Ad formats

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Give gamers a reason to click.

Meta Audience Network rewarded video offers a player-initiated, player-friendly ad experience. This format offers an in-app benefit in exchange for a completed video view.


Monetize more players.

With rewarded video, you can monetize players who don’t make in-app purchases.

Retain gamers.

Users are more likely to keep playing and return to the game when they get rewards.

Improve the experience.

Gamers love incentives--and rewarded video puts them in control of how they play.

Success story


Learn how mobile game development company Playrix increased CPMs by up to 80% with rewarded video.

Learn how mobile game development company Playrix increased CPMs by up to 80% with rewarded video.

Michael Panov, Head of Ad Monetization, Playrix.

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Best practices

Tips for creating effective rewarded video ads

Featured resources

Rewarded video for the win in hardcore and midcore mobile games

New guide: 8 Common Rewarded Video Integrations by Genre

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Monetize your app with Meta Audience Network.

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Monetize your app with Meta Audience Network.

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Meta Audience Network empowers app developers and publishers to deliver a great user experience while growing a sustainable business. With Facebook demand from millions of diverse global advertisers, publishers can expand their app’s reach, keep users engaged, and monetize globally.