Some Climate Activists Have Given Up On Cannes

Clean Creatives will be on the main stage. Others are sitting out this year

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The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has become a hotbed of activism over the past five years. And protests at the event could intensify even more this year, amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Cannes Lions makes for ideal territory. Organizers haven’t made any move to prevent demonstrations—unlike the Cannes Film Festival last month, which preemptively banned outright protests.

“Cannes Lions is a major platform that brings businesses and senior leaders from across the world together, and so we understand that there is an opportunity to reach these people through activism,” Camilla Lambert, PR director for Cannes Lions, told ADWEEK.

Traditionally, protests at the festival have primarily come from environmental activists rallying against the ad industry’s role in helping fossil fuel companies and other high-emitting industries sow public mistrust in climate science.



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This story first appeared in the June 11, 2024, issue of Adweek magazine. Click here to subscribe.