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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
"Do you really wish to know?" — Spoilers from the books and/or adaptations to follow!
Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Philippa Eilhart is a sorceress advisor to the Redanian monarchy but tended to work with the kingdom's spymaster, Sigismund Dijkstra, to pull the kingdom's strings.


With the ability to morph into an owl, Philippa had been in contact with Dara, who had infiltrated Cintra as a Redanian spy. From him, she learned that Nilfgaard's mission was to find Princess Cirilla of Cintra, who Dara recalled helping escape only to lose her.[1]

Philippa reported to Dijkstra that word was out about Ciri. With that in mind, he instructed her to bring him the bard, as it was about time he pay back his benefactor.[2]

Months later, King Vizimir II made it clear he was losing patience waiting for Dijkstra and, by extension Philippa, to bring him Ciri and was thus going to put his rather inept, younger brother, Radovid, in charge of finding her.[3] In reality, this meant either the sorceress or the spymaster would have to watch over the prince while they tried to find Ciri. After Dijkstra and Philippa both tried to bring up past situations to get out of who would have to watch over Radovid, Philippa reluctantly agreed but made it clear once she got back, she'd be making the calls.


  1. Season 2, Episode 06: Dear Friend...
  2. Season 2, Episode 08: Family
  3. Season 3, Episode 01: Shaerrawedd