Terms of use

Updated: September 28, 2023


All of Dedoimedo content is of personal, private nature and does not reflect positions, opinions or policies of any company or affiliates mentioned. Furthermore, views expressed in Dedoimedo articles do not represent any employer of the author(s), past, present or future.

Specific content may be requested or commissioned on behalf of individuals and companies. In these cases, an explicit disclaimer notice will be added to any such article, including terms and conditions of the publication.


My general copyright policy is Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0. There are several notable exceptions. Dedoimedo permits charity, educational and non-profit organizations (like universities, Wikipedia, etc) to use all materials on Dedoimedo without additional explicit approval from the site owner. However, the use of material still requires that you:

For any and all other uses specifically not mentioned above, you must contact me and ask me for a permission, including but not limited to commercial use or marketing. If in doubt, email me.

The above copyright statement has not been worded by a lawyer, so please do not try to abuse any potential loopholes in my phrasing. Use the materials with moderation and discretion and try to be fair and give credit when due. Most importantly, try to be helpful and generous. Use my example as an opportunity to spread education and teach other people the wonders of science, art and humor.


I sincerely hope your stay here will be positive, enjoyable and educative, but I cannot guarantee that. In the highly unlikely case that you should find my topics offensive or counter-productive, I suggest you stop reading and go elsewhere.


Dedoimedo is all about education, fun and humor. Since tastes vary, it is possible that you may not like some of the subjects discussed. In that case, you may not hold me morally, legally, financially, or otherwise responsible about writing my experience, findings and opinions on any of these subjects. If you think I'm wrong, write an article of your own somewhere. Regardless, I will try to refrain from unsubstantiated negative comments or rumors about people and matters at hand.

Hardware & software tests

Some of my articles deal with computers, and as such touch on intellectual property, like hardware or software products. If and when specific vendors are mentioned, you should note that I have no association with the vendors and their products or their market rivals, and that I'm solely expressing my personal experience. All rights, brand names, logos, and other items related to discussed hardware, software, or any other existing commercial or patented products are the physical and intellectual properties of their respective inventors, owners, as stated in their respective terms of use policies.

I cannot guarantee the quality of any of the third-party products mentioned in any of my articles, and as such you will never hold me, under any circumstances, morally, legally or financially responsible for anything that may happen to you by, because of, due to, or through the use of links, products and recommendations on my site. Furthermore, I cannot guarantee that my site will not be compromised and such its contents altered, modified or replaced. Therefore, treat all contents, especially links and images with caution.

Use my advice at your own discretion. I sincerely believe that all of my articles will be beneficial in some way, and will be written with the best of interests in mind, but there is always a chance for mistakes and errors, and things change over time.


Dedoimedo has been designed for maximum privacy from scratch, and it can be used with Javascript and cookies disabled with minimal loss of functionality. Dedoimedo does not set any organic cookies, does not have a database, does not have any registration forms or mailing lists, and does not use comments.

Dedoimedo collects a small amount of non-personal data (website traffic) through third-party scripts, used for statistical purposes only (e.g. number of visits, top pages, etc). This data will never be shared with any third party.

Third-party scripts

Note: From mid-September 2023, Dedoimedo no longer uses Google Adsense, Google Custom Search Engine and ShareThis social media buttons. Dedoimedo only uses Google Analytics for website traffic statistics. For full transparency, the old privacy notice remains written below, with non-applicable parts marked with a strikethrough line.

Dedoimedo uses several third-party scripts for extended functionality:

Google Analytics

Dedoimedo collects statistical data on website traffic through Google Analytics 4. Dedoimedo runs Google Analytics in the strictest privacy mode: anonymized IP address (by default), session cookies (deleted after leaving the website), with no remarketing/advertising. No personal data is collected. In the EU and California, USA, every page on Dedoimedo features an overlay cookie control applet that allows you to consent to cookies; by default, no cookies will be set. For more details, please take a look at Google Privacy Policy.

Google Adsense

Dedoimedo runs Google Adsense, which serves ads. Visitors from the EU and California, US are served non-personalized ads. Furthermore, visitors from California, USA are subject to restricted data processing. Google Adsense may set cookies. In the EU and California, USA, every page on Dedoimedo features an overlay cookie control applet that allows you to consent to cookies; by default, no cookies will be set. For more details, please take a look at Google Privacy Policy.

Google Custom Search

Dedoimedo uses Google Custom Search Engine (CSE), which allows you to search for content on this site. Google CSE may set cookies. In the EU and California, USA, every page on Dedoimedo features an overlay cookie control applet that allows you to consent to cookies; by default, no cookies will be set. For more details, please take a look at Google Privacy Policy.

ShareThis social media buttons

Dedoimedo collects statistical data on website engagement through ShareThis buttons, which may set cookies. In the EU and California, USA, the loading of the buttons requires user consent, and every page on Dedoimedo features an overlay cookie control applet that allows you to consent to the use of the buttons and associated cookies; by default, the buttons will not be shown and no cookies will be set. Furthermore, users can out out of any personal data collection on the ShareThis website. For more details, please take a look at ShareThis Privacy Policy.

PayPal Buy Now form

On several select pages, Dedoimedo uses the PayPal Buy Now form. The form may set cookies, for obvious security and functionality reasons. In the EU and California, USA, on these specific pages, the overlay cookie control applet outlines the use of PayPal cookies. For more details, please take a look at PayPal Privacy Policy.

Youtube clips

On several pages, Dedoimedo uses embedded Youtube clips. These clips are used with enhanced privacy settings, which means encrypted connection and no cookies set. For more details, please take a look at Google Privacy Policy.


As explained above, some of the third-party script may set cookies. In the EU and California, USA, every page on Dedoimedo features an overlay cookie control applet (named Cookie Control) that allows you to consent to cookies. The applet itself requires Javascript to run, so if you block Javascript, you may not see the applet (and most likely, the third-party scripts won't run anyway).


Dedoimedo core content works 100% without Javascript. If you do selectively or globally disable Javascript, some of the third-party content will not work. Without Javascript, Google Analytics will not run, you will not see any ads or be able to use the Google CSE and the ShareThis social media buttons.

Email address

Dedoimedo may store your email address, provided you have contacted Dedoimedo first, or if your email address is publicly available (e.g. you are a software company or an individual offering services online). The storage of any such emails will always be done in a secure, encrypted form.

Dedoimedo will never send unsolicited marketing emails. Dedoimedo will never disclose any personal information unless explicitly instructed or given permission to by the sender. Anonymized data, such as software suggestions, corrections, or critique may be used in related Dedoimedo content.

How to minimize data exposure

Regardless of your activity on Dedoimedo, here are several additional privacy-related tips on how to minimize exposure, block tracking, and similar:


I welcome suggestions. You can email me with your views and ideas. Visit the Contact page for details.