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Witcher Wiki

Lamiae, or lamias, otherwise known as laima,[1] are a type of creature often encountered in deserts[4] in the southern parts of the Continent,[3] though some, such as the lamia of Neisse in Gelibol, have ventured into the North and faced persecution, often being burned alive on pyres.[1]


They are resistant to iron and regarded by some as the variety of vampire because of their fondness to blood and shapeshifting abilities;[3] others consider them a close relatives of sirens and ekhidnae.[2]

Lamiae's natural form is that of a huge, hideous snake with a feminine head. To lure their victims, they can transform into the form of a beautiful woman; even in this form however they can be recognized by a keen observer thanks to their fangs and forked tongues.[3]

Lamiae in culture[]

Lamiae and succubi are seen as avatars of goddess Lilit-Niya by her followers. Her underground temples may sometimes how a lamia in the cellar, which is regularly given offerings – sometimes of a human male.[5]

Their fearsome reputation gave name to a very nasty whip of Mayhe origin.[6]


  • Their name and appearance is drawn from Greek mythology, as Lamia was a beautiful queen of ancient Libya who became a child-eating demon.

