Witcher Wiki
Witcher Wiki

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Got heaps of coin, tracts of land, and a dozen swordsman at his command.
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- Agobard to Geralt about Potrim, pg. 19 Witch's Lament (Issue 1)

Potrim was a wealthy lord of Gelibol during the 13th century who was married to Juna, and whom received tributes from the local villages, such as Neisse.[1]


After years of Potrim's incestuous rape of his young daughter Giltine, she fell pregnant with his child, though wishing not to keep it, asked her father for assistance. Potrim summoned a lamia working nearby to help terminate the birth, though not long after the creature went mad learning she had unknowingly supported their taboo relationship and was burned at the stake after she possessed women around Neisse to kill five men.[1]

Later, after hearing a traveler tell Potrim of two women in the Kestrel Mountains who could relieve emotions, Giltine journeyed to them as she believed they could heal her intense depression following the death of her child and the abuse from her father. Juna began to lose her mind due to the disappearance of her daughter, wanting to commit suicide and randomly attacking Potrim. She was later saved from a group of water hags by the witcher Geralt of Rivia, and so Potrim's servant Agobard introduced the witcher to him. Potrim asked Geralt to rescue Giltine who he believed had been "taken" by the witches, which the witcher agreed to.[1]

After Geralt returned with Giltine, Potrim and Juna became overjoyed greeting her before Juna seemingly out of nowhere bit her husband's nose, her mind still largely destroyed from the ordeal. Potrim and the witcher rode then to Neisse to celebrate in the inn, where Potrim bid him farewell after a quick discussion about the lamia. The lord rode home to find his daughter and wife; the former soon after attacked and killed him though by cutting his throat due to being possessed by the lamia haunting Neisse wanting revenge for involving her in their incestuous relationship.[1]


