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Engage players with full-screen interstitial ads.

Interstitial ads on Meta Audience Network are flexible, fully immersive and designed to create a seamless user experience.


Choose from a range of formats.

Interstitial ads are available in a rewarded video, carousel and playable ads.

Create a positive experience.

Meta Audience Network interstitial ads have been designed to be a high-quality, low-latency experience for users.

Expand your demand.

Adding interstitial ads to your ad experience opens up new opportunities to monetize.

We’ve seen CPMs that are 2X higher or better with Facebook Audience Network compared to other top ad networks.”

Chris Akhavan, President of Publishing, Glu Mobile

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Best practices

Tips for improving the interstitial ad experience

Featured resources

New guide: Playing to Win with Interstitial Ads

Amanotes success story

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Monetize your app with Meta Audience Network.

Start earning

Monetize your app with Meta Audience Network.

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Meta Audience Network empowers app developers and publishers to deliver a great user experience while growing a sustainable business. With Facebook demand from millions of diverse global advertisers, publishers can expand their app’s reach, keep users engaged, and monetize globally.