Sustainability & the environment

GWR is committed to making the world a more interesting, fun and positive place, and we feel there is no better way to have a positive impact than to run our business in the most sustainable, environmentally conscious way we can.

sculpture of whale using recycled plastic

Our commitment

Whether it is through the constant review of our publishing production and supply chain, the day-to-day running of our five international offices or through using our platform to give a voice to those striving for a more sustainable future, we are committed to playing our part in the fight against climate change.

What are we doing?

As the creators of one of the best-selling books globally, we are very much aware of the responsibilities we have to produce and distribute each copy in the most sustainable way possible. This vital work, which is constantly under review and subject to improvements with each passing year, encompasses the ethical and responsible sourcing of paper and ink we use for book production as well as ensuring the businesses with whom we partner in our supply chain also meet the highest international standards for sustainable production and energy management.

A project is now underway to establish where else we can improve. We are exploring how we can change the way we operate to safeguard sustainability as a business priority, and we are also assessing how and when we can use our brand as a force for good in this area.