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The Master of Quartz Mountain, the Destroyer, Trajan's Slayer. In his free time, he likes long walks and candlelight dinners.
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- Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Ocvist (Dwarvish for: Staring Eye) was a legendary albino red dragon from the Quartz Mountain which was (reportedly) bested by Yarpen Zigrin and his band of six dwarves. Even more legendary however was his hoard of treasure.[4]


Ocvist was ancient, even for a dragon — tales had it that he had been alive for at least a million years.[3] During his inconceivable lifespan he managed to collect an enormous hoard of treasure, including jewels like sapphires of previously unknown colors and diamonds the size of cherries,[4] which he stored in some ruins deep under the earth.[3] He gained moniker 'the Destroyer' and slew someone named Trajan.[2]

The dragon was said to be ultimately defeated by a group of dwarves led by Yarpen Zigrin.[4]


Back when he was a wyrmling his friends used to mock him calling him 'Munchkin' even if it was not necessarily the truth. Due to this childhood trauma, until very late age he didn't like to associate with beings only slightly lower than him, not to mention the taller ones. As his hearing was poor, he was easily triggered when someone used words like 'small' or any diminutives in his presence because he thought they can refer to him.[3]

Ocvist was in fact a very good-hearted creature. He was kind of intelligent debates, even if he wasn't as able-minded as in days of yore. Dementia and lack of social contacts and discourse caused him to see enlightened sages in goblins who visited him once per fifty years. In his cave he bred a herd of mice after whom he was taking care of and talking when more interesting interlocutors were unavaible. The debaters he found most interesting were often rewarded with parts of his treasure.[3]

When the sun was shining the dragon liked to bask in heat napping for whole days, getting up only to snack something.[3] He also enjoyed long walks, candlelight dinners[2] and spending nights in his underground cave, telling the mice tales from his lush youth.[3]


  • Ocvist is mentioned in the short story "The Bounds of Reason" in the Sword of Destiny collection by Andrzej Sapkowski.
  • According to Dandelion, a ballad exists which tells the tale of the brave Yarpen defeating Ocvist. The bard, however, considers this ballad to be rather poorly executed and boring as it is not one of his own.
  • In Oko Yrrhedesa it was suggested that Ocvist's dementia was so hard that players could convince him that they are the rightful owners of the treasure hoard and he would happily give it to them — which could suggest that Yarpen's band not necessarily slew the elderly dragon but rather fooled him.


External links[]

  • Gwent icon See the GWENT standalone game version card: Ocvist