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"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Hedwig was the queen of Redania and the wife of Vizimir II.


At some prior point, Hedwig and Vizimir II married, making Hedwig queen of Redania. Hedwig turned out to be barren and thus couldn't produce an heir, but this didn't appear to affect Vizimir's feelings for her, as he often spoke fondly of Hedwig as being "strong and opinionated." However, Hedwig tried to take a more assertive approach in the secret meetings she and her husband had been having with Nilfgaard and set out for one by herself, not realizing an assassin sent by Sigismund Dijkstra and Philippa Eilhart was following her. At the meeting, she communicated with a sorceress acting as Nilfgaard's emissary, but only through telepathy. When the meeting finished, the queen headed off by herself and the assassin struck, decapitating her. Hedwig's head and crown were then put in a box that was mysteriously delivered so it made its way to her husband under the guise that Nilfgaard had killed Hedwig.

