Arts Help

Most videos of people drawing uploaded to Instagram in one hour

The Results

400K views in the first 24 hours after livestream was posted to Instagram
21K+ participants tuned into the livestream leading up to the attempt
22 countries including the USA, Canada, Italy, China, France, Egypt, Japan, and more

The Brief

Founded on the principle of art making the world a better place, Arts Help is the #1 art publisher, with a community of 2.5 million members.  In partnership with The Remington Group, the organization wanted to host the ultimate virtual art therapy session to highlight the importance of unity and mental health resources during these unprecedented times.

The Solution

After contacting GWR and learning about the various online record format options, the organization decided to proceed with an official attempt for the most videos of people drawing uploaded to Instagram in one hour.

The attempt was promoted via Art Help’s social channels where artists were encouraged to express their emotions and stress through their creative outlets. On the attempt day, using the hashtag #ArtsHelp2021, artists from around the world uploaded drawings from iconic global landmarks including the Pyramids in Egypt, The Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower, the CN Tower in Toronto, and the Taj Mahal in India to name a few.

Later that day, an official adjudicator confirmed the record virtually and the exciting news was announced two days following the attempt on a Zoom call with participants and organizers gathered online. 

After an unprecedented year of mental health struggles amid global lockdowns, it was critical for us to develop high impact programming that provided an outlet for people to express themselves creatively and promote mindfulness. This world record signified unity from our members around the world and we’re truly honored the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS team recognized this record.
— Mo Ghoneim, Founder, Arts Help