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Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 minutes to learn more.

About us

Building the future together

Image Nium‘s novel nanotechnology is replacing Haber-Bosch, the most polluting industrial process on the planet to enable the synthesis of truly green ammonia for fertilisers and fuel.

Carbon13 is a response to the climate emergency. We recognise that despite the increasing number of commitments to net zero emissions, there is still uncertainty on how to deliver. There are existing technologies to deploy but we also require innovation to reinvent the rules and therefore reimagine what is possible.

Carbon13 is not just about investing in a few startups, it is about harnessing the entrepreneurial spirit. That means engaging with academia, business, policy makers, NGOs, consumers, new standards and finance. We need pioneers across the spectrum and that is where our community is critical to the success of our ventures and the transformation we need to see.

Get to know us

Meet Our Team

With origins across the Cambridge University ecosystem, world leading multinationals and successfully exited starts-ups, this team has deep experience in supporting founders, partners and investors.

Our Community

Carbon13’s community of climatetech founders, Entrepreneurs in Residence, Experts, Investors and our Industry Partners all contribute to tackle the climate emergency.

Develop a strategic partnership

Corporate partners work with us because they want to achieve ‘net zero’ emissions, drive innovation, engage staff and identify investment opportunities.

Attend an event

The latest events for potential founders, investors and corporate partners.

Leadership Team

Dr Nicky Dee

Dr Nicky Dee

Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer

Michael Langguth

Michael Langguth

Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer

Jonathan Cumming

Jonathan Cumming

Chief Financial Officer

Carbon13 Impact report

Carbon13’s first impact report highlights our 2021-2022 efforts to support and invest in 32 climatetech ventures making significant strides in decarbonizing our world. The report emphasizes the creation of a collaborative ecosystem to drive substantial carbon emission reductions and foster sustainable innovation. We acknowledge that this is an ongoing journey, and we are committed to continuously providing transparency on our activities.

Our Community

Carbon13’s community of climatetech founders, Entrepreneurs in Residence, Experts, Investors and our Industry Partners all contribute to tackle the climate emergency.  ind out more about the roles across Carbon13 and the impact they have. 

Entrepreneur in Residence

Entrepreneur in Residence Sarah Dees and Carbon13’s Chief Financial Officer & Managing Director Jonathan Cumming

Image Stephanie Alys, Entrepreneur-In-Residence, Carbon13

Carbon Expert / Domain Expert

James Tabor, BCG Digital Ventures and domain expert at Carbon13

Image James Tabor, BCG Digital Ventures and domain expert at Carbon13


Founders of Infyos: Tony To, CTO and Sarah Montgomery, CEO

Image Founders of Infyos: Tony To, CTO and Sarah Montgomery, CEO

Our Beliefs

We believe entrepreneurs will change the trajectory of the world, not through old models, or the wisdom of crowds, but by exploring areas where no footprints exist.

This uncharted territory requires a technical approach, one with carbon aptitude and carbon maths, accelerated by leaps of visionary imagination.

Our Cambridge origins taught us the importance of world-class carbon, commercial and scientific understanding.

We are a people business. We care deeply about the success of those who choose to take giant steps.

Real transformation doesn’t come from a single individual but unencumbered communities with original thought.
Our entrepreneurs will test traditions, render new vision, and have the courage to ask the contrarian questions, because ultimately they are the creative force that will adjust economies for a net zero future.

News, raises & milestones

Learn more about Carbon13’s progress and community. Here we share fundraising news from our ventures, collaborations with our partners, and our own news, opinion, and milestones.

Our Upcoming Events & Webinars

Whether investor, partner or participant. We show you how Carbon13 is organised and look forward to your questions and ideas. Our regular webinars and in-person events offer a great opportunity to get to know us better.

Here is what our founders say

"As a scientist on the Venture Builder, yes it was great to join a group which also had lots of other scientists and engineers, but I was also taken out of my comfort zone and challenged by amazing entrepreneurs and commercial founders. That's what took it from an idea to a business."

Yubiao Niu
Co-founder and CTO, Nium
from Cohort 3

“One of the great things about Carbon13 was meeting people from all walks of life, ages and backgrounds.”

Natalia Dorfman
Co-founder and CEO, Kita
from Cohort 2

“I still consider myself to be an engineer and not an entrepreneur. It was never really my plan to move into entrepreneurship but I do believe that it is the best vehicle that humans have developed in order to actually take ideas to accelerate them, make them grow and actually have a profound effect on the world.”

Jonathan Bean
Co-founder and CEO, Materials Nexus
from Cohort 2

"It would have taken me years to meet 50 exceptionally talented and passionate founders who are determined to solve the climate crisis and Carbon13 did it in just a few weeks"

Sarah Montgomery
Co-founder and CEO
at Infyos from cohort 1

Carbon13's participants are uber qualified. I was blown away by the people in the room when I stepped in there. And they actually want to do a startup. Often the biggest challenge is getting someone great to leave a really comfortable job.

Lucy Lyons
Co-founder and CEO
at Kestrix from cohort 4