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Disambig icon This article is about the magical ability. For the book in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, see Polymorphy.
Tw3 Polymorphy

Polymorphism is a rare magical ability that few mages possess, with Philippa Eilhart being one of the few known who was capable of it. She could transform herself into a large grey owl at will, and did so in early 1267, in Oxenfurt, when she, Geralt, Shani, and Dandelion had a run in with some of the less friendly residents.[1]


The following is considered game canon only and may contradict Andrzej Sapkowski's works.

For mages, generally the only way to learn this ability is through years of serious magical study.[2] However, humanoids aren't the only ones capable of polymorphy: it's been observed that golden dragons, like Villentretenmerth, have the innate ability to do so, taking on any form.[3] The offspring of a golden dragon also inherit this ability, but generally they're far more limited, such as Villentretenmerth's daughter, Saesenthessis, only being able to take on a human form due to her mother being a non-golden dragon.

While it's also been observed that higher grades of vampires, like bruxae and alps, can also take on a humanoid form, it's unclear if this is polymorphism or a different ability due to the lack of research on vampires.[2]

End of game canon content.


  • While there are others (like dopplers, higher vampires, the Crones, etc.) that can also change forms, it's never noted if this is polymorphism or a different metamorphosis ability, akin to why therianthropes and antherions are likewise not considered polymorphs. For example, in their journal entry, the Crones are said to use magical elixirs to take on their human forms.

