Xbox Live

The Largest Simultaneous Online 100 m Sprint

sr-x-box live Xbox got people ready for its 'Free Xbox Live Weekend' with a Guinness World Records attempt for the most people doing a 100m sprint online.

The Results

Record Breakers:
Audience Reach:
22 million

The Brief

Xbox wanted to encourage users of its Xbox LIVE service to try out its paid-for services. With the Xbox Nations Free Xbox LIVE weekend the brand gave consumers around the globe free access to premier services including multiplayer gaming on Xbox. To drive traffic to the Free Xbox LIVE weekend, Xbox turned to Guinness World Records.

The Solution

Guinness World Records created a record-breaking challenge to showcase the unique features of the Xbox LIVE. Xbox called out to Kinect Sports users to be part of a record for the Most people doing a 100m sprint online. Olympic gymnast Louis Smith, Winter Olympics Gold medallist Amy Williams and England cricketer Graeme Swann ran alongside the 10,000+ other Xbox users in a simultaneous global attempt. All participants were given branded clothing for their Xbox avatars to commemorate their role in achieving the record. The event attracted more than twice the target established by Xbox.

Breaking a Guinness World Records title is such a massive milestone and we're pleased that we had the chance to do this in partnership with the Xbox LIVE community.
— Stephen McGill - Director Xbox & Entertainment - Microsoft Retail Sales and Marketing Division, UK & IR