Video Game Sales Wiki

Holidays are typically a boon for the video game industry. This article lists the major ones that produce a significant increase in unit sales. Games often get released in anticipation of these days.

In Japan, the busiest time is New Year's Day (January 1) followed by Golden Week (April 29 - May 5) and Obon Week (August 15)

November and December, in the United States, is the crucial season. Together, the two months can account for nearly half of the sales for the entire year. (2007 example: Nov - $2.63, Dec - $4.82, Year total- $17.94 (7.45/17.94 = 41%)) December alone accounts for over 25 percent of yearly sales.


Holidays in the United States according to NPD sales data


January 1 - New Year's Day around the world. In Japan, New Year's Day is bigger than Christmas and is considered the main holiday.

April 29-May 5 - Golden Week in Japan

June - Graduation and Father's Day (both gift-giving holidays)

August 15 - Obon Week in Japan

November (4th Thursday in month) - Thankgiving in the United States

December 25 - Christmas in the North America, Europe, and many countries around the world (notably, not a holiday in Japan)

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