
Almost Not a Noob
Dec 30, 2007
PippinRules said:
Boy this place sure has gone into cardiac arrest. I'm suprised it hasn't even really picked up with Brotherhood coming out in 2 months.

Really though! I can't believe more people aren't pumped for this game. Or maybe they are, but in a more quiet sort of way. Who knows, but I'm ready! Bring it ON!


No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
Yeah, I felt it was way over-hyped. Bad story for the ancestor (enjoyed Desmond's). Graphics were worse than AC I, characters and story were a fail as was gameplay (mainly the fighting).


May 2, 2009
I traded in a bunch of games for roughly $45 and pre-ordered a copy of Brotherhood for PS3. But I am thinking of going back to Gamestop and asking for a 360 copy instead, since I have the first two for Xbox.
Jan 2, 2006
Rossie94 said:
Yeah, I felt it was way over-hyped. Bad story for the ancestor (enjoyed Desmond's). Graphics were worse than AC I, characters and story were a fail as was gameplay (mainly the fighting).

You've gotta be kidding me. Worse graphics? ACII's were ten times better than AC I's. And Ezio was def more likeable than Altair. And the gameplay was, once again, 10 times more interesting and fun than AC I's.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 30, 2007
PippinRules said:
You've gotta be kidding me. Worse graphics? ACII's were ten times better than AC I's. And Ezio was def more likeable than Altair. And the gameplay was, once again, 10 times more interesting and fun than AC I's.

I lean toward your opinion on this, big time. But I DO respect Rossie94's opinion on this too, as he has a long history of rationality :D In other words, I've never known him to make doof statements out of nowhere, he seems to think about the things he posts about. The items mentioned here are fairly subjective anyway when you get games with this level of excellence (for example, though I also feel that the graphics are better in AC2, there is no denying that they kick much ass in 1 as well, thus I can see someone liking them better at the VERY least on a stylistic level). Story is always subjective in games, and game play is subjective just so long as it isn't outright broken in some way.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
PippinRules said:
Rossie94 said:
Yeah, I felt it was way over-hyped. Bad story for the ancestor (enjoyed Desmond's). Graphics were worse than AC I, characters and story were a fail as was gameplay (mainly the fighting).

You've gotta be kidding me. Worse graphics? ACII's were ten times better than AC I's. And Ezio was def more likeable than Altair. And the gameplay was, once again, 10 times more interesting and fun than AC I's.
Haha, no. Maybe on 360, but on PS3, definitely not.
Ezio sucked, totally 1-dimensional. He was supposed to have a personality, I'm sorry but being a "ladies man" is not a personality trait. Altair was so damn arrogant. Arrogance is part of a person's personality.
As for gameplay, I'll admit for mission variety, it was better. But the fighting was so much worse. In AC I, I couldn't get an attack in, I'd be too busy defending and countering. In AC II, I was constantly going on the attack, I never used counters and I rarely used blocking. Or in short, fighting in AC II was far easier.
And I'll touch on the story, maybe it was just AC II's luck but there are just so many games about revenge, AC I was about redemption and towards the end, discovery. AC II, for me, was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Jan 2, 2006
I dunno, I personally was countering and doing all of that good stuff in II. I dunno, being a ladies man seems to be arrogance to me (in a sense). They were both arrogant, Ezio was just more playful about it while Altair was just sort of a douche.

And I barely even paid attention to the revenge aspect of II. To me it seemed to be less important than the story about him growing into whoever he would become and whatnot.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
I felt the growth of an Assassin went unnoticed. It was just like "Hey, son, I'm in prison. Start wearing my outfit and come save my ass". Does a series of assassinations and gets inducted, does more killing. I enjoyed his equipment progressing though.
Jan 2, 2006
Indeed it does.

Anybody have Brotherhood yet? I'm too poor to buy it at the moment and I wanna know if it's kickass or not.


All-time 808 drum machine melee champion
Aug 18, 2005
PippinRules said:
Oh lord. Now I'm SUPER interested.

Anybody in this board live in NYC? Wanna see my Jew band play?

yeah im in nyc what kind of music do you guys play?

And are you on ACB Multiplayer? (onTopic!)

Jan 2, 2006
trupro said:
PippinRules said:
Oh lord. Now I'm SUPER interested.

Anybody in this board live in NYC? Wanna see my Jew band play?

yeah im in nyc what kind of music do you guys play?

And are you on ACB Multiplayer? (onTopic!)


To be honest, I wouldn't be able to tell you what genre we are. We're "The Jew Unit." I'd generally say we're sort of hard rock but I dunno any bands that I could relate us that closely to. The link to our myspace is in my sig and we have a small collection of songs from our albums on there but we're got a ton of shit recorded (4 albums = 56 songs) haha

And I dun have ACB yet cause I'm poor but probably 2 paychecks from now (a month from now) I'll have some free money to spend.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
Because you said "hard rock" I am suddenly interested. Yet too lazy to copy and paste that link into the url bar.
Jul 13, 2009
Rossie94 said:
Why do I recognise your username? And I apologise in advance for my bad memory [face_tongue] .

I used to post on this board alot. Been avoiding it, since I don't have Brotherhood and don't want to deal with spoilers. (Planned on buying it, and then my first child was born, and, well, duty calls...)


Gamer, YouTuber, Blogger
Aug 23, 2010
Lodi, CA
Kurt_Cobain01 said:
Rossie94 said:
Why do I recognise your username? And I apologise in advance for my bad memory [face_tongue] .

I used to post on this board alot. Been avoiding it, since I don't have Brotherhood and don't want to deal with spoilers. (Planned on buying it, and then my first child was born, and, well, duty calls...)



No Longer a Noob
Oct 8, 2005
Kurt_Cobain01 said:
Rossie94 said:
Why do I recognise your username? And I apologise in advance for my bad memory [face_tongue] .

I used to post on this board alot. Been avoiding it, since I don't have Brotherhood and don't want to deal with spoilers. (Planned on buying it, and then my first child was born, and, well, duty calls...)
Oh yeah, I vaguely remember you. Didn't you show up during AC II's release, that sort of time period?
And I wouldn't worry about Brotherhood spoilers in here, it's usually dead lol.
Jul 13, 2009
Hardcore_Hector said:
Kurt_Cobain01 said:
Rossie94 said:
Why do I recognise your username? And I apologise in advance for my bad memory [face_tongue] .

I used to post on this board alot. Been avoiding it, since I don't have Brotherhood and don't want to deal with spoilers. (Planned on buying it, and then my first child was born, and, well, duty calls...)


Often literally.
Jan 2, 2006
Just got Brotherhood on Monday. It's pretty good but the synchronization challenges are annoying as hell. I've played for almost 30 hours and am only 59% synchronized because I had to play so many missions over to get 100% synchronization on them.
Jul 13, 2009
Hardcore_Hector said:
I'm just saying duty calls......call of duty.....another board you post on.....NEVERMIND


I knew that, I was just, ah... testing you, that's all. Yeah, it was just a test. [face_worried]