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For Congressional Staff is a comprehensive database of federal legislative information, including tools and analysis you won’t find anywhere else. We’ve been providing accurate, reliable information to the American public for more than 15 years!

Here are some ways you can use GovTrack:

Access extensive legislative analysis tools

You can use GovTrack’s comprehensive databases to find the latest information about Congress including

  • Current or historical legislatve activity
  • Members’ legislative records and press releases
  • Committee Activity and press releases

Use built-in text comparison tools to view legislative text side-by-side to previous versions or related legislation.

Bill pages also feature a Position Statements section with select press releases from Members of Congress.

Find likely cosponsors to help advance your legislation

You can find full cosponsorship data on any member by clicking “view cosponsors” at the bottom of the Bills Sponsored section of their page. Use this feature to get a list of your boss’ most frequent cosponsors sorted by legislative topic.

GovTrack also offers unique analysis comparing members’ relative leadership and ideology using cosponsorship data on member pages, as well as annual legislative report cards with statistics on each member. Report cards include rankings on bipartisanship, bills enacted, missed votes, and more. Use this information to profile other members’ standings in Congress.

Search through a database of congressional procedures

GovTrack features a number of comprehensive databases that can make your job easier. We’ve collected all of the Congressional Research Services reports on congressional procedures on GovTrack’s Congressional Procedures, Rules, and Norms page. Reports are gathered from

Personalize tracker lists for regular updates on congressional activity

Use tracker lists to tailor your own email updates and RSS feeds to track updates on specific bills, committee activities, or individual Members of Congress. To create a new list visit your tracker lists page. To add a new tracker to a list simply click on the green track button at the top of most GovTrack pages. You can make as many tracker lists as you like.

Comment on your trackers and share them with your constituents and your team

Leave notes on your tracker lists and share them to keep your colleagues in the loop about your office’s legislative priorities. Lists come with a link to a page where you can comment on your trackers. Sharing this link with your colleagues will allow them to follow along with your trackers and comments.