Video Game Sales Wiki

The 2008 fiscal year for Nintendo and Sony began April 1, 2007 and ended March 31, 2008. Microsoft's sales earning report entailed the period from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008. (The 2008 fiscal year is sometimes referred to as the 2007 report).

See also: 2009 fiscal year

Fiscal year sales table[]

See also: 2007 fiscal year
Console Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Fiscal year 08 Lifetime
Wii 3.43 3.90 6.97 4.31 18.61 24.45 million
PlayStation 3 0.71 1.31 4.90 2.33 9.24 12.85 million
Xbox 360 1.8 4.3 1.3 1.3 8.7 20.3 million
Nintendo DS 6.98 6.37 11.14 5.82 30.31 70.60
PlayStation Portable 2.13 2.58 5.76 3.42 13.89 39.28 [1]
PlayStation 2 2.66 3.28 5.40 2.39 13.73

  • Note: Microsoft's fiscal year is not aligned with Nintendo or Sony. Microsoft's Q1 corresponds to Nintendo's and Sony's Q2.
  • Note2: Sources can be accessed below.


Official forecasts by the console companies.

  • PS3 - 9.5 million (down from 11 million) [2]
  • Wii - 18.5 million (up from 16.5 million which was revised from 14 million)[3][4]
  • NDS - 29.5 million (up from 28 million) [5][6]
  • PS2 - 10 million [7]


Nintendo fy08

The 2008 fiscal year forNintendo spans from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008.

Up to March 31, 2008, Nintendo has shipped nearly 25 million Wiis and nearly 22 million GameCubes, alongside over 81 million Game Boy Advances and just over 70 million Nintendo DS units. During the last twelve months the company has seen revenues rise by 73 percent and profits up by 48 percent.

Through March 31, 2008, Wii enjoys a life-to-date tie ratio of 6.07 games per system worldwide.

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata confirms his company is boosting monthly production of the console to 2.4 million units starting "this Summer", up from the current 1.8 million.

Note: All shipment figures assembled by Nintendo and in this article are product sold to stores.

Yearly sales and profits[]

  • Wii: 18.61 million
  • NDS: 30.31 million


  • Sales: $16.1 billion USD (+71%)
  • Profits: $2.48 billion USD (+47%)



Sony 2008 financial report

Sony FY 07 sales

Sony financial summary (FY07 = FY08)

"Beginning Q1 FY07, the method of reporting hardware and software unit sales has been changed from production shipments to recorded sales."

Yearly Sales and profits[]

  • PS2 - 13.73M (down 7% from FY06)
  • PSP - 13.89M (up 46%)
  • PS3 - 9.24M (up 156%)


  • Sales: $12.842B USD (+26.3% YOY)
  • Profit: -$1.245B USD (+53%) (loss)


Other links


Microsoft's 2008 fiscal year began July 1, 2007 and ended June 30, 2008.

Microsoft reports for their "Entertainment and Devices Division"--which includes income from the Xbox 360, Games for Windows, and Zune multimedia handheld.

Yearly sales and profits[]

  • Xbox 360: 8.7 million consoles shipped (compared to 6.6m for previous year)


  • Revenues: $8.140 billion (compared to $6.069 for previous year)
  • Revenues for Xbox 360 and PC gaming: an increase of $1.7 billion or 41%
  • Operating profit: +$426 million (compared to loss of $1.969 billion for previous year)


Other publishers and developers[]

See also[]
