WiPay Jamaica

Most users in a web development video hangout

wipay-jamaica-record-achievement-679737 To train those who successfully registered for a free website and create further buzz around its campaign message, WiPay announced it would be hosting an official record attempt for the most users in a web development video hangout.

The Results

88M+ total impressions
18%+ increase in Instagram following post-event
The Jamaica Observer, The Jamaica Gleaner, CVM, TTT Live, 5 radio interviews and more

The Brief

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, leading Caribbean Fintech company, WiPay, wanted to promote cashless payments among businesses to reduce face-to-face commerce and avoid further spreading the virus. After launching its Digital Payments Transformation Fund in 2020, WiPay used the funds to sponsor Project 1000, an initiative that gifted 1,000 free WiShops eCommerce-ready websites to Jamaican business enterprises of all sizes.

The Solution

To train those who successfully registered for a free website and create further buzz around its campaign message, WiPay announced it would be hosting an official record attempt for the most users in a web development video hangout.

The activation was promoted starting two weeks prior to the event via traditional media like printed press as well as on TV, radio, and social media. 

In total, Project 1000 attracted over 1,400 participants to the live training Zoom feed and more than 4,000 people to the stream via Instagram and Facebook. The event and record attempt garnered more than 88M+ media impressions across all forms of media, making the event a huge success for event organizers and participants alike. 

For a 3-year startup company, setting a new Guinness World Records title was validation for us that our efforts are bringing about meaningful change in how Caribbean people do business. As a region, many of us are only now becoming comfortable with the thought of ordering food online, homeschooling and receiving and making payments online. WiPay is proud to be at the forefront of this transformation. The GWR attempt certainly was a PR catapult in delivering that message to the region.
— Kibwe Mcgann, Country Manager, WiPay (Jamaica) Ltd.