Record Enquiry

FAQs: Record Information

What happens to all the food from record titles involving large amounts of food?

For any record titles associated with large amounts of food, our Record Guidelines stipulate that it must either be consumed or distributed for consumption after it has been measured. As with all record titles, the Record Guidelines must be adhered to in order to be considered a successful Guinness World Records title.

Please refer to our record policies page.

What is the record for "............"?

We currently hold more than 15,000 records online, so if you wish to find out if a record exists, please feel free to explore our website!

You can locate a record by using the search and entering keyword(s).

To search for specific keywords, please use quotation marks (“xxxx”), as this will show all results containing your chosen keywords.

If you still can’t find what you’re looking for, it may be that the record you are interested in has not been updated on our website yet, is not a record that we currently monitor or currently does not exist.

If you are enquiring about a record to break or set, then please register an account with us. Then login, click on ‘Apply for a record’ in your dashboard to make an application. You will have the option to 'Apply for a New Record Title' if you cant find the record you are looking for.

As we do not provide an individual consultative service, we are currently unable to answer questions relating to multiple record enquiries or specific detailed record enquiries.

You can also review the rest of our FAQ section for more answers.

Who holds the most Guinness World Records record titles?

While Guinness World Records no longer monitors who tops the overall leader board of ‘most records broken’ (as all titles we monitor are very different and require an array of skills), some of our most prolific record breakers of all time include Silvio Sabba (Italy) Ashrita Furman (USA), David Rush (USA) and André Ortolf (Germany).

Which record is broken most often?

Some of the most frequently broken records include the Longest DJ marathon, the Heaviest item lifted with glue and the Most apples bobbed in one minute! Another record that is broken regularly is the Oldest person in the world, but the oldest person ever remains Jeanne Louise Calment who lived to be an incredible 122 years and 164 days old.

What record titles can I attempt?

For new record ideas please note that Guinness World Records only recognises WORLD records. We do not verify national / country specific achievements.

All Guinness World Records record titles must fulfill key criteria including:

  1. Measurable - Is it the fastest / longest / heaviest / most?
  2. Breakable - Can the record be broken or repeated by someone else? All our record titles must be open to being challenged.
  3. Standardisable - Can the record title be done universally? For example, it cannot be related to something restricted to a region.
  4. Verifiable - Can the claim be proven? For example, a claim such as ‘the man who never drank water’, can never be verified unless the man spent his whole life from birth under surveillance by a witness.
  5. One Variable – We can verify the largest painting but would not consider the largest painting by the most people.
  6. Universal - The proposal must be something, or about something that is known to the majority of the world. It cannot be too specific / regional.
  7. Substantially different from a current record - If your record suggestion is similar to something we already have, we will ask you to break the current record rather than approving a variation of the same title.
For more information please visit What makes a Guinness World Records title.

How do record titles get approved?

Guinness World Records has an expertly trained Records Management Team who undertake substantial research and verification checks to confirm whether a new record title has been achieved.

When you submit an application for a new record title, Records Category Specialists carefully assess it to confirm whether or not your proposal can be accepted. When you submit your evidence for a new or existing title, the Records Management Team will run comprehensive checks on this evidence to confirm whether it is sufficient to demonstrate that you have achieved the record title in question.

If you are submitting an application, it is important that you provide us with as much information as possible, including:

  • What you want to achieve
  • How, where and why you want to achieve it
  • Any links that may help our team to understand your proposal.

During the application process you will be able to search our entire database of records and find out if we already have a record matching your idea and what the target to beat is.

If your proposal for a new title is accepted, or if you are applying for an existing title, you will receive your guidelines to attempt the record.  It is important that you read these and the evidence checklist pack carefully, and document all requested evidence. This is so our team can assess all evidence provided and verify whether your attempt has been successful.

It is also important that you ask any questions well in advance of any record attempt. This is to ensure we have time to respond, as it can take up to 2 weeks for us to get back to you. If your application has been accepted, you will be able to send all correspondence via your online account directly to your records manager.

Visit our How to collect and submit evidence to get an idea of the evidence you need to provide as part of your record attempt.

If you are interested in breaking a record, or want to find out if your idea can be a record, please register and make an application. During the application process you will be able to search our entire database of records and find out if we already have a record matching your idea and what the target to beat is.