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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Lydia was an anarchic sorceress with a mysterious employer who tasked her with finding Princess Cirilla, a high priority job for which she sought assistance from Rience.

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Who is Lydia van Bredevoort in the Witcher Netflix series? toggle section
Lydia van Bredevoort is a character in the Witcher Netflix series, portrayed by Aisha Fabienne Ross. She is a human sorceress and also a painter. Lydia serves as the assistant and personal secretary to Vilgefortz. She was once affiliated with the Brotherhood of Sorcerers. Unfortunately, her life was cut short when she was killed by Yennefer. Lydia's character is also known for her magical abilities.
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What is Lydia's role in the hunt for Princess Cirilla? toggle section
In the Netflix series of The Witcher, Lydia van Bredevoort, portrayed by Aisha Fabienne Ross, plays a crucial role in the hunt for Princess Cirilla. She is an anarchic sorceress with a mysterious employer who tasks her with finding Princess Cirilla. This mission is of high priority, and Lydia seeks assistance from Rience to accomplish it.
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What is the relationship between Lydia and Rience in the Witcher series? toggle section
In the Witcher series, Lydia van Bredevoort and Rience share a professional relationship. They work together to capture Ciri, with Lydia promising Rience that he would meet her employer if he succeeded in bringing the girl. Lydia also performs a blood tracing ritual using a vial of witcher mutagen containing Ciri's blood, in an attempt to convince her employer to come. However, this ritual leaves Lydia horribly disfigured and scarred.
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Why did Lydia visit Rience in his Cintran cell? toggle section
Lydia van Bredevoort visited Rience in his Cintran cell to inform him of Calanthe's death. She offered him a proposal: his freedom in exchange for hunting down Calanthe's granddaughter, Ciri. This was a crucial task for Lydia and her employer, and Rience's freedom was the bargaining chip she used to ensure his cooperation.
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Freeing Rience[]

Lydia visited Rience in his Cintran cell of ten years to inform him of Calanthe's death. Still, his conviction lived on, though she possessed the means to free him, but only if he agreed to Lydia's proposal: his freedom in exchange for hunting down Calanthe's granddaughter.[1]

Rience returned to Lydia with a scared face after having failed to track down Ciri, though he didn't return empty-handed. He had a vial of Ciri's blood in his possession, which he had no intentions of giving up. However, he was willing to negotiate: the vial of blood in exchange for an opportunity to meet Lydia's employer. She didn't make any promises, though she agreed to see what she could do and then told Rience that he'd need a crew if he intended to get in and out of the Temple of Melitele with Ciri.[2]

Scarred and Disfigured[]

Rience had failed yet again to retrieve Ciri, at the cost of the Michelte brothers as well. Lydia reminded Rience that she only promised he'd meet her employer if he brought the girl. Having failed on his end, Rience agreed to allow Lydia to run tests on the vial of witcher mutagen containing Ciri's blood in hopes of convincing her employer to come. Lydia gladly performed a blood tracing ritual, but doing so with the witcher mutagen left her horribly disfigured and scarred.[3]

Lydia and Rience met with her employer to discuss their plans to find Ciri moving forward.[4]


Yennefer was running through Aretuza's tunnels to help Tissaia, but Lydia was waiting for her, both started to fight and Lydia got the upper hand by strangling Yennefer with telekinesis but before she could kill her, Triss appeared behind her and with a magical vine tied Lydia. She told them both by telepathy that they could never stop Vilgerfortz and that Ciri would be his prisoner, Yennefer fed up with listening to her used her magic to control one of the vines and broke Lydia's neck with them, killing her.


  1. Season 2, Episode 05: Turn Your Back
  2. Season 2, Episode 06: Dear Friend...
  3. Season 2, Episode 07: Voleth Meir
  4. Season 2, Episode 08: Family