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Witcher Wiki

Zemyna was a witch that resided in the Kestrel Mountains during the 13th century who assisted travelers and locals alike with her partner Milda with laments to heal their sorrow.[1]


While teaching their current group of Giltine, Tulving, Kagan, Bandura, and two others, of the five stages of a lament: exordium, laudatio, comploratio, consolatio, and finally exhortatio, they were visited by the witcher Geralt of Rivia. He was looking for Giltine and after Bandura fought him to her death for her own exhortatio, he convinced Giltine to leave, though less than a day later he realised the retreat was the best place for her following her possession by a lamia, so the witcher returned Giltine to the two witches and left.[1]

