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Bills and Resolutions in Congress

There are 16,613 bills and resolutions currently before the United States Congress, but of those only about 7% will become law.

Coming up

6 bills and resolutions are on the House and Senate calendars for the coming days.

H.R. 7512: Real-Time Benefit Tool Implementation Act

On House floor calendar for week of Jul 29, 2024.

H.R. 5861: BRIDGE for Workers Act

On House floor calendar for week of Jul 29, 2024.

H.R. 8292: Taxpayer Data Protection Act

On House floor calendar for week of Jul 29, 2024.

H.R. 3800: Chronic Disease Flexible Coverage Act

On House floor calendar for week of Jul 29, 2024.

H.R. 1432: VETT Act

On House floor calendar for week of Jul 29, 2024.

Once bills are scheduled for floor action they typically have enough support to pass!

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Congress works in two-year legislative sessions tied to the elections. The current session is called the 118th Congress and it began on Jan 3, 2023. All bills not enacted by the end of the session on Jan 3, 2025 die, and Congress will start over.

Because there are so many bills and resolutions, it can be difficult to find the one you are looking for. Please consider your options:

Suggested ways to find a bill

Start by using the subject areas listed on this page.

Or use our advanced search to find bills by status, subject area, sponsor, or other fields.

Search for bills whose text contains a keyword

Since bills often contain legal terminology in place of everyday words, it is often easier to find a bill using one of the other methods above.

Subject areas

Subject areas are assigned to bills by the Library of Congress.

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  • Major Legislative Activity
    Get an update when any bill is scheduled for debate or has major action such as a vote or being enacted.
  • Legislation Coming Up
    You will get updates when any bill is scheduled for debate in the week ahead by the House Majority Leader or in the day ahead according to the Senate Floor Schedule.
  • New Laws
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  • All Legislative Activity
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  • New Bills and Resolutions
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  • GovTrack Bill Summaries
    Get an update whenever we post a GovTrack original bill summary.

Other ways to get alerts

There are many ways to get email alerts about bills in Congress from GovTrack.

If you are interested in a particular bill, start by finding that bill.

You can also get alerts for subject areas and bills assigned to committees.

If you are interested in the legislative activity of your representative and senators, start by finding who represents you.

Advanced alerts

Since bills often contain legal terminology in place of everyday words, we only recommend this for legislative professionals.

You can also get alerts based on citations to the United States Code.

All bills

Here is a breakdown of all 16,613 bills and resolutions currently before Congress:

Enacted Legislation (including via incorporation)

There are 259 enacted bills including bills and joint resolutions identical to or incorporated into enacted legislation, based on an automated data analysis.

Enacted Legislation

There are 71 enacted bills that were either signed by the president or enacted via a veto override or the 10-day rule (including joint resolutions which can also be enacted as law).

Passed Resolutions

There are 594 passed resolutions (for joint and concurrent resolutions, we mean passed both chambers).

Got A Vote

There are 531 bills and resolutions that had a significant vote in one chamber, making them likely to have further action.

Failed Legislation

There are 38 bills and resolutions that failed a vote on passage and are dead or failed a significant vote such as cloture, passage under suspension, or resolving differences.

Vetoed Bills (without Override)

There are 12 vetoed bills that was not overridden by Congress.

Other Legislation

There are 15,367 bills and resolutions that have been introduced or reported by committee and await further action.

Historical Information

We’ve also compiled historical statistics about how many bills are enacted and when during the legislative session activity tends to occur.