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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked
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Tw3 achievements bookworm unlocked

Clan Zigrin is a prominent clan in Mahakam. It runs its own local bank and controls Gullbratt, the mining town serving as their seat, and nearby lands.


Rivalry with the Fuchses[]

The following is considered game canon only and may contradict Andrzej Sapkowski's works.

Being envious of the neighboring Clan Fuchs, the Zigrins developed a deep rivalry with them. At one point around the 1240s or 1250s, their elders came up with a way to defeat Fuchses for good without having to fear Elder-in-Chief Brouver Hoog's wrath. When an exceptionally cruel blizzard came about, Zigrins cut off Fuchses' escape and left them to die.

If Meve denounces Zigrins' crimes: In spring 1268, the Zigrins' treason was exposed by Queen Meve of Lyria and Rivia: every clan member was exiled, while Gabor Zigrin was immediately executed.

If Meve doesn't denounce Zigrins' crimes: Despite Meve finding out about the Zigrins' crimes, she decided to not tell Brouver Hoog anything, thus saving the reputation of the clan and the life of Gabor, who asked the queen to allow him into her army to pay his debt.[1]

End of game canon content.

Vice-Elder Zigrin[]

On the other hand, Yarpen Zigrin lived in Mahakam without a problem and had a successful career.[2] He served his homeland as an ambassador in the past and then again as an officer in the Mahakam Volunteer Army, fighting in the war against the Nilfgaardian Empire. Adding the slaying of dragon Ocvist, it comes as no surprise that Yarpen was elected the vice-elder of Mahakam no later than July 1268.[3]

Known members[]

