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Updated: March 17, 2021

If you want to advertise your product or service, and you believe Dedoimedo can offer you the right kind of exposure, then please read this page to learn about the available options.

Product reviews

If you are an individual, a hobbyist or a non-profit entity who would like to gain more exposure to their product, please email your query with the subject PRODUCT REVIEW REQUEST - FREE. I will not charge any payment for products that fall into this category. However, I cannot guarantee that I will agree to review your product or the exact timeline for it.

If you are a company, please email your query with the subject PRODUCT REVIEW REQUEST - COMPANY. I will only consider products that fit the site's general topics. It usually takes me about 2-3 months to perform a review, although we may discuss an expedited schedule if needed. Any review that falls into this category will include a fee, plus you agree to provide me with a lifetime and unrevokable item/copy of the product (physical or digital), which will remain in my possession after the completion of the review.

I will not conduct a review if a product owner is not willing to consider potentially negative reviews - in case I do not like the product. Moreover, I believe it's good manners to link to the requested review on the product's official page once the article goes live.

The posted reviews remain live in perpetuity (as long as Dedoimedo continues to operate).

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Dedoimedo no longer offers ad placement of any kind.

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Any disputes regarding product reviews and/or advertising services offered on Dedoimedo will be conducted in a court of law and jurisdiction of my choosing.

Dedoimedo is not responsible for any damage or loss of profit incurred as a direct or indirect result of improper or incorrect use of Dedoimedo product reviews, or the PayPal service. Any fraudulent payments, misuse or abuse of the above rules or any other activity not specifically listed here are subject to immediate termination of the agreed services with no refunds.

Enjoy your stay.