we wouldn't have as many issues.
I never said your point wasn't valid, I just stated that there are games that young kids don't need to be playing. In my last paragraph, I even said the game industry can't be held accountable for kids getting access to them since it's the parent's fault to begin with.

So basically, the lawsuit was a farce.


The Original Lego Pilot
May 14, 2004
Hm, people sure have moved on. I don't recognize anyone from the old days. Good luck to you guys on keeping this going though.

To those that know me: I'm back for now because I got a 360 (ironically enough for free) thanks to the deal where you buy a windows pc/laptop, you get a 4gb 360. Just played through AC1. Gonna play some other games before I get to any of the sequels though.