Video Game Sales Wiki

Playstation Portable (PSP) is Sony's second handheld gaming console after the Pocket Station. It competes with the Nintendo DS. It will be succeeded by the PSP 2 (temporary name).

The PSP, in Japan, is outselling the Wii and DS from Jan 2008 to April 2008. Strangely, very few games are appearing in the charts, with the only apparent success being the Monster Hunter series. There is uncertainty whether consumers are buying the PSP and pirating games or if they're buying the PSP for it's media and online capabilities. It's best selling game is Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories.

PlayStation Portable hardware sales figures

Main article: Seventh generation of video games

PSP dev kit, reported to cost $7,500 at launch and came down to $4,000[3]

PlayStation Portable sales figures (based on official financial reports[4])
Date Quarterly sales Worldwide sales Source
Quarter 1 (ending Jun 30, 2005)
Quarter 2 (ending Sep 30, 2005)
Quarter 3 (ending Dec 31, 2005) 6.22 15.00 [5]
Quarter 4 (ending Mar 31, 2006 )
2006 fiscal year sales
Quarter 1 (ending Jun 30, 2006) 1.37
Quarter 2 (ending Sep 30, 2006) 1.88
Quarter 3 (ending Dec 31, 2006) 4.68
Quarter 4 (ending Mar 31, 2007) 1.60
2007 fiscal year sales 9.53 [6]
Quarter 1 (ending Jun 30, 2007) 2.13
Quarter 2 (ending Sep 30, 2007) 2.58
Quarter 3 (ending Dec 31, 2007) 5.76
Quarter 4 (ending Mar 31, 2008) 3.42
2008 fiscal year sales 13.89
Quarter 1 (ending Jun 30, 2008) 3.72 [7][8]
Quarter 2 (ending Sep 30, 2008) 3.18 [9]
Quarter 3 (ending Dec 31, 2008) 5.08 [10]
Quarter 4 (ending Mar 31, 2008) 2.13 [11]
2009 fiscal year sales 14.11 ??? [12]
Quarter 1 (ending Jun 30, 2009) 1.3 [13]
Quarter 2 (ending Sept 30, 2009)
Quarter 3 (ending Dec 31, 2009)
Quarter 4 (ending March 30, 2010)
2010 fiscal year sales ???
Total worldwide sales (as of January 2009) 51.26 million shipped [14]

PlayStation Portable software sales figures

PlayStation 2 software sales figures
Year Annual software sales
(million units)
Cumulative software sales
(million units)
Fiscal year ending March 2005 5.7 5.7 [1]
Fiscal year ending March 2006 54.7 60.4 [2]
Fiscal year ending March 2007 55.3 115.7 [2]
Fiscal year ending March 2008 50.3 166 [2]
Fiscal year ending March 2009 44.4 210.4 [2]
Fiscal year ending March 2010 46.6 257 [2]
Fiscal year ending March 2011 32.2 289.2 [2]
Fiscal year ending March 2011 28.8 318 [2]
Total software sales 318

Sales figures tidbits

Psptop10-110 jan 09

Top PSP games in Japan

  • Worldwide
    • January 2009: 50 million [15]
  • Europe:
    • May 2008: 12 million [16]
  • United Kingdom:
    • September 2005 (launch): 185,000 units [17]
    • September 2007: 2.2 million [18]
    • January 2008: 2.6 million [19]
    • September 2008: 2.9 million [20]
    • January 2009: 3.2 million [21]
  • France
    • January 2017: 3.582 million [22]
  • Italy:
    • July 2007: 732.500 units sold (GfK)
    • December 2007: 900,000 units sold [23]
  • Japan:
    • 8 weeks after launch: 1 million PSP Slim units [24]
    • 2 1/2 months after launch: 1 million PSP original units [25]
  • United States:
    • Seven days after launch: 602,000 units [26]
    • April 2007: 7.4 million [27]
    • January 2008: 10.47m [28]
  • Australia:

See also


External links

This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at PlayStation Portable. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Video Game Sales Wiki, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Seventh generation of video games
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