Our Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values

We believe it’s important to know who you are and what you stand for.

Our Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values define our place in the world, explain what we aspire to, how we will achieve our aspirations and the rules we live by.




To make the world a more interesting, fun and positive place.

GWR will always strive to encourage, find and share the incredible. We believe that joy comes from discovery, empowerment comes from giving your all and happiness comes from sharing your passions.




To inspire a sense of wonder.

By sharing our unique take on the world, we want to encourage everyone to:

  • always question and seek answers
  • keep an open mind, and
  • believe that, with dedication, anything is possible




To document the incredible.

By crowning new generations of record holders and sharing their authentic stories, we aim to break boundaries, and entertain and inform the world.




Integrity - Respect - Passion - Inclusiveness - Fun

Integrity of our records, assessing claims with objectivity and enthusiasm and free from prejudice or bias. This integrity extends to our people, the way we act, the way we do business and the way we make decisions.

Respect for our record holders and challengers, our brand, our people, our business partners and our owner.

Inclusiveness is central to achieving our Vision. We believe in offering record-breaking for everyone, everywhere.

Passion in our enthusiasm about records and record holders, our brand and purpose, our people, and how we demonstrate that in our work and to our customers.

Fun is part of everything we do. It is one of the reasons we are here and will always be at the heart of how we behave.