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This article is about Caroline Forbes from the TV Series. You may be looking for Caroline Forbes from the novels.

I need you to know that I understand. I love you. I will love you forever.
Caroline says goodbye to Stefan in I Was Feeling Epic

Caroline Elizabeth[2] Forbes-Salvatore[3] is a vampire and one of the main female characters on The Vampire Diaries. Caroline is the daughter of William Forbes II and Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes, the wife of the late Stefan Salvatore and the sister-in-law of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert. She is also the surrogate mother of Alaric and Jo's twin daughters, Lizzie and Josie Saltzman. Prior to her transition into a vampire, she was known for her insecurities, which caused her to be excessively competitive, mainly with Elena.

She has always had a strong bond with her childhood friends, Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennett. She became best friends with Stefan Salvatore after she became a vampire and he became her mentor. She is also close friends with her ex, Matt Donovan, whom she has known since childhood, and also with Niklaus Mikaelson.

Earlier in the series, Caroline begins dating Elena's ex-boyfriend, Matt, who encourages her to become more caring, kind, and selfless. In the Season One finale, Caroline was severely injured in a car wreck and suffered from internal bleeding. When Caroline's situation was looking pretty bleak, Bonnie and Elena agreed that Damon Salvatore should heal Caroline by feeding her his blood. Later, after Caroline's health had improved, Caroline was smothered to death in the hospital by Katherine Pierce, who was aware that Damon had healed Caroline, therefore knowingly turned her into a vampire. Katherine planned to use Caroline to her own advantage by manipulating her, threatening those she loved and eventually giving her to Klaus to kill in the sacrifice. Damon rescues her and Tyler Lockwood, however, and the deal made by Katherine is forfeited.

She attended Mystic Falls High School, where she was the captain of the cheerleading squad, honor student, head of the dance committees, Mystic Falls beautification committee, head of the recycling program, "Go Green" campaign, Miss Mystic Falls, and one of the most popular girls in the school. She later attended Whitmore College with Elena and Bonnie where she majored in drama.

Caroline's new vampire nature added difficulty to her relationship with Matt and this eventually causes them to break up despite their love for each other. Matt's friend, Tyler, fell for Caroline after she helped him with his first full moon after she witnessed him triggering the werewolf gene when he accidentally killed Sarah. After a while, she realized that she's in love with Tyler too, so they begin a romantic relationship which had ended for good in Monster's Ball. Klaus also falls for her, claiming he fancies her because she's beautiful, strong, full of light, "too smart to be seduced by him", and he enjoys her but in 500 Years of Solitude, Klaus returns to Mystic Falls to see the supposed death of Katherine. While he is in the woods with Caroline, he asked her to be honest about her feelings for him and that as soon as they are done with that conversation, he is going to walk away and never come back. They ended up having sex. Caroline was forced to see her best friend, Stefan, die right in front of her. When he comes back to life, she is extremely happy but also sad because his older brother, Damon, who was also her ex-boyfriend, died to save him.

Four months after the deaths of Bonnie and Damon, Caroline has dropped out of college and has been trying to find a way to get vampires back into Mystic Falls as an anti-magic bubble kept out all vampires as well as teaming up with Enzo in finding a way to bring Damon and Bonnie back to the living. Since Damon's death, she has also been out of touch with Stefan and later claims that he never said goodbye. She finally tracks down Stefan with the help of Enzo, and tries to convince him to come back home. Much to her dismay, he refuses, and their friendship becomes more strained and tense. Later on, Caroline agrees to help Stefan with Ivy's situation. When Damon returns, Stefan does everything he can to make up his poor behavior, but Caroline constantly gives him the cold shoulder. However, after learning about her mother's sickness, Caroline soon mends her friendship with Stefan and also unexpectedly kisses him. Soon after, Liz passes away in the hospital surrounded by Damon, Elena, Matt and Stefan.

Caroline is the last member of the Forbes Family. She is a member of the Saltzman Family, due to being the surrogate mother of Alaric and Jo's twin daughters, Lizzie and Josie, as well as a member of the Salvatore Family, due to her brief marriage to Stefan Salvatore.

Early History[]

Caroline was born on October 10, 1992, to Bill and Elizabeth Forbes in Mystic Falls, Virginia. During her childhood Caroline befriended Elena Gilbert - daughter of Liz's best friend Miranda Sommers-Gilbert - and Bonnie Bennett. At some point, Elena tried to decide which of Caroline's traits were the most annoying; her control freakishness or her delusional positivity. Elena told Stefan that in the second grade Caroline had Elena help her build a Barbie castle.

During her childhood in the Forbes cabin, Caroline was insecure about ride her bike, as she did not know how to do it and was afraid to try without her mother's help. She fell off her bike and was leaning against a tree when Liz arrived, saying that she had band-aids, surgical gear, and a medevac enroute for an airlift. Caroline said that she was making fun of her. Liz applied her first aid and Caroline asked if she was going to die then Liz said that everyone dies eventually but she will live for a very long time. Caroline said that she would always need her, and then Liz hugged her. Caroline told Liz that she didn't want to learn to ride her bike, but Liz caused her to do it without her help, and Caroline finally learned to ride her bike alone.

On December 22, 2007, Caroline was fifteen years old and a freshman at Mystic Falls High School and was helping Mystic Falls for the Lighting of the Tree Ceremony. It was revealed that her parents were still together but it can be assumed that they were having issues in their marriage and Bill was also having an affair with a man named Steven by this time. She also got excited when Elena revealed that she was going to convince her parents to let Bonnie stay for the holidays as they've never spent an holiday apart from each other. However, her father left and divorced her mother after revealing that he was gay, and began a relationship with Steven, who also had a daughter.

On December 22, 2008, Caroline was a sophomore at Mystic Falls High School. Unseen onscreen at the time, during the events of Season One Caroline and her friends played a "secret Santa" game. Stefan Salvatore gave Caroline a key-ring snow globe of Mystic Falls, which disappointed her; she also gave Bonnie a gift.

Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series[]

Caroline first came off as insensitive when she saw Elena Gilbert on the first day of school after Elena's parents had been killed in a car crash. During the back to school party, she found new guy Stefan Salvatore and flirtatiously invited him to go on a walk with her, but was insulted when he rebuffed her advances and showed an interest in Elena. She then told Bonnie Bennett that it was a competition, with Elena.

Caroline also showed attraction to Damon Salvatore. Damon stalked her and started manipulating and compelling her to be his girlfriend. He brainwashed her and used her for sexual favors while he frequently fed on her.

While with Damon, Caroline wore scarves around her neck to cover the bruises and bite marks left from when Damon fed on her, and he compelled her to do so. Caroline went to the annual Founders' Party with Damon as her escort once he compelled her to take him. She was against taking him in case her mother caught her. She followed him into a room were he found an amber crystal that he said belonged to him.

Later, Elena noticed the bruises and bite marks on Caroline for the first time and Caroline tried to brush Elena off. Elena confronted Damon, and afterwards he took Caroline away and started to feed on her, mad she had revealed something to Elena. He instantly became mysteriously weakened until Stefan arrived and revealed that he had spiked Caroline's drink with vervain, knowing that was the only way to stop him. Damon collapsed after drinking her blood. Stefan then took Damon into the basement of the Salvatore Boarding House and removed his ring as a precaution. After Caroline regained consciousness, she realized Damon had left the party, but had also left his crystal behind. She took it for herself.

Elena came to Caroline's aid and she broke down crying on Elena's shoulder as the stress of her brush with death finally got to her. While Damon is locked up in the basement, Caroline hosts the Sexy Suds Car Wash as a charity event. During her work, Damon uses his mental connection with her to compel her from a distance into freeing him from his prison. He intended to kill her for blood to strengthen him but he was stopped by Zach Salvatore, who was killed after trying to recapture Damon. Caroline managed to escape from Damon's clutches by running into the sun. He could not follow her because Stefan had taken his ring.

Before the Halloween party, Caroline gives Bonnie Damon's crystal for her Halloween costume since she was dressing as a witch and wanted to be rid of it. Damon later confronted her about the crystal, but she told him Bonnie had it. He compelled her to host a party at The Grill and told her to get the crystal back. Caroline did as he asked and tried to get it, but the crystal shocked her and Bonnie was offended because she had tried to rip it from her neck. This ruined Caroline and Bonnie's friendship. When he saw that she had failed, Damon told her she was shallow and useless, leaving her upset and heartbroken. She then went to drink out her sorrows. She starts a drunken conversation with Matt Donovan, and he later drives her home and secretly spends the night with her after she asks him not to leave her alone. He sneaks out in the morning, freaked out that he may like her. He later tells her he hated her, but she seems to be growing on him.

She thought Matt was distancing himself from her, but he pointed out that he has treated her the same since they were children. They bonded and started dating each other, even though she knew Matt was still in love with Elena. Matt's mother, Kelly Donovan, didn't like Elizabeth and made it clear that she was not fond of Caroline either, upon her return. She constantly called Caroline Matt's rebound girl. Matt was meant to be her escort for the "Miss Mystic Falls" competition, but he had to work so she got a replacement escort. She won, and became Miss Mystic Falls. She was thrilled and hugged Elena, who was very happy for her.

Caroline and Matt were being driven home by Tyler Lockwood on Founder's Day, and Caroline was in the front seat. Tyler reacted to the device and the car went out of control, driving into a barrier. After he was deemed alive and fine, Caroline collapsed due to internal injuries. She was rushed to the hospital where the doctors took her into surgery. A tearful Elizabeth told Matt that her chances weren't very good but that the surgeons would do everything they could.

In The Return, at the hospital, Sheriff Forbes, Matt, Bonnie and Damon await to hear how Caroline's condition was. It turned out it was grave and Damon suggested that he used his blood to ensure her recovery. Elena was totally against this but Bonnie told him to do it. He does and Caroline got better quickly, almost miraculously to the uninitiated and was happy when Bonnie and Matt happily comforted her.

Later in the night however, Katherine entered her hospital room. Caroline mistook her for Elena, but Katherine corrected her. She asked Caroline to give a message (Game On) to the Salvatore Brothers. She picked up Caroline's pillow and smothered her to death.

In Brave New World, at the hospital early next morning, she awakened in transition. Disoriented, she got out of bed because of the smell of blood. She drank from the bag at first repulsed, but then with relish. As the morning progressed, she noticed that sunlight burned her.

When Matt arrived that morning cheerful over her recovery, she behaves aggressively at the time by the sunlight. Caroline endured more effects of the transformation, and her cries of pain attracted the nurse again. This time using her super-strength and speed she pinned her and used her compulsion ability and nurse was under her power when Caroline apologized to her saying she was sorry and was hungry before feeding from her. Later as she packed to leave the hospital to go to the Mystic Falls High School Carnival. She also told the nurse to forget that she bit her.

At the carnival and inside the high school, she found Damon and delivered him Katherine's message, letting him know that she was a vampire by telling him that she was remembering all of the times he made her forget things. She hooked up with her boyfriend at ring toss attraction. Not knowing her strength she broke a few bottles with the ring. She then embraced him but then suddenly detected his throbbing blood-filled vein and had the extremely strong sense to feed. She pushed him away and left leaving him confused. In tears, she came across Carter in a remote part of the carnival grounds, he was bleeding from the nose from the fight with Tyler and his uncle.

She saw the blood and became even more upset, she fought it the best she could but then said, "I'm so sorry!" and gave in to the blood lust and attacked him, draining him of blood. Damon, searching for her, found her sobbing next to the body. She informed him that she killed him, and she asked Damon to help her. Damon said that he would by killing her with the stake he had. She protested that she doesn't want to die, to which Damon said she is already dead. Caroline said she wasn't and begged him to help her.

Damon embraced her but raised the stake to stake her through the heart . Stefan arrived just in time, with Elena by his side. Caroline mistook Elena for Katherine at first but she explained, although Caroline still didn't understand why she looked like her and why Katherine did this to her. As Stefan tried to get Caroline inside, Damon tried to kill her again. This time Elena interposed herself between Caroline and Damon's raised stake, protesting that she was her friend. Damon backed down but told her that everything that Caroline did from then on was on Elena.

Damon turned to leave, but then Bonnie arrived. She sees Caroline's bloody face and went into denial. She touched Caroline's arm and she then knew the truth. She saw the dead form of Carter who she met as a potential boyfriend earlier. Elena tried to comfort Bonnie, Stefan got Caroline inside and to a restroom and cleaned the blood off Caroline's face. She worried that Bonnie hated her, that she was a monster and worried about Matt's reaction. Stefan told her that her emotions were heightened as a part of the transition. Stefan taught her to breath deep repeatedly and she managed to get her face back to normal. He told her that he was proud of her, and she asked why Katherine turned her. Stefan shook his head and replies, "I don't know. I wish I did." He promised that he won't let anything happen to her and embraced her.

In Bad Moon Rising, after a few days trapped in her house during the daylight hours, Stefan and Bonnie came to her house with a ring similar to the ones the Salvatore Brothers wear so she could go out by day. However Bonnie told her that the conditions of her having that ring, including the ability to remove the spell on it allowing her to walk in the day if she hurt anyone. Caroline protested that she wouldn't and Bonnie told her that the urge to kill is in her " want to be friends you'll have to prove that the Caroline I remember isn't gone".

Bonnie cast the spell on the ring, but Caroline indicated that she was expecting incantations and the other attributes of spell casting. Stefan chided her but Caroline protested that she wanted to make sure that the spell worked. With that Bonnie pulled back the curtains to let in all the sunlight including rays that struck Caroline. Caroline yelped and screeched but the sunlight didn't harm her at all. "It worked" Bonnie said with a bit of mocking.

Later in the woods Stefan was training Caroline to hunt woodland animals like rabbits. Caroline half jokingly wondered if killing defenseless animals a step in becoming a serial killer. Stefan with gallows humor explained that becoming a vampire skips over being a serial killer. Caroline then vented her frustration over being in the house for days not being able to be with Matt after he told her he loved her and he is at the swimming hole having fun with the others.

Stefan laughed at Caroline's typical manic behavior with her resenting him thinking it was funny. Stefan said it was not funny and seriously explained that when one became a vampire the person they were as a human is magnified greatly after they are transformed into a vampire. Stefan was very caring towards people so that got magnified greatly, as an explanation that despite his vampire nature he cared enough for people not to hurt them. Caroline's manic behavior is thus magnified. "So you're saying..that now...I'm basically an insecure, neurotic, control freak on crack?" Stefan stifled a smile and said "I wouldn't put it that way...but...". He then said they will finish the hunt and then go to the swimming hole so she could be with Matt since being with him will help her hang on to her humanity.

At the swimming hole party Caroline noticed Stefan looking serious at a passing Mason, noted his serious look at him and the two joked about his various facial expressions in different situations. Caroline found Aimee Bradley talking to Matt and with heightened jealousy compelled Aimee to "..go find somebody single to stalk, Aimee!" (she would go after Tyler Lockwood and then when the compulsion wore off left him confused). An annoyed Matt told her Aimee was harmless and she was rude and lame to dodge all of his calls and then show up at the party to be the jealous girlfriend and walked off. Stefan then came up to Caroline saying he saw her compel Aimee. Caroline said she deserved it but Stefan said that no one deserved to have their head messed with for shallow reasons. Caroline expressed her frustration with everyone defending Aimee. Stefan told her that she is letting the jealousy get the better of her. Caroline then sarcastically that now she has magnified jealousy issues then said that she should have stayed dead and her entire personality was killing her. "Shut up" she said to Stefan after she saw him stifling a smile.

That night as the party at the swimming hole was breaking up Caroline asked Matt if he was still mad. Matt said he thought she was passed the insecurity issues after telling her how he felt about her. She told him repeatedly that she was sorry. He wasn't going to put up with it any longer. She said she understood and then she kissed him passionately then he returned the kiss with equal passion. He then took her to a more isolated spot in the woods. Stefan who was keeping an eye on Caroline lost sight of her as he was talking to Elena on his cellphone who was at Duke University examining the research of her biological mother Isobel Saltzman and discovered some answers to the werewolf lore and putting together that and what Stefan saw what Mason Lockwood did. Stefan was told by Elena that it was a full moon and that a werewolf bite could be fatal to vampires. He hung up on Elena and then tried to call Caroline's cell phone but she had left it behind in a pickup truck. Stefan went after them into the woods.

Matt finds a secluded spot to his liking and started kissing Caroline. He is momentarily distracted by a snapping twig but Caroline's passions are growing and she starts kissing him. Her passions still building she pushes him against a tree (using normal strength) and kisses him intensely. Then Matt cuts his left wrist on the tree bark.

Caroline is mesmerized by the blood. It was essentially a replay of when Jeremy cut his wrist on purpose in front of Anna to make her reveal she was a vampire. Caroline goes through the same things she sniffs the blood and then to Matt's confusion starts to lick the wound. Then she sinks her fangs in and starts to drink from it. Totally weirded out Matt frees his wrist and then sees her face. She has her "game face" on with black eyes and baring fangs.

However unlike the far more experienced Anna at the time who was able to control her blood lust, Caroline is carried away despite Stefan's teachings and she attacks him biting down on his neck. Stefan races in at super speed and break her hold and moves her back. She ask Stefan what's wrong as Matt slides dazed to the ground. She becomes herself again and realizes what is wrong. But Stefan has an even more pressing matter. They have to leave the woods now. Caroline hears something circling them. Stefan says they have to lure whatever it is away from Matt. He tells a groggy Matt to stay down. They then run at super speed away from Matt.

Caroline stops to demand what it is, Stefan tells her it is a werewolf. Tyler Lockwood shows up ostensibly wondering what they are doing there. Then the werewolf attacks Caroline and knocks her on her back, snarling in her face. She can just barely hold it off despite her super strength. Stefan rushes in and knock it of Caroline. Stefan rolls back on his feet and faces the snarling beast who snarls back at him. Tyler shouts at the werewolf. The beast regards him snarling then backs off and runs away at super speed leaving the three bewildered.

Later back with Matt, Caroline compels him to forget what she did to him and believe it was an animal that attacked him while they were making out in the woods and bit his neck. "Weird, it just came out of nowhere" he says his line in his hypnotic state. As she leaves Matt in a daydream state, she ask about Tyler, Stefan says he took care of it. He tells her he will put Matt on vervain which will keep her from drinking his blood and compelling him further. She says she can't believe she hurt the one person she never ever wanted to hurt. Stefan tells her it is not going to get any easier, that she has to work on it that much harder. She says that she shouldn't be with him. He tells her that it is her decision that if he followed his own advice he would have walked away from Elena a long time ago, he should've but now he can't.

Later back in town Caroline sees Matt and Aimee talking at the table in the Mystic Grill. Caroline sets herself knowing what she must do and approaches the table. She goes into her jealousy drama act implying that Aimee of moving in on Matt. Matt, fed up asks sarcastically "Seriously!?!?" "No I'm not Matt! She's into you and anyone can see it!" A very uncomfortable Aimee gets up and leaves with Caroline staring her down. He ask Caroline what is wrong with her. She says it is not her fault and that Aimee is after him and she shouldn't have to put up with it. He said he thought she said that there will be no more drama. "Well, I lied" she said in a "What are you going to do about it?" manner. "Just forget it; forget all of it" he says in despair and walks away from her. "So what are you like, breaking up with me!?" He turns and says "Yeah, I guess that is what I'm doing."They look at each other meaningfully couple of few heartbeats and then he turns and heads out the door unknowingly leaving a heartbroken Caroline who deliberately drove him away for both their own goods alone.

The next morning Caroline is in her bed sleeping. She awakens to find a woman beside her bed, again, and recoils. "Elena?" she asks. "Nope." "Try again.". "Katherine." Caroline concludes correctly and recoils further against the headboard of her bed as Katherine sits on it. "Don't be frightened." "We're gonna to have so much fun together." She says deviously.

In Memory Lane, when Damon convinces Alaric Saltzman to convince Jenna to host a private mini reunion barbecue party with a couple of her old high school friends supposedly so that Alaric can meet some of her old friends including Mason Lockwood (in which Damon's ulterior motive was to drop hints to Mason that he knew what he was), Caroline was also there at the house and walks to Elena (who had invited her and Damon) outside as she was making a call to Stefan after he continuously doesn't answer (he was busy interrogating Kathrine in the dungeon-or so he thought) .

Caroline tries to distract Elena from the fact that her boyfriend won't answer by dropping hints that a vampire/human relationship wouldn't work including telling her that Stefan supposedly said to Caroline that despite how he felt about Elena every second he she was a temptation. He fought the desire for blood every second every day even when she was with him. "The desire to rip out your jugular every time he is with you? Trust me, its there. That's why I had to break up with Matt" Caroline said to Elena. Elena contemplated what Caroline said as Alaric came to them to tell them dinner was ready.

After Caroline plays Pictionary with the others, Elena, after waiting for a few hours for a return call and getting a bad feeling, decides to take matters into her own hands and says she's going to go over there to see what's happening. Caroline after trying to discourage her from going including saying she was being a clingy girlfriend she offers her a lift there which Elena happily agrees too. On the way out, Caroline deliberately drops her keys near the back left tire and twist the air valve damaging it enough to produce a slow leak. On the road, Caroline again drops hints that Elena and Stefan should break up. "Why are you being so snippy? " Elena asks. Caroline blames it on her own personal drama, implying her own break up with Matt, but she presses the issue.

After Elena changed the subject by turning up the car's mp3 player ("We Radiate" by Goldfrapp) Caroline's sabotaged tire blows out and they have to stop the car. It's soon night time and Caroline has made a call to the towing company for them to come and get the car, but it is taking exceedingly long and an antsy Elena wants to call Jenna, presumably to pick them up. Caroline stalls further by saying she will call the tow company again and use her "agro voice".

Elena offers to walk the rest of the way but Caroline says they can't leave her car. Elena says they will come back for it but Caroline belays her again "What part of 'I'm worried about Stefan' didn't sink in?" frustratingly protests. "What's the rush? Why are you hurrying to get back to a relationship that would never work?" Caroline says annoyed. Elena concedes that Caroline is still upset over Matt but not to project it on her Stefan. Caroline denies she is projecting saying.

Elena, stunned ask were her out burst came from. Caroline says she is trying to be her friend but Elena is unappreciative and tells her to stop trying. The tow truck finally approaches and Elena says she is going to walk, but then Caroline grabs her by the arm pleading not to go, but too tightly causing Elena to say she is hurting her. Caroline practically begging says don't leave her alone. "What is wrong with you?" Elena asks Caroline. The truck stops besides them and the driver inquires if they are the ones who called in the flat tire. "She did" Elena says to Caroline and walks off.

Later at the Mystic Grill Caroline is in the Grill's lavatory at the sink freshening up in the mirror. Then she hears footsteps and Katherine appears in the reflection. Caroline turns around with trepidation. Katherine is angry because Caroline didn't do exactly what she said and occupy Elena and keep her from returning home and contacting Stefan (Elena came home just as Katherine "escaped" from Stefan and menace Elena).

Caroline told her that she did all she could to convince Elena that her relationship with Stefan was doomed. As Katherine menacingly stepped forward Caroline said she thought she got to her. "I hope so, because let's not forget. I've already killed you once, I can easily do it again." Katherine said with undisguised contempt.

Soon after she had a frightening face to face confrontation with Katherine, Elena walks into the Mystic Grill with Stefan. Caroline is there and calls Elena over and she apologizes to Elena about how she acted and what she said. But Elena admits that what Caroline was saying earlier was right but it was hard for her to admit it. Caroline is surprised that Elena is not mad and Elena tells her she was just being a good friend. Caroline apologizes again. Elena wordlessly accepts it and goes over to where Stefan was sitting.

There they discuss what Kathrine said to Stefan about the two of them breaking up. Elena is incredulous at the suggestion that they should do what Katherine wants in order to keep Elena safe. He tells her she is sadistic and used to getting her way. Elena doesn't like it that he is letting Katherine have so much power over their relationship. Meanwhile Caroline is hearing every word.Elena tells Stefan that Katherine wants them to fight and get between them.

"She already has" Stefan tells Elena. With apparent realization that that was it; after a moments pause as she absorbed the importance of the moment, she gets up and leaves the Grill. Caroline heard the break up but isn't at all pleased. Damon is also at the Grill and he also heard everything. He has an ever so slight Mona Lisa smile hearing them break up.

When Stefan and Elena are alone again at Elena's house it is revealed that the breakup was all a ruse put on knowing that Caroline would hear and report back to Katherine. They decide not to tell Damon, who also overheard the false break up to better convince Katherine of its legitimacy.

In Kill or Be Killed, a few days later Elizabeth Forbes is getting ready for another of the towns many functions, this time the Mystic Falls Historical Society Volunteer Day which Caroline signed her up for but believed she find an excuse to be off. However, Elizabeth is enthusiastic about the prospect of sharing the entire day with her daughter. Caroline is folded arms skeptical. Elizabeth ask her to give her a chance. Caroline warns her she is "in a mood" and it shows. "Goody for me" her mother says self-deprecatingly. She notes that Elena was there the previous night. Reflexively Caroline corrects her saying that Elena wasn't there but then she catches herself saying that Elena was there and needed to talk. She had realized her mother was unknowingly referring to Katherine.

Speaking of Elena she tells her mother that she and Stefan are going through a rough patch. Her mother ask if everything is going okay with her (meaning Caroline). Caroline says she is fine but Elizabeth notes that she seemed different some how. Caroline protest that she is fine but Elizabeth comes back saying that while Caroline thinks that her mother doesn't notice things like that, she does. She ask trying to comfort what is wrong. Defensive, Caroline says "You know, there's pretending to be mother and then there's reality. Let's not push our luck okay?" and she leaves her chagrined mother.

At the function Caroline described to Elena that Elizabeth is all of a sudden "mother of the year" when she was trying to avoid her the most. Then as they begin to paint on what looked like wood stain and/or preservative on a park ground building pillar and a wood water pump. Caroline noted Elena's apparent boredom and says she is just babbling; but Elena encourages her to go on and she does, Caroline saying she was bitchy to her mother which was "...par for the course with us". "Us" meaning vampires.

Elena seemed preoccupied despite what she said so Caroline asked how things were with her and Stefan and if she heard from him "No, not since the fight" Elena lied referring to the "break up" at the Mystic Grill. She tells Caroline that he has been pushing her away from him because a jealous Katherine might hurt her and she doesn't know how to change her mind. Caroline puts down her brush and goes over to say to her that perhaps that Stefan has a point because Katherine is dangerous. Continuing the lie as her best friend looks at her intently Elena says that she knows that Katherine is dangerous and that Stefan is trying to protect her, but it felt like giving up, that they were stronger than that. To that Caroline just shrugs regretfully.

A few minutes later, still applying wood stain to the facilities Caroline notes the longing looks between Elena and Stefan and comments on it to Elena. Elena puts down her brush and says she is going to go talk to him. Caroline tries to talk her out of it but Elena blows past her heading for Stefan frustrating her. As Elena heads for her alleged ex-boyfriend Damon comes up behind Caroline asking what is Elena's problem. "Don't worry about it" Caroline says. He then asks why she was being such a bitch to her mother. "Don't worry about it" she repeats and walks off to finish re-staining the column but tuning her ears to listen in on Stefan and Elena.

The two go into their act. With her asking if he still cares about Katherine and Stefan saying don't turn it into something it is not. Damon starts to listen in on the conversation as well. She ask if it is not up for discussion. Stefan then says he is not saying that only that there are ears on them and looks in the direction of both Caroline and Damon who both badly pretend to be minding their own businesses. The keep going through the act with Elena perhaps not acting, bewildered as to why she and Katherine look so much alike. "How can you hate her and be in love with me?" she ask perhaps seriously. He tells her that she is reaching and he is not Damon. She tells him not to bring Damon into it. Stefan says he can't do this anymore.

"Fine, Stefan, whatever" Elena says and walks off. Forty feet away and having heard everything Damon says to a displeased Caroline "Relationships are about communication". Caroline gives Damon a dirty look and she takes off after her friend.

Minutes later Caroline catches up to her as she sits next to a small waterfall plucking leaves off a plant . Sitting down besides her she ask if she is okay. "Nope. Maybe it is for the best" Caroline says. Angry appearing Elena snaps at her saying none of this is for the best. She then immediately apologies and didn't mean to take it out on her saying to Caroline that she was only being a good friend. Caroline slightly shakes her head at that knowing that she wasn't being a good friend to Elena. "No I'm not. I'm not being a good friend at all" Elena looks surprised at the near confession.

However Caroline sees her mother on a cell phone leaving the park grounds. "Wheres my mom going?" she ask rhetorically to Elena and gets up. Perhaps using a bit of super-speed Caroline catches up to Elizabeth, asking her what is wrong. She says nothing as she hangs up and closes the cellphone. Elizabeth says it is work, meaning police business. Caroline going back to bitchy mode and folded arms says "It always is". "I'm sorry" Elizabeth says seeming to be near tears for disappointing her daughter for the countless time and turns and walks away. By this time Elena has caught up and ask what is going on. "I don't know" Caroline says as she looks at her mother's retreating form, that somethings up.

Minutes later they are both climbing up to higher ground so Caroline can hear her surroundings better. "Hear what?" Elena ask but Caroline doesn't respond but concentrates. Elena tries to speak again but get shushed. Caroline picks up the various park sounds:, a lawn mower, a workman hammering nails, girls playing high speed patty cake. Then Caroline hears Damon and Stefan and then rapid gunshots. "Oh God" Caroline says "What?" says a befuddled Elena who hadn't heard a thing.

Caroline says it was Stefan and Damon and she takes off running but at human speed so Elena can keep up. A few minutes later Caroline stops short and Elena blows past her asking what is it? "They've been here" she response and stoops down to examine the forest floor. Caroline finds blood on a leaf of a bush. They both have fear filed looks on their faces but just then Mason Lockwood comes up behind them wondering what they were doing there.

Ignoring the question Elena ask where is Stefan, Mason, with a hard face, says he did see him or Damon and walks closer to the two. Elena ask where are they. "You don't need me for that. I'll let your friend sniff them out" he says sardonically to Caroline. Caroline looks at Mason with a hard face as well. "Does your mother know what you are?!? Mason ask hostilely. Caroline is taken aback that he knows. "I'm happy to tell her" he says. She makes a move about to go into super-speed to attack him, but Mason grabs Elena and puts her in a figure 4 rear naked choke hold.

Caroline stops in her tracks as Mason threatens to snap Elena's neck. Sounding a little like she was reassuring herself as well as warning Mason she says "I can take you" "Wanna bet?" he says. Now sounding totally defiant she says "Yeah I do!" and burst into speed. She tears Elena out of his arms, grabs his football player physique by his purple V neck Tee shirt and push him up against a tree probably 20 feet away and grab his neck with her right hand, with him letting out a yelp as he slams against the bark; all in less than three seconds.

"Told yah!" she says triumphantly, her incredible might easily overpowering his werewolf enhanced strength. Then she knees him in the groin and simultaneously flings him down onto the ground. Then while he was down on his hands and knees she kicks him in the stomach lifting him up and sending him flying another 20 feet with his right side hitting another tree, much like a punted football. He was still going up when she hit it. He landed with yelp on his stomach still conscious. Elena is astonished. Caroline is elated. She tells Elena to come on and they both run off at a human speed jog with Mason seeing them go.

Eventually they come across the cellar of the old slave quarters on the old Lockwood plantation. Caroline listens and hears her own mother say "He's not going to tell us anything. Kill them both!" Elena ask what is going on. Caroline tells her Elizabeth is killing them. Elena says "What?" but Caroline restrains her. Caroline is afraid to stop it because her mother will find out about her. Elena, disgusted, ignores her and runs down the stairway leaving a torn Caroline, but just temporarily. She eventually runs down the stairs after Elena who had just hit a sheriff deputy with a old plank trying to stop the killing. The deputy who was hit holds her at gun point, but Caroline, using her super-speed, slams shut a cellar door. Elizabeth ask Elena who else is with her. Around them Caroline uses her super-speed, frightening the cop holding Elena.

Caroline runs behind Elena comes around and defects the gun spinning the terrified cop around, holds him with her powerful arms and starts to rip out his jugular vein with her fangs; her snarling mixing with his cries in terror and pain as she drinks his blood. Then the report from the other deputy tells Caroline she is being fired upon. She holds the dying police officer between her and the shooting cop as a shield against his wooden bullets. The Deputy gets off 10 rounds before Caroline drops the all but dead deputy and snarling rushes the one firing at blinding speed, knocking the gun out of his hand and giving him a vicious left cross with the back of her right hand and throwing the some six foot odd, 220 lbs plus man him down unconscious. She retreats to a darken corner of the cellar moth bloodily and blond locks wild and growling like a banshee. Her mother looks at her with astonishment as Caroline walks out of the shadows breathing heavily. Then she stops and collects herself and suppresses her game face and she returns to human likeness. "Hi mom." she says. Later Stefan has regained consciousness while Elena comforts him.

Caroline is sitting on the steps of the cellar; her mother sitting on a box hands neatly on her thighs refusing to look at her. Damon is feeding on the other fallen deputy, the one Caroline didn't kill or bite, just knocked out. He is dead now as well. Damon crawls over to his brother saying he needs to drink some deputy blood. Stefan characteristically refuses even though it would rush the healing process from both the bullet wounds and the injected vervain. Caroline tells Stefan that Damon is right, "...if there is ever a time to break your diet..." Elena cuts her off. "He said he didn't want it!" Then softer "Okay?" remembering she had just saved Stefan's life at the cost of exposure to her mother. Damon gets up sneakily saying this was a most unfortunate situation, two deputies dead and then turning to the stoic Elizabeth "...and you. What I'm going to do with you?" Caroline perhaps naively says to her mother "You won't tell anyone will you?" Elizabeth looks at her but looks away again without saying a word. Caroline says "mom" repeatedly but Elizabeth poignantly refuses to acknowledge her daughter "Please I know that we don't get along and you hate me but...I'm your daughter'll do this for me right?" she says with pleading in her voice. No answer, her mom looks away to the ground. "Mom please, he will kill you!" referring to Damon who nodes his head yes.

Mom looks up and says almost pleading "Then kill me!" her face in despair. Caroline says no. "I can't take this. Kill me now!!" she says as Damon approaches and Caroline gets up. "You were going to drag it out so painfully" Damon says to her throwing her own words back into her face as he looks at her almost nose to nose. Suddenly he grabs her and brings her to her feet. No no no!! Caroline cries behind him. DAMON DON'T!! DAMON PLEASE!!! Stefan and Elena respectively said. "Relax guys! No one's killing anybody". Then everyone sighs in relief and possibly surprise. Then to Elizabeth surprisingly tenderly and seeming to mean it. "You're my friend" Then to the group: "We've got to clean this up."

That night Caroline comes home to the Salvatore residence with a small travel bag of her moms clothes apologizing to Elena for being late that she didn't know how long her mom was staying over Elena tells her that vervain takes about three days or sooner to leave the body. Stefan joins them and Caroline ask if he got some blood in him and he tells her he feels much better. They reach the door way of the cellar the brothers are keeping Elizabeth in. She was just about to enter when she heard her mother say "Keep Caroline away from me please; I don't want to see her. Damon, knowing that Caroline was leaning against the door jam says "she's your daughter Liz." "Not any more" Elizabeth says disowning her daughter. "My daughter's gone" "You have no idea how wrong you are about that!" says Damon and he looks at hidden Caroline sympathetically. After a moment Caroline sets down the bag and turns and leaves..Elena goes after her. She sits in the living room as from her pov Elena leaves again briefly and then comes back offering to take her home.

A crying Caroline tells her that she can't go home. Elena ask why not? Tenderly Elena coaches out of her, it is because Katherine is going to be there. She confesses that she will want to know everything that happened that day and also that she had to spy on Elena and report back to Katherine. Elena tells her that she knows and she was so mad at Caroline then she tried to put herself in her position to try to figure out why she would do that to her and Stefan after being such a friend to her. Elena gets up and sits next to her friend. Insightfully she asks "Who did she threaten?" "Matt" Caroline said saying that she was very scared of Katherine. Elena said she should be they all should be scared of her. Caroline ask why is Katherine doing this to them. "That's the million dollar question" Elena says. Caroline, despite being many times stronger than Elena settles in Elena's embrace with her head against her chest feeling safe and falling asleep in the arms of her best friend, a frail human.

In Plan B, a little less than three days later Caroline enters her mother's cell in the Salvatore dungeon to collect her dinner plate, but notices that she didn't touch her food. Caroline tell her that according to "Dr. Damon" the vervain in her system would be completely gone soon and she will be compelled to forget and sleeping in her own bed that night. Sheriff Forbes pointedly didn't look at her or acknowledge her presence. Caroline ask if she really going to pretend like she isn't there. "Yes; so please go." she says looking her daughter in the eye. Frustrated Caroline picks up her mother's tray and says to her she didn't care, just like before she was a vampire. As she heads out the door she says "It's not like I died or anything. Then the facade cracking along with her voice Elizabeth Forbes ask her daughter "Are you....are you really dead?" A pause and then "Yes and no" she answers. "How is it possible?". Another pause and then Caroline comes back in and closes the door.

Minutes later they are in deep discussion about her life style. She explains that she does drink human blood but it is the stocks from the local hospital blood bank. It is not as good as fresh human blood direct from a living being but better than the animal blood Stefan tries to get her to drink. Elizabeth ask if she steals the blood but Caroline says Damon does, but she was pilfering his supplies. "As long as you have blood, You don't need to kill?" she ask. A pause "I want to....(fear flashes on Elizabeth's face)..its my basic nature now but on a healthy diet I can control it" she answers. She says she is getting better at it but it is Stefan who is a problem drinker. He is a "bloodaholic". Her mother says she doesn't want this for her with Caroline responding with "...when life gives you lemons..." Then her super hearing picks up that Damon is home and tells her mother. Another look of fear plays on Elizabeth's face.

A few minutes later Caroline comes out of the dungeon and catches Bonnie on her way out of the Salvatore residence. She had just helped Damon abduct Mason by using her witch power to give him repeated brain aneurysm causing him great pain allowing Damon to knock him out take him home and torture him. Bonnie says "hi" awkwardly to Caroline's nervous "hey". Bonnie ask how is her mom and that Elena filled her in on everything. Caroline tells her that she is going to take her home that night. Bonnie wants to say something feels uncomfortable then tells Caroline she got to go. Wanting desperately to reconnect to her friend Caroline stops her by asking if she found the moon stone. "Not yet" she says. Awkward pause and then Bonnie asks about a well they used to play near when they were kids and asks her where it was. "On the edge of the old Lockwood property. Why?" Caroline asks back. As Bonnie texts Stefan she says that is probably where Mason has hid the moonstone. She had a vision of what Mason did with the Moonstone by using her touch sensing powers. She tells her friend that she got to go. Caroline ask to come with her. Bonnie at first says no, but then softens and says "Sure". They then walk together still awkward but reconnecting.

As Bonnie and Caroline walked at human speed to the old Lockwood well in the woods Caroline hears Elena's cries for help. She rushed to her aid at super speed until she reached the well and said Elena's name to let her know she was there. She told Caroline that Stefan was trapped in the well (it was Bonnie who texted him with the location of the moonstone). Caroline made a move to dive down but Elena told her that it was filled with vervain. Frantic she told her vampire friend that they had to get him out NOW! Caroline looked for something and found a chain in a neat pile. She took the end of the chain and threw it over the cross bar. A few moments later Elena had tied the end of the chain around her waste like a harness and was getting ready for Caroline to lower her down inside. At that moment Bonnie finally caught up asking what happened saying Caroline just took off in a blur. Caroline explained that she heard Elena screaming and urged Bonnie to help Elena over the lip of the well.

As Caroline lowers Elena down without any effort at all she looses concentration for a second and the chain slips making Elena almost free fall for a second before regaining control. "Sorry" Caroline calls down. Elena accepts the apology and tell her to keep going. She does until Elena is standing in water up to her chest. Out of] Caroline's direct view Stefan is unconscious and floating face down in the vervain laced water. Elena pulls his head up and reveals that his face has many injuries resembling burns. As Elena ties the chain around him Caroline ask what is going on. "Pull him up!" Elena shouts up and Caroline does. Because Stefan is soaked with vervain contaminated water it is Bonnie that unchains him and user her slim body to support his upper body weight grunting a little as Caroline supports his feet and lays him still unconscious on the ground. Caroline is quickly back at the well and calls down to Elena that they are ready to bring her up. She tells them to hold on while she looks for the stone. Unknown to her the well is infested by some unknown form of black snakes, probably awakened by all the commotion and splashing about. "Hurry" Caroline shouts down. Then Elena finds it. As she examined the beige box she is bitten by one of the snakes and lets out a scream. The water is filled with them. Elena continues to scream in terror, perhaps also getting bit as well. Caroline shouts down asking what is wrong. Despite her terror Elena still has the presence of mind to get the chain around herself and keep the box and tells Caroline to pull her up and Caroline does it just as fast as she did with Stefan. On the lip as Bonnie helps her out taking the box Elena gets out of the chain harness. She spots Stefan who is just then regaining consciousness with the vervain burns still evident. Bonnie and Elena go to him while Caroline keeps her distance from the vervain contaminated Stefan. Elena then deliberately cuts her palm with a sharp rock. Caroline who was watching Elena instantly turns away. Elena feeds Stefan her blood so he would regain his strength and heal. She plaintively tells him as he drinks weakly that he will be fine.

Later Caroline is in the dungeon sitting on her mother's cot along with her telling Elizabeth the day's events face to face including her pulling a vervain poisoned Stefan from the well. Also, to her great elation she says to her mother that Bonnie wasn't mean to her once and that was progress, feeling that she was getting her friend back. Then she notices her mother staring at her, not out of fear but out of wonder. "It is just that you've become this person...." fearing that Elizabeth was about to say something negative she interrupts her. "Just when we were starting to get along..." Caroline says voicing her fears. "....this strong, this confident person." Her mother finishes. Caroline is chagrined and virtually speechless. Her mother smiles at her for the first time. "Thank you" her daughter says. She tells Caroline that she doesn't have to take her memories away and she will keep her secret. If Caroline is worried about the others just to tell them she did compel her to forget that she won't tell. "I won't do anything to hurt you", she says to her daughter her promise seaming genuine. Caroline ask semi rhetorically why they never talked before like how they were talking then."Today meant so much to me" she says to her smiling and seemingly accepting mother. "Me too" Elizabeth says. Caroline edges closer to her mother and clasp her hands. Elizabeth doesn't even flinch, indicating she really has started to accept her daughter as she is. "I know...I know I can trust you..." she says to her mother who nods her head, but then Caroline says further: " ...but you'll never going to trust them" most likely referring to Stefan, Damon and other vampires she maybe friends with in the future. Her mother's face slackens with the realization of what she is about to do. "I'm going to take you home. You're going to forget that I'm a vampire" she says compelling her. "I'm going to forget you're a vampire" her mother says in monotone. Sniffling, Caroline continues.

"You'll remember that you got sick with the flu. You had a fever, chills, 'ickiness'. That I made you soup. It was really salty [laughs and sniffles] and we bickered. You got better. Then your selfish little daughter, who loves you, no matter what, got right back to ignoring you. [sigh] And all is right in the world."

In Masquerade, a few days later Caroline is at the Salvatore Boarding House relating a story to Damon and Stefan, about her encounter with Katherine at the Mystic Grill. She had gone to the Grill "gawk" and "stalk" Matt. After an awkward moment he asked her if she wanted a table. She told him in a giggly manner that she just wanted to use the little girls room. Damon, impatient tells her to get to the point. Caroline then tells them that when she went to the lavatory (to follow up on her "doofus" lie to Matt) she met "Elena" there but she really instantly knew it was Katherine possibly from the lavender dress that was unlike Elena would wear casually and the wavy hair that distinguishes the otherwise completely identical beings.

Katherine pretended to be Elena asking Caroline in her reserved way if she was okay.Caroline made a bit of small talk pretending to be sad then using her Superspeed bolted for the door to rush by Katherine, but Katherine, either by being faster or anticipating the attempt catches blocked the door. "What gave me away; Was it my hair or was it my clothes?" She rhetorically asked Caroline She told Katherine that she knew Elena was at home. Katherine told her she need her to deliver a message to Damon and Stefan: "Tell Damon and Stefan I want the moonstone or I will rip this town apart until it rains blood. Tonight. At the Masquerade Ball." Stefan says that she wants to get the stone in public the death of Mason threw her off guard. Damon says that she is running scared and what she did to Jenna was an act of desperation. Stefan counters that they must not underestimate her. Caroline just wants to give her the moonstone so she would leave. Damon tells her she isn't getting "dick". He will just kill her at the Ball tonight. Stefan seeming to fall back on the peace maker role tells Damon with a smirk that Damon isn't going to kill her. Don't give me that goody-goody crap!" Damon says. Stefan repeats that Damon isn't going to killer her. "Oh really?" Damon says. "....because I am". Stefan finishes Damon is happily taken aback.

Later still at the Salvatore home Caroline lets in Bonnie who has the Grimoire after she got Stefan's message. she ask what is going on. Jeremy nonchalantly tells her they are going to kill Katherine. Bonnie is surprised. Stefan says he can explain. "Please..." Bonnie says. "We're going to kill Katherine" Stefan repeats awkwardly. Damon and Stefan are going over with Alaric the various weaponry that humans uses to kill vampires including crossbows and stakes that use a dispenser like device that puts a stake in the hands from a magazine attached to the wrist and under the sleeves of a shirt or jacket. Both Damon and Stefan look a little uncomfortable as Alaric looks a bit too enthusiastic demonstrating the use of devices meant to kill vampires. Caroline is even more uncomfortable being a few steps across the room with her arms crossed looking defensive as she look at the devices that were specially made to kill persons like her. Later when the conspirators are all together Stefan instructs Alaric to keep an eye on Elena, who doesn't know what the group is up to. He offers anyone in the group of two ordinary humans, a human who is a witch and three vampires including himself one last chance to back out and he will understand. Damon is more cynical. "Yeah cold feet speak now. I don't want this going wrong when someone chickens out.....Caroline." he says to Caroline "I won't. She killed me; fair is fair as long as there's no werewolves running around." Damon tells her that he took care of Mason with a smirk. Jeremy says as long as Tyler doesn't kill anyone he won't turn. Stefan then ask Bonnie if she was with them. She hesitates for a moment and then steps forward saying as long as no one gets hurt. "Except Katherine!" Damon says. "Tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart".

Later at the Ball an affair that has circus acts like mimes and fire eaters on the outside grounds, Caroline wearing her opera mask (the type that is held with an attached stick like a lollipop) just waiting for instructions when she spots Matt laughing with Tyler and Sarah, Aimee's friend who almost broke her neck falling down a flight of stairs in the Lockwood mansion several days before. Tyler ask Matt and the girl to come with him more private and they move off with him, but then Matt sees Caroline looking at him. They share a fleeting moment looking at each other both slightly smiling, then Matt gets a bit down cast and follows his friends. Caroline sighs silently eyes down cast. Then her cell phone vibrates and she sees a text message from Jeremy saying "your turn". Seconds later she is walking in a lonely isolated part of the Mansion away from the party. She walks toward a room and she reaches for the handle but a small fist reaches out and catches Caroline's wrist. In a flash Caroline is pinned against a wall face first with her arm twisted behind her back and grimacing in pain with Katherine's other hand against her head. "What are Stefan and Damon up to?" Katherine "ask" Caroline without preamble. What do you mean?" Caroline ask with her lips almost pressing against the wall. Katherine says that Jeremy is trying to lure her to the lake what is going on? She demands. Caroline plays dumb saying she doesn't know. Katherine spins her around and grabs her by the neck again pinning her against the wall and says to her don't lie to her they are up to something.

Caroline plays dumb again. Katherine tightens her grip causing the joints in Caroline's neck to pop and the bones to compress sending her voice up a few squeaky octaves. "I don't know if I can...." Katherine loosens her grip slightly so she can talk. "They're trying to kill you." she says more clearly. Katherine releases her grip, Caroline's bones audibly uncompressed and healing with Katherine saying that much she knew. "Where is the moonstone?" she demands and then with false sweetness "And where's Bonnie right now?" Caroline looks her in the eye and firmly says "I don't know." Katherine grabs her by the throat even tighter than before her bones once again popping and Katherine lifting her off the floor. "She's up stairs! Up stairs!" says Caroline giving in. Katherine immediately and contemptuously releases her and she drops to the floor sagging against the wall. A few seconds later Katherine is dragging her by her blond locks upstairs with Caroline holding on to her slim forearm. Caroline ask why is she always dragging her into things. "Shut up" Katherine says demanding which room is it that Bonnie is in as they reached the top of the stairs. Caroline tells her and Katherine drags her to a pair of French doors which Katherine kicks the door open using normal human level strength. She lets Caroline go and strides into the room. Without turning around she demands "Where is she?" Then she hears a giggle. Katherine turns around and she sees Caroline with a beaming smile on her face. "I did it! I really didn't think that I could be able to fool you, but I did it" Caroline says with glee. Enraged Katherine charges at Caroline but right at the threshold of the room Katherine is stopped cold by a force field of some kind."What the..." says Katherine confused (it was the vampire trapping spell Bonnie cast over the room earlier as planned). She hears footsteps as Caroline puts her hands on her hips and cocks her head. "Stefan...." Katherine says and turns around. "Hello Katherine..." he says. "Good bye Katherine" Caroline says waving her fingers in a "toddles" fashion and walks away.

Shortly after Caroline is back at the party smiling to herself and probably listening in with her super hearing to the titanic fight upstairs between Stefan & Damon against Katherine confident that she would soon be staked and out of her life. However her super hearing picks up another struggle elsewhere. She dashes toward that source heading into Tyler Lockwood's dad's study. "What is going on!?!" she exclaims as she comes running into the room. She then see Tyler and Matt wrestling against each other in combat. She yells to stop as she goes over to the struggle. Tapping slightly into her super strength she wrenches Matt off Tyler and flings him in the opposite direction sending him sliding against a wall (to the cowering Sarah on the opposite side of the room it would be plausible since Caroline is a pretty big well built girl, taller than both Matt and Tyler). Matt gets to his feet to charge at Tyler but Caroline stiffs arm him keeping him away. Tyler gets up and tries to get at Matt and Caroline does the same to him keeping both of them at arm span's length yelling at both of them to stop. But Matt keeps charging saying to Caroline and to himself that he got to finish "it" as Tyler yells at him "What the hell is wrong with you?!?" Matt struggles against Caroline's "surprising" strength. She realizes he isn't going to stop so she pushes him back slightly and this time Caroline elbows Matt in the face, knocking him down and out. Caroline looks to Tyler to see if he is in control. He gazes at Matt in a confused expression.

Caroline goes over to Matt calling his name concerned that maybe she over did it. Tyler ask her in awe "How did you....?" As both their backs are turned, Sarah makes her move saying to herself in trance like state as she picks up a letter opener off of Richard Lockwood's desk: "Matt failed. If Matt fails, I can't". Caroline hears the odd statement and looks back and sees Sarah advancing on Tyler. "TYLER LOOK OUT!!" Caroline calls out and Tyler whirls around and sees a frenzied Sarah charging but he is shocked into immobilization at the attack and Sarah plunges the letter opener into Tyler's left shoulder just below the collar bone but above the heart, calculated to miss. In a grunt that almost sounded like a roar with probably latent super strength pushes Sarah away very hard and she smashes her skull against his father's hard wood desk with a resounding crack and she bounces to the floor dead. Tyler looks at her and his wound bewildered then rushes to her motionless form. "No no no! C'mon on wake up! Sarah! Open your eyes wake up!" Tyler pleads. Caroline slowly gets up knowing the consequences of Tyler's act. He repeatedly says this can't happen and keeps calling her name as Caroline stands over him. "Sarah get up Sarah! OPEN YOUR EYES!!!" he says shaking the corpse.

Tyler gets up saying this can't be happening. Caroline bends down to the body and takes its pulse on its neck. Nothing. Tyler is almost hyperventilating and is rubbing his hair and temples. Then something else happens. It could have been mistaken for a roar of grief but to Caroline it was different. She calls out his name as he sinks to his knees and pounds his fist on the floor. "Tyler, what's happening?" Caroline ask and she backs away. "Go away" Tyler tells her almost grunting it out knowing the curse is manifesting itself. "Get AWAY!!" he yells. Caroline yells back "What's happening?" Then he looks up at her with yellow eyes. Caroline is shocked at the sight.

Later Caroline spins a story to Tyler's mom about Matt and her fighting and Sarah was drunk and was dancing and just tripped and fell. Gloria Lockwood tells Caroline that her mother is coming and both of Sarah's parents were notified and that it was a terrible tragic accident emphasizing almost as if that was a story to tell from a script and not the truth. Tyler comes in and tells them the Sheriff is there. Gloria tells her son and Caroline not to leave that the Sheriff would like to hear the story from Caroline the only witness and leaves. After a moment of awkward silence. Caroline tells Tyler that Matt was in the car sleeping it off. She said she would deal with him since she doesn't want him involved presumably she will glamour him into forgetting. Tyler ask her what is she doing. "I'm fixing a very bad situation" He ask why and takes responsibility for Sarah's death. Caroline tells him he didn't mean to and she thinks it is best for everyone but Tyler interrupts saying "she's dead. You don't know what that means." "Actually, Tyler, I think I do." she tells him. He tells her she doesn't. "Has your wound healed?" she ask knowingly. Tyler opens his shirt and checks. "How did you know?" he asked amazed.

In Rose, Caroline tells Damon about what happened with Tyler and Sarah. She explains that Matt thinks he blacked out. Damon asks her what she told Tyler about the supernatural events of Mystic Falls, and she replies: "Nothing really. I don't think he knows much of anything." She admits that she feels sorry for him. Damon tells her that they need to find out more from Tyler but bans Caroline from asking him. "He cannot know about us," he says. "Werewolves can kill vampires, so don't be his friend." Caroline leaves to go to school. Tyler is walking through the school corridors. He notices a shrine to Sarah and looks at it until someone knocks into him. He goes to open his locker, but the lock breaks.

Later, he approaches Caroline and asks how she knew about him. "That you were upset?" Caroline replies. "I thought I was doing a good thing by covering for you." Tyler tells her that he's not talking about that. Caroline pretends not to understand and leaves. Later, Tyler is playing basketball but spots Caroline. He approaches her and asks why she lied to him earlier. "I think you misunderstood me at the party," Caroline replies. "I get it, it's very traumatic." Tyler insists that she's lying, and when she tries to leave he grabs her. However, Caroline uses her strength to push him away.

Tyler asks how she did it but Caroline pretends she doesn't know what he's talking about. "If you know something you've got to tell me because I can't handle this," Tyler pleads. Caroline claims that he is just in shock. Tyler leaves and kicks over a bin in anger, but it flies away and hits a car. When Caroline arrives home, Tyler sneaks up behind her and tells her: "I know you're just like me, aren't you?" He says that he won't leave until she tells him the truth. "You're a werewolf, say it!" he yells. Caroline laughs, but Tyler pushes her up against a wall, telling her to stop lying. "I'm not lying," she replies, before pushing him back. Her teeth come out and she says: "I'm not a werewolf, OK?"

Later, Caroline hands Tyler some alcohol and explains that it helps her to relax. Tyler admits that he feels as if his skin is on fire and says that everything has been heightened emotionally. Tyler is shocked that Caroline is a vampire and asks who else is like her, but she claims that she is the only one. Tyler explains that he is the only werewolf he knows apart from Mason. Caroline announces that Tyler cannot tell anyone about them. "This is life and death," she says. Tyler admits that he has no-one else to tell. "I'm sorry about earlier," he says. "It's just I'm alone with this. It's going to happen to me. The next full moon I'm going to turn and I won't be able to stop it. I'm scared." Caroline hugs him.

In Katerina, in the woods, Elena, who is carrying a big bag, asks Caroline to tell everyone she left school because she wasn't feeling well. She asks her to keep Stefan busy. Caroline is unsure, explaining that she is terrible at lying. Elena points out that Caroline managed to keep her occupied when Katherine asked her, and Caroline explains that she was threatened. Eventually, Elena asks Caroline to promise as her friend not to say anything and Caroline agrees. The pair go down into the tomb and Caroline asks: "Are you sure you want to do this?" Elena points out that Katherine is the only person who knows the truth about Klaus.

Caroline reminds her that Katherine lies about everything but Elena replies: "I can't just sit back and wait. I have to know." Caroline takes off the tomb door and Elena calls after Katherine. Suddenly, Katherine shuffles forward and croaks: "Hello, Elena." Elena tells Caroline to leave; pointing out that Katherine can't hurt her as long as she stays on the right side of the door. Caroline leaves hesitantly. At school, Caroline spots Stefan leaving and goes to interrupt him. He explains that he heard Elena is sick and is going to check on her. Caroline lets him go, saying they can "talk later". Stefan stops, asking what she needs to talk about, and Caroline admits that she told Tyler she is a vampire.

Caroline takes Stefan to the Mystic Grill to chat about Tyler. She explains that she didn't tell him too much and asks if Stefan is mad. Stefan admits that he is angry but promises not to tell Damon because he would kill her. Caroline smiles that Stefan is always looking out for her and Stefan explains that she reminds him of his best friend, Lexi. He promises to tell Caroline about her another time and gets up to leave. However, Caroline persuades him to stay, explaining that Tyler is worrying about what will happen when a full moon comes up.

In The Sacrifice, Matt and Caroline chat for a moment but Matt claims that he has to get to class and walks off, leaving Caroline looking sad. She heads over to see Tyler and asks if he has figured out what he's going to do at the full moon yet. He reveals that he has a plan but says that it is private. However, Caroline persuades him to let her help out. Tyler and Caroline walk through the woods and Tyler admits that Matt is struggling to get over Caroline. Caroline agrees but insists that it is better this way. Tyler claims that he understands, saying: "You can't be honest with him. It's not really fair to be with someone and not let them know who you are. I get it." He points out the Lockwood cellar and explains that he thinks Mason was headed there on the night that he turned. The pair go downstairs and Tyler points out the old claw marks on the walls and the bolts and chains. Caroline discovers something wrapped up and, when she opens it, finds a journal. The pair realize that Mason kept a diary of what happened to him. Tyler reads: "The full moon is tonight." Caroline asks if Mason wrote down what happened, and Tyler finds a memory stick in the back of the book.

At Caroline's house, Tyler puts Mason's memory stick into a computer and the pair discover that Mason taped his first transformation. Caroline looks at the journal and finds that he wrote about it the next day. As they watch Mason being sick on the tape, Caroline reads that he tried to drink wolfsbane to make him weaker. "Over an hour passed and nothing happened," she reads. "It got so quiet I could feel my own blood pumping... I kept thinking I'd black out and not feel it but I did. I felt all of it." The pair watch Mason writhing in pain and skip through the tape, realizing that the process lasts at least five hours. Tyler begins to cry, saying: "I can't do that Caroline. Whatever that was, I can't go through that."

Meanwhile, Caroline suggests that they shouldn't read anymore of Mason's journal. "There's a reason it's called a curse, Tyler," she adds. Tyler takes the book and sees that Mason described the transformation as "unimaginable pain" and "the worst night of [his] life". Caroline reassures him that the transformation speeds up and suggests that he just needs to get through the first time. Tyler asks why she is helping him because they have never been close before. Caroline admits that she had no-one to help her when she turned. "I had no control over my body or my urges and I killed somebody," she admits. "I don't want that for you." The doorbell rings and Caroline gets up to answer it. She discovers Matt, who explains that he was driving home from work and found himself there. "I miss you," he admits. Caroline smiles, but Tyler appears, causing Matt to look confused.

In By the Light of the Moon, Tyler begins setting up chains in the Lockwood cellar and Caroline reveals that she brought some wolfsbane with her. Tyler reaches over to touch it but it burns him. He explains that he brought some water with him and asks Caroline to mix the wolfsbane into it. Tyler continues to set up the chains and reveals that the set-up should be able to hold 5000 pounds. However, he admits that he doesn't know if a werewolf can pull more than that. He takes off his top and Caroline is shocked, checking that he is not going to get naked. Tyler asks: "What should I wear?"

Meanwhile, at the Lockwood cellar Caroline reveals that it is almost 8 o'clock. Tyler explains that the transformation could happen before the moon hits its apex. He admits that he doesn't know how long he will actually be a wolf, but suggests that it will be for a few hours. He grabs the bottle of wolfsbane water and Caroline asks if he is sure he wants to drink it, but Tyler insists that he does because it will diminish his strength. He drinks and immediately starts being sick. Caroline rushes over to soothe him but he shouts at her to leave. She refuses and, as Tyler apologizes, strokes his head. Tyler is still struggling with his transformation and gasps as some of the changes begin to take effect. "I'm burning up," he groans. Caroline advises him to breathe through this and again he tells her to leave. "Not yet," she replies. Tyler begins screaming and pulling against his chains, and Caroline gets up and begins crying, covering her mouth with her hand in shock. "It hurts," Tyler groans.

Back at the cellar, Caroline admits that she doesn't know how to help and Tyler tells her that there is nothing she can do. Suddenly, his back begins to bulge as the transformation continues. Tyler begs her to get out as he doesn't want to hurt her but Caroline refuses and takes his head. She hugs him and advises Tyler to fight through it. Tyler continues to tell her to go, but she whispers: "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

However, Tyler begins to convulse and groan. His eyes turn yellow and he snaps at Caroline. Caroline gets up and runs over to lock the metal gate to the cellar. "I'm sorry," she cries. Tyler bares his fangs at her and Caroline runs out of the cellar. She shuts the wooden door at the entrance to the cellar and sobs as she hears Tyler screaming and groaning. Eventually, he becomes silent, but then he bashes against the door. Caroline pushes up against it as Tyler barges up and tries to knock it down. "Tyler, don't," Caroline pleads. "Stop." She uses a plank to hold the door in place before running away through the woods.

Later, Caroline is walking through the woods. She arrives at the cellar and looks down the steps. She heads downstairs and examines the door, which has some damage but is still shut. She calls: "Tyler" and hears him mumble "Caroline" in return. She bursts in and spots him curled up on the floor. She covers him up to keep him warm and says: "You're OK, you're OK. You made it. You didn't get out. You're OK." However, Tyler sobs and replies: "No I'm not."

In The Descent, Caroline is at school preparing for a barbeque when she spots Tyler. She congratulates him on surviving his first full moon without hurting anyone. Tyler thanks her for being there and the pair stare at each other for a while. Caroline breaks the silence by suggesting that they should reinforce the cellar wall because he almost pushed it down bit her. Eventually, she reveals that legend says werewolf bites are fatal to vampires. However, the duo are interrupted by Matt, who asks to speak to Caroline, and Tyler leaves.

Caroline insists that nothing is going on between her and Tyler and Matt accepts that. He suggests that they got their wires crossed and suddenly kisses Caroline. Caroline pulls away and tells him that he can't do that, before walking off. Later, Matt approaches Caroline in the school corridor and asks why she ran away when he kissed her. Caroline apologises but Matt asks her to explain her feelings. Caroline eventually admits that she loves him, but Matt asks what the problem is. He asks her to tell him what she's keeping from him. Caroline hesitates, and the pair are interrupted by another girl telling Matt they need more burgers. He turns to speak to her, but when he looks back Caroline has disappeared.

When Caroline gets home, she discovers Tyler waiting for her. He asks her why she would risk death to be with him, and Caroline replies that he needed help. Tyler points out that he could have killed her and says he doesn't understand. Caroline asks why it is so hard for him to let people help him. She begins to get angry, sarcastically saying that she's sorry if she overstepped her boundaries by caring about him. Tyler interrupts her speech by kissing her, but Caroline eventually pulls away, telling him that he can't do that.

In Daddy Issues, a new werewolf in town investigating Mason Lockwood's death, Jules, reveals to Tyler that Stefan and Damon Salvatore are vampires as well and that they are responsible for Mason's death. Tyler realizes that Caroline lied to him and grows angry with her, confronting her and yelling at her that he trusted her. Jules and her pack of werewolves decide to get revenge on the Salvatore brothers for killing Mason, and kidnap Caroline, shooting her in the head with a wooden bullet and taking her into the woods, where they torture her with vervain, wooden bullets, etc. Jules gives Stefan an ultimatum, telling him to give her Tyler or Caroline would die.

Stefan goes with Tyler to the meeting place Jules told him to go to, but Damon interrupts. The werewolves begin fighting with the Salvatore brothers, while Tyler runs inside Jules' caravan to find Caroline locked inside a cage. She begs him to open it for her, but he hesitates, which causes Caroline to become confused and angry. He eventually opens it for her, but as Caroline steps outside, Jules backs her up against the caravan, placing a gun to her back. Tyler watches her guiltily as she looks at him, confused as to why he isn't helping her. A warlock named Jonas Martin comes to the clearing and uses his magic to stop the werewolves from hurting the vampires, stating that Elijah had sent him to help them. They leave the clearing as the werewolves fade into unconsciousness and Jonas warns Tyler to tell them to leave town.

As Caroline is getting rid of the blood on her body from the torture the werewolves put her through, Matt calls her, wondering why they didn't meet up earlier in the night, as they had made plans, and Caroline lies to him, telling him that Bonnie was in trouble and needed her help. Matt notices Bonnie at the Grill with Jeremy and realizes Caroline is lying to him. He says goodbye coldly on the phone to her.

Later on, Tyler comes to her house, apologizing. She doesn't forgive him and Tyler says he didn't know what to do because she lied to him. She yells at him, saying that he's supposed to help his friend, but he didn't. He apologizes again but Caroline refuses to accept it, saying that they are no longer friends and that she will never go through what she went through again. She tells him to 'get the hell out of her house' and slams the door in his face, subsequently ending their friendship. Stefan asks Elena and Bonnie for help, saying that Caroline needs her friends after what happened to her, and Elena and Bonnie go to her house, saying that they are having a slumber party at her house and Caroline breaks down, crying as they both hug her tightly.

In Crying Wolf, Caroline tries to fix things with Matt, but she realizes that their trust levels with each other are very low, due to all the lies being tossed around in their relationship. Caroline helps Bonnie and Jeremy kidnap Luca, another warlock, in order to get answers about Klaus and what he wants with them. Caroline realizes that Jeremy likes Bonnie, and tells her. Bonnie is hesitant at first, saying that it is her best friend's little brother and that Elena might not approve, but Caroline says that they are in no position to be picky or judgmental, because they are both a witch and a vampire. Tyler attempts to talk to Caroline but she leaves before he gets a chance. He steals her phone, as the werewolves have a plan to lure Elena and Stefan away from Mystic Falls in order to capture Elena to break the sun and moon curse. Tyler and another werewolf, Brady, attempt to kidnap Elena, incapacitating Stefan in the process. Stefan asks Tyler why he has betrayed them and Tyler says he wants a normal life without being a werewolf.

Stefan tells him that the werewolves lied to him about how to break the curse, and that for the curse to break, Elena needs to die. Tyler then helps Stefan, who kills Brady, and apologizes to Elena, saying that he did not know Elena had to die to break the curse. Elena forgives him and hugs him sympathetically. At the end of the episode, Tyler decides to leave Mystic Falls, telling Matt to treat Caroline better, because she deserves it, and that even though he himself loves Caroline, she deserves Matt. He visits Caroline's house, but does not communicate with her, instead watching her lock the door to her house and walk back upstairs to her room. Tyler leaves town with Jules, saying that he cannot remain in Mystic Falls with so much going on.

In The House Guest, Caroline and Matt are still having some issues, which leads to Caroline singing him a song at the Mystic Grill, Eternal Flame by The Bangles. Matt runs up on stage and kisses her, which leads to them making out in the bathroom. The lights go out and Matt, who works at the Grill, runs out, wondering what has happened. Jonas Martin, whose son Luca was accidentally killed by Damon, begins burning the Mystic Grill, trying to lure out the Salvatore brothers and Elena. Stefan and Elena ask for Caroline's help, asking her to distract Jonas. As Jonas is burning the bar, Caroline attacks him, trying to bite him, but he uses his magic to incapacitate her.

As she is writhing on the floor, Matt runs at Jonas, yelling at him to leave her alone and Jonas grabs a bottle and breaks it, stabbing Matt in the neck. Caroline runs to him as Jonas leaves, and her face becomes one of a vampire as she smells Matt's blood.

He sees her face and starts freaking out, but Caroline bites into her wrist and feeds him her blood to heal him. Matt wakes up in Caroline's room, freaking out because he drank her blood and saw her face. Caroline tells him that her blood healed him and he freaks out. Caroline tells him she's a vampire and Matt gets angry, realizing that Vicki was talking about vampires before she died. He asks Caroline what she did and Caroline says she did nothing. Matt tries to leave, but Caroline stops him, saying she can't let him leave. Matt tries to attack her, yelling at her, asking her what she did to Vicki and Caroline tries to explain to him that she didn't kill Vicki.

In Know Thy Enemy, Caroline spends most of the day looking for Matt. Unable to find him, she returns home to find Matt waiting for her in her house. Matt, still a bit afraid of her, backs off a bit but asks her to tell him everything about Vicki and vampires. She tells him everything and explains that she couldn't stay away from him because she loved him.

After revealing everything, Matt asks Caroline to compel him because he didn't want to know any of the stuff she told him. Caroline compels Matt even though she didn't want to. After he exits her house, Matt heads towards a cop car. He has a talk with Sheriff Forbes revealing that they were working together and explained he had drunk vervain. Sheriff Forbes then asked him to tell her everything he now knows. (What Caroline told him).

In The Last Dance, She went to the 60's Dance with Matt after she compelled him to forget everything, but not really knowing that he still does know as well as her mother. Matt at first really doesn't want to go with Caroline because of what she is, but Sheriff Forbes tells him otherwise.

They go to the dance together, but sometime when Caroline and Matt are dancing, Stefan asks if he could Dance with Caroline. Whist Matt gets the drinks, Stefan tells Caroline that Klaus is here. Even though she knew Klaus was there, she didn't have anything to do with the whole plan.

Caroline doesn't appear in the episode Klaus.

In The Last Day, she and Matt seem to be doing okay, with Matt getting more used to Caroline being a vampire and thinking she is still the same. But as he talks with Sheriff Forbes she says she is a soulless creature. As Caroline goes to visit Ms Lockwood in hospital, she runs into Tyler and Jules. Caroline is shocked and surprised to see him back. Jules gives them a minute to talk and goes back to her car.

Tyler and Caroline talk for a bit until they are attacked by Klaus' witches. Caroline wakes up in the Tomb, to find Tyler and her locked up. She reveals everything that has been happening in Mystic Falls to Tyler as well as the Sun and Moon curse being fake. She later asks why he left town and her. The two have a moment before Damon comes to save Caroline. As they are about to leave, Caroline begs Damon to save Tyler as well. He agrees and they quickly leave the Tomb.

When they get outside it is dark and they find Matt waking up after Damon hit him with his wooden bullet gun. Tyler starts having pains as he starts his transformation. As they try and get to the Lockwood cellar, it's already beginning to be too late as Tyler attacks Damon and biting him. But no one notices. Damon tells Matt and Caroline to go to the Lockwood cellar and lock themselves up in there so Tyler can't get in.When they get there, Tyler seems to be much stronger as he gets through the wooden door and might get through the door that keeps Caroline and Matt safe.

In The Sun Also Rises, Matt and Caroline trying to fight off Tyler, who has transformed into a werewolf. Matt worries that the gate in the tomb won't hold and eventually shoots Tyler. Caroline grabs his hand and they rush off. They return home and Matt reveals that he knew Caroline was a vampire because he has been drinking vervain, adding that it was Sheriff Forbes' idea. Caroline is shocked that her mother knows about her and asks what she said, but Matt admits that Sheriff Forbes will probably always hate vampires. Caroline asks how Matt is feeling but he changes the subject, pointing out that they are stuck in the house hiding from Tyler.

Later, Caroline reassures Matt that he will not have killed Tyler. She asks about her mum some more, but Matt admits that he doesn't think she knows what to do about Caroline. Suddenly they notice someone at the door and discover Tyler curled up on the porch. Caroline covers him with Matt's jacket and eventually gets him inside. Matt admits that he has enjoyed the last few days with Caroline but adds that he doesn't think he can deal with her being a vampire.

He reveals that he already has a tough life but he just wants to live it without dealing with the supernatural as well. When Tyler wakes up, he admits that he should not have returned to Mystic Falls. However, Caroline tells him not to leave again. She admits that Matt broke up with her and Tyler hugs her as she cries. After her suggestion that instead of bailing on her he could thank her for taking care of him, he does. Caroline is also seen with Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy, Stefan, Damon and Alaric at Jenna's funeral.

In As I Lay Dying, Caroline tried to help Elena and Jeremy have as normal a day as possible during the screening of Gone with the Wind. However, things got tight as Stefan was looking for a cure for Damon who was dying of a werewolf bite. Later, Jeremy got a call from Alaric who told him that Damon had escaped from the Boarding house and was dangerous due to his suffering hallucinations. Caroline, Jeremy and Bonnie started to look for him whilst he was also being hunted by Sheriff Forbes and her deputies.

It was Jeremy who found him first and he brought him to the Grill where he called the others.Liz arrived and shot at Damon but he moved out of the way and her bullet hit Jeremy instead. He was killed by her and since she was human, his ring wouldn't save him. Caroline, Bonnie and Alaric arrived to find Liz crying over Jeremy's body. Caroline tried to revive him with her blood but it was too late. Bonnie and Alaric then took him to the old mansion where he was resurrected by the dead witches.

When informed of this, Caroline and Liz were reassured. Caroline then told Liz who was still a bit confused over the magic of everything, that she had once explained everything to her but that she had made her forget because she was scared about what she might do. She says however that it isn't something that she's going to do again as she doesn't want to be afraid anymore. She also says that despite her being a vampire, she was still her daughter. She then hugged her mother and Liz, overwhelmed with emotion, returned her embrace as they cried on each other's shoulders.

Caroline walks through Mystic Falls, on the phone with Elena about Elena's birthday party which is going to happen if Caroline has anything to do with it, though Elena is less enthusiastic. Caroline brings up how Elizabeth came across vampire attacks in Tennessee. Caroline meets up with Tyler. At the Grill, Matt switches places with Jeremy because Caroline and Tyler sit in his section and he doesn't want to have to wait on them.

Caroline tells Tyler that Carol has been acting strange lately and that she was eyeing her yesterday. Jeremy arrives to take their order and Caroline realizes that Matt is trying to avoid them. Tyler comes to his mother's defense by saying they're together a lot of the time. Caroline acts shocked at the idea of something more than a friendship with Tyler. Later, Elena is telling Caroline about Damon as they sort through stuff. Every now and then, Tyler throws in his own opinion in response to Elena's problems, but his blunt attitude is driving Caroline crazy as Elena is in a delicate state and Tyler isn't being very sympathetic about her situation.

Elena gets a call from Bonnie and leaves the room. Caroline tells Tyler he's not allowed to know everything she tells him. Tyler says he should go so he can pick up Sophie and he leaves. Caroline and Elena arrive in the Stoner Den where they find Matt. He gives Elena a kiss on the cheek and says happy birthday to her, ignoring Caroline. Caroline tells Elena that Matt hates her and that's why he's on drugs but Elena tells her that he's on drugs because he misses her, not because he hates her. Later, Caroline watches Tyler dance with Sophie and drinks. Matt shows up and asks about Tyler and Sofie.

Matt says he's uncomfortable because of Caroline and Tyler's friendship. Caroline compels Sofie to leave. Caroline upsets Elena when she brings up Stefan and tries to apologies but is drunk. As Caroline goes through the crowd, Tyler stops her and asks for an explanation for earlier. He says if he shouldn't be dating, then she should say something. They kiss passionately, and end up sleeping together. Caroline gets dressed as Tyler sleeps and goes downstairs where Carol is waiting for her, and she heard everything. Caroline tries to leave but Carol shoots her with vervain.

Caroline is trapped in a dungeon, tied to a chair by chains. She calls out for help, but no one is there. A mysterious man comes down the stairs, and Caroline calls out to him. He opens the door and walks in, and Caroline looks at him. He says hello to her, and she realizes he is Bill, her father.

Caroline tries to pull the contraptions loose, but can't make them budge. She calls out to her dad but he doesn't show up. Instead, smoke comes out of the dungeon vents. Caroline instantly begins to cough and choke. Then Bill walks in, lifts her chin up so that they're face-to-face, and says he's sorry that this happened to her. He asks how she can walk in the sun and Caroline then looks at her ring. He slips the ring off her finger and tosses it on the ground next to her. He explains that her ancestors put this torture chamber together themselves, complete with a vervain ventilation system, a reinforced steel containment chair, and a window.

Bill whips out a blood bag and holds it in front of her, taunting her and anticipating what her reaction will be. Caroline has been locked up for a long time and therefore is malnourished, so of course her vampire urges kick in and she tries to get to it. Bill says that blood controls her and he pulls a chain that opens the window. She is burned by the sun and cries out in pain, begging him to stop. After the sunlight is shut out, the steel contraptions cut into her skin and her burns fail to heal. Bill reveals Carol called him and told him about Caroline being a vampire.

Caroline tells him she learned to adapt, but he holds the blood bag in front of her again. Bill locks her up and is confronted by Elizabeth who has her gun. Caroline hears Elizabeth defending her and Elizabeth calls for Tyler. Elizabeth shoots a threatening bullet at Bill when he tries to block the entrance to the torture chamber so he lets Tyler enter. Tyler breaks the locks on the door and the steel contraptions around Caroline's arms and legs. She mentions her ring, so he grabs it and places it back on her finger. Tyler picks her up and carries her to safety. At Caroline's house, Caroline feeds to regain her strength. She thanks her mother. Tyler appears in the doorway so Elizabeth leaves after Caroline thanks her for believing in her. Tyler jokes about giving Caroline a hard time for sneaking out on him. She laughs, but begins to cry instead. He climbs in bed next to her to comfort her, as she says her father hates her.

Caroline and Bonnie arrive unexpectedly at Elena's. They catch up in the kitchen as Bonnie was away for the summer. Bonnie says her father's side of the family is boring, but Caroline says she would love a normal family after all she's been through. Elena's necklace then burns her and Bonnie, the spell giving off an electric current. At the latest Mystic Falls celebration, Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena are on the outskirts of the event as they try to figure out what's wrong with Elena's necklace.

While Bonnie reads up on an identification spell that she thinks will be useful, Caroline sees seizes the opportunity to question Elena about her motives with Damon and if she's switching Salvatores. Elena says her and Damon are searching for Stefan, nothing more. Caroline explains that if her father can't change her, there's no hope for Damon to change. Bonnie then tells them to look at the necklace, that is now floating in the air. That evening, Caroline and Elena continue to speculate about the necklace despite that they're amongst a group of supernatural-hating Founding Family members.

Caroline asks if Stefan ever told Elena where he got the necklace, and Elena says he never mentioned it but that she never asked either. Caroline and Elena rely on Bonnie to discover the truth. Alaric joins the girls as they head toward the door and Damon is mentioned again. Caroline then sees Bill and quickly leaves, unable to speak to him. Tyler finds Caroline relaxing on his bed, where she has been since seeing Bill at the party.

They start to kiss, but her phone rings and she answers it. Elena tells her there's an emergency. Caroline rushes to save Bill from Damon who is feeding on him. Caroline forces Bill to drink her blood to heal him. Caroline beats Damon in their fight and leaves with Bill. Caroline knows Elena is attracted to Damon and is annoyed when she won't admit it. Elena reveals she won't admit it because she isn't sure what it means. Bill thanks Caroline for saving him.

Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, and Tyler plan for Senior Prank Night. In a dark hallway, Tyler is trying to be romantic with Caroline but she brings up Matt, asking if he thinks he's okay. Tyler tells Caroline that Matt is struggling, but he is happy. Rebekah turns up, introduces herself as the new girl, and then attacks. Caroline wakes up on the floor and tries to figure out where she is while Rebekah talks about mobile phones.

Rebekah says that Tyler had his neck snapped by Klaus while Caroline unconscious is "dead-ish" and explains that he'll be a hybrid when he wakes up. When Tyler wakes up, Caroline and Rebekah tell him he is now a hybrid. Klaus arrives. Caroline tells Tyler not to drink the blood Klaus brings him, but he does. Tyler later assures Caroline that he's okay. Caroline thinks it's too good to be true but acts relieved.

Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie stand amongst a group of overly excited students outside school. It's their first day of senior year, but they don't look like they're looking forward to it. Caroline decides to accept everything that's happened and encourages Bonnie and Elena. Inside, Elena has just finished talking to Damon on the phone when she sees Caroline putting up fliers for the annual back-to-school bonfire. When Elena admits that she forgot about the bonfire, Caroline instantly begins to try to convince her to go before Elena says she's going anyway.

Tyler kisses Caroline in the middle of her conversation with Elena, and Caroline quickly realizes that something isn't right. Elena spots a blood stain on his shirt, and Caroline leads him into the bathroom. Elena checks the bathroom for eavesdroppers while Tyler explains himself: Rebekah gave him a blood bag. They go to Alaric's class. Stefan arrives, shocking everyone. Rebekah then arrives and takes a seat, too. Later, Tyler's on the football field whilst Caroline's on the sidelines engaging in cheer practice. She is no longer captain and she is no longer interested in cheerleading, either. Bonnie reveals she quit.

Rebekah arrives and Caroline is not okay with it, knowing Rebekah's up to no good. Rebekah teases Caroline, saying she's planning on taking her place. Caroline runs over to Tyler, stopping him from compelling his coach into letting them leave practice early so they can get drunk at the bonfire. She can't change his mind. Caroline makes sure the old Forbes jail cell is ready for Stefan. Tyler arrives late. Tyler refuses to get to Carol's vervain supply because of his loyalty to Klaus, so Damon stabs him and knocks him out.

Damon tells Caroline that Tyler is loyal to Klaus because Klaus sired him. He tells Caroline to get a new boyfriend when she asks how to fix it. Tyler wakes up to find Caroline with him. She tells him she brought him home. He asks what's wrong, and she tells him he's turned into the old him, the way he was before he was a werewolf. He apologizes, saying she brings out the best in him and he wouldn't be complete without her.

Caroline and Bonnie assist with the decorations at the latest Mystic Falls community gathering. Bonnie tells Caroline about Jeremy seeing the ghosts of Vicki and Anna. Damon arrives, greeting them as "Blondie" and "Witchy." Damon tells Bonnie that when she sent Vicki back to the other side, Mason's ghost began haunting him. Later, we see Matt promises Bonnie that he hasn't seen Vicki since they sent her back. Caroline asks Bonnie why she's pinpointing Vicki in particular, and Bonnie explains that if Vicki isn't the culprit, there's a much bigger problem brewing.

Matt agrees and asks to be let out of it. After Matt walks away, Bonnie drops her Grimoire and it randomly opens up to a specific page, which turns out to be a manifestation spell used to reveal ghosts. Later, Bonnie and Caroline are down in the basement of the old house where Bonnie brought Jeremy back to life. Caroline is concerned about the witches that used to haunt the place but Bonnie reassures her they're gone. As Caroline finishes lighting the last of the candles, Bonnie begins chanting. Caroline stands awkwardly and looks concerned when a breeze begins, freaking her out.

Caroline tries to interrupt Bonnie but she continues and eventually they see Grams. Grams says hello to Caroline and then explains to Bonnie why all of the ghostly situations are occurring: Bonnie opened up the door to the other side when they sent Vicki back and an old witch on that side gave a free pass to anybody with unfinished business. Grams say that witches talk, even on the other side. Caroline's standing in the background smiling and trying not to disturb the moment. Caroline later fills Elena in on the phone about what Grams said.

The key to everything is Elena's necklace but this time Bonnie has to destroy it. Elena says she walked in on Jeremy and Anna kissing. Later, Caroline calls Elena again because the necklace isn't where Damon told them it would be and they can't contact him. Elena disregards her worries because she has another plan in mind and tells Caroline to stop Bonnie from sending the ghosts back, for now. Elena tells Caroline that Lexi is helping Stefan again. Bonnie overhears and asks Caroline. Caroline eventually relents and tells Bonnie about Jeremy and Anna's kiss. Caroline assures Bonnie that they will find the necklace.

They begin searching Damon's room. Jeremy calls Bonnie, and Caroline answers it. Jeremy tells Caroline that the ghosts of the tomb vampires killed Tobias Fell and to be careful as her family will be next. Caroline suggests Anna took the necklace but Jeremy defends her. Caroline warns him to be careful before he loses everything. Caroline and Bonnie are on their way to the witch house when they see that something isn't right. Caroline spots Carol's car on the sidewalk. Frederick's ghost walks in front of Bonnie's car, causing her to come to a sudden halt. The rest of the tomb vampires' ghosts appear, and Caroline decides to do something. Caroline tells Bonnie to drive off as she gets out, and to send them all back to the other side. She fights the ghosts off until they're sent back to the other side, leaving Caroline alone on the street.

Caroline is with Tyler at school and they're working on decorations for the upcoming Homecoming Dance. Tyler asks if they can leave to go and eat. Caroline realizes Tyler wants to feed on people. He tells her Rebekah has some friends who "enjoy being fed on," and he enjoys it. He tells her Matt is going to the dance with Rebekah that night. Caroline is visibly jealous. Tyler assures her if he's sired to anyone, it's her. That night, the gym is flooded so the dance is cancelled, annoying Caroline.

Tyler throws a party at his house to compensate. Caroline is confused about how Tyler managed to do all of this so quickly. Caroline finds Elena and Matt and tells them that Klaus is there, but becomes suspicious when they don't act that surprised. Later, Tyler confronts her about plans to kill Klaus and doesn't believe Caroline when she says she isn't involved in any scheme to kill him. Caroline says he can't be trusted anymore but he stabs her with vervain. Later, Matt checks Caroline's pulse and questions Tyler on what happened.

Tyler tells Matt to get Caroline away from there, but Matt wants to know what's happening. Tyler tells Matt all he does is to protect Caroline. Tyler tells Matt to get Caroline and anyone else he cares about away from the party quickly and leaves. Caroline wakes up in her room. Tyler appears and asks if she's okay, apologizing, but she says she's past forgiveness. Tyler asks her if she would have left if she had known that the others were trying to take down Klaus. Caroline asks how they're meant to be together if Tyler is sired to Klaus, but he says he's okay with it. Tyler begs Caroline not to turn her back on him.

As Caroline's driving to school, she sees Tyler who is standing near her car; she's not happy to have to face him. She tells him she can't talk to him but asks what he's doing about Klaus. He says he isn't doing anything and he can't put her first, as much as he wants to. He gives Caroline a birthday present and leaves. She finds his present is a silver charm bracelet. As she returns home, she isn't any happier. She's surprised with an enthusiastic Elena, Bonnie, and Matt wishing her a happy birthday. Elena explains that because Caroline ditched school she missed out on their "birthday work of art" displayed on her locker, so they're bringing the party to her. Caroline doesn't try to hide how disinterested she is.

Caroline points out she's frozen and is never going to be eighteen. Bonnie, Elena, Caroline, and Matt walk into a strange old building that's in the middle of the woods. Elena says that instead of a birthday, Caroline needs a funeral in order to mourn her old life and move on. Elena, Matt, and Bonnie list Caroline's human qualities and accomplishments. Bonnie uses her powers to light the candles on Caroline's cake and Elena asks Caroline to make a wish. Later, Elena, Bonnie, Matt, and Caroline are still held up in the creepy building. Caroline is busy on her phone and Elena is skeptical about what she's doing.

Caroline admits that she might have text messaged Tyler. Bonnie defends Caroline and turns on Elena, mad at her for having Damon compel Jeremy to leave town. Matt intervenes and Bonnie leaves. Caroline, Elena, and Matt are laughing at something when Tyler arrives. Tyler apologizes, saying that he doesn't mean to crash the party. Matt doesn't seem impressed that Tyler's there, but Caroline jumps up immediately and is ready to talk to him. Matt says that he just wants Caroline to be happy. In the woods, Tyler is attempting to take back everything that he said that morning to Caroline. He says that he refuses to let Klaus control him and then he tells her that he loves her.

They begin kissing, and Tyler bites Caroline. Tyler runs away and Caroline is left to panic and suffer alone as his bite is killing her. Matt knocks on Caroline's door as he yells for Elizabeth. He hurriedly carries Caroline into her house and lays her down, all the while trying to tell Elizabeth what he thinks happened. Caroline is in a horrible state and it looks like her bite has already worsened immensely. Klaus shows up, saying that he's there to help but Matt is angry; Elizabeth ends up inviting him in because she had no other option.

Caroline is resting when Klaus makes his appearance. He enters Caroline's room, after which she questions whether or not he'd come to kill her. He asks her if she thinks that low of him to kill her on her birthday, to which she responds with a yes. He checks her bite and apologizes, telling her that she was simply collateral damage and that it was nothing personal. He says he loves birthdays but Caroline rebuffs his comment, rhetorically asking him if he was a billion years old. He tells her that she'd have to adjust her perception of time due to the fact that she is now a vampire, and to celebrate that she is no longer bound by trivial human conventions.

He explains to her that with her immortality as a vampire she is free but Caroline disagrees, stating that she is dying instead. Klaus tells her that he could let her die if she truly believed that her existence had no meaning, admitting that he had thought about it several times himself. He then explains to her that the rest of the world is waiting for her, filled with great cities, art, music, and genuine beauty, convincing her to want to stay alive. Klaus then gives her his blood. Caroline wakes up the next morning, having been cured by Klaus' blood. Klaus also left her a bracelet as a birthday gift.

Caroline comes home to find Tyler in her living room. He wants to apologize and says thinks he has a solution for learning to resist Klaus' power over him. He called Bill, who's there now and willing to help teach him how to resist his sire bond since he knows how to resist compulsion. Bill attaches Tyler to chains in the dungeon and explains that the sire bond comes from feeling a debt. Tyler has to make himself turn as then he won't feel like he owes Klaus anything for taking that away. Tyler is willing to give it a try to have his freedom.

Caroline's at the hospital as she waits to check in on Bill after Tyler attacked him. Meredith, who gave Bill the blood that healed him, is unhappy that Bill is ungrateful. She apologizes to Caroline for her attitude. Caroline is hurt to know that Bill was discharged the previous night. She meets Elena down the hall and says Meredith is nice but intense. Caroline calls Bill but hears his phone ringing in a nearby room. Caroline and Elena enter the room and find Bill's dead body.

Elena remembers he has vampire blood in his system just as he wakes up. Caroline looks out for Bill but once he says he's not going to feed, she's flooded with horror. He says he wants to die. At Caroline's house, Caroline suggests to Elena that Klaus may have made Tyler kill Bill, but Elena doubts it. Caroline says she will force her father to feed, but Elena reminds her it isn't his choice. Caroline begins to cry as Matt shows up and hugs her. Later, Caroline suggests calling Stephen but Bill says to do it once he's dead. Bill assures Caroline he loves her and she begs him to stay, but he tells her it would be wrong. Bill dies.

Klaus sends Caroline a dress and invites her to the ball that Esther has arranged. She refuses to go but when she sees Rebekah inviting Matt, she changes her mind. She tries to find a dress in her wardrobe that she likes more than the one Klaus gave her before relenting and wearing the dress and his bracelet to the ball. Klaus notices her immediately but his greeting is rebuffed as she rushes to find a drink instead.

Klaus partners her during the Waltz but she spends a lot of time staring over at Matt and Rebekah whilst giving an excuse of being unprepared as the reason she is wearing his gown. Klaus asks Caroline why she is wearing his bracelet as well. Before she can reply, he compliments her dancing abilities and she declares that she is Miss Mystic Falls and Klaus says he knows. Later, Klaus approaches Caroline outside whilst she is watching a horse and they discuss their relationships with their late fathers.

Klaus relays a story of how one of his horses was once killed as his father tried to kill him. Caroline tells him that she is a good person and likes people and people like her, unlike him. She leaves. He also shows her his collection of art, revealing that he is also an amateur artist. Caroline is surprised to learn that the beautiful drawings were done by him. He offers to take her to see the beauty of the world.

Caroline asks what its like to get whatever he wants at a snap of his fingers and comes to the conclusion that this is why he creates hybrids. Klaus tells her to stop making assumptions and to leave. She continues to voice her realization that the reason he does this is because he father never loved him and so he believes that no one else would either. She tells him the reason he doesn't connect with people is because he doesn't try. Caroline walks away in anger. When Caroline returns home, Klaus has left her another gift on her bed. Caroline discovers that he has drawn a portrait of her with the horse and thanked her for being so honest with him.

Damon came up with a plan to try and get Elena out of danger by trying to find a loophole. If one were to stab an Original, all four would fall. Caroline agrees to distract Klaus who is with Kol at the Grill. After Caroline rejects the drink he offers her and leaves, Klaus thinks Kol is challenging him to win her over, so he follows her, almost getting hit by a car. Klaus says he's over their "spat" and tries to charm her into talking. They sit together and she says she's too smart to be seduced by him, but he says, "Well, that's why I like you." He feels it when Alaric stabs Kol and demands Caroline tell him what she did, but she insists she did nothing as he leaves to find Kol.

Caroline begins to help Abby with her transformation. She encourages Jamie to help with Abby. Later, she sees Abby packing as she has decided to leave so that she won't hurt anyone else. Caroline, along with Elena and Matt, meets up with Damon and Stefan, discovering a way to kill Klaus. Caroline asks Matt to keep Rebekah occupied because she didn't want her or Klaus to know that Tyler has returned.

Caroline prepares the 70's dance. Tyler shows up, determined to make Caroline make a decision regarding them, and he and Caroline dance together until Klaus arrives. Tyler steps aside to prevent Klaus from knowing he has broken his sire bond. Klaus informs Caroline he is leaving and asks her to come but she refuses, infuriating Klaus, who leaves. Stefan tells Caroline and Tyler that Esther is at the old cemetery and Matt and Jeremy are going there. Tyler confesses his anger in letting Caroline dance with Klaus before Caroline tells him he loves her.

Alaric keeps Caroline hostage to lure Elena to the school. He tortures her by pushing pencils into her hands and wrapping a vervain-soaked piece of cloth around her mouth. Elena eventually comes and frees Caroline from Alaric. Caroline attends the small victory party with Tyler, Bonnie, Matt, and Jeremy where they toast to the loss of Klaus.

Elizabeth and Carol tell Caroline and Tyler to leave the town, as Alaric told the council that they are supernatural creatures. They agree to leave and make plans to meet in the Lockwood cellar. Later, Caroline goes to find Tyler, crying because Klaus is assumed dead and Tyler will die as well, being sired to him. Unknown to Caroline, Tyler is being possessed by Klaus so, while Caroline is crying to Tyler and saying her goodbyes, it is really Klaus. He tells her "You're strong, and you have a beautiful future ahead of you." They then kiss. Klaus then pretends to be dying, and makes Caroline leave by starting to turn into a wolf. As Caroline leaves, she is heartbroken and devastated.

In Growing Pains, Caroline is seen with Matt in his hospital room as she is still heartbroken over the loss of Tyler. She tries to figure out what she's gonna do and where she's gonna go because her and Tyler planned on going to Florida. When back at her house, getting ready to leave, she is attacked by Pastor's men. She and Rebekah are in a van, trapped by the Town Council. They get in an accident with a police car and Klaus saves Caroline and leaves Rebekah behind.

Tyler/Klaus and Caroline are making out in the woods but then stop when he calls her "love" and she realizes that it's not Tyler. She slaps him and he responds by pointing out that he did just save her. But she's not having it. "You do one semi-decent thing and now you're my hero?" she says. He then tells her he will take her up on her offer of hot hybrid vampire sex.

Caroline goes with Klaus to Bonnie and Jeremy to bring back Tyler. When Bonnie refuses to do so, Klaus starts to rip Tyler's heart out with his fingers, which forces Bonnie to do the spell. Tyler is successfully returned to his body. When Bonnie starts crying what she has done (she watched her Grams' be tortured), Caroline is there to assure her that they are all right there.

In Memorial, Caroline and Tyler are having sex. The doorbell rings and Tyler goes downstairs. Caroline then hears gunshots (Connor shoots Tyler with wooden bullets) and goes to investigate. Tyler and Caroline are at the Salvatore Boarding House, with Stefan removing the wooden bullets from Tyler. They see that there are etchings in the bullets, too. Later, at Pastor Young's and all the other Council members' funeral, she is seen seated with Tyler. When Stefan asks what Tyler is doing there, Tyler says he is showing his respect for the Council members, and Caroline puts in that she would rip Connor's head off if he hurt Tyler. Tyler gives a speech about teamwork and Connor shoots Tyler in front of everyone. Caroline removes the bullets and Tyler remarks how he's going to kill Connor.

Later, Elena searches for April, who has been attacked by Connor, and finds her. Her bloodlust takes over, however, and she attacks April. Luckily, Caroline stops Elena from killing April and heals April with her blood. Caroline tells Elena to compel April, and she does so.

Caroline is last seen lighting a lantern for the one she lost. She says her father's name (and Tyler's dad) and she, along with her friends, watch as their lanterns fly into the night sky.

In The Rager, Caroline is first seen with Stefan and Elena outside the Mystic Falls High School. Caroline asks Stefan if Elena seems a little off balance to him, and Stefan says she's channeling all her emotions into rage and that he used to do it too, as a ripper. Caroline then says that Stefan is good at it, and that he saved her life and now he's saving Elena's. She also says he should write a book and go on the View.

Caroline goes to the Lockwood Mansion, and Tyler tries to prevent her from entering, as his werewolf friend Hayley is there, and Caroline doesn't know about Hayley. Caroline is hurt by Tyler and leaves. Later on, at the Salvatore Boarding House, Stefan calls Caroline and asks her if she remembers what she was like before she turned. Stefan says that Caroline is good at being a vampire, to which she replies, that she's only good at it because of him. Caroline also tells Stefan to come to her whenever he wants and that she won't let him lose control.

In The Killer, Caroline is at the Lockwood Mansion, informing that her mother has squad cars blocking the street. This is because Connor has hostages at the Mystic Grill - Matt, Jeremy and April. She also first meets Hayley there. She finds out that Hayley has been staying there for the past few days, and that she's Tyler's friend. When Hayley and Tyler comfort each other over the death of their hybrid friend Dean, Caroline wants to know the truth. The truth is that Tyler and Hayley plan to help the other hybrids break their sire bonds to Klaus.

In We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes, Caroline brings over Tyler's belongings to his mansion, and he says that now isn't a good time. Klaus leaves (not before speaking to Caroline) and Caroline asks whether Tyler and Hayley think he bought it. Tyler compliments that the two girls are good liars and kisses Caroline.

Caroline later tries to get Klaus to give Elena up, but it doesn't work, as he says Elena needs his help. Klaus says that if Tyler were still sired to him, he would have never let him hurt her. He offers Caroline a drink, which she accepts. Stefan texts her that he lost Elena. Caroline then tells Klaus she came to distract him so Stefan could rescue Elena, and not only that, but he lost her. Klaus leaves the Grill, but Caroline stops him, saying that they found out a way to stop the hallucinations.

Later, Caroline finds Tyler sitting on a couch with Hayley, paying their respects to their friend Chris, a hybrid. Caroline says that they didn't have a choice and they had help their friend. Tyler says that they helped their friend by handing over another friend. Caroline begins to say that Chris wasn't their friend, but Tyler says that Chris was. He asks how did she manage to get Klaus to agree to give up one of his hybrids. Caroline reveals that she agreed to go on a date with him and that she thought it would help keep up the ruse between him and Hayley. Tyler angrily smashes his glass against the wall, and Hayley wakes up, asking what's going on. Tyler says that nothing is going on and that they are only celebrating the life of a fallen friend. Caroline looks on with a hurt look on her face.

In My Brother's Keeper, Caroline is first seen talking to Stefan on the phone, talking to him about his break-up with Elena. Caroline says Elena can't have feelings for Damon since he's Damon and will shake some sense into her head. When talking to Elena, Professor Shane walks up to them and tells them that he's lost. Elena and Caroline feel uneasy about the Professor and continue to rearrange flowers.

Klaus walks up to Caroline and asks her at what time should he pick her up. Caroline says "a quarter to never" and tells Klaus that by a date, she meant a movie. Caroline finally budges and she tells Klaus to pick her up at 2 P.M. and not to buy her a corsage. Caroline and Elena later help April pick out a dress, with Caroline and Elena agreeing that April wear the blue one. Damon enters and Caroline closes the door on Damon, but he opens it. Damon tells April to wear the red dress and Caroline objects, but Elena picks the red one along with Damon. Caroline asks her what happened when she said she clearly didn't like the red one. Elena leaves to talk to Damon, leaving Caroline confused.

At the pageant, Caroline meets with Klaus, stating that he's perfect and that she can't even look at him. Caroline and Klaus catch sight of Tyler, with Hayley as his date, arriving at the event and she seems hurt. Caroline says, "Let's just get this day over with" and introduces the Mystic Court. When it's April's turn and Jeremy, her escort, doesn't show, Caroline seems worried.

At this, Caroline finds Elena and asks her where Jeremy is. Elena calls him, but he isn't picking up. When Damon tells her to calm down, Elena agrees, and Caroline gets angry, telling her that Damon is never right and how can she not see that he is manipulative and sneaky. A small argument happens between the two and Klaus tells her that she's making a scene. Caroline asks how did she become the bad guy and Klaus says that he'll tell her all about being the bad guy.

Caroline and Klaus walk to the pond and talk about Elena and Damon. Klaus tells her that it will all make sense eventually. Klaus pours her a glass of champagne and Caroline asks Klaus whether he thought about being human again. Then, Klaus opens a paper which is Caroline's Miss Mystic application. Caroline tries to snatch the paper, unsuccessfully and is frustrated with Klaus. Caroline then laughs and continues to drink her champagne, while Tyler is watching them.

When Klaus and Caroline walk back to the Lockwood mansion, Klaus tells her that he never did answer her question if he thought about being human again. He tells her that when a hummingbird appeared in front of him, that's when he thought about being human again.

Later, Caroline is shown to be with Stefan, sharing a conversation on Elena and Damon. A few moments later, Caroline tells Stefan that Tyler almost has all of Klaus' hybrids un-sired. Then, Caroline comes to a sudden realization. She states that it's rare, but it could happen and that it could be one of those times. Stefan catches on to what Caroline is saying - that Elena is sired to Damon.

In We'll Always Have Bourbon Street, Elena invites her and Bonnie to the Salvatore Boarding House to have a girls' night. Caroline, who was told by Stefan, not to inform Elena on her being sired to Damon until they know it for sure. It's proven true when Elena drinks from a blood bag and is able to keep it down. Elena tells her friends that Damon suggested she try it again and it worked. A few moments later, when Elena gets a text from Damon saying he's with Stefan, Caroline asks that they check-in text now and Elena asks her if Caroline would mind laying off on all the hate.

Caroline and Elena later get into an argument about Damon and Elena tells Bonnie and Caroline that she thinks she's falling in love with Damon. Caroline then blurts out that she isn't falling in love with Damon and that's she sired to him. Angry at this, Elena orders her friends to leave. When she opens the door, she sees Kimberley and Adrian, two hybrids, standing at the door and they take Caroline to a stable area, where they torture her. Tyler, who is in a fight with Kimberley for alpha of the pack, luckily finds Kimberley with the other hybrids. Tyler takes down Kim, however and Caroline is freed.

Sometime later, Caroline apologizes to Elena and the two hug. Caroline is last shown with Stefan, talking about Elena and Damon. Stefan states that he thinks Damon loves Elena as much as he does and that he can't be selfish with her anymore.

In O Come, All Ye Faithful, Tyler and Hayley's plans for Klaus and the other hybrids commence and Hayley tells Tyler that she found a witch to desiccate Klaus. A heart needs to be stopped to desiccate Klaus, however, and Caroline finds out that Tyler has volunteered for the job. Caroline comes up with the idea of putting Klaus in Rebekah's body and burying the both of them. Hayley, however, is not of board with the plan since it interferes with the plan she and Atticus Shane have planned, so Hayley snaps Caroline's neck.

April Young later finds Caroline stuffed in the bathroom stall and freaks out since Caroline doesn't have a pulse, calling for someone to help. Just as she is going to leave to find someone to help her, Caroline appears in front of her and calls Stefan, with a confused April before her. Caroline compels April to forget what she saw and leave, but April isn't compelled thanks to the vervain bracelet Jeremy gave her. Caroline comes across Matt, who tells her April can't be compelled. Lastly, Caroline informs Stefan that Damon and Elena are together. She looks on as Stefan takes his anger out at this news.

After Carol Lockwood's Memorial, Stefan called Caroline from the Grill, where he was having a one-man-multiple-bourbon pity party now that he knows Damon slept with Elena. Caroline told him Tyler is spiraling and he takes priority now. Rebekah called Stefan and told him she was holding Elena hostage at the high school, and he phoned Caroline. The plan was for Stefan to distract Rebekah while Caroline used the white oak stake on her, but Rebekah had already disarmed Caroline by the time Stefan found her.

Elena, Caroline, and Stefan had all been compelled. The rules: they answer her questions honestly, no disobedience, and no one leaves. Rebekah needed a quick update on what she's missed. She couldn't understand why, if Stefan would do anything to save Elena, even take the cure himself so he could grow old and die with her, they were still vampires. Rebekah sensed that the reminder of Stefan's devotion to Elena made everyone comfortable, and Caroline finally blurted out that they'd broken up. This situation had to be perpetual teen Rebekah's dream. She demanded to know what had happened. "She slept with Damon," Stefan said. Elena glared at Caroline. Caroline could barely look at her.

Tyler arrived, and Rebekah told them all to stay in the building and not vamp run in the hallway. She compelled Tyler to turn into a werewolf. Now that she had Shane, she didn't need them. They were just competition, and whoever finds the cure first gets to decide how to use it. Later, she found Tyler in the gym, lying naked in the fetal position in front of his mother's makeshift memorial. She held him as he broke down and apologized. "This whole thing, this is all my fault," he said. "I should have saved her."

During Into the Wild, Caroline showed up for the first time in weeks to ask Tyler to come home, but he insisted he's going to spend every moment with Klaus until he can kill him. Klaus tried to say they were even -- Tyler's mother's dead, his brother's dead -- so they should tell Bonnie to let him out. But Caroline, remembering Aunt Jenna was also among Klaus' death toll, said she'd never help him and that he wasn't even worth the calories she burns talking to him. That's when Klaus impaled her with the other end of a lamp, pulled her to him, and bit her. "Now that was definitely worth the calories," Klaus says after he drops her body on the floor.

Later, Klaus made Tyler beg for him to give Caroline his blood to save her, and then he refused to do it even if Tyler became his slave again in exchange. Then Caroline told Tyler to get her out of there because she couldn't even look at Klaus. Eventually, Tyler came up with a plan: Knowing that Klaus does care about her, Tyler took her back to him so he'd have to watch her die if he didn't want to help her.

She asked Klaus how he could do this to her and Tyler. He said it's because he's pure evil. She said no, it's because he's hurt -- which means there's still a part of his humanity left. She said she's seen it, and she's caught herself wishing she could forget all the horrible things he's done. "I know that you're in love with me," she said. "And anybody capable of love is capable of being saved." Klaus almost broke down in tears and told her she was hallucinating. She took her final breaths, and he cured her by feeding his blood.

In Down the Rabbit Hole, Caroline got a phone call from Elena that she needs help getting sword from Klaus and came to know that Shane tricked them all. Caroline accepted that she can find the sword from Klaus' Attic as Klaus is under the Spell of Bonnie.

Caroline and Tyler later came with sword and discovered it has cryptex under its hilt. Caroline got Jeremy's tattoo pictures from Rebekah in order to solve the puzzle in the sword and she said Klaus can help if he wants. Klaus said that magic of Internet wont be enough to solve the cryptex. Caroline didn't understand meaning from Hunter's mark and the language written means. Later Klaus helped her by translating in Aramaic Language which neither Tyler or Caroline understood.

Caroline told Rebekah by speaker that she send the details and pictures of Cryptex to her e-mail. But Klaus said to Rebekah that he helped them and told the told the Translation of Cryptex in English that there is only one dosage of Cure.

Later, Caroline begged Klaus for Tyler's freedom and said for her to stop looking for Tyler. Caroline said only one dose is there, so it's not possible for her to have the cure.

Klaus asked if she gets it, whether she takes or not. Caroline didn't say anything and he said she prefers the girl who is now: strong, ageless, fearless vampire. Klaus said her Tyler has to leave town out if his sight, far away from him.

Tyler shared a last moment with Caroline outdoor and Tyler said she has to forget everything about how they met in love and every romantic episodes in her life until they find a way. She cried and kissed for last time and said until they figure a way out of this and Tyler with no option left Mystic Falls.

Klaus said he spared his life because of Caroline and he should never ask for mercy again. He was kind by letting Tyler live instead of ripping his heart out.

In Stand By Me, Caroline was cleaning Kol's burnt mark when she got shock to see Stefan carrying Jeremy's body home. Caroline said Elena knew that he is dead and she has to accept the truth. Stefan said she is upset and is in denial about his death. Caroline later left a voice mail to Tyler telling him something happened and to call her. Caroline said they need to arrange a cover story and a good funeral for him, she would call Matt, her mom, and Dr Meredith. She came to a halt when she sensed a weird smell and Stefan said Jeremy's body started to decompose.

Caroline was seen later seen when Elena became upset and was about to burn the house. Caroline freaked out on Elena's emotion and became scared of her attitude. Caroline also felt deep grief when she saw Elena mourning over Jeremy's death and said she had no one left in the house.

Caroline told Tyler by voice mail that Jeremy died and to call her. She later joined by missing Bonnie and met Matt, Elena in the dining room. Bonnie told them she could bring Jeremy back by completing Expression Triangle to get enough power. Bonnie told them that she can drop the veil between this side and Other Side and bring all supernatural creatures from dead. Caroline and Matt were against it and said all monsters would be back for revenge.

In Bring It On, Caroline is shown at the Salvatore Boarding House because their showers are vervain-free. She thinks Elena should come back to school and Elena wants back in the cheerleading squad. Caroline realizes that since Damon turned off Elena's humanity, the sire bond that connected Damon to Elena is no longer in effect. At the cheerleading competitions, Caroline sees that Elena is feeding on the competition and forbids her to compete but Elena doesn't listen to her. During the routine, she fails to catch Caroline, who falls with a major thud on the pad, it's enough to make Stefan and Caroline suspicious of this new Gilbert. Later, Elena throws a big party at the Salvatore house and Caroline is happy to see Elena having fun. While Caroline is dancing with Stefan, Elena tells them they look good together. Then a battle in the woods between new Elena and Caroline, after Elena hurt her mother. Elena tells Caroline that she should turn off her humanity as well so she would stop whining about how Tyler left and won't have to feel guilty about the dirty thoughts she has of Klaus. Caroline whom has been a vampire for a year was easily outbeaten by Elena whom recently became a vampire and had training from Alaric. Elena nearly killed her until Stefan and Damon saved her. Stefan told Caroline that they can't give up on Elena.

In Because the Night, Klaus interrupted Caroline's clean-up duty, and after she told him she can hate him for driving Tyler away even if Tyler was plotting to kill him, Stefan revealed he'd asked Klaus over because they need his help to find Silas. Klaus got an update on Silas from Caroline and Stefan. Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love. But he's supernatural, so if he takes the cure and dies, he gets stuck in the other side. If he destroys the other side all together, he can take the cure, die, and pass on. But in destroying the other side, every dead supernatural being will return to our side. Klaus cares because he has a lot of enemies he's killed over the years. Stefan said they have to find Silas before he can complete the third massacre. While searching professor Shane's office, Caroline, Klaus, and Stefan traded barbs. Klaus compared the fun he used to have with No Humanity Stefan to that which Damon must be having with No Humanity Elena in New York. Stefan said Damon knew what he was doing – meaning staying on target and not sleeping with Elena. And Klaus said not to underestimate the allure of darkness: Even the purest hearts are drawn to it, referring to Caroline. Caroline found a book that revealed that the third sacrifice, following a dozen humans and a dozen demons, had to be a dozen witches. Caroline was worried that Bonnie would be one of the dozen. No, she's the one who has to endure the witches fighting back, channeling each other one by one using spirit magic until they're all linked as one, and then kill them.

As Caroline and Klaus flirted over geometry while trying to pinpoint where the third massacre would take place in the Expression Triangle, Stefan had tried to get a hold of Bonnie and got her dad instead. Stefan figured out Silas was with her. In the woods, Stefan went in one direction and Klaus and Caroline went in the other. Klaus and Caroline went at it again, and Klaus asked "So you've never felt the attraction that comes when someone who's capable of doing terrible things, for some reason, cares only about you?" Caroline said she did once, when she thought he was worth it. But it turns out some people can't be fixed: "People who do terrible things are just terrible people." Klaus looked so wounded. They were in the wrong spot, which meant it was Stefan who showed up and told the witch working on Bonnie that Silas had brainwashed her to kill them. The witch took out a blade and prepared to stab Bonnie then, because if Silas has her she's lost. Stefan tried to stop her, and she gave him a massive headache. Klaus and Caroline appeared, and Klaus said they couldn't stop the witch now because she's linked to the others. Caroline ran, even as Klaus shouted, "No!," and made the witch stab herself. All the witches fell, one at a time. "The triangle is complete," a white-eyed Bonnie said.

The next day, Klaus dug 12 graves for the 12 witches. Klaus said Caroline could tell herself she did it to save her best friend, but the math doesn't lie: One life lost is better than 12. It sunk in: "I just killed 12 people," she said, her face appropriately horrified. It looked like he was going to help her through compulsion. "You look like you're in need of comfort," he said. Then he paused. "Why don't you find someone less terrible that you can relate to?" Then Caroline left.

In American Gothic, when Caroline gets a bunch of calls from Klaus, she goes to his mansion and finds him suffering. he begs her to take the shard of white oak out of his back but doesn't have considerably more luck than he had with Caroline(Silas). She says she'll do it -- if he promises to let Tyler come back to town. And, of course, doesn't kill him. Klaus does not like these terms one bit. rightly points out that Klaus gets in his own way, and she's not wrong at all.

Caroline tries to be a good friend and carves up Klaus' back, only for him to realize he wasn't really in pain -- that was just Silas' mind control. Klaus still thanks Caroline for helping him, because it was only through her distracting him. Caroline also accepts a friendship with Klaus.

Caroline gets ready for Prom with Bonnie helping her dress shopping. When Elena arrives at the store, Caroline and Bonnie leave then Elena steals the dress. When Caroline goes to Klaus for help, he laughed at Caroline but couldn't resist her when she smiled and begged him to find her a dress.

Caroline finally made her entrance in a beautiful beaded gown. Stefan swept Caroline away for a dance before she could really lay into Elena. She is, after all, supposed to be killing Elena with kindness, not simply killing her. Even though Caroline talked about how she should be there with Tyler, and Stefan admitted a part of him hasn't moved on from Elena, there was that lingering look when Caroline told him people eventually move on without even knowing it. Someday they meet someone new and fall in love again. Next, Caroline is standing around looking lonely and Damon stands next to her with his flask. She laments about how the prom sucks and this is not how she wants to finish off her senior year. He offers her an understanding glance and some booze. "Well, if anyone asks, I'll be at the after party," she states after taking a sip.

At Tyler's place, Caroline was prepping for the after party when Tyler showed up. Tyler and Caroline danced their last dance, and he thought he could sneak out before anyone saw him. Klaus was on the porch waiting to ask if it was worth it to give Caroline the night of her dreams. In the shared interest of not ruining Caroline's evening, Klaus gave Tyler a five-second head start.

In She's Come Undone, Caroline first appears in Elena's imagination that Damon made Elena to see in order to turn her humanity back on. Caroline is asking her to help her with her valedictorian speech as they walk towards Damon.

Later, Caroline confronts Stefan about torturing Elena, telling him that she wants to see her. Caroline is not happy about the way Stefan and Damon want to deal with Elena, so she asks Stefan to let her talk to Elena. She is convinced that Elena can't hurt her because she hasn't fed for days and she's weak. In the cellar, where Elena is kept, Stefan wishes Caroline good luck and then he leaves them alone. Caroline gives Elena small bottle of vervain-free blood, which Elena accepts and quickly drinks.

Caroline tells Elena that she doesn't agree with Salvatore brothers torturing her. Of course, she wants Elena to turn her emotions back on, but she thinks that they shouldn't make her suffer. She tells Elena that this emotionless version of her is not who she is. Elena asks Caroline: "What makes you such an expert on who I am?" while playing with the empty bottle. "Because we've been friends for ever," in Caroline's answer. When Elena tells her that she should move on, Caroline grabs the rotting bottle, saying that she's not giving up on Elena.

Elena is mocking Caroline about both, Tyler and Klaus, slipped town because of Caroline's clinginess and about graduation. Elena says that Caroline will look pathetic in gown and cap, while her mother will be pretending how happy she is. Because Caroline cannot stand Elena's mocking anymore, she stands up to leave, but Elena attack her from behind. Caroline snaps Elena's neck. When Stefan comes to check up on them, she tells him to do whatever they need to do.

Caroline is still at Salvatore's boarding house as she calls Bonnie. Matt comes to visit her and Caroline admits that she can't stand Elena's screaming. She also tells Matt, that she'd ordered him, herself and Elena caps and gowns. "What the hell is she doing here?" Caroline asks Matt when they see Rebekah coming over. She wants Rebekah to leave, but the Original tells her that Matt is falling classes she she's going to help him. Caroline is surprised by this and leaves to get her study guides.

At the driveway, she is surprised by Klaus showing up. They go on a walk and talk about his departure from Mystic Falls. Klaus asks her to come to New Orleans with him, asking her what is she afraid of. Caroline answers that she's afraid of him. As they continue the conversation, it is revealed that Klaus is Silas. Then he stabs her and she passes out.

When she wakes up in the woods, she runs towards the boarding house, where she runs into Matt, who is also revealed as Silas. He continues to haunt her in Klaus' body and in his own body as she runs to her car and calls her mom to stay at home and don't let anyone inside. As Caroline gets home, she is calling Bonnie and Liz asks her what is going on. Because she doesn't trust her, she asks her not to come any closer, "I don't know if it's really you," Caroline says. Caroline calls her on the phone and her mom's phone start to ring.

Bonnie comes to Forbes house and Caroline thinks that Bonnie is Silas, but Bonnie sees Caroline's mother is Silas and opens the locked door with magic. Bonnie asks Silas where is Caroline's mother and his answer is that she is where Caroline has left her. Caroline runs to living room, where she finds her mother lying on the floor. Because her mom is dying, she grabs first aid kit and pulls out a syringe, which she stabs into her neck and takes some of her blood and then she injects the blood into Elizabeth's heart, but her mother isn't waking up and Caroline is crying and begging her to come back. Then, Caroline's mom comes back.

In The Walking Dead, Caroline had Elena helping her out with graduation announcements and she was completely against the idea of her killing Katherine.

Elena had informed Caroline that she wouldn't apologize for all the horrible things she did to her to her because then she'd have to feel bad about every thing she'd done when her humanity was off. Then for most of the episode, Silas pretended to be Caroline so that he could find Bonnie. He had compelled her to cut her wrists. Later, Rebekah had found her. Matt and Rebekah tried to get her to stop but she wouldn't listen. Matt called Damon and gave him the update on Silas and Caroline. Caroline was still determined to cut off her wrists -- until Rebekah smacked her back to her senses. "BITCH!" Caroline said. "There is the Caroline I know and loathe," Rebekah said.

In Graduation, Caroline talks to Bonnie saying that everyone should be present in the Graduation event. Caroline calls Klaus asking him to return to save Damon but does not respond. Caroline graduating with others.

Later Caroline, Elena and Stefan are attacked by the 12 witches that Caroline killed, but Klaus arrives and saves her and the others.

In the evening Klaus returns with Caroline and shows the invitation that she had sent for him. Klaus says he has a gift for her he thought give you a first class ticket to New Orleans but better would give something he knows she will accept and is Tyler's return to Mystic Falls. He says to her "He's your first love, I intend to be your last however long it takes" and then kisses her on the cheek. She leaves with Klaus, arm in arm, then he says "Let's get out of here, before twelve angry hybrids decide to pick a fight." He then escorts her home.

In I Know What You Did Last Summer, Caroline is finishing packing up things she will take to Whitmore College, showing excitement about sharing a dorm room with Elena and speaking on the phone with Tyler.

She is also preparing everything for his arrival; since she assumes he will soon join them at college. Once they reach their dorm room and begin unpacking, they meet their new roommate Megan. This unexpected roommate bothers Caroline, since they were expecting Bonnie to be their roommate. Caroline later panics that Megan knows that they are vampires, when she has some of Megan's "protein water" that is laced with vervain. Caroline and Elena go to a party they were invited to, earlier by Jesse, and after not being able to enter the house unless invited, Elena receives a call from Megan who is screaming down the phone at them to help her. Elena and Caroline seem worried, but are unable to help her as she is still inside. Megan is thrown through a second floor window and lands right in front of them, dead. Upon inspection, they realize that she has a bite mark on her neck; there is another vampire at Whitmore College. Later, Caroline receives a voice mail from Tyler which tells her that he can't return to her because he is still helping a pack of wolves in Tennessee and she begins to cry sadly.

In True Lies, Caroline and Elena talk about the tribute the college students pay to Megan. She believes they are very dramatic. Elena asks her for Tyler to which she replies that he has deferring from enrolling and deferring from returning her phone calls, so she's deferring from having sex with him ever again. Elena tells her that Megan's death was dictated as a suicide and that the person who gave the dictum is covering about vampires, she also explains that this person is Professor Wes Maxfield and she changed some of their classes in order to be in the classes of that teacher.

Caroline at first didn't agree, because she wanted to be in intro to communication, get drunk and make bad decisions about boys, but Elena convinces her, saying that in any case they will have lots of fun.

They arrive to the classroom of Micro Biology and meet Jesse, who immediately puts his attention on Caroline and asks her how she, who is only freshman is in that class, to which Caroline answers that she loves Micro Biology and that it is her favorite biology. Jesse asks if she's going to the bonfire in the night and Elena tells him that Caroline will be there.

At that time the teacher Wes Maxfield enters and starts his class. Elena tells Caroline that Jesse is cute, interested and most importantly, unlike Tyler, he's there. They continue talking, but are disrupted by the teacher and when they can't answer his questions, he kicks them out, as he knows exactly they are freshman and have no place in this class.

Later, Caroline is seen in a towel and Damon enters her room asking for Elena to which she responds that Elena might be at the bonfire, trying to find out more about Maxfield. Damon tells her that Silas is with Elena, posing as Stefan. Caroline then tells him about Elena's sense of foreboding regarding Stefan. Damon tells Caroline to get dressed so they can go look for Elena.

Elena and Jesse are talking when Damon arrives and hits Jesse, believing that he is working for Silas. Jesse faints and Caroline enters, upset with Damon for knocking Jesse out.

Later, Caroline puts ice on Jesse's face to help with his inflammation and apologizes for Damon's behavior, to which Jesse responds that it got them alone together and that's a win.

He begins to flirt with her, but Caroline tells him she has a boyfriend. Jesse asks where is he, to which she responds he's supposed to be there at College with her and that he deferred a semester. They have a long conversation and she continues to hold the ice on his face.

The next day, Caroline says goodbye to Elena because Elena goes in search of Stefan. She also has learned of the death of Bonnie's father and tells Elena to let her know when she hears from Bonnie.

In For Whom the Bell Tolls, Caroline is talking on the phone with Elena about Stefan and his loss of memory, Caroline tells her that she is studying hard to learn more about it and also to try to impress Dr. Maxfield, so she can get closer to him and find out why he covered up their roommate's murder by a vampire, and it's also possible that she has a study buddy, Jesse.

Caroline invited Jesse to the traditional Remembrance Day to honor the dead in Mystic Falls, they begin to study together. Jesse asks why she invited him, to which she replies that it's because he likes her, Jesse distracts her and takes the opportunity to kiss her, he then tells her he's sorry and they continue studying.

Later Caroline meets with Silas, disguised as Stefan, and he immediately recognizes her because he has seen photographs of her and believes she is much hotter in person, at the time Jesse arrives and Caroline tells him to leave her alone with Stefan. Stefan tells Jesse that he is hungry and he can smell his arm is bleeding, Caroline compels Jesse to hide. Caroline talks to Stefan and he asks if she has blood bags, Caroline nods and tells him to follow her and they will go to look for them but when she turns around, Stefan disappears.

Caroline finds Stefan attacking Jesse in the Crypt and she stops him, Stefan tells her that he has to go and he leaves the crypt. Jesse is bleeding and Caroline gives him her blood to heal him.

The next day, Caroline finds Stefan in the crypt and she is very sad because she has learned about the death of Bonnie, Stefan asks what happened to Bonnie but she says she doesn't want to talk about it because she doesn't want to cry, as she believes she will never stop. She tells him the only thing she feels is sadness and anger but Stefan then interrupts and says that she has him, he will always be there for her as she is always there for him, then he takes her hand.

Caroline, Elena, Damon and Matt later attend a funeral in Bonnie's honor with Jeremy. Caroline carries her cheerleading pom poms and cries inconsolably. Bonnie is speaking to her from the Other Side when Tyler suddenly appears. Caroline is happy and runs to hug him.

In Monster's Ball, Caroline is in college with Tyler. They are seen kissing and talking about her plans for Tyler at college. She adds that he is escorting her to the Whitmore historical ball and that they will dress as Bonnie and Clyde.

Caroline and Tyler arrive to the costume ball. They're talking when Stefan arrives, inviting Caroline to dance which she accepts. Later, Caroline and Tyler are dancing when she invites him to look elsewhere, but Tyler responds with negativity and she says she's just happy to have him by her side.

Tyler stands alone on the stairs when Caroline arrives. He tells her that he can't be in college with her to which she replies that she understands and apologizes for having pressed him, but Tyler isn't only talking about college. The reason he returned is to say goodbye to her because he seeks revenge against Klaus for what he did to his mother and that he can't be with her because he feels like they're only together because Klaus granted them permission to be together.

Later, Caroline returned to the dorm room where Tyler is packing his things. She asks to him not leave her, to stay with her, but he tells her that he can't. Caroline tells him that if he leaves, they break up definitely. Tyler takes the decision to abandon her although seemingly it isn't an easy decision for him, leaving Caroline shattered and sadly crying.

In Handle with Care, Caroline enters to her room in the college and meets with who she thinks is Elena fresh out of the shower, she tells her that she doesn't want to know if Tyler called, and they have to finish packing her things to leave college for the threats of professor Maxfield, Caroline realizes that Elena has no idea what she's talking about, then she takes her neck because she's actually Katherine not Elena. Katherine says that she needs a place to live, Caroline at first says no but Katherine tells her that she can help with the professor Maxfield and Caroline accepts.

Later, Professor Maxfield is in his laboratory conducting experiments with vampire blood. Caroline appears and Katherine takes the opportunity to inject a substance into his neck, which makes him faint. Caroline and Katherine planned drain the vervain out of his system to compel him to tell them everything he knows about vampires, Katherine takes over and begins to drain blood from the professor, he tells them that the secret society planned to invite Elena to belong the group but because of his suspicions that she was a vampire, they desisted, Katherine then takes the decision to impersonate Elena and Caroline stays with the professor.

Caroline is left alone with the professor and after that she has drained all the vervain in his system starts to question him about the secret society, he says the society is called Augustine, and how he became a member and that there is a vampire named Augustine who actually killed Megan, Diane Freeman then comes and Caroline compels him to forget everything that happened and everything that he knows about Elena and her, Caroline then leaves the laboratory.

In Death and the Maiden, Caroline is at Whitmore College leaving a voice message to Jesse when she meets Nadia, they are talking and then comes Katherine, Nadia tries to tell Caroline that Katherine is her mother, but Katherine interrupts her and doesn't permit, Caroline leaves and leaves them alone.

Later Caroline interrupts the conversation between Nadia and Katherine and takes Katherine to the Salvatore mansion, since Qetsiyah needs her to perform the spell to resurrect Bonnie.

When Katherine is trying to clean her blood after being cut by Qetsiyah in her hand, Caroline offers her blood to cure Katherine, but Katherine can't drink vampire's blood. Caroline is present in the moment that Bonnie is resurrected, she is very happy and immediately reminds Bonnie will be her roommate in college.

Later in the college Caroline is preparing her room for Bonnie too, then Katherine arrives and understands that she has to go. When Nadia comes and starts talking to Katherine, Caroline discovers that Nadia is the daughter of Katherine and she is surprised about that.

In Dead Man on Campus, Caroline and Elena are organizing a party at the University for the return of Bonnie and for all the good events recently as Silas is dead. They are very excited about this party until Caroline gets a call from Jesse, he tells her that he needs her immediately in his room, Caroline comes immediately to find Jesse attacking Aaron, she stops him and realizes that Jesse has been turned into a vampire.

Later Jesse tells Caroline everything that Wes made to ​​him, Caroline and Elena proposed to help Jesse in his new vampire life and teach him about his new skills.

At the party, Caroline talks to Elena about Damon, Elena tells to her that Damon is with Wes questioning him about his experiments, Caroline assures Elena that Damon is going kill to Wes, Elena disagrees but Caroline takes the opposite.

Later at the party Caroline is dancing with Jesse, they are talking about the last time that he kissed her, when Caroline takes the initiative and kisses him, they kiss passionately but Jesse bites her, she is surprised by this and Jesse leaves the party, leaving Caroline puzzled.

Caroline arrives at the laboratory of professor Maxfield and finds Jesse on the floor because he has received a stake through his heart by Elena because he was attacking Damon, Caroline is very sad about this and begs him to resist but Jesse dies in her arms, she is very upset with Elena for this.

Later Caroline is talking with Elena and she apologizes to her, Caroline tells Elena that being with Damon has changed her and that the day that she stops telling the truth about how she thinks about Damon, that will be the day they stop being best friends.

In The Cell, Katherine calls Caroline to ask for her help since she overheard some of Stefan's PTSD, Caroline arrives with the safe where Stefan was locked up for 3 months, she has the idea of ​​putting him back in his box but Stefan is terrified by this.

Caroline is reading a book in search for a help but it wasn't working very well, Stefan was still freaking out and Katherine was questioning whether or not Caroline and Stefan had ever hooked up.

Katherine had the idea of shutting herself in the box with him to help, meantime Caroline watched them. When Katherine and Stefan are getting closer and seemed like they were going to kiss, Caroline felt the need to open the box because she thought it was too quiet. Stefan got out of the box and he hinted to her that all was well and that it had worked, Caroline hugged him very happy.

At the Salvatore's house, Caroline is trying to move the safe all by herself. She yells for Stefan to help but he's cleaning up the room he tore up earlier. After Caroline heard when Stefan and Katherine are kissing and she leaves a message to Elena to call immediately.

In 500 Years of Solitude, Caroline is very excited about the break up between Damon and Elena. She and Bonnie prepared a breakfast break for Elena but then receive a call from Stefan who informs them that Katherine is dying.

Later in the Salvatores' house, Caroline and the others are celebrating the imminent death of Katherine, when Nadia appears, she is looking for help to carry out a plan to save Katherine's life but nobody wants to help, so she threats them telling that she has kidnapped Matt who is locked in the safe where Stefan was.

Caroline, Bonnie, and Jeremy are looking for Matt but Caroline is worried about the issue of Stefan having sex with Katherine, then she finds out that Bonnie has had sex with Jeremy and she is excited about the idea, Jeremy and Bonnie are uncomfortable with the conversation and decide to separate and leave Caroline alone.

Later in the forest, she continues to search for Matt and then Klaus appears, she is shocked but she behaves in an unfriendly way towards him. But Klaus keeps following her, he tells her that he has returned about the news about Katherine but Caroline isn't interested in the conversation because she has to keep looking for Matt and moves away with her vampire speed but Klaus returns to follow her. Klaus stops her and talks about Tyler, but knowing that Caroline cares for Tyler he tells her that he has decided not to kill him, also tells her that he has decided to abandon his revenge with Katherine just for her.

Klaus and Caroline talk and Caroline asks why these decisions and Klaus says that the only thing he wants is a confession, Caroline tells him that she has done nothing but he wants her to be honest with him about her feelings for him, Klaus tells her that if she is honest with him, he will leave and never return to Mystic Falls. Caroline makes him promise to never return and he does. Caroline goes on the defensive, saying that she's at college and planning a life for herself, and none of her dreams involve Klaus in the least.

Klaus understands, but counters that she is still afraid of him. Caroline elaborates that she thinks it is wrong to feel this way, but finally gives into Klaus' demands and initiates a kiss. They have sex. Later in the evening Caroline, returns to the Salvatore house a little dirty, pulls leaves out of her hair. Jeremy, Bonnie and Matt have already returned and she tells them that she was lost, Bonnie begins to see some familiar faces from the Other Side: Vicki and Alaric. Then Tyler appears and just says hi to him.

In The Devil Inside, Caroline is cleaning his room in the college and then enters Aaron asking for Elena, Caroline tells him that Elena isn't there but if he wants he can leave a message for her. Aaron leaves the message and then leaves the room.

Caroline and Stefan are talking on the cell about Damon and Elena because Stefan wants to help them to reconcile, Stefan wants Caroline's help but initially she refuses then Caroline feels guilty about sleeping with Klaus and for this reason she agrees to help Stefan with Damon and Elena relationship. As they find out that Elena doesn't answer Damon's calls she tries to find her herself, with no luck.

Later Caroline and Stefan arrive at the bar where Damon is, and Stefan tells him that she wants to help, Damon is surprised because he knows that Caroline hates him and in the end Damon tells Caroline that he doesn't need her help, so Stefan decides that they must better try with Elena again.

As Matt throws a welcome party for Tyler Caroline is there and meets Katherine in Elena's body. She calls Damon to come to the party so he could fix thing with Elena. She thinks that this is Elena and tells her that she did a bad thing and confesses about her affair with Klaus. Katherine pretends to care so that she would not understand that Elena is gone, but it is annoying her. When Katherine sees Tyler standing behind Caroline she takes opportunity to get rid off her and makes sure Tyler knows that Caroline slept with Klaus. Then Katherine leaves as Caroline is distracted by Tyler's reaction.

She goes after him to ask his forgiveness and to explain , but he is furious with her and asks her to leave. She refuses but then Tyler threatens her with starting to turn into his wolf form. Stefan finds them and protects Caroline from the apparent attack of Tyler, Tyler tells Stefan that Caroline slept with Klaus, Stefan looks surprised at her and Caroline is embarrassed and leaves, Stefan hits Tyler for hurting Caroline saying that even when he is drunk she didn't deserve this behavior.

Later Caroline is in the Salvatore house, Stefan arrives and sits down to talk to her telling her that he had been looking for her everywhere, Caroline tells him that he is her friend and she needs to hear what he really thinks about her, but Stefan asks: "When you found out, about me and Katherine. What was your first thought?" She then replies:"Honestly, that..ugh." Stefan then answers:" See, and if you held that against me,you wouldn't been sitting here right now with me ,would you?" And then he starts joking, making Caroline smile, he also looks at her with a tender smile.

In Total Eclipse of the Heart, Caroline, Bonnie and Katherine who is still posing as Elena, attend college classes, they walks into a classroom and Caroline is talking about a fresh start in her life as single. Caroline decides to move on from her relationships with Tyler and Klaus and asks Bonnie and Elena to attend Bitter Ball with her. she tells Bonnie to assist without the company of Jeremy what Bonnie accepts, the three agree to attend the dance.

When Katherine asks her advice about earrings to wear at the party, she tells her that she doesn't have to pretend with her because she knows that she is on edge because of the whole Tyler-Klaus thing and that she knows that she must be sad over her break up with Damon and that she doesn't have to come to the party if she doesn't want to. At that time, Katherine gets a call from Stefan and decides to invite him, Caroline looks at her curiously.

At the Bitter Ball, Katherine and Caroline come to dance, then Stefan appears and Katherine invites him to dance. They are dancing and talking but Caroline interrupts them and Caroline tells him that Katherine promised to join her at the shredding station, Stefan agrees, so she and Katherine leave him alone. When they arrive at the shredding station, she pulls Katherine aside and destroys pictures of herself with Tyler and also the picture that Klaus drew for her, she says that she is making a decision and that these relationships are over. She advises Katherine to slow down her relationship with Stefan, because she thinks that perhaps she is just feeling bored or nostalgic and lonely and she will do the same,when Katherine seems bothered, Caroline tells her to forget everything she said, Katherine agrees and leaves. She arrives where Stefan is and asks him why he hasn't even told Elena what he has come to tell her, Stefan thinks she was listening to their conversation but she tells him that he came to the dance for his own free will and because something happening. Stefan tells her that Damon fell off the deep end and that he killed Aaron and as he saw Elena being happy, he couldn't tell her.

When Damon arrives with Bonnie and informs them that he has Jeremy as hostage and that if Bonnie doesn't help him to get a witch, Enzo will kill Jeremy. Caroline helps Bonnie to convince Liv, a witch, to help them by showing Liv that supernaturals exist. She, Damon and Bonnie accompany Liv to do the spell for the location of Doctor Wes and so to save Jeremy, when Liv fails doing the spell, Damon gives Enzo the permission to kill Jeremy, Caroline unsuccessfully tries to make him change his mind about hurting Jeremy. Later, Stefan and Katherine are embracing in the room of the college, Caroline arrives and interrupts them, Stefan and Caroline stare at each other.

In No Exit, Caroline is helping Stefan to find Damon and she arrives to the Salvatore's house, where is Stefan, they are following the traces left by Damon, killing vampires and tearing their heads. Stefan feels guilty for letting Damon go, but Caroline tries to cheer him up, saying that it isn't his fault and that no one could've stopped Damon from going after Wes the other night, Stefan says her that he has to find Damon.

They are talking and then arrives Katherine that is still in possession of Elena's body, she offers to accompany Stefan to find Damon, Caroline is surprised to see her but Katherine tells her that Stefan is helping her with studies. In that moment Caroline's phone rings.

She answers and is Tyler asking her for Matt, because he hadn't heard from him and he tells her that Nadia has been compelling him to forget things. Caroline tells him that she will go to his home but Tyler disagrees, anyway Caroline says him that she thinks that they can figure that out together, she hangs up the phone. Katherine tells Caroline to go with her but Caroline disagrees telling her that she will deal with Damon. Katherine says that she will go to get some clothes and left them, Stefan reminds Caroline that Tyler hates her, giving to understand that she should not go to his house, Caroline tells him that everything will be fine and that they both have weird ex-friend situations, because of Tyler and Elena. Stefan tells her that he and Elena are just friends and that he only helped her with her ​​studies and that in the trip, whatever she's feeling, he is sure that he will be able to figure it out.

Caroline is sitting in the Lockwood's house, Tyler brings her a cup of coffee and Caroline says that she usually takes it with a little more awkward silence, they smile and he says to her that she doesn't take anything with silence. She asks him if Matt is missing and Tyler says that, he just hasn't been home for two days and he's not answering his phone. At that moment arrives Matt, he is surprised to see Caroline in the house, then Nadia appears in the front door, but she's barred from entering the house without permission, Matt then allowed her to enter.

Matt pours himself a glass of alcohol to explain where he has been for the last two days, Caroline doesn't believe his explanations and she attempts to find out if Nadia is compelling him on, she gets upset to see that Matt doesn't answer the truth, she reminds him when Nadia buried him alive.

Nadia interrupts and reminds Caroline that everyone knows that she isn't winning friends with her romantic choices, referring to Klaus, Tyler leaves the room upset and Caroline follows him, Caroline tells him that Nadia is just trying to get under their skin to distract them but Tyler tells her that what Matt did is easier to believe than other things that have happened, referring to her and Klaus having sex, Tyler ends the conversation and leaves the house through the front door.

Nadia goes to leave the Lockwood house, but Caroline blocks her exit way since Matt sent a message asking for her help, Matt doesn't remember anything and Caroline realizes that he is being compelled by Nadia, Nadia confirms this and Caroline uses her vampire speed out and pushes Nadia up against the wall, choking her but Nadia fights back, forcing Caroline against the wall instead, suddenly, Tyler comes into the house and pulls Nadia off from Caroline. He gets her down onto the ground and holds her down, they wrestle around on the ground. Tyler starts snipping at her with his fangs ejected. She finally punches him in the face and speeds out of the house, Caroline looks surprised at Tyler.

Later, Tyler is picking up some papers that Nadia and Matt spilled on the floor, Caroline arrives and tells him that the only thing that Matt remembers is that he and Nadia slept together. Tyler stands up and they make eye contact, Caroline gives him a half smile, she is turning to leave but Tyler tells her that he never said sorry and that there are no excuses for that. Caroline tells him, that they can get past this together and that she just wants them to be good again, but Tyler clarifies that he still hasn't got over what she did with Klaus and that the idea about them being good, it's not gonna happen, Caroline tells him that she understands and she leaves.

Later, at the Salvatore's house, Caroline is standing in front of the fireplace, and Stefan arrives, Stefan asks her when she got there, she shakes a glass a little bit, causing the ice cubes to jingle, telling him that about one and half of these ago. Caroline tells him, that she knew that the Klaus thing was gonna come with consequences and that now she just have to deal with it and learn from her mistakes. She tells him that Nadia's been compelling Matt to forget things, and Caroline shows Stefan Matt's text message, calling for help with a K, she takes the phone back and they start talking about the strange behavior of Elena, Stefan tells her that Elena kissed him, they begin to realize all actions that Elena has been doing lately and then between the two realize that Katherine has actually possessed the body of Elena.

In Gone Girl, Caroline is in the Salvatore house with Tyler, Matt and on the phone with Jeremy and Bonnie. They're talking about Katherine possessing Elena's body and all the things that she did to hurt them supplanting Elena and they remember that because of Katherine,Tyler found out about Klaus and Caroline sex. Then Stefan arrives and begin to looking for a solution on how to draw her to them and so to stab her with the Traveler knife. Caroline says that Katherine going to see a sneak attack from a mile away and that they've got to get her to come to them, get her guard down, corner her, Caroline also says that they've got to invite her to something that Elena can't say no to. Caroline calls Katherine and tells her that they have to prepare a birthday party for Bonnie, Katherine said that she had to make arrangements for Aaron's funeral, which trumps a birthday, Caroline gives up and hangs disappointed.

Later, Caroline is talking to Stefan about that they have lost their hopes of seeing Elena again and that they also blew their only advantage. At that moment, Damon who is in the cell says that the solution can be a locator spell.

Caroline reaches the cell where Damon is enclosed to replace Tyler in caring for Damon, she finds to Tyler lying on the floor, Caroline asks what happened to him and he tells her that Damon attacked him. Later, Caroline is with the others in the room of the Salvatore house as they have to Nadia dying there, they're hoping that Katherine appears.

When Katherine appears, she says goodbye to Nadia at death, Katherine tries to escape but Damon doesn't allow her, she starts to guess who is going to kill her and tells Caroline that she doesn't worried about her killing her, because the two know that Caroline is better since she is a vampire, Caroline says goodbye to Katherine.

After Katherine's death, Caroline is with Tyler, she tells him that despite everything, she feels sad about her death, Tyler says that she always sees the good in people, referring to Klaus, Caroline tells him she saw the good in Klaus and that she is a vampire with the same impulses as him, so she is allowed to make some mistakes along the way. That she slept with Klaus after Tyler walked away from her, that she don't need to be hearing about it every five seconds. So he just can get over it or get out of her life but she is done feeling guilty, Caroline leaves, leaving Tyler perplexed.

In While You Were Sleeping, Caroline is searching for a cure for the Ripper Virus when she comes across Wes' recording about using the werewolf venom from Nadia's bite. She is surprised by Enzo who appears in the laboratory, he says her that he is there for the same reason that her are, he want the vampire-feeding virus out of their lives. Caroline teases him saying he just wants to get to Damon because killing innocent people not as much fun when he is alone, Enzo tells her that Damon mentioned that she get a little judgy and that he also said that her had a thing for accents. Caroline gets upset and tries to leave the lab but Enzo stops her telling her that he has the antidote.

She calls Stefan and tells him that the virus that have Damon and Elena isn't the same virus, Caroline says that Wes was working on the next phase of the virus that when Nadia was sick, he was experimenting on her blood and he figured out a way to extract werewolf venom from her blood and put it in the virus. She also says that has a antidote, that just requires he to come meet with her and that she will send a text to him with the address, Stefan tells her that she could just bring it over there but Caroline tells him she can't, Stefan refuses to go without knowing what is really happening and Caroline finally tells him that the travelers don't want anyone to know what they're up to referring to the witch, Stefan finally agrees.

Stefan finally meets with Caroline, they arrive at some abandoned train station, they're talking about Damon and Elena and as Damon is going to tell her that he killed Aaron, Enzo then arrives and interrupts them. Caroline asks him where is the antidote and Enzo nods and a group of travelers disperse through the stockyard. One particular woman walks right over to Caroline and Stefan, she is Sloan. Stefan ask to her that she have the antidote to the ripper virus, and she answer that yes thanks to Enzo. Enzo tells them that Wes was experimenting with him and so discovered the antidote, Caroline ask what does that have to do with them, Sloan say that when Wes died, the travelers took it. And seeing as Elena is valuable for them, they are in the process of using Wes' resources to find a cure for her virus, she also says that them have to find something, Stefan ask what do they need and Sloan say another one of him.

Enzo tells to Stefan and Caroline that they will find another doppelgänger of Stefan and that he don't know the traveler lore, he also says that the last remaining pair of doppelgängers are special. Caroline asks what he mean by "special" but Sloan interrupts telling her that it is none of their business. Enzo anyway replied her talking about Markos, the leader of travelers, he says them that Markos wants the blood from the last remaining pair of doppelgängers, Stefan and Elena, they need to use Stefan to find his doppelgänger and then kill him.

Caroline and Stefan are talking privately as they walk to a separate section, where Sloan and the other travelers are. Caroline is worried about Stefan because he could lose his memory again, she is willing to join him and Enzo in a fight against the travelers to protect him, Stefan tells her that he will be fine and that he would do it for she too but Caroline tells him that if they do fry his brain then she will kill them, Stefan smiles and tells her that when she'll spiral out of control about killing them she can do him a favor, that is she remind him that they were friends, Caroline smiles to him. At that moment appears Sloan and Enzo to do the spell, Enzo says that will take care of the antidote for Elena and Damon, one of the travelers comes behind Enzo and hands him the serum, Enzo invite to Caroline to join him but she stays with Stefan while he goes through the process of "mind searching" for the doppelgänger.

Later, the travelers continue to chant while they keep attempting to link Stefan to his doppelgänger counterpart and Caroline is worried for him, Sloan sees a mental image of the doppelgänger, Caroline tries to make her stop because Stefan is suffering and they have already found the doppelgänger but Sloan ignores her, Caroline is fed up of seeing Stefan suffer and she comes behind Sloan and holds a knife against her throat, Sloan tells her that the if she hurts her, the travelers are going to kill her but Caroline says that she tell them to stop and that there's a way they can all get what they want.

Later, she's with Stefan waiting for him to wake up, when he wake up Stefan teases her calling her "Rebekah" and she cares for him, then he call her "Lexi" and she realizes it's a joke, Stefan asks her if the spell worked and then arrives Enzo, he thanks her for her call and says it's time to go, Stefan ask her what is happening and Caroline says as Sloan was going to fry his brain to kill his doppelgänger and that she wasn't about to let that happen, so she have volunteered to help Enzo deal with it, that mean kill him.

Stefan disagree on that but then she tells him but Caroline tells him that they only want one doppelgänger alive, so is Stefan or the other. Stefan then decides to accompany her but Enzo interrupts them telling that he can't because the travelers still need him, Caroline says him that she will be fine and that he would do the same for her, Stefan tells her that he don't trust in Enzo and Caroline says that don't worry because she don't trust in Enzo too and that she will be safe, she promise that to him, she goes downstairs and Enzo extends his hand to help her but she ignores him, Enzo says goodbye to Stefan with a wave and goes with Caroline leaving Stefan worried.

In Rescue Me, Caroline and Enzo are at an Atlanta diner when her phone starts buzzing on the table but before she can pick it up, Enzo snatches it from her and he talks with Sloan, she gives the doppelgänger's name and whereabouts, Caroline hears their conversation and she isn't happy that Sloan is still using to Stefan and frying his brain and jerks the phone from Enzo's hand, she threat to Sloan to kill her if she do that again, Caroline hangs up the phone and flings it across the booth, Enzo makes fun of her and call her "perky, blonde angel of death.".

Caroline signs in at the hospital reception and she goes where Enzo is, she tells him that the receptionist doesn't know Tom personally, but that she compelled her to call someone who does, she sits besides him and they wait for someone to come speak with them. Enzo just stares at her until Caroline pulls out a magazine and starts reading it. Enzo asks why she's avoiding him, he reminds her that he delivered the cure and Caroline says she doesn't trust him. She asks why he's there and he says that he needs a new murder buddy since Damon is doing better, then he tells her that he's joking. Caroline is clearly not interested in speaking with him any further, so Enzo picks up his own magazine and starts reading from it, he flirts with her and Caroline concludes that the only reason for that Enzo is there, is she, he tells her that Damon says he's her type and tells her she reminds her of someone; Maggie that worked for the Augustines, Caroline teases him but he tells to her that Maggie reminded him that he's a good guy, Caroline seemed surprised by his answer, but before she can retort, a doctor comes to talk to them, he tells them that Tom has disappeared four months ago, Enzo and Caroline look at each other surprised.

Caroline calls to Sloan and tells her the info is bad. She asks for Stefan and she tells him that Tom has been gone for months. She asks if he saw anything else and he tells her that he blacked out after the spell. Sloan says they need to go deeper and Caroline says he's seeing old memories but then Sloan starts the spell again, despite Caroline's concerns, Sloan goes back into Stefan's head to get more information Caroline stays on the phone and tries to help him, Enzo listens with interest. Caroline is desperate to hear screaming Stefan and she begs to him to say something to her and finally he gives her Hazel's address and describes her.

Later, Caroline and Enzo come to the house and notice four months of mail has accumulated. They knock on the door but no one opens, Enzo with force takes knob off in his hand and the door opens. They see Hazel kneeling on the floor and Caroline realizes they can't come in because the homeowner is there. Enzo throws the doorknob and it crushes Hazel's skull. She keels over dead. Caroline is angry with him for killing their only lead. He reminds her he's a murderous vampire and they can now enter the house.

Hazel lies dead on the floor and Enzo tells Caroline she was in a trance and couldn't answer questions. He says he's only doing what needs to be done to save Stefan. Caroline tells him she's a good vampire and doesn't just go around killing people. Enzo tells her he's not judging her, he's preparing her. He tells her hesitation can cost her life.

She tells him this is not war and she will do almost anything to save Stefan. Then they both hear a heart beating and got to investigate. In the basement, they find the doppelgänger knocked out. They wonder why they kept him knocked out for four months and Caroline says that's the same time that Silas died. She tries to rouse Tom but she can't. Enzo tells her to go upstairs while he kills him but she won't. She puts her hands around Tom's neck and starts to choke him but he comes to and asks what's happening and who they are. Caroline compels him and tells him she's his friend and he should trust her. She promises he won't feel a thing. Then she uses her vampire speed and snaps Enzo's neck. She frees Tom and tells him she's getting him out of there.

Caroline and Tom are in a diner and Tom is eating, she finds out his life in order to know if he is a good man, she tells him that he is one of the nicest people that she has known and that she is helping him because he remind her of someone important to her, Stefan. He tells her that he will do anything to compensate her for saving his life and Caroline begins to imagine that he is choking and she doesn't help him, then she comes back and tells him that he has to go away and have a long life and happy, she compels him.

Enzo later finds Caroline and Tom and then he kills Tom. Caroline asks him why he did it and Enzo says she's not the only one who cut a deal to save a life. Caroline tells him that she has lost her respect for him and he says that the Travelers told him they know where Maggie is and he's willing to do anything for save someone that he loves unlike her. He tells her where are the Travelers and says she can feel free to tell Stefan that she's the one who took Tom out to save his life.

Later, Stefan is lying in a car and Caroline comes and lies down beside him, she is saddened by Tom's death and tells him that she is a failure because she couldn't do it, Stefan tells her that he knew that she couldn't do it because she is good, then Caroline tells him that Enzo killed him. Stefan tells her that now they have to sleep and close his eyes, Caroline is smiling and watching him resting her head on his shoulder, she close her eyes.

Later, Stefan and Caroline are sleeping cuddled, Stefan taking her hand, they wake up to hear strange voices and they out of the car. They arrive where the travelers are doing the spell to awaken Markos, their leader, the travelers drink the blood of Elena and Stefan and begin to burn alive, Stefan takes Caroline's hand and escape with their vampire speed.

In Resident Evil, Caroline is in her dorm room when Elena wakes up after having dreams about Stefan. Caroline asks if she's okay and Elena responds that all is fine. Caroline arrives at the Mystic Grill with Elena to meet her mother. Then Elena has another vision about Stefan, and Caroline interrupts her. Elena tells her that the vision is happening again .Caroline gets a call from Stefan and he too tells her about having visions of Elena and thinks he is going crazy, Caroline tells him that he isn't crazy and that something is happening because Elena too is having similar visions.

Later, Elena tries to call Damon and Matt arrives at the Grill, Caroline approaches him and asks him for her mother, but he doesn't know where she is. She tells him that if he sees to Liz that tell her that she had something to do, Caroline returns with Elena, as Damon don't answer to her, Caroline calls Enzo, he responds immediately calling her gorgeous", Caroline asks for Damon and tells him that something is going on between Stefan and Elena. Damon responds asking her what's going on, and Caroline tells him that since Tom died and Stefan and Elena are the last doppelgängers, now they are having romantic visions together, Damon is annoyed and tells her to get a witch immediately and drive her to his home, he hangs up the phone.

Caroline arrives at the Salvatore house with Elena, Enzo opens the door asking her for the witch, but Caroline throws her jacket on his face and tells him that they said they'd call her and that they didn't say they'd pick her up, they enter to the house and appears Damon, he greets to Elena and all maintain an awkward silence, Enzo ask for who could use a drink from the library and Caroline responds positively and goes with him.

Caroline is with Enzo in the library listening the conversation between Damon and Elena, she is worried and tells Enzo that they have to do something but Enzo invites her to stay and gives her a drink and so they continue to entertaining with the conversation between Elena and Damon. Then, Caroline and Enzo continue listening to Elena and Damon, they hear that Damon and Elena are now talking as friends, Enzo tells to Caroline that until it's officially out there and explicitly stated, there's still hope, and hope can trick you into all sorts of hilariously unrealistic scenarios. Caroline realizes that he is referring to Maggie, she asks him that was what happened and Enzo tells her that travelers not told him where Maggie was, she says him that if he finds to Maggie now, she must be very old but Enzo replied, that the whole time he was held captive, Maggie's face was the only thing that he clung and he doesn't want to date her, he wants to thank her, Caroline looks at him and smiles.[

Enzo, Elena and Damon are listening to Luke that is telling them what the plans of Markos, and the whole thing about the travelers, then Caroline arrives saying that Stefan called and he said that the the scrap yard's been completely cleared out. She don't understand what they are talking about, so Enzo tells her to take out the popcorn because Elena's little sex romp isn't over yet, which he mean to the dreams.

Later that night, Liz is shown unconscious at her home with Caroline beside her. Tyler assures Caroline that her mother is fine, when Liz doesn't wake up in spite of Caroline giving her blood to heal from the wound caused earlier that day, which was made to get the Traveler out. Liz then wakes up with no memory of the day's event and a relieved Caroline jokes that she just missed her lunch.

Caroline doesn't appear in Man on Fire but is mentioned by Damon and Enzo.

In What Lies Beneath, Stefan and Elena try to hide from travelers and decide to go to Caroline's Father cabin, when they arrive to the cabin, they start to talk, Caroline receives to them telling them that they don't need invitation to enter now that Bill is dead, she suspects that Elena and Stefan are hiding something to her but Stefan hands Caroline a couple of bags to take inside, she's suspicious but laughs it off, Caroline takes the bags inside, she walks out onto the porch and observes them, eavesdropping. Caroline sees that Elena and Stefan are fiddling and she tells them that for a couple of doppel-targets, they seem to be taking this all in stride. Elena and Stefan carry supplies inside. Caroline goes to follow them but hesitates, sensing something. She looks out at the land in front of the cabin, but sees nothing. She goes inside, walking through Enzo's ghost with seeing him, Enzo says that he thought that he would feel better.

Later, Damon is with Caroline in the cabin, he prepares drinks and Caroline snacks on maraschino cherries while writing down prompts for charades on slips of paper, she is preparing a game for them to spend the night at cabin, Caroline seems to be upset because she thinks that something is going on between Stefan and Elena again, Damon thinks that it's something about Enzo but Caroline is suspecting that it's something romantic between them, they're talking and then Elena and Stefan enter to the cabin, they were getting firewood out of the shed together, they seem to be very suspicious and Stefan leaves, Elena immediately follows him, and then Damon speaks in a low voice to Caroline, telling her that's time to the games begin.

Later on the night, While Luke sits outside on the porch, Stefan, Elena, Damon and Caroline play charades inside. Elena mimes while Stefan tries to guess, Caroline is serious and thoughtful, she seems to be upset with Stefan and Elena. Damon decides that's time to play "never have I ever", Elena not agree but Caroline is enthusiastic about the idea, they begin to play and drink, after many drinks Caroline says that she never have she ever kissed a Salvatore brother today, making an indirect to Stefan and Elena, they all are in an awkward silence, she asks if they are going to drink or not, Elena ask to her if she is implying something but Stefan interrupts saying he wants to do another round, Damon say that never have he ever lied about where Enzo is, they all look around at each other in silent. Caroline ask what is going on and Stefan says that nothing. Damon and Stefan start arguing and Elena says that she is drunk and wants to go to sleep, she leaves.

Stefan and Bonnie are talking on the phone about the death of Enzo and Caroline hears the conversation, she walks to Stefan and he hangs up on Bonnie. She is surprised that Enzo is dead and Stefan tells her that he was who killed him, Caroline realizes that she was wrong about her suspicions on Stefan and Elena, she asks why didn't he say anything to her and Stefan tells her because it's complicated. Damon arrives telling that Elena just told to him the truth and Caroline is surprised because he didn't know either. Stefan tells that they could talk about that some other time but Damon is upset about it, Stefan tells that the other side is falling apart and he think it's allowing Enzo to mess with them. Damon begins to speak loudly waiting for Enzo's reply, Enzo is looking them as ghost, Caroline says that it doesn't make any sense because If Enzo wanted to kill Elena, drowning her wouldn't have worked, Enzo tells that she is smart and he see why they like her so much, they can't hear to Enzo, and Caroline continues telling that maybe he's just trying to scare them, Damon realizes that Enzo was just trying to distract them and that he figured out a way to kill them all in one fell swoop. Damon, Stefan and Caroline walk out onto the front porch and realize that Luke is gone.

Caroline and Elena go to the forest to look for Luke, Caroline continuous upset because Stefan and Elena decided to hide the truth to her about Enzo, Elena realizes it but Caroline tells that she isn't upset that she is just looking for Luke who was there to protect to her and Stefan, who's now missing because she and Stefan lied about where Enzo was, and now the Travelers can find them, do their spell, and wipe them all off the face of the earth. Elena tells her that she was worried that if Damon found out, Caroline interrupts to her saying upset that she isn't like Damon who kill a bunch of innocent people, so the fact that she lied to her about it makes less sense. Elena tells her that she just didn't want to put her in an awkward position but Caroline tells that it would be better, than her suspicions about Stefan and Elena. Elena ask to her where did that even come from but Caroline tells that she hasn't idea, Elena ask if she are over it and Caroline responds that yes, they continue looking for Luke.

Later, Caroline is watching the shed burn and Stefan joins to her. They start talking and fiddling, Stefan invites her to the car because they got to get out of there. They're about to leave but Caroline asks him if they are friends, she is still upset because she thinks that Stefan doesn't trust in her, Stefan tells her that he did not tell her the truth not because he distrusts in her, Caroline to him saying that he trust in Elena more and that it's normal but still sucks to be left out of the loop. Stefan tells to her for make to her feel better that there are things that he tell to her that he don't tell to Elena,Caroline ask like what and Stefan tells like she have dirt on your cheek, he cleans her cheek and they smiles. Stefan tells to her that he didn't tell her the truth about Enzo because he know that they had a weird little chemistry thing, Caroline laughs telling him that he's hallucinating and Stefan says that he didn't want her to think any less of him, he tells that he will meet with her in the car when she is done, he leaves and Caroline stares at the fire.

In Promised Land, Damon has a traveler tied to a chair, he is asking him for Markos who kidnapped to Stefan and Elena, Caroline arrives telling him that Liv and Luke not answering to her. Caroline trails off when she sees that Damon has captive in his living room to Mr. Sikes a friend of her, she asks him where is Markos with Stefan and Elena, Damon mocks the traveler, knowing full well, he can't speak with his mouth restrained the travelers respond to them that It doesn't matter where Markos is, nothing they do can stop him now.

Damon is with Matt and Jeremy and Matt lays one of the traveler's bodies on the table. Caroline asks him what is happening and who are all the people on the floor, he tells her that they are traveler husks and that they have passengers like Mr. Sikes. Matt and Jeremy leaves, Caroline ask to him what are he planning on doing with all of them, he say that he is waiting for Markos, she don't like his idea and he says that the other help can be Julian who is in Tyler's body, Caroline say that Julian isn't Tyler and that he has no reason to help them, so until she figure out a way to get Tyler back, he's just extra baggage. Caroline tells him to keep his torture happy hands away from Tyler until she figure something out and that she don't abandon the people that she care about.

Caroline goes down to the Salvatore cellar to question Julian about Markos and the traveler's plans. Once standing over him, Caroline just looks at him, without saying anything, she say to him that he is permanently inhabiting the former love of her life, she says to him that Tyler is juts a person who he stole his life without asking and that he deserves to be fought for. Julian seems not to care, Caroline rolls her eyes and debates leaving, but she decides to sit down and give Julian a lecture. She ask to him why can't Markos and the other travelers find some other place to live, he says to her that it's not just about breaking the curse that keeps them from being able to settle; it's revenge against all of the things the witches stand for, all their magic. Caroline fiddles with her ring as Julian continues on, he says that the travelers see it all as a perversion of pure magic. Markos wants to destroy that perversion. He wants to restore the balance. Caroline thinks that's just wrong.

Caroline is with Bonnie on the college, Bonnie shuffles her belongings into a box, while Caroline talks, she says to Bonnie as Julian is trapped inside Tyler forever, or until he dies, she was thinking what could happen if he dies, maybe That's how them get him out, Bonnie is surprising for Caroline idea, but Caroline say that as he'll go to the other side and then, when Liv does the spell to help her and Enzo, Tyler can come back. Bonnie doesn't say anything. She just continues to pack the room up, Caroline ask Bonnie why she is not talking to Liv or doing anything other than packing up their dorm room, Bonnie tells to her that they have to be out of there right after finals, which she might skip, due to the potential extinction of magic in the place where she was spending her summer break, Caroline doesn't believe to her, Bonnie grows more frustrated. She aggressively tosses one of the boxes, which piques Caroline's suspicion, Bonnie finally tells to her there is no spell and that she made it up that he other side is collapsing and everyone in it, including her, is going away for good, Caroline is strangely speechless, that's why she don't think Caroline should kill Tyler, Bonnie storms out, but Enzo had been listening to the conversation the whole time from a corner in the room.

Caroline continues to pack their belongings, she ask to Bonnie what are they even suppose to take, Bonnie just sits on her bed in silence, Caroline reclaimed to her why she is just sitting there and Bonnie says to her that she is thinking. After Caroline get annoying Bonnie says that she think that know how to get them all back from the other side and that she need to find Enzo.

Later, Caroline and Stefan are still waiting on Bonnie near their car, they are concerned that Bonnie hasn't arrived, at that moment Julian approaches them. He is looking for Maria, his wife. He ask to Stefan about her but Stefan looks down at his feet. Julian ask what's the problem and Stefan tells to him that he are not going to see Maria again. Julian ask what he is talking about and Stefan tells him that Maria is dead, Stefan tries to comfort Julian, but he recoils angry, Caroline tells him that It wasn't Stefan's fault, Stefan say that he wasn't the one that killed her. The witches did. Julian is angry and says them that someone's going to pay for her. he pushes Stefan,they begin to discuss and Caroline sneaks behind him and attempts to snap his neck, but he catches her in the act. Stefan lunges toward him to protect Caroline and tries to pin him to the car, but Julian has the upper hand. He reaches into Stefan's chest cavity and pulls out his heart. Caroline gasps as his skin starts to desiccate, before Stefan falls to the pavement; dead. Julian leaves and Caroline hysterically rushes over to him and holds his body in her arms, screaming for help.

In Home, Stefan's body lies on a couch and Caroline cries over his body. Elena rushes in, followed by Damon. Elena notices Stefan's body and she is shocked to see it, Caroline start talking to them telling that she didn't know where to bring him, and that she just couldn't leave him outside. Damon looks at Stefan's body, disconcerted, Caroline in pleading tone ask to them if Bonnie has a plan, that she said that she could bring people back, them don't say anything and she ask to them to tell her that Bonnie can bring Stefan back, Damon tells her that they will bring him back. Damon starts getting Stefan's body while Elena and Caroline help, Stefan is looking to them in the other side.

Later, Liv and Luke are trying to escape, Elena stops them on the front and Caroline on the back of the car, Liv gets out of the car and walks towards Elena and Caroline walks towards the front of the car, Elena and Liv start to talk and Elena tells her that Stefan is dead, Liv looks at Elena and then at Caroline, she sighs and looks back at Elena, Elena tells her that they has a plan to kill Markos and The travelers but Liv and Luke tells them that they can't help them because is dangerous for them, Caroline tells him that Stefan saved his life but Liv tells her that they can't risk it, Caroline use her super-speeds and snaps Luke's neck,his body falls in street, Liv is shocked and Caroline tells her that her brother's officially on the Other Side, that forcing her to do the spell. Later, Caroline still is with Elena and Liv, she is talking with Damon on the phone, she is asking her for the map, Matt takes a picture of the map with his phone and sends it to Caroline. Back on the street, Caroline receives the picture as Liv puts her brother's dead body in the car they were driving. They continue talking about their plan that is reunite travelers and kill them all in a bomb and Caroline tells them that they can't lure anyone anywhere stuck out here and Damon tells her that her mother will help them with that.

In the woods near the crypt, Enzo resurrects appearing back in the mortal world, where he runs into Caroline, he tells her that he will see her around and calls her gorgeous, Caroline just looked at him and then he leaves. Suddenly, Tyler appears from the other side, she says his name and he confirms that is really him, Caroline is happy for that, they run into each other's arms and embrace. Tyler turns away from her and tells her that felt different. She ask what do he mean but Tyler looks around for something to cut himself with. He picks up a pointed rock and slices himself across the hand with it, they realize that he isn't healing and that he isn't a hybrid anymore.

Later, Elena is back from the other side but she isn't happy because Bonnie forces her to return and Damon is still in the other side. Caroline starts asking for Stefan because he still hasn't returned, Caroline's questioning ends when Bonnie starts coughing up blood. She is worried about her friend but Bonnie unintentionally touched Stefan and he returns from the other side, Caroline is happy to see him but he also did not want to come back to life still because Damon and Lexi continue on the other side.

Later, Stefan is sitting on a picnic table all alone, until Caroline comes to talk to him. He is very sad and tells her that he lost them both, the two people he has known longest in this world. She asks him if he is talking about Lexi and Stefan tells her that she never came out and that neither did Markos and that he knows that's not a coincidence. He starts talking about Damon and says that he finally had everything he wanted, that he was happy and that he should be there. Stefan puts his head in between his legs and starts to cry, Caroline wraps her arms around him without saying a word.

Caroline is seen for the last time with Stefan, Tyler, Elena, Jeremy and Alaric watching Bonnie, who is preparing to disappear with the Other Side.

In I'll Remember, it's been four months since Bonnie and Damon died and Caroline has spend all her summer with her mom. After dropping out of college, she got an apartment on the edge of Mystic Falls. While Caroline is on a picnic with her mom outside town, Elena calls her to inform her that she's picking her up for the football game tomorrow. Liz urges Caroline to spend some time with Elena. Caroline thinks it's weird that Elena hasn't grieved for Damon at all. But then, Liz gets called away on a report of two kids showing up at the hospital with bite wounds. Later, Caroline meets Alaric in a diner. He's giving her books on magic to research a way to reverse the Traveler's spell over Mystic Falls. She hasn't heard from Stefan since he left town four months ago and is upset about it.

On the road, Caroline finds Elena feeding from a girl and losing control. Caroline starts freaking out. The girl takes the opportunity to run. Elena tries to follow her, but gets stopped by the Mystic Falls barrier. Caroline realizes Elena is the "Border Lurker." Elena tells Caroline about the herbs, saying she tried grieving Damon but it didn't work. Caroline tells Elena she needs a better way to deal. She then goes to call her mom to inform her about Elena.

Caroline then decides to fix Elena's mistake. With the help of Matt, she is able to compel the girl who Elena fed on and calls Tyler to ask him to deal with Luke who has been providing Elena those herbs. Later, Caroline leaves Stefan a voice mail, saying everyone's drifting apart. She thinks Tyler is hiding from his werewolf gene at Whitmore. Matt and Jeremy never leave Mystic Falls anymore. She wraps up her voice mail to Stefan, saying that the group needs to be together now more than ever and saying she's not going to stop calling him. He sees the message and crushes his phone showing that he is still grieving.

In Yellow Ledbetter, Caroline meets up with Alaric and is not happy to learn from him that Stefan hasn't been doing anything to try to help Damon and Bonnie. She thinks no one is, but he says that's not true and tells her about Enzo working on it. Later, Caroline visits Enzo and walks in on him making out with a girl. Enzo has a lead to find Damon and Bonnie and they decide to go on a roadtrip to chase it. During the ride, Elena calls Caroline explaining her about her decision to forget her love for Damon. Caroline first objects to the plan but then tells her to do what's best for her.

Enzo doesn't tell her where they are headed to and it turns out that he actually tracked down Stefan. They both find him Savannah in a small cottage where he is with his girlfriend, Ivy. Caroline finally sees Stefan after four months. Caroline and Enzo interrogate Stefan through polite dinner conversation. Caroline is infuriated to learn that Stefan has been in Savannah for almost two months, not trying to help Damon and Bonnie. Finally, Enzo has had enough and stabs a fork on Stefan. Caroline compels Ivy and takes her upstairs as Enzo calls Stefan a coward and soon they get indulge in a fight.

Later, Caroline finds a unconscious Enzo laying down on the kitchen floor and Stefan tells her to take him away. He claims he doesn't care to which Caroline replies he was the one who always cared and that was what she liked about him. He tells her he had to move on after two months of searching. He already looked into the Gemini Coven, the one which Enzo found out about. She asks how he could move on without her and he says he had no choice. She realizes he never listened to all the messages she left him. Caroline angrily replies "Well, let me summarize them for you: You're a dick. If you want him out of your house, you do it yourself." She then storms out of the house.

Caroline cries after her fight with Stefan in her car. She tries to pull herself together when Elena calls. A compelled Elena tells her that she feels like things are taking a turn for the better and is ready to go to a party. Caroline offers to come spend the night in the dorms. Enzo comes back to the car and insists on driving when he sees Caroline in tears and returns to fight with Stefan.

In Welcome to Paradise, Caroline is ready to leave the dorm room after having a sleep over with Elena. She tries to convince her to stay but Caroline declines. Elena then asks her to come to the pool party but Caroline tells her about her breakfast date with Enzo. A surprised Elena asks her to invite Enzo as well. Caroline calls Matt, saying that Elena doesn't seem like herself since Alaric took away her Damon feelings. Matt thinks it's just because Elena is happy.

At the breakfast date with Enzo, Caroline gives him rules about not mentioning Damon to Elena. She's determined to let Elena live her "happy zombie life" which Enzo finds both supportive and judgmental. When she notices blood on his shirt, she's upset to learn he snacked before they ate. But he's not concerned with attracting attention by killing people.

Later at the pool party, Caroline isn't surprised when Stefan doesn't picks Elena's phone. Elena summons Matt and Tyler for Jell-o shots, but Tyler declines for "rage issue" reasons and Matt says he has to deal with Jay. Elena thinks they're drifting apart and Caroline makes a subtle reference to Elena choosing to forget about Damon, and all her problems. The boys excuse themselves. Caroline bites her tongue, but leaves Elena by herself.

Caroline is in a foul mood and compels a girl nearby to go get ice. Then she chews out Jeremy for bringing the latest in a series of flings intended to help him pretend he doesn't miss Bonnie. Enzo texts her about a problem. Caroline arrives in time to save Enzo from Stefan. Caroline looks at Enzo for an explanation of Stefan's rage. Caroline tracks down Stefan in the woods. Even if killing Enzo won't bring Ivy back, Stefan thinks it'll help him get over Damon and be able to leave Mystic Falls. Caroline is disappointed and upset when he says that's the only reason he came back to town. She tells him everyone needs him, including her. She hopes a small part of him came back to check on her. She begs him to stay, but he walks away leaving her heartbroken. Elena sees him go and hugs Caroline.

Jeremy tells Caroline and Elena that compulsion is magic and doesn't work inside Mystic Falls which means Sarah knows what Elena is and has been lying this whole time. At Whitmore, Elena receives a call from Jeremy informing her about Sarah leaving Salvatore house and is nowhere to be found. Elena and Caroline prepare to go search for her. Caroline tells Elena she's going to stay and Elena is happy to know that. She admits to Elena that she misses Stefan. Elena asks Caroline if she has feelings for him. Caroline confesses maybe she did.

In The World Has Turned and Left Me Here, Stefan shows up at Caroline's dorm room with a trunk. She is shocked to see Ivy coming out of the trunk. She asks for an explanation and Stefan tells her Enzo did this. He wants her to show Ivy how to be a vampire while he gets Luke to make her a daylight ring. He's worried about Ivy making herself a target for Tripp if she doesn't learn how to control herself. With a little more persuasion, Caroline agrees to help him. Sometime later, in Caroline's dorm room, Ivy deduces that Caroline has a thing for Stefan. She is itching to go out, but Caroline insists they wait for Stefan. Finally, Ivy distracts Caroline then comes up behind her and snaps her neck.

After waking up Caroline keeps calling Stefan to solve their Ivy problem. While on the read to search for Ivy, Caroline finds blood on the man's car. Then Stefan pulls up and when she demands to know where he was, he admits he was halfway out of town. He left Ivy's daylight ring at Caroline's dorm. Caroline can't believe he was going to dump Ivy on her and leave. She's so upset that she impulsively tells him to leave and he does that. Caroline then gets a call from Ivy and she asks for her help. Later, Caroline reaches Ivy's location but is shocked to see the vampire hunter Tripp vervaining and capturing Ivy.

In The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get, Caroline informs Elena about Damon's return who is not so thrilled about it as she doesn't have any memories of loving him. When Elena asks about Bonnie, Caroline says she was never there with Damon. Later, Matt visits Caroline and Alaric to tell them about Enzo who is under Tripp's captivity. He warns them about how Enzo can reveal their real identity to Tripp. Caroline says they will bust him out before he can reveal. Stefan joins them and confesses he's the reason Tripp has Enzo.

In the woods, Stefan tries to defend turning over Enzo to Tripp, but Caroline isn't feeling forgiving. She says that Stefan is now willing to help rescue Enzo because he's Damon's friend. They hide when two young men walk out of Tripp's vampire torture shed. After the men leave, Caroline and Stefan go into the shed to rescue Enzo, but he's not there. She calls Matt to ask him if there is any other place where Tripp has taken Enzo. Matt asks her to hold on when Sara finds Ivy's phone in a locked drawer and Caroline's number is the most recent one dialed. Matt informs her about this saying Tripp knows what she is and where to find her.

When Tripp manages to capture Damon, Caroline and Elena drive to one of the roads leading to Mystic Falls border. Caroline disables Elena's car blocking one of the roads into town. Elena confesses she wants her memories of loving Damon back and Caroline is happy to hear this. Later, Stefan calls Caroline to inform her that they manage to save both Damon and Enzo but unfortunately Alaric crossed the border and is now human. She breaks this news to Elena whose memories can't be returned now. Later, Stefan finds her on the street outside. He wants to know what to say so they can go back to being friends again. But after everything, she doesn't want to be friends anymore.

In Do You Remember the First Time?, Caroline is talking with Elena on the Whitmore campus about Damon and Elena's encounter after his return of the death, then Liam arrives and Caroline leaves.

Later, Caroline is in her room looking a photo of Stefan, Elena and her, in that moment Stefan appears, she thinks that is weird, he wants to warn her that she is in danger with Tripp but Caroline points out that she doesn't need Stefan's protection nor she wants it, at that time she gets a call from his mother, telling her that she has been kidnapped by Tripp's men.. They want use Caroline's mom against them to get Tripp back, so Caroline and Stefan get on the road to head to where they're holding Tripp a hostage.

On the road Caroline calls Enzo to ensure he doesn't hurt or kill Tripp. When they get there Caroline hurries to untie Tripp but she's getting nervous since they tied him with chains quite tightly so she confronts Stefan about the chains but Stefan says that he's not the one who chained him it was Enzo who did it which then she calls Enzo Stefan's sidekick. After that Enzo seems angry and spills the beans out about Caroline's feelings for Stefan. Stefan and Caroline share an awkward look as they look like they don't know what to say. Caroline breaks the silence and says that she doesn't want to talk about it ever.

Later that evening they exchange Tripp with Sheriff Liz but only to find out that Enzo turned Tripp into a vampire so when he crosses the border magic wears off and Tripp dies. Caroline and Stefan bring Liz to the hospital to get a check up. Caroline doesn't want Stefan to stay at hospital and says him to leave but Stefan refuses and stays with them then asks Liz for her help with fixing his friendship with Caroline but Liz doesn't think it's her place to help Stefan and she's on Caroline's side.

When Stefan and Caroline get a chance to talk in private Stefan questions the reason why Caroline has a thing for him and Caroline tries to explain him that maybe because she thought he was worth having a thing for and he was there helped her through vampirism transition, because she couldn't imagine how Elena gave up on him and moved on with his brother. Stefan is sorry because he couldn't see it but Caroline also convinced herself that Stefan doesn't have any feelings for her thus she says "Sorry for not feeling it back?" which Stefan replies with "No I didn't say that". Stefan explains that because of Damon's death his head was all over the place and he couldn't think of those kind of feelings. Caroline states she doesn't hate him for not feeling it back, for mourning his brother, for being a total jerk towards her while doing so and she accepts his apology but she still hates him because if she doesn't hate him for ruining their friendship she has to hate herself for ruining it and she thinks that she deserves better than that, then she walks away.

In Fade Into You, Caroline and Elena host a Thanksgiving lunch at their dorm room. While preparing the table, Elena tries to figure out the best way to tell Liam that she's a vampire, Caroline support her in that. Later, Elena and Damon are talking on the phone about Bonnie being alive, Caroline listen the conversation and get happy for it. During the lunch, they discover that Jo is Luke and Liv's elder sister and that Kai, who was there with Damon in the other world, is actually Jo's twin brother. The three then reveal their past to the gang, Caroline isn't interested in their story and she wants all to focus on the dinner, making sarcastic comments. Later, after they keep talking about Kai and the twins, they realize that Liam whole time was there listening to them, Caroline compel;s him to leave the dinner and go to his room and they continue with the conversation.

Later after the dinner, Stefan returns from the trip he goes to Caroline only to see she was coming to him too to give a doggie bag she made of the leftovers. Stefan shares with her the reason why he pushed her away with sincerity. He explains that after Damon died he cried so much that he didn't want to cry anymore and Caroline was the only person who would sit and cry with him so he had to push her away the most. Caroline thanks him for being honest with her. When Stefan attempts to talk further Caroline walks away leaving Stefan speechless as he watches her leaving.

In Christmas Through Your Eyes, It's Christmas time and everyone is celebrating the Christmas but Caroline can't step into Mystic Falls due to anti magic spell so Sheriff Forbes brings Christmas to her on the college and Stefan comes over to help Liz put the decorations on, Caroline seems to be annoying by it. Later, Caroline is putting the light and Stefan tries to help her, Caroline makes it clear that she didn't forgive him yet and hanging Christmas lights is the easy part and anyone can be friends when you are hanging Christmas lights. Stefan gets upset , Liz returns carrying a tray with cups and Stefan leaves. Liz frowns at Caroline, who goes back to the lights. Suddenly Liz looks faint and drops the tray. She braces herself against a chair, Caroline gets worried for that, a few seconds later Liz feels dizzy and just when she was about to fall down Stefan vampspeeds into the room and catches her before she falls.

Stefan and Caroline bring Liz to the hospital. Elena joins Caroline at the hospital outside of Liz' room, Elena tries to distract Caroline from worrying about Liz. They talk about how Bonnie never likes to stay away from them on Christmas and feel sad. When Elena mentions how Damon and her spend the night trying to find a way to bring back Bonnie, Caroline surprises her by saying that its great how Damon is always there for Elena. Later, Stefan and Elena finds out that Liz has cancer and she didn't tell it to Caroline yet. Stefan and Elena talk about what to do and Stefan seems quite sad and desperate. They fought against the evil but they never faced something like this, that they don't have a plan for. He says that Caroline is a good person, she's happy, she's kind, she doesn't deserve this.

When it's time for someone to give Caroline the bad news Stefan thinks that it's his place to tell her and he should be there for Caroline. Caroline is waiting in the hospital quite worried as she's holding the snow globe that Stefan gave her as her secret Santa years ago. When Caroline faces the terrible news that there is not a single case they heard about vampire blood's curing cancer, that doctors can't operate, that chemo wouldn't work she wants to hear from Stefan that Liz's gonna get through this but Stefan is speechless. Caroline breaks down and Stefan comforts her by taking her into his arms.

In Woke Up With a Monster, in the Whitmore Hospital, Liz is with Damon in her room, Caroline arrives telling that the bad news is that the employee kitchen didn't have a juicer but the good news is that now they have one, she give to Liz a kale smoothie, that she thinks it help with the cancer, she is worried if Liz is warm enough, so she looks for another blanket and cover liz with it. Damon makes fun of her but she tells him that she is only trying to help her and that she doesn't understand why they can't skip all the guess-work and go straight to something that works, like vampire blood, but Liz don't want to talk about it, even Damon don't support to her because in his 170 years, he never heard of a case where their blood cured cancer. Liz tells to Caroline that the best is to go home where she can relax and also wait for the results, Caroline ends accessing her request.

In the Forbes house, Caroline enters her living room, holding a flower, she is happy because Liz take cares of her orchid, Stefan enters to the house and he fits Liz's speaker system in front of Liz's couch to make Liz more comfortable watching TV while Caroline googled to find an effective treatment for her mom's cancer and she found an expert at Duke. She brought her mom "Friends" DVDs to watch with Stefan while she's out of town, but Stefan shows a interest in go with her telling that he want to check a friend, Caroline doesn't believe to him because his only friends are her and Elena but still they leaves together. Later on Duke university, Caroline and Stefan arrive to an art exhibit where is Sara Salvatore, Stefan's niece but Caroline doesn't know it, Caroline has her cell to her ear, on hold then someone talks to Caroline on the other end of the line, Caroline says that she called earlier asking for a Dr. Moore, the person on the line says that they can see to them now, but Stefan decide to stay, so Caroline leaves alone and tells him where he can find her later.

In the Hospital, Oncology Center, Caroline talks with Dr. Moore and compels her to say only the true about what she knows about the cancer that have her mother, the doctor says that Liz's doctor are right, Liz's cancer doesn't have cure. Then Dr. Moore tells her about a similar cancer patient that they couldn't cure and that know he is just waiting for his death, Caroline wants to see him. Cancer patient is sleeping when Caroline goes in the room. The room is dark and there's beeping in the background. Caroline closes the blinds on the door before putting down her purse, Caroline opens the patient's file and read it, she then says that she is all what her mother have, Caroline decides to experiment with him to see if the vampire blood can cure cancer then she gives him her blood, then she compel him to forget everything. Collins' heart monitor's beeping slows and he closes his eyes again as Caroline pulls her wrist away, watching him. Later, Caroline calls Stefan, and tells him that she did a experiment, he ask what kind of experiment but she says that he will know when he get there.

Later, Stefan and Caroline are watching the patient from away, he seems to be healed and quite lively. While Caroline seems full of hope with these results Stefan doesn't seem like convinced by this. They discuss about it and Caroline wants Stefan to believe it works but Stefan doesn't, so Caroline asks him to at least believe that she believes that it'll work, he says that he can see that she believe and he smile. Caroline ask Stefan to take her to home to see her mother, then they walk away.

Seems that on the road, Stefan tells to Caroline about his niece Sarah. On Caroline's porch she asks if Sarah is Zach's daughter then does that make Stefan uncle Stefan which puts a little smile on Stefan's face. She says him it's incredibly noble that he's been keeping an eye on her all these years. Stefan thanks her for promising to keep his secret safe and she thanks him for rewiring her mom's speaker system and being there for her and not treating her like she's crazy because that's how she felt these past few days. Then Stefan comforts her by holding her hand and stroking it gently, she thank to him. He's giving her his support before she enters the house to give her mom vampire blood and he's watching her getting into the house through the door's window and he seems concerned for her.

Matt is on the couch and Liz is in her chair, they both turn when Caroline comes in, she thanks to Matt for take care of her mother and then he leaves. Caroline takes off her coat and puts it on the couch with her purse and sits on the coffee table in front of Liz, she tells Liz that she met the doctor about she was talking about, and that she said that her doctors are doing everything right and that she also said that there is nothing that they can do to cure her. Liz looks disappointed but obviously trying to be strong for Caroline. Caroline tells her about her experiment with Colin, she tells Liz that he was dying and her blood healed him. Liz looks shocked, Caroline continued talking, telling her that she is immortal and that she (Liz) not. And she always knew that she would lose her one day, but that she is not ready to lose her now. That she is supposed to be there, for her college graduation and her wedding. Caroline is on the verge of tears says that she want all of that, that she want her(Liz) to live for her (Caroline) and that's the true. While Liz is drinking Caroline's blood is shown as Colin is suffering and worsening for Caroline's blood and she doesn't know.

In Prayer For the Dying, Caroline is sleeping in her mother's room, she wakes hearing some noise. She goes downstairs to see what the noise is; suddenly Colin appears in the door, Caroline scared opens the door, he says her name and ask to her what she did to him. In the morning, Stefan arrives at Caroline's house and asks her what is happening, Caroline shows him, he sees Colin lying in the couch, they then discover that Colin is now a vampire and that's mean that Colin died after Caroline gave him her blood. Caroline arrives with Liz to the hospital, they all are looking for a solution. Later, Elena is blaming to Stefan because he didn't stop to Caroline when she gives her blood to Liz, Stefan says that he didn't want be the one to take the hope away from her, Caroline is standing behind Stefan; Stefan and Elena look at her, she says that Jo has a idea.

Later, Caroline is at a vending machine, she is mad because the machine doesn't work and she wants a coffee, Stefan asks if she don't need some real food referring to blood, Caroline sighs and leans against the vending machine, she says that she screwed up, she is blaming herself for feed her mom with her blood, he says to her that she was trying to help, Caroline mad says that she was trying to fix something that she had no business trying to fix and that she is like textbook definition of control freak from Hell.Stefan trying to calm her says that she is an optimist and that she wanna believe that anything is possible and that is exactly what her mom needs to hear right now.

Then they heard exclamations of pain from Colin's room, they go to his room and Colin is stabbing himself in the chest with a metal bar; Caroline and Stefan enter, closing the door behind them. Colin says that he can't die, pulls the bar from his chest and drops it on the floor, he ask why he can't die, Stefan tried to calm him down but Colin is desperate, Caroline says to him that they will help to him and Colin runs with vampire speed over Caroline and grabs her arms, he ask to her to help him to die. Then Colin collapses and Damon is standing behind him, holding Colin's heart. Caroline in shock ask why he did that, Damon says that Colin made a wish and he granted it, Damon tells Caroline that the blood transfusion didn't work, so she didn't just kill him, Stefan tries to defend Caroline, but Caroline says that it's fine because he's just saying what everyone else is thinking, that she killed her own mom. Caroline leaves, slamming the door behind her.

Later, Caroline is looking flowers for her mom's funeral, Stefan arrives, Caroline acting weird, telling things without sense, Caroline looks over to Stefan, who is just watching her, Caroline says if he is thinking of saying something to make her feel better, don't, because she don't deserve to feel better, Stefan says that he wasn't. He says that he was actually thinking that she have far more important things to do than plan a memorial service for her mother, who's still alive. Then Caroline says that all of this still needs to be done because Liz is not gonna want to live out the rest of her life as a vampire in excruciating pain. So she should do something that she is good at, instead of making everything worse.

Stefan tries to calm her and says that she took a risk. It didn't pay off, but she did it out of love. Caroline says that she don't know what to say to her, and he says that she don't have to say anything to her, just sit with her. Caroline on the verge of tears says that she can't even face her. Stefan then tells her a story about how his mother died and abandoned her because he didn't want to see her die, and he doesn't want Caroline to do the same. Caroline ask, what if she can't forgive her and Stefan tells to her that Liz doesn't think there's anything to forgive, she just wants her to be with her. Caroline sighs and takes Stefan's hand; they leave the flower shop together.

When Caroline returns to the hospital Liz is dying, she runs over to her mom crying and asking her to not leave her, on that moment Liz is dreaming where she is calling Caroline in their house because she is about to leave, Liz comes downstairs with her suitcase in hand; Caroline is standing by the window, staring out it, Liz ask if she can you hear her but Caroline doesn't move or reply Liz says that is time for her to go. Liz puts the suitcase down and walks over to Caroline and ask to her if she don't want say goodbye to her mom, Liz grabs Caroline's shoulder and gently makes Caroline face her, Caroline's face is covered in blood, her eyes bloodshot, Liz wakes up and her heart monitor starts beeping again. Caroline is on shock and happy to see her mom alive. This dream seems to refers, that after the death of Liz Caroline could turn off her humanity.

Later, Liz is just waking up; Caroline is sitting on the edge of her bed, Liz asks to her if she is okay, Caroline says that she is trying to figure out what to say, she says to her "sorry for almost killing you". Liz said that it wasn't her fault and then says that she will stick around as long as she can. Stefan comes in with a cup of coffee and gives it to Caroline, Caroline ask where'd he get that, and Stefan says that he guess someone fixed the coffee machine. Liz asks to Caroline to find one for her too, Caroline says that she will be right back, gets up and leaves the room. Liz wanted to be alone with Stefan, she says to him that she need him promise to her something, that when she is gone, Caroline is going need him, even if she doesn't know it. She's gonna need someone to help her move on with her life, someone to just make her smile. Crying, she asks to him to promise to him that he will do that, then Stefan promises to her that. Caroline is outside the door, listening their conversation.

In The Day I Tried To Live, Caroline is on the Salvatore's house, preparing Bonnie's party birthday, she is talking on the phone with her mom, she is looking the tablet with all the things for the party, after she ends up the call with her mother, she gasps when she sees to Miss Cuddles on the tablet, Stefan walks over her, she thinks that Miss Cuddle's eyes, follow them on the room but Stefan says that is just her. She says that she haven't seen Miss Cuddles in 12 years, and Stefan tells her than that's the bear Bonnie sent back from 1994 and he guess that she lost the original. Caroline then say that Bonnie didn't lose her because she took her, for a huge fight that they both had when they were child, she says that she took Miss Cuddles and she buried her in the woods and then she couldn't find her. Caroline decides to go and find her on the woods because she thinks that is the only thing that she can do, Stefan tries to stop her but then he follows her.

Later on the woods, Caroline is trying to find to Miss Cuddles, she shoves the shovel into the ground, while Stefan appears behind her. She says that if he were gonna creepily stalk her, he could have at least brought a shovel. Stefan says that he isn't big on digging and holds up his hands showing his calluses, she says that he bury corpses all the time and he making fun of her says that he don't dig them up. Caroline then get mad and he says to her that he should probably stay and keep an eye on her in case she have a psychotic breakdown then she smiles to herself.

Still on the woods, Stefan start to teasing her, drinking in his liquor bottle, making get Caroline mad with his jokes, he says that they are in the middle of the woods, searching for a Teddy bear buried in a shallow grave by a 9-year-old version of her and that he can't even say that with a straight face, so he finds that's funny. Caroline says that he is drunk and tries to take his liquor bottle, Stefan pulls it out of her reach telling that she have more ground to cover. Caroline annoyed call him jerk, he still is teasing her telling that she is angry but Caroline says that isn't that she is just annoyed because she is going through a highly emotional situation right now, and he is just sitting there, mocking her.

Stefan making fun of her says that she is definitely angry, she very annoyed says that she isn't angry, Stefan says that she should be because her mom is dying, her best friend is stuck in some netherworld, and she is sitting there trying to make it all better by finding a stuffed animal. Then Caroline pushes to him telling him to shut up, he encourages her to try again, Caroline even more mad pushes him again telling " screw you", he says that's good in get it out. Then she beats his leg with the shovel, causing him to drop down on the ground. She takes his liquor bottle and he then managed to get her down on the ground as well. Both groaning, She says that she can't believe that he just did that. he ask if it felt good and she smiling says that maybe a little, they both start to laugh.

Later, they still are lying on the floor, Caroline stands up, and says that is time to go home, when they are about to leave, Stefan sees a ear of Miss Cuddles, Caroline doesn't believe to him but then she sees it too, she walks over and digs up miss cuddles Cuddles. looks at Stefan and laughs. Stefan says that he is sure that they can clean her up, make her as good as new. Caroline tries to clean her but the bear's head rips off, they both start laughing, but then Caroline's smile turns into sorrow, she turns her back to Stefan, Stefan tries to calm her and he touches her face, they looks each other and she says "I'm sorry", he pulls her into a hug and she starts crying. Later in Stefan's house, Caroline is trying to repair to Miss Cuddles, Stefan gives her a drink and she drinks it, then he gives her another and they both smiles.

In Stay, Caroline arrives with Stefan to the Forbes Cabin, she is preparing the cabin because she wants to her mom to live out the rest of her time there in a relaxed and peaceful environment surrounded by the things that she loves, like photo albums and board games, she is talking with him about the movies, when Stefan's cellphone starts to sound. He ask to her to take it of his pocket, when Caroline sees that is her mother, she asks why her mom is calling him, then she answer the phone, Caroline thinks that Liz is asking Stefan for information and asks why is she calling him, Liz says that she wants to know what is she doing but Caroline says that it's a surprise. Caroline asks to Stefan to take the things to the Master bedroom in low voice. Liz asks if Stefan is there voluntarily or against his will and Caroline says that he's there because she asked him to look after her and that she heard when she was talking to him, Liz says that's not the only reason he's there, then Caroline hangs up the phone.

Stefan is repaying the light on the porch, and Caroline arrives with her bike, she looks at him who is mounted on a stairs and she seems to be amazed by Stefan's beauty but after taking her composure, she continues talking and says that it's the bike with she learned to ride on, she tells him how she learned to ride the bike. She asks what is he doing and he says that the box was loose, so he figured he would fix it. Caroline says that he know that he don't have to do all what he is doing and that could've had some serious problems, Stefan jokingly says as exposed wires, electrical fires but she says that she mean being there with her and if he have someplace else he'd rather be then he interrupts her and says he don't, they smile each other.

Caroline is trying to organize the books that she got for her mother, Stefan arrives to the bedroom carrying a box with bottles of liquor, he asks her where he can put them and Caroline says that there's a cellar under the stairs. He asks her if she is ok because she seems to be worried, she says that she is worried because she doesn't know what book will be better for her mom and she wants that her mom can enjoy reading her last book, Stefan says that he can deal with the books, Caroline says that not because she should do it but Stefan says that he is happy with the responsibility, Caroline then takes a bottle and says that she will open it, then she leaves.

Stefan is on the porch drinking, Caroline arrives and tells him that her mother will arrive a little late because she chose today to tackle an entire career worth of cold cases. Stefan then says that he realized it doesn't matter, Caroline confused, asks what doesn't matter, Stefan says that it doesn't matter what book her mom will read in her final moments, that it doesn't matter if it's good or if it's terrible that it doesn't matter because life isn't about her final moments and that it's about the moments that led up to them. Stefan takes Caroline hand, Caroline looks at him and they remains holdings hands, she says that she just want it to be perfect, Stefan then says that if anyone can control death, it's her. Caroline says that she knows that her mother asked to him to look after her, Stefan tryes to explain, but she interrupts him telling that she's ok with it, that she is glad, actually, because she don't know if she would be able to get through this on her own.

Stefan then says that he isn't there because her mom asked him to look after her, Caroline asks then why is he there, and Stefan says because she is her friend, Caroline looks disappointed with that response, but he continues, he says that he know what it feels like to lose a mother, and because when she told him that she hated him, that was pretty much the worst thing she had heard in a long time, she then smiles and says that they both know she never really hated him. One of us should probably say something. Stefan looks at Caroline tenderly and puts his hand on his neck, then he kisses her for first time, Caroline kiss him back and they kiss tenderly, then they smile and Caroline says with a nervous smile that one of them should probably say something, he says "Go for it" but Caroline laughing says that not that.

After learning that her mom is dying, Caroline arrives to the hospital with Stefan, Damon is there and tries to calm her, he says that Liz she slipped into a come and the doctors said that they can make her comfortable. Caroline desperate says she's not comfortable because she's dying. She is mad and sad because she didn't get to say good-bye to her mom. Still on the hospital, Caroline is with her mother who is in come and has DNR, with her are Damon, Elena, Stefan and Matt. Caroline says crying that she should have been with her, Stefan tries to console her telling her that she didn't know, Caroline says that she knew she was sick and she knew it was bad. She says that she was supposed to give her peace and convince her that she would be OK and thank her for being an amazing mom and that she doesn't remember the last thing that she said to her, that she was supposed to be with her in her final moment, Stefan then says that she still can.

Stefan says to Caroline that they are gonna live in Liz memories with Caroline, he says to Caroline to try to clear her mind and think about her favorite memory of her mom. Caroline says that she don't know because there are many, and Stefan says to her to relax, Caroline takes Liz's hand, and enter in her mind, the favorite memory with her mom was when she was trying to ride the bike, Liz helped to her to do it alone, then after finish Liz finally dies, Caroline starts to cry and tell them that her mom is gone.

In Let Her Go, Caroline wakes up on a couch and sees Matt, Elena, Tyler, and Stefan sleeping around her, Caroline stays for a moment looking at Stefan and then Caroline walks over to the kitchen where Damon is still trying to write Liz's eulogy. As Caroline opens the door, Damon rips a sheet of paper from a notebook and crumples it, she apologies with him telling that she is in there for water, she walks over to the sink and asks what is he not writing, he says that her mother entrusted him to eulogize her, she fills a glass with tap water, he says that Liz's trying to teach him a lesson about his own mom. Was supposed to do the eulogy at her funeral, he is to about continue but she interrupts him, telling that they don't have to share. She thinks that in her worst day of her life she don't need to start it off by bonding with him, when she is about to leave, Damon stops her, telling that it isn't the worst day of her life, that today and tomorrow, it's a cakewalk. And there will be people day in and day out like they're afraid to leave her alone, than the worst day is the next week when there's nothing but quiet, then she leaves.

Later, Caroline is writing a to-do list for Liz's funeral, then she gathers her friends, she says as they all asked what they can do to help, she did a list with five day's worth of projects on there and they are going to do them in one as they can break the rules because she expects to her mom to be properly celebrated and buried by the end of the day, she says to Elena that will come with her, they are going to casket shopping, they leave Salvatore's house. Later, when Elena is talking, Caroline interrupts her telling that she kissed Stefan and she wants to talk to him about it, but if it's bad, she feel likes he won't be honest with her, at least not that day. Elena is surprised but says that then she can talks to him about it tomorrow because she already have a lot on her plat but Caroline says that thinks she need to know today, then she leaves and Elena follows her.

Many people are walking for the funeral while Caroline is inside looking at Liz's dead body and Stefan walks in, he asks if she is doing alright and she says that yes. He walks over her and asks again if she is sure, Caroline is nervous and says that she don't know, that just now, she was supposed to put him into a category so she would know what to say to him, but then she realized she didn't know what category he would want to be put in. Then she says she could list the categories if he like. Stefan uncomfortable says that he want to talk to her about them and he will do but, maybe when they're alone and they've had a chance to get through the day, Caroline looking sad for his response, says that of course and that it's not the time, she apologies with him, then Stefan hugs Caroline and says that don't be sorry, Caroline looks really sad and smile when he lets her go, he says that they will talk when all this is over, then he leaves the room. Then Caroline adjusts her mom's badge and starts crying. Elena walks in, she says that they're ready and asks if she need a minute, Caroline says that she is okay, she looks at her mom's body, and talks in voice low, she says that she is gonna be alright and promises to her mom that everything will be fine after today, then she looks up to Elena and tells her that she is ready.

On the funeral, The pastor start the ceremony, the pastor's words fade as Elena reaches out to Caroline's hand. Police force members walk up to honor Sheriff Forbes, they place an American flag over her casket, then Damon walks up for the eulogy, he says beautiful words about what Liz and he thinks about Caroline, he says that she is a beautiful, strong woman, a generous friend, and a bright light in a sea of dark, Caroline all the time tries to contain the tears, meanwhile Stefan just looks at her, then Damon returns to his seat and Caroline walks up, she looks nervous and says that it's for her mom then she starts to sing a beautiful song, all them looks Caroline sing specially Stefan, he looks at her with admiration and with a strange look but in a good way.

Later, they continue with the funeral at the grill, Caroline is receiving condolences and then she gets ready to leave. Elena walks over her asking if she is leaving, Caroline says she is done the whole funeral thing, Elena wants to go with her to home, but Caroline says that not, that she will be fine, Elena insists telling that she don't thinks that it's a good idea for her to be alone but Caroline says that is exactly what she needs actually, she hugs Elena and thanks her for everything she did, Elena isn't sure about leaving her alone but Caroline says that she will be fine and that she just had to get through today. Caroline leaves and Elena looks at her as if something has dawned onto her.

Caroline walks through the door and places the flag on a table. She takes her mom's sweater and puts it to her nose and then puts it down, Caroline notices Elena is behind her. Caroline says that she told her that she is fine, Elena says that she don't believe her, Caroline turns around, Elena continues telling that all day, something has been bugging her, because she wanted to pack all so quickly and that she didn't care for the next day, then she says that Caroline didn't care because she was going to feel anything the next day because her plan is get her feelings off, it's mean turning off her humanity. Caroline says that she thought she could get through the rough patch and just picks herself up, but then Damon makes her realize that it's just going to get worse, Caroline says that she can't do worse and that it's better this way, Elena tries to calm Caroline, she says that she is talking about flipping the humanity switch and there's nothing better about that, but Caroline is not agree and tells her that she have more control over her vampire side than Elena ever did, that her experience will be different. They start arguing, Caroline highlights the times that Elena couldn't handle the pain, Elena says that when she turned off her humanity and erased all her memories, were the two worst mistakes of her life but Caroline says that when she came out the other end, the worst part of the pain was gone, and that's what she need, that she just need the pain to be gone, then Elena asks that if Stefan had said the right thing earlier, it would have changed her mind, Caroline looks shocked, Elena says that she heard their conversation, Caroline says sad that he didn't, so it really doesn't matter, then she starts to cry. Caroline desperate says that her mom is dead, that it hurts her, that she can't breathe, she says that she can't do worse and that she shouldn't have to. Elena walks over her and says that no one should have to do it, then Elena hugs Caroline, Elena says that she know that Caroline thinks that she have it all figured out but she says to Caroline to listen to her, Caroline continues crying and Elena says that she is not gonna let her do this, then Caroline breaks Elena's neck, Elena falls to the ground, then apparently in that moment Caroline turns off her humanity and tells Elena That's not your choice to make.

In The Downward Spiral, After losing her humanity, Caroline is sitting at a bar, she stretches out her hand while holding a empty glass, she is trying to get the bartender's attention, asking for more drink but he doesn't want to give it because she looks drunk, she after Caroline convinces him he decides to give another shot, he takes her glass and turns around to refill it. Just then, Liam comes up to the bar to join her, she tells her about her mother died and her funeral but she doesn't care about it. Then she start to flirt with him and tells him to get out of there, Liam looks undecided but Caroline convince him to go with her, as he has forgotten that she and Elena are vampires. Outside of the bar, Caroline pushed Liam against the glass, and they begin making out. When Liam starts kissing her neck, Caroline's vampire face starts to come out. She pulls away, and Liam sees her eyes and fangs and he is afraid and concerned, Caroline bite his neck and begins to feed on him, then she stops and tells him that she is not really in the mood to drag his corpse through the woods, not in her heels. She says that she could throw him in a dumpster, but then everyone's always being found in dumpsters, and since she was the last person to be seen with him, she will be questioned by the police, and what if one of them reminds her of her dead mother, then she decides to cure him and lets him live.

Later, Elena is talking with Bonnie in their College room and Caroline's arrives, they both turn as the door opens and find Caroline walking in with several shopping bags. Elena is surprised to see Caroline there, but Caroline just walks to her bed without even looking and care for Bonnie who is there, she sets her bags on her bed. Elena asks what is she doing and Caroline says that she is starting over. New everything, she takes the items out of her bags with new sheets, new clothes and a new blow-dryer. She pulls a hair-dryer box out of the bag and turns to face them before finally noticing Bonnie's presence, she just shows a bit of surprise but still she just don't pays too much attention. Elena says that they have been worried about her,but Caroline says that they were worried about those around her, like if she killed them, then she mentions Liam, she turns to Bonnie and resumes to her the Liam history with Elena, Elena upset asks what she did to Liam and Caroline says she ate him, Caroline remembers when she was biting Liam and told them that he was delicious.

Elena worried and upset that Caroline killed Liam asks what happened, but Caroline starts to remember what happen that night. Finally she tells them that she only was feeding in Liam and then left him alive because she isn't idiot and she don't want give them a reason to ruin her life. She has a champagne and bottle drinks straight from it, Bonnie says that it's so weird. because it's like she's Caroline, but she's not. Caroline rolls her eyes and then she tells them that in return for her good behavior, she wants a year where she doesn't have to feel any pain or grief or remorse. She warns them that if anyone tries anything to flip her switch back on, she will become their worst nightmare, Bonnie and Elena just look at her, then Caroline grabs her purse and walks past them to head out the door, she leaves the room, and Bonnie and Elena continue to look worried and nervous about Caroline's current behavior.

On the Coffee House, Enzo is telling to Sarah that he is a vampire when Caroline appears behind them and interrupts their conversation, she asks Enzo who is the girl and Sara says her name, Caroline is about to say that Sarah is Stefan's grand-niece but Enzo interrupts her and compels Sarah to go for a drink to the bar, Sarah leaves. Caroline says that it's so nice not to care what he is up to with that poor girl because the old her would have been in such a moral quandary for that. Enzo confused asks "Old you?", Caroline grins, and realization hits Enzo when he figures out that she turned off her humanity, he sighs and rolls his eyes. Caroline tells him that she did it right after her mom's funeral. She sarcastically thanks him for coming as he really didn't , but then says that she don't really cares about that either. Enzo exasperated tells her that she is a laugh riot, Caroline says that she is actually a little bored, which is why she is recruiting cute boys to come to Whitmore's Warehouse party at the night. She asks him if he likes to dance and Enzo says that he loves, then Caroline says that she will see him there. She leaves and Enzo just looks at her.

Later at the party, Bonnie and Elena are looking up for Caroline, Elena finds Caroline dancing with a guy, when Caroline spots Elena, she starts to vamp-out and is about to bite the guy's neck. When Elena rushes toward her, Caroline gives her a sassy look, before grinning devilishly at her. Elena looks torn, but Caroline gives her a look and whispers to Elena "I'm fine", Caroline winks and goes back to dancing. Later, after Stefan talks with Elena about a plan to recover Caroline, he goes where is she at the bar with two shot glasses, Caroline looks at him with a suspicious look.

Still at the party, Caroline and Stefan continue to drink at the bar as they watch the crowd of ravers. Caroline narrows her eyes in judgment as she stares at a nearby girl, Caroline says that's certainly a look and Stefan rolls his eyes and tells her to don't be jealous, Caroline laughs and Stefan smiles at her, she says that he should smile more because he is hot, Stefan pretends to blush and he thanks to her, she says that obviously he is there to babysit her but he denies it, she tells that he, Elena and Bonnie don't think that she can live a normal, humanity-less vampire existence without killing anyone, and he feel guilty for being such a royal ass at her mom's funeral. Stefan says that she is right, that he was it but then when he went to apologize and tell her how he really felt, she were gone, Caroline says that now she don't care, Stefan says that he cares and asks to her to let him tells her how he really feels. Caroline says again that she don't care but Stefan ignores her and tells her that he likes her, Caroline overwhelmed tells him to stop but he continues talking, he says to her that he don't know when it became more than friendship, but it did, and it scared him, so he pushed it away, but there they are.

Caroline laughs in amusement, she tells him sarcastically that wasn't so hard, that it only took a couple of years, cancer to devour her mom, she to flip her humanity off, but he finally spit it out. Stefan sees anger on her and says that it's good because she wants to feel, she denies it and says that It just means that she is pissed, and asks him to leave her alone. She turns to walk away, but Stefan stops her, he pulls her toward him and asks her to let it in, he says that it will hurt, and she will want to die, but he will be there. He says that he will help her through that but she have to give him a chance. He reaches out and cups her face in his hands, Caroline stares at him as if she's considering it for a moment , he tells her "Please.. come back.", she closes her eyes and leans her face into his hand for a second, but then quickly naps out of it and glares at him sadistically, Caroline coldly tells him that he shouldn't have done that.She pushes his hand away and leaves him alone at the bar, disappearing into the crowd of ravers before he can catch her. Caroline runs into Liam in a hallway and stops to talk to him, he asks him how good he is at surgery and Liam says that he is terrible. Caroline says that it's perfect, she grabs his hand and leads him away from the party.

Outside of the party, Caroline leans up against one of the cars as headlights approach her. Enzo parks his car, turns off the ignition and gets out, slamming his car door before walking toward her. She asks him for his date, referring to Sarah, Enzo disappointed says that he is afraid that she doesn't find him nearly as fascinating as he do. Caroline smiles flirtatiously says that he have an accent, so anything he say is automatically fascinating. As Sarah didn't care when Enzo told her that he is a vampire, Caroline realizes that Stefan compelled Sarah to don't care about anything that has to do with vampires. Enzo says to Caroline that she is a genius, Caroline thanks him. Then she seductively puts her hands around him and pulls him closer to her, she says why she don't show him some of her other talents, she reaches her hands into his jacket and down his waist, Enzo pulls away, looking disappointed and says that it's not as much fun when she is not really her. He walks past her, but she isn't bothered by the rejection. She grins and looks down at his cell phone that she picked out of his pocket while he was too distracted by her seduction. She scrolls through the contacts and finds the name she is looking for-- Sarah Salvatore.

Stefan and Elena are looking up for Caroline after their failed plan, but before they can go to look for her, Stefan's' phone rings. He looks down to see Enzo calling him but when he answers he realizes that is Caroline, Stefan and Elena, who is eavesdropping, are equally surprised to hear Caroline's voice on Enzo's phone, Stefan asks what's she doing with Enzo's phone, Caroline is alone in the restaurant as she sits up on the bar, she says that she stole it. Then she says that he isn't doing the right question, that he better should be asking, "Why does Enzo have Sarah Salvatore's number in his phone?" , "Where is Sarah Salvatore?" And ultimately, "What the hell are you going to do to her, Caroline?", the door to the bar opens, and Sarah walks in and looks around asking for Enzo, then when Stefan asks what is she doing with Sarah, Caroline says that she is going to kill her, Caroline hangs up, dropping the phone onto the bar.

Caroline is making Margaritas at the bar and Stefan and Elena arrive asking where is Sarah, she says that Sarah isn't there and she looks over at Enzo's cellphone, which is in the middle of a phone call to Sarah's cell and is on speaker. Suddenly, Liam's voice comes through the speaker, sounding shaky and panicked, Caroline says that Sarah is helping Liam with his surgical skills, Stefan and Elena look at her terrified. Caroline compel Liam to kill sarah when she gives him the orden, Elena and Stefan tries to make her see reason but Caroline doesn't listen, she teases all of what Elena says, telling her that still when she just compelled a student to perform surgery on Stefan's niece she found a way to make it about her(Elena). Stefan says that he will leave the town and that he will stay as far away from her as possible if she let Sarah go. Caroline says that's the problem, because it doesn't really matter how far away he is because he is still he, kind, loyal, she puts little umbrellas into the margaritas and continues telling that he is who with one look, can convince her that she is not crazy and that's the Stefan that she fell for and that's the Stefan who can bring her back. She says that she wants Stefan to change and and that means turning his humanity off, Stefan and Elena say that it's not gonna happen.After finally find out where is Liam with Sarah, Elena goes in search of them and Stefan stays with Caroline.

Then Caroline gives the order to Liam to take Sarah's heart out, Sarah screams, and Stefan vamp-speeds toward the bar. He grabs Caroline and throws her across the room, where she crashes into a table. The phone slides across the floor as Stefan lunges for it, but Caroline trips him with the leg of the table. Stefan tries to reach for the phone a second time, but Caroline stabs him in the back with the broken table leg before she leans over him and grabs the phone out of Stefan's reach, she asks to Liam if he still is with her. On the floor of the bar Stefan gasps as Caroline stands over him, she continues talking with Liam and tells him to kill Sarah. She hangs up the phone and shoves it in her back pocket. Suddenly, Stefan's phone starts to ring, so Caroline bends over, pulls his phone out of his back pocket and pulls out the stake in his back at the same time.He groans in pain as she answers it, Elena asks where are they as she can't find them, Stefan stands up and says to Elena to remember bring him back, Caroline and Elena realize that he is going to turn his humanity off, Caroline pulls the phone away from her ear, keeping her eyes locked on Stefan she grins triumphantly, Elena begs him not to do it but Stefan takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as Caroline watches him gleefully. Seconds later, Stefan opens his eyes again, and his expression has changed. Caroline smiles in victory and hangs up the phone. After saving Sarah, Elena calls Stefan, at the restaurant, Stefan is pouring himself a margarita from behind the bar as he answers the phone, Elena tells to him that Sarah will be okay but he seems to don't care, she realizes that he turned his humanity off, when she begs him to don't say that he did it, he passes the phone to Caroline, who is laying on her back on the bar, Caroline smirks and says "He shut it off". She hangs up the phone and tosses it aside. She grins at Stefan as he drinks his margarita.

In A Bird in a Gilded Cage, Caroline is cleaning up the bar after her and Stefan make a mess in it. Enzo walks in and she tells him that she doesn't want people to suspect her of the break-ins or the dead bodies and that she wants to keep her routine. She confesses to Enzo that she used Sarah's life as leverage to turn Stefan's humanity off and that she will stop at nothing to maintain her routine. She is auditioning for the school's play, but Stefan decapitated the director. He tells her that he is basically her responsibility and that when he's through will her, she'll be drowning in mistakes. He promises that he will undo her so-called routine and force her to let go. She retaliates by taking his bike apart, and tells him to leave her alone. Stefan doesn't however, and picks a fight with her. He tries to show her that the elaborate, careful, and organized way she is acting is not the way a vampire without their humanity should act, and nearly stakes her. His plan retaliates and Caroline bites him and stakes him instead. While she is dragging his body, she is caught by a girl who had just gotten out of practice. Stefan gets up and throws the stake straight into the girl's stomach, but gets knocked down by Caroline again. He gets up and tells her to be quiet as he senses Alaric and Enzo's presence. After Caroline and Stefan deal with them, she once again threatens to kill Stefan if he doesn't leave her alone. Stefan is able to convince Caroline to let go and they both feed off of the girl who was attacked earlier. They both start making out and then hooking up.

In I Never Could Love Like That, it starts out with Caroline and Stefan, continuing their killing spree. Caroline kills a man by messing with his mind, making him suffocate himself and hallucinate that he had spiders crawling all over him. Caroline is then doing karaoke in the bar and they have Matt and Tyler trapped in there with them. Caroline suggests that they play a game called "Caroline Trivia." Tyler gets the first question correct, that her birthday is October 10th. Matt also gets his question right, that Caroline doesn't have a favorite color. However, neither of them were able to guess her mother's final memory before she died. Stefan walks in with the right answer, prompting her to try to kill Tyler and Matt. Tyler tries to defend himself against them and tries to stake Caroline, but she pushes Matt in front of her, resulting in him getting hurt. After meeting with Damon and Lily, she stakes Stefan in the back and escapes, avoiding their attempt to get Stefan to flip his switch and for Stefan to flip hers back on.

In Because, Caroline, still under the impression that Stefan's humanity is turned off, gets locked into a bed and breakfast with him. Elena confronts Caroline and tells her that they want her back. Caroline reminds Elena that she turned her humanity off after Jeremy died, and tried to kill Bonnie. Elena holds out a letter that Liz wrote to Caroline before she died. Caroline recognizes her mother's "impeccably perfect handwriting" and reminisces when her mother taught her how to write in cursive, bringing out a small smile. She then laughs and tells Stefan to burn the letter, not falling for any tricks to flip her switch back on. In order to keep Caroline convinced that his humanity is off, he burns her mother's last remaining words. Then, Caroline tries to seduce Stefan and kisses him, though they are interrupted by Damon and Elena, who confront her about the murders she has committed without her humanity. Damon tells Caroline that Liz would wonder where she went wrong as a mother. Caroline blames her mother for getting cancer, and then rips into Elena and Damon's fantasy about living a human life together. She reminds Elena that she is a vampire and that she'll always be settling. After, her and Stefan talk and she discovers his humanity is back on, after realizing that Stefan told Damon and Elena where to find them. She hallucinates snapping his neck and kicking the door down and leaving. The hallucination continues with Caroline driving down the road and getting pulled over by a cop. The cop turns out to be her mother, who tells Caroline that she can't be her daughter because her daughter is kind, compassionate, and is someone who looks after those in need. Caroline realizes that none of this is real and discovers that Stefan is getting into her head. She snaps out of it, and stakes Stefan, trying to kill him. He tells her that he has a memory for her. He grabs her and shows her one of Liz's final moments. Liz tells Stefan that she wants him to be more than friends with Caroline. He tells her that he wants the moment to be perfect before being with her. Liz then grabs the letter meant for Caroline and tells her that she wants to say the perfect thing before giving it to her. Caroline then flips her switch back on, wanting to see the rest. She hallucinates again, and the door closes on her as her mother is walking away. Caroline tells her that she wants to read her letter, but her mother keeps walking. Caroline comes back, regretting burning the letter and tells Stefan that she ruined everything. At the end of the episode, Caroline is looking at the ashes of her mother's letter and crying. Stefan walks in on her and she tells him that she won't turn it on again, but she needs to leave. She walks out on him.

In I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime, Caroline returns to Mystic Falls for Alaric and Jo's wedding. She also begins making amends with her friends, starting with Elena. She apologizes for all of the nasty things she's said to Elena while her humanity was off, especially about Elena not being happy with Damon as a human. She also apologizes to Tyler about trying to kill him. After attempting to avoid Stefan, she finally confronts him about everything that happened. She told him she made a list of all of the things she's done since she fell for him, which include her obsessing over where he was and why he wasn't returning her phone calls, how she told him she hated him when she felt ignored, how she missed her mom's final moments because she was kissing him, and how all she needed was for him to tell her that he felt something for her and since he didn't, it made her turn her humanity off, and then prompted her to get him to turn his off. Although Stefan forgives her, she told him that the old Caroline wouldn't have forgiven her. She tells him that with all of the guilt and grief she feels, she only has her control and she's not willing to give it up.

In I'm Thinking Of You All The While, as Damon is holding an unconscious Elena, Caroline and Stefan run over to see what's going on, only to get their necks snapped by Kai. Later on, they arrive at the hospital to see Elena. Caroline asks Stefan if he's going to be okay, and his response is "Are you?" Her response is of course not, but when Elena wakes up she'll still be her best friend, after Bonnie lives a long and happy life. She tells Stefan that since him and Elena were soulmates, she wanted to make sure that he'd be okay. He tells her that he loved her more than he thought he could love anyone, but he needed Damon more than Elena, and proceeds to ask Caroline if she feels like she needs to stay away from him because she thinks he might not have moved on. She tells him that she can't do this and walks out of the room. While Elena is asleep in her coffin, Caroline and Bonnie go up and let her enter their thoughts. They have a brief goodbye in Elena's old bedroom. She tells Bonnie that her and Elena should get the better goodbye since Caroline will get to see her again. Elena pulls Caroline in for a hug. Elena asks Caroline to take care of everyone for her, and Caroline tearfully promises that she will. At the end of the episode, Caroline and Stefan talk, and Stefan tells her that he also made a list of how all the ways of loving her has changed his life. He tells her that he'll wait for her and he'll be ready for her when she is ready for him. He kisses her on the cheek and leaves the room, leaving her speechless.

In Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take, Caroline narrates a diary entry for Elena as she promised in Season 6. She outlines the current events - Damon and Alaric are in Europe, Matt is graduating from Deputy School and the university has dedicated a bench in Sheriff Forbes' name, where she is sitting at the moment. Stefan then approaches her - both are visibly awkward around each other. Stefan points this out and she eventually says it is slightly uncomfortable to both. He suggests starting out as friends and she agrees. They then work on trying to kill the Heretics, who have moved in to Mystic Falls with Lily.

In Never Let Me Go, the episode starts with Caroline working as a news reporter of high rank. Her assistant tells her that her fiance called, wanting to book a visit to Mystic Falls. She gets angry and says she doesn't want to go back.

Meanwhile, carrying on from 7x01, Caroline has been kidnapped by Lily in retaliation for their plan to kill them. While she's left alone, Stefan manages to call her to tell her he's coming and work out a plan but one of the heretics catches her.

Enzo ties her up with vervain ropes as per Lily's request in the cellar. However, she begs him for help, telling him how much it hurts. He gives in and instantly frees her but she stabs him and runs. However, she doesn't get far as Nora and Mary Louise catch her again.

Nora and Mary-Louise tie her up again, all while they try to find a dress for Malcom's funeral. Caroline laughs at one of Mary-Lousie's outfit, as she's much more old fashioned, which ends up in her being stabbed by a pencil by Nora. As the 2 then leave, Valerie quickly puts a spell on Caroline so that vampires can't touch her as she doesn't like watching her being tortured, or so she says. Nora gets irritated at this and Mary-Louise throws a pair of scissors at her instead.

When everyone leaves, Stefan finds a way in to the Salvatore house and frees Caroline but can't touch her either. When he is about to help her out, Enzo regains control of the house and Stefan is forced out since only Caroline was invited in. However, this time the girls let her roam free in the attic, where she finds one of Stefan's diaries and discovers Valerie and Stefan were once in love with each other.

In the future, while talking to her fiance, she talks about her hate for Stefan. In the midst of this, her assistant and her are both hit by a wooden arrow by an unknown figure.

In Age of Innocence, Caroline, still being held hostage by the Heretics, learns some information about Valerie's past. Valerie sent Stefan a telegraph saying she would meet him. Stefan waited and waited and waited, but Valerie never showed. Valerie tells Caroline, "There was a change of plan" and stops telling her story. Later Lily releases Caroline.

In I Carry Your Heart With Me, Caroline wakes up and tells Bonnie that "she'd lost more sleep if Bonnie sneak out without saying 'hi.'" They hug and Bonnie tells her that she'll work on a way to unravel the skin-burning spell that Valerie put on her when she has the time.She also tells Caroline that she's helping Alaric try to connect Jo's spirit and her body using the Phoenix Stone and that her job is to let him down easily. Stefan and Caroline are forced to spend the night distracting Mary Louise and Nora at Whitmore College's Heaven & Hell ball. Caroline, who apparently had already planned on attending the party, is on patrol duty with Stefan. They're pretty good at it Stefan saves three lives until they get into an argument about Valerie. Caroline wants him to ask her to undo the vervain-as-skin spell, but she's also nervous that if he talks to Valerie, he'll fall for his first love again. During this spat, Nora and Mary Lou escape.Stefan is able to use her vulnerability to vervain-syringe her to sleep; then he uses her as leverage Nora to un-vervain Caroline's skin. It almost doesn't work, but Caroline was there all along, and they finally get Nora to siphon out the magic.

In Live Through This,

"I would write... Dear Diary"

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In Best Served Cold,

In Mommie Dearest,

In Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me,

In Cold as Ice,

In Hell Is Other People,

In Postcards from the Edge,

In This Woman's Work, Caroline is taking Josie and Lizzie to New Orleans to meet her friend in the 3 year flash forward.

In Moonlight on the Bayou, Caroline, Josie and Lizzie arrive in New Orleans in the 3 year flash forwards and go to St. James Infirmary. Caroline makes a joke to her surrogate daughters about this being the last time they will step foot into a bar until they are 21. Caroline stops and asks the bartender if she knew where she could find Klaus Mikaelson. The Bartender tells her that she has not heard of Klaus whereabouts for nearly 3 years. She leaves Caroline looking puzzled.

In I Would for You,

In I Went to the Woods,

In Somebody That I Used to Know,

In Kill 'Em All,

In Requiem for a Dream,

In Gods and Monsters,

In Hello, Brother, Caroline and Stefan are once again together, having worked through their issues during the last episode. This episode begins with the two in bed at the Salvatore Boarding House; Caroline having managed to find a balance between her work, home (with Alaric and the kids) and love life. Though despite being with Stefan, she doesn't neglect her family duties and remains with Alaric in order to take care and protect her daughters. Due to Alaric constantly working at the Armory, while she is using her connections at the T.V. station to look for clues to Enzo and Damon's whereabouts and they hire a Nanny to look after the twins. With Stefan, she openly complains about the new hot Nanny, to the point of how she removes the crusts on their sandwiches. Though Stefan humorously points out that she seems to be more annoyed at how the nanny is acting around Alaric than the girls.

Later on, she is seen at the studio with her daughters, whom Seline had dropped off. Caroline tells the girls that Enzo, "aunt" Bonnie's boyfriend, was in search of a magical creature and that Virginia, a princess, knew of the creature. As she tries to explains to them what they were watching (surveillance footage from the mental institution where Virginia was admitted), the video playback was still broken and the sound screeched as she tried to play it.

That same night Seline calls Caroline to ask her when Alaric was going to return home. While on the phone with Caroline, Seline believes to have heard Alaric, though when she investigated, the front door stood open. As she is talking to Caroline, she tells her that someone (who is not Alaric) is in the house, after observing the kitchen knife she had left on the kitchen counter missing. As a protective Mother, Caroline uses her super speed to arrive in time to save the girls from Virginia, who broke in and attacked Seline, slicing her throat. Caroline knocks her out and then proceeds to heal and compelling Seline to take the girls out, so that she could question Virginia. As she begins to question Virginia, determined to get answers about the Armory's Monster, the latter bites off her own tongue, dying in the process due to blood loss.

In Today Will Be Different, Caroline narrates a diary entry for Elena about Bonnie and Enzo, while sitting in the driver's seat in her parked car just outside the Salvatore Boarding House. She writes about how Enzo has left Bonnie clues about the enemy they now face and that he is still on their side. Caroline then goes on to talk about how she is moving in with Stefan and that the house is old and that either he is doing some home improvements or taking out his frustrations. She is then seen talking on the phone with Alaric about how the girls remain ignorant to the threat they previously faced, Virginia's attempt to kill them. Caroline's attitude towards Seline seems to have changed drastically, believing that the latter almost died while trying to protect her children.

Later the same day Caroline and Bonnie continue to check crime reports at the news station. She is visibly worried about Bonnie though she pushes on to find Enzo. They continue to look for clues while discussing matters with Stefan, who is on speaker the whole time. While looking, Bonnie uncovers two murders in North Carolina, two women on the same morning dying of neck wounds. Caroline tells them that the only information available are the victims' names: Sarah Nelson McGowan and Sarah Jane Nelson. Stefan tells them that Enzo 'picked his moment' as there is another "Sarah Nelson" in North Carolina; Sarah Salvatore, Stefan's last living relative. Bonnie, Caroline and Stefan are then seen traveling to Raleigh, North Caroline to try and save her before Damon and Enzo reach her. While in the car, Stefan recounts to them about how they are related, though Bonnie already knew of some of the story.

When they arrive at Sarah's apartment Caroline calls Alaric to let him know how the mission is going. While Caroline is on another call with Lizzie, she is suddenly attacked from behind by Damon with a wooden stake. Forced against the wall, he rips off her daylight ring, leaving her pinned to the corner by the adjacent window. Damon throws down her cellphone and steps on it, crushing it and throws away her ring, to where she is unable to retrieve it.

Later Bonnie returns and helps Caroline, giving back her daylight ring and removing the stake from her back. They argue for a few moments about how she went rouge and left with Enzo, only to let him leave and to go back to Sybil because of her mind control. Bonnie tells her that she had a plan to grow old with Enzo and continues to tell her that seeing her with Stefan and her kids makes her feel so alone that she wants to die. Caroline expresses how sorry she is for not being there for her and that she was a terrible friend, though she tells her that she will be there for her, even if it is to just rage at her. She reassures her that they will get Enzo back and they will go back to living their mutualistically awesome lives. She vows that her happiness will also be part of Bonnie's happiness. Moments later, Stefan appears and they know, based on his expression, that Sarah was lost.

That night, Stefan is standing by the fireplace when Caroline walks in to talk to him. Stefan explains that he is the last Salvatore standing and admits that he was partially responsible for the deaths of all the Salvatore's; that he either put them in harm's way or killed them himself. Caroline tells him that he can't give up hope for Damon. He then tells her that he is making a room for her children and the bed will come shortly. Caroline is moved by his actions. He tells her to look in one of the drawers of the antique dresser. It reveals an engagement ring and he proposes to her. They kiss as he asks her and they embrace in a final kiss as she happily accepts the proposal.

In You Decided That I Was Worth Saving, Caroline wakes up in bed, startled, to find Bonnie, who came to surprise her after she accepted Stefan's engagement proposal. Bonnie has decorated her bedroom with a dozen yellow balloons and she tells her that they are celebrating and want to take her wedding dress shopping, to try on dresses. Caroline is still worried about her from previous events, though Bonnie reassures her that she is happy and not just putting on a face. Caroline tells her they she will be happy too, and she and Enzo will be married on the Eiffel Tower. Bonnie tells interrupts her and tells her that the first thing to do is to plan her June Wedding. They continue to celebrate with a toast and Bonnie reveals Caroline's wedding book, so that she could 'out plan' her.

Later, Caroline is accompanied by Bonnie at the Bridal Shop. At the shop, Caroline and Bonnie are unaware that Damon has been ordered by Sybil to hunt down and kill Bonnie. While rehearsing the bouquet toss, Damon suddenly appears, catching the flowers with the dead bridal clerk in tow. Caroline, in an effort to protect Bonnie, tells her to run, while she attacks Damon. Though Damon is stronger than her and grabs her by the throat and throws her into the clothes rack, giving him time to look for Bonnie. Before he is able to attack Bonnie, Caroline retaliates by impaling Damon with a poll, from one of the racks, against the wall giving them time to escape.

Caroline and Bonnie rush to the Salvatore House to find weapons they can use against Sybil. While searching Caroline talks about how they can't invite Damon, though Bonnie retorted that he will be her brother-in-law or perhaps they will have a destination wedding. When they are ready to leave the house they find Sybil sitting in a chair in the living room, by the fireplace, reading the Caroline's wedding book she had made drawings in when she was in the 6th grade. Sybil tells Caroline that she liked a tiara design and Caroline gets back with a snide comment, telling her that she has the fashion sense of an 11 year old. Bonnie and Caroline, knowing they can't fight Sybil directly, decide to sit down and listen to what she has to say, as she wants to question Bonnie about the ‘hold' (devotion) she has over Damon and Enzo.

Later on, as the discussion progresses, Sybil reveals that she has manipulated Damon and Enzo's minds into fighting to the death, wanting Bonnie to choose between them. Caroline, Sybil and Bonnie drive towards Mystic Fall High School, where the battle will take place. Caroline remains sassy against Sybil all the while texting Stefan. Short time later, the latter uses her mental powers to look into Caroline's mind. Sybil finds out that Caroline believes that Stefan will somehow make things right. Fed up with her, Bonnie slams on the breaks and Sybil is thrown through the front windshield, giving them time to go help Damon and Enzo.

At a critical point during the fight Caroline shows up just in time to prevent Stefan from killing Enzo, telling him that she couldn't let him kill Enzo; that she promised Bonnie. While distracted with Stefan, Damon comes from behind and snaps Caroline's neck leaving her incapacitated on the floor during the rest of the fight.

Outside the high school, as Damon chases Bonnie, Alaric incapacitated Sybil with the Tuning Fork. While Sybil is down, Caroline, using a combination of super speed and super strength to knock Sybil unconscious. Having captured Sybil, they imprison her in a holding cell within the Armory. Given the events after the fight (Enzo turning off his humanity), Caroline tells Stefan that she will be staying with Bonnie for the night.

In An Eternity of Misery, Caroline briefly chats with Stefan over the phone. She previously spent the night with Bonnie, who was devastated that Enzo had turned off his humanity. She informs Stefan that despite what has happened between her and Enzo she remains glued to his side. As the supportive best friend, she is helping Bonnie drain Enzo dry and starve him in order to work on turning his humanity switch back on. Stefan begins to end the conversation after Alaric walks into the Armory, telling Caroline that he has an interrogation to handle (with the tuning fork in hand). Caroline warms him to be careful and they exchange their "I love you's".

In Coming Home Was a Mistake, Caroline and Stefan are seen happily sharing a morning breakfast when her phone rings; Matt calls and delivers terrible news, Tyler was murdered by Damon. Matt arrives at the Salvatore Boarding House with his coffin; much like everyone else she is devastated over his untimely demise. Besides Matt, she was one of the people who were the closest to him. After the initial shock, Stefan becomes angry at how his brother killed Tyler. As he breaks a glass of bourbon, Caroline tells him that (breaking glasses and being angry) won't bring Tyler back. She then proceeds to sit down and they talk. She tells him it's been months since she and Tyler last spoke, since they both were so busy. Stefan expresses that he doesn't know what to do about Damon. Directing is rage towards Damon, Caroline tells him the best thing to do is to mourn Tyler with their friends.

Later, Matt, Alaric, Stefan and herself carry Tyler's coffin to the grave site at the cemetery, to be buried next to the other Lockwood graves. As they arrive, they stop at four freshly dug graves, bewilderment on all their faces until Damon shows up, surprising them all. As Damon gloats about killing Tyler, Stefan and Matt makes moves towards attacking, though Damon makes the first move; he feeds Matt his blood. Caroline tells him that it is enough and for him to go; that no one wants him here.

After the botched funeral for Tyler, Caroline, Alaric and Stefan go to Mystic Grill. While the boys talk, she checks in with Bonnie and her attempts to get Enzo's humanity turned back on. She relates her account of how she had her humanity turned back on, telling Bonnie that she had to face her biggest fear: that she wasn't worth loving anymore and that her mom would be ashamed with her. After the conversation with Bonnie ends, the meeting with Stefan and Alaric commences. Caroline is worried that Damon might go after another one of their friends and, along with Stefan and Alaric, they decide that Damon needs to be put down, since he has no free will while under the control of Sybil.

Back at the Salvatore House, Caroline watches Stefan assembling a vervain dart gun to go after Damon at the carnival. Caroline is willing to help, telling him that two vampires are better than one though Stefan tells her that he has to do it on his own. At the carnival, Stefan fails to capture Damon, though Caroline comes arrives in time and saves him, shooting Damon in the back with multiple vervain darts.

Later that night, successfully incapacitating Damon, Bonnie and Enzo (who recently regained his humanity by Bonnie's efforts) gathers with the others at the carnival. They give Tyler a proper remembrance service, all of them saying their final goodbyes to Tyler. Caroline confesses that she loved him and that he lived a bigger and much more important life than that of a "small town kid." The night unfolds smoothly with everyone having fun in his remembrance. A short time later, Stefan approaches Caroline at the balloon dart game and he thanks her (for saving him). She tells him that she is going to be his wife and that is her job; helping and protecting him and saving him if she has too. She goes on to reflect on the last time she was at the carnival, after she turned into a vampire. She tells him she didn't know how she would cope with being a vampire and reminds Stefan that he was the one that gave her strength: by telling yourself that you are strong every single day. She tells him that if he is ever doubtful of that, she would be there to remind him.

After the talk with Stefan, she finds Matt and tells him that she is happy to have him back. He apologizes for being estranged lately and asks Caroline about the girls. Caroline responds that they are practically teenagers and shows Matt different photos of them. In one of the photos, Matt recognizes Seline and urges Caroline to rush home as he reveals that she is the second Siren. When Alaric and Caroline arrives back home they look for the girls, but they are nowhere to be found. Instead, they find a drawing on the kitchen table that depicts Lizzie and Josie with Seline and Arcadius.

In Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell, Caroline and Alaric have called the police, not long after the realization from the previous episode that Seline has kidnapped the twins. They work with the police to establish an Amber Alert; Alaric detailing the events that led up to the kidnapping while Caroline gives the detective photos of the twins and Seline as well as hand drawn portrait of Sybil, that she may be traveling with her "sister".

The next morning, Caroline prepares a bag to go look for the girls with Alaric. Stefan walks in and tells Caroline that he's compelled the Sheriff to make the case a priority. Stefan expresses his desire to come with her but Caroline directly refuses, that he can stay and help Matt. She points out that Damon is working with the Sirens and that if he tries to come between her and her children, she will kill him. With that said, Caroline returns Stefan's engagement ring, telling him until all of this over, there is no us. She goes on to tell him she can't afford any distractions, especially when it comes to Damon. Alaric and Caroline then depart for Oakwood the closest known location.

Provided with new information by Matt, acquired by Stefan, they head towards a dinner in Oakwood, however upon arrival, Seline, Sybil and Damon, along with the twins have already left. Alaric, on the phone with Stefan, wants him to keep digging in Enzo's mind for more information. Caroline finds one of the girl's bunny blankets and, turning to Alaric, still refuses to talk to Stefan.

Additional updates by Matt, they come to a crime scene, where Seline and the girls had previously been. Alaric checks in with another officer about what happened and tells Caroline, upon asking, that she didn't want to know. Alaric blames himself as Seline has been right in front of him all this time. Alaric angrily punches one of the windows of his car, shattering the glass and Caroline reassures him that they will find them. They depart, moving on to the next location.

They get the next location from Stefan, who was supposed to rendezvous with them, though when they arrive, he is nowhere to be found. Filled with rage, Caroline calls him, telling Stefan he has no right to cut her out because they are her kids. Stefan tells her that he has a chance to fix all of this and hangs up. Alaric snaps and finally tells Caroline that once he has his girls back, he's taking them away from her and far from this life; that she is a vampire and she attracts darkness. Caroline tells him to take a breath though he retorts that "my kids" should have never been involved. The argument reaches its climax when Alaric tells Caroline that they are not her kids, they are his and Jo's, much to her shock.

Sometime later, Caroline and Alaric finally arrive at the right motel and are finally reunited with Lizzie and Josie. Caroline and Alaric, both embrace one of the girls into hugs, telling them its good to see them and they missed them. Caroline acknowledges Stefan, unbeknownst to her, has already paid the price to save her girls; sacrificing himself to Cade.

Caroline and Alaric take the girls back to the Armory for overnight observation by the Armory doctors. Alaric seems to have regretted the painful things he previously said to Caroline and takes the moment to apologize. She turns to Alaric and reassures him that even though they are not genetically her's, she is still the girls' mother: she raised them, loved them and felt like she was dying when they were missing. Despite this, she admits to Alaric that he was right about one thing. That darkness does follow her everywhere she goes and that he should indeed take Lizzie and Josie away from her until everything is over.

Outside the Amory, Caroline finds Stefan sitting alone reflecting on his actions. She apologizes to him for cutting him off like she did and takes back his engagement ring. She then asks him about the sacrifice he had to make in order to protect the girls from the Sirens and from Cade. He confesses that he gave into Damon's promise (an eternity of misery), that he surrendered his immortal soul to Cade and to serve him like that of the Sirens. Caroline cries, as her marriage and life with Stefan is in jeopardy, has she only has a final 24 hours with Stefan; his one condition before he has to serve Cade.

In The Next Time I Hurt Somebody, It Could Be You,

In We Have History Together,

In The Simple Intimacy of the Near Touch,

In Nostalgia's a Bitch,

In You Made a Choice to Be Good, Caroline is seen pouring herself punch while attending the Time Capsule Day event. As the Historical Society of Mystic Falls opens the 1790 time capsule, Caroline is off to the side, digging near the roots of a tree within the school premises. She reveals to Matt that she, Elena and Bonnie had created their own time capsule when they were 11 years old. They sit down in a bench and Caroline shows him the photos that they had buried. Caroline finds photos of them as children with their parents as well as a letter that she wrote to her future self; she is reminded of the current events and how Stefan has become a totally different person. Caroline remains optimistic about Stefan getting his humanity back and says that even Damon is back to his old self again and that she is not willing to give up on Stefan. Matt is tired of giving Stefan a free-pass and indicates that despite him being under the control of the Sirens or the Devil, it him who still did what he did. Tension continues to brew between Caroline and Matt.

After a while Damon arrives at the event and when Caroline sees him she becomes visibly upset telling him that he was supposed to be guarding Stefan. Damon informs her that Arcadius is in town, freed Stefan and has tasked him to kill her. Damon reassures her that he has a plan B. As they discuss the current events Damon suggests that Caroline get everyone else out of the school premises by sundown and that she herself has to hide.

Caroline decides to drag everyone to the Mystic Grill and announces a happy hour that lasts all day long. Matt asks Caroline what was going on and she informs him about the unfortunate turn of events and that Arcadius is in town. She reassures him that Damon has a plan. She offers Matt a Blood Orange Margarita laced with her blood, a gesture to protect him and ensure his survival, even if it is as a vampire. However, Matt tells her that he would rather go up in flames along with Mystic Falls, that becoming a vampire is a death sentence all the same and pours out the drink.

Later, Caroline interrupts Dorian and Matt's conversation and informs Dorian that Cade is free. She brings up the issue of the "supernatural insurance policy" (becoming a vampire) and explains what it is to be a vampire to Dorian. She tells him that vampirism makes you stronger and that everything is heightened for vampires. Matt jumps in and tells Dorian that emotions like violence and pain are also heightened and that this is a choice you can't walk away from in an effort to prevent Dorian from getting any ideas about becoming one.

Short time later, Damon returns to Mystic Grill with bad news for Caroline: plan B failed. He has realized that he can't kill Cade (at least by ripping out his heart or setting him on fire) and that they will need a new plan. He admits to her that because Cade is 4,000 years old he has picked up a trick or two which leads Caroline to the conclusion to undo immortals. She suggests that they can administer the Cure to Cade and someone drains him of his blood which, due to his old age, will cause him to rapidly age and wither away. Damon is not willing to risk Elena's life, since they will only have one shot at capturing Cade and only a small vial of Elena's blood. Caroline continues by saying that afterwards Damon can take the Cure from Enzo (years later) once he has taken it from Cade. Caroline is sure that doing what's best for her friends would be Elena's priority and reassures him that her plan will work unless Damon has a plan D, which he doesn't.

After Damon leaves Caroline finds the chance to approach Dorian, who is working on the decoding artifact Matt gave him and confesses that she trusts Dorian to find the solution. She fixes him a Blood Orange Margarita and she gives him a second chance to take her earlier offer. Caroline is quite intrigued by how calm and comfortable Dorian is about the existence of the supernatural world. He confides in Caroline that the reason he is on this path is because of his family and their dark past, believing that they were cursed. He also speaks about the existence of a younger sister and her death along with his father's. They are interrupted by a violent scream and as they turn around they see Cade standing in the middle of the room, having killed two patrons. Caroline turns to Arcadius and declares that no one else has to die, but Cade proceeds to kill another person by engulfing him in fire, though he is saved by Matt. Caroline is confused as to why Cade wants her dead. He rebuttals that she is Stefan's girl. Damon relents, attacks and kills another patron: he eyes Dorian. Caroline uses her vampire speed and saves Dorian. After saving Dorian Caroline expresses her wish to go with Damon, but he refuses by telling her: "You will only slow me down".

After Cade disappears, Caroline successfully compels everyone to forget what they experienced at the Grill and Matt berates her about another three people are dead. Caroline makes Matt realize that Mystic Falls has always been a place of darkness and that their parents hid the truth to protect them and that now that they are the adults, that they are responsible for protecting Mystic Falls. He ends the conversation with her by telling her that she is now apart of the "darkness" as a vampire.

In What Are You?,

In The Lies Will Catch Up To You,

In It's Been a Hell of a Ride,

In We're Planning a June Wedding,

In I Was Feeling Epic,

Throughout The Originals Series[]

Season Five[]

In Where You Left Your Heart, Rebekah, reach out to Caroline who was in France at the time, to try and get a reluctant Klaus to contact his family. Caroline tracks down Klaus, who was also at France, and interrupts him as he slaughter a family there. As she pushes him against a wall -which he allows her to- he smiles at her, telling her: "Hello Love". Later, Klaus taunts her as she covers the bodies of the people he killed that he had hoped there will be more of them. She taunts him back asking him if he is trying to break his own recored. He asks her why she is there, and she answers that she got a phone call, because he don't pick up his phone. Klaus assume that Hayley called her, but Caroline tells him that it was actually Rebekah that called her because she was already in France. Klaus thinks she was on vacation, but Caroline tells him it was for work.

She gets a bit upset at his remark, and reprove him, telling him that she is not in college anymore, and that she is the mother of two, that she was married and widowed on the same day, and that she is responsible for an entire school full of kids, including his own. At the mention of Hope, Klaus looks a bit rattled. Caroline asks him why is he avoiding her, and that Hope is beautiful, and too smart for her own good, "like her father", they both say at the same time. Caroline tells him that Hope hears the same rumors that they all had: that Klaus has gone mad. Klaus points to the bodies on the floor to prove her right, but Caroline says it's only looks his "normal crazy" to her. Klaus agknowledge her high praise toward him, and Caroline asks him why he is killing all the members of one family. Klaus tells her it's because he is compulsive, but then he grabs her arms in a manner that spooks her and tells her that he has finally gone mad. But Caroline sees through him, and she tells him that she knows that's what he wants people to think - and she calls his bluffe, saying that he has a list.


Caroline gets upset with Klaus

Later, Caroline wants to clean the mess he has made, and Klaus tells her his real plans: to kill all their enemies to protect Elijah, he adds that it passes the time. Caroline then tyrannize him to clean his mess. She tells him it's not right, even for him. He admits that he is no good without Elijah, and that this situation is worse than Elijah being dead. He confesses to her in a beat tone that he had lost his brother. Caroline try to console him saying that he still has Hope, and when Klaus try to refute this by saying that she is better off without him since he was abused by his own father, Caroline gets angry with him, shouting at him that it was 1000 years ogo, and that he needs to get over himself, and to stop using Mikael as an excuse to be a bad father. She tells him that he can call Hope using the phone. And finally, admit that she thinks that he is someone worth knowing. She leaves, telling him she will see him in the next parent meeting, leaving him there, looking touched and upset.

In What, Will, I, Have, Left, Caroline travels to the Abattoir to alert Klaus that Hope has gone missing with a boy from school. Caroline assures a worried Klaus that the entirety of the Honors class is tracking them, and that they seem to be heading towards the border of New Orleans. The two of them set out to find her.


Klaus and Caroline enjoy a coffee whilst awaiting Hope's location.

At Mammy's Kitchen, the two drink coffee whilst Caroline waits for a message from the tracking class. Caroline takes the time to calm down a worried and angry Klaus, remarking that the worrying is all part of fatherhood. The two share a moment of solace when Klaus questions why Hope would run away, and Caroline reflects on her relationship with Klaus, citing that some girls love a bad boy. Caroline is alerted that the tracking class failed, but they have been able to track Hope using Find My iPhone.

On the road, Klaus questions if Caroline regrets the time they spent together. She reveals that she didn't, but the two were different people back then. Caroline believes she represented something for Klaus that he had lost so long ago.

The two arrive at their destination to find that Hope has ditched her phone and is nowhere to be seen. Klaus becomes seriously worried when Caroline reveals that Hope has ran off with Greta Sienna's son, realising that Hope is in real danger. In God's Gonna Trouble the Water, Caroline sent Klaus a letter, where she expresses her condolences about Hayley's death.

In The Tale of Two Wolves, Caroline is seen giving a tour of the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted to prospective students. She tells the students that she believes the school offers an inclusive environment for the three species it supports. She is interrupted, however, by Klaus, who arrives momentarily making a joke about where the hybrids are kept. Caroline pauses the tour and talks with Klaus privately, where she reminds him of their deal in which he would not show up in Mystic Falls unnanounced.

Klaus explains that he is aware of their deal and respects it, but that Hope has consumed the dark magic of the Hollow and thus, it is consuming her. He tells Caroline that he needs the assistance of a very special type of witch — those from the Gemini Coven. Klaus asks for Caroline's daughters asssitance with saving Hope from the dark magic.

Caroline is reluctant to allow her daughters to become enthralled in the chaos of the Mikaelson Family, however, and refuses Klaus' request. Caroline is worried about what Josie and Lizzie would do with the excess magic they siphon from Hope, but Klaus explains that they are free to transfer it to him and then dispose of him in the ocean. Klaus explains that he is desperate and extends a promise that her daughters will not come to harm helping him.

Shortly after, Caroline talks with Lizzie and Josie about helping Klaus and his daughter. Lizzie and Josie are aware of their barganing power in the discussion, however, and attempt to bribe Caroline for a new phone and access to the Winter Solstice Dance as payment. A compromise is made and the two agree to help with Hope's situation. Before Klaus can explain what is needed of them, however, he is knocked unconscious when Alaric shoots him in the back with a crossbow.

Alaric is furious with Caroline and cites that he is not against helping Hope, but will not put his daughters in risk as a result. Klaus returns moments later, having escaped from the werewolf holding cell. Klaus opts to provide reassurance to both Alaric and Caroline and shows them a White Oak Stake. He tells the two that one of them has his permission to stake him after the transfer of the magic.

In a brief moment of humanity, Klaus thanks Caroline for allowing her daughters to help him. She explains that years ago she was in trouble and needed help. She put her daughters into the car and drove to New Orleans but found that Klaus was nowhere to be seen.

In When The Saints Go Marching In,

Throughout Legacies Series[]

Season Four[]

In Just Don't Be a Stranger, Okay?, Caroline surprises Lizzie by returning to the Salvatore School while also interrupting her and MG kissing. Before Lizzie realizes, she tells her to go away, but Caroline quips that she's been gone long enough. Lizzie is ecstatic at seeing her mom and vamps to hug her. She still sucks at vamping, but Caroline tells her that's something they'll add to the list of things to work on, even with MG's help.

After Alaric sets down as the headmaster of the the Salvatore School, he turns over the duties to Caroline, promising the students to keep it in the family.

The next morning, Caroline walks into her new office, startling Cleo and causing her to up jump up from her chair. Caroline quips that it looks like she's already out of job, but Cleo only tells her that she's daydreaming and apologizes, calling her Headmistress Forbes. She corrects her as interim headmistress, which sounds a bit stuffy and foregoes formalities.

At the start of a new semester, the Salvatore School opens their doors for the next class of supernatural beings to teach them how to be heroes. Wade plays red hands with Pedro until Caroline addresses the students, including Lizzie, MG, Finch, Cleo, and Kaleb, that first impressions last a lifetime. With the gentle reminder that many of them are immortal, she asks if Hope would do the honors. Hope turns and opens the doors, ushering in and welcoming the students home.



"It's just a reminder that technically, I'm dead. Look, I didn't even like 17. And the only point to being 17 is to get to 18. It's a filler year; I'm stuck in a filler year."
—Caroline to Bonnie

Caroline is one of the popular girls at school, the captain of the cheerleading squad, and was organizing the parties and always displaying a high degree of leadership among her friends. Beautiful and chic, she was also very strong and determined, much like her mother, Elizabeth Forbes. She is extremely loyal and protective of her friends. She has a sensitive and loving nature. Despite having a confident exterior and high social prestige, underneath it all Caroline was very insecure, neurotic, and upset that she could never say the right thing to make guys fall for her. This tended to make her an overachiever at times, creating flaws and complexities in her character, leading to various matters that factor into her development as she overcomes them. Especially when it came to Elena, as she always felt she was in Elena's shadow. She considers Elena her competition when it comes to life in general. When she started dating Matt Donovan she began to see life in a less shallow manner and Caroline overcame these insecurities and became confident in herself.


"You prefer who you are now to the girl you once were. You like being strong, ageless, fearless. We're the same, Caroline."
Klaus to Caroline
Becoming a vampire made her see the world in a different light, with her maturing as well. She became much more responsible and protective, which she proves when comforting Tyler on the night of his first full moon and refusing to leave him, despite knowing that one bite would kill her. Ironically, she appreciates life more since becoming a vampire. Moreover, despite having killed a man, she hadn't killed again in several months, thus showing an impressive amount of control for a newly turned vampire. This continues throughout the series: in season 4, Caroline was described as an "expert" in self-control. It seems that she does not desire the cure, as Klaus puts it, "You prefer who you are now to the girl you once were. You like being strong, ageless, fearless." Being a vampire has helped show her what she could do with her life. She could see the world and have a thousand more birthdays. It was Klaus who showed her that she is no longer bound by trivial human conventions and with her immortality and abilities as a vampire, she is free.

"Now granted, if anyone tries anything to flip my switch back on—and I mean anything—I'll become your worst nightmare."
—Caroline to Elena and Bonnie

After her mother's death, Caroline flips the switch due to not being able to handle the pain. While being embraced by Elena at her house, she snaps her neck and lets her drop to floor, quoting that it is not Elena's choice to decide whether or not she should turn off her humanity switch. Without her humanity, Caroline doesn't care at all about what others think and decides to have a new start in everything, which includes buying new clothes and sheets, and also partying and drinking. Caroline is sassy, funny, flirty and speaks her mind, as she tells Elena that she has a gift of making everything about herself all the time. Caroline is still in full control of her vampirism since she stopped herself from killing Liam, stating that she doesn't want to ruin her life, knowing that if she killed him, the police would look for her and they would remind her of her dead mother.

When she runs into Bonnie and Elena at her dorm, Bonnie says that no humanity Caroline is almost the same as Caroline, but without feelings. Caroline tells them that in return for her good behavior, she wants a year where she doesn't have to feel any pain or grief or remorse. She warns them that if anyone tries anything to flip her switch back on, she will become their worst nightmare. It's revealed that Stefan is her emotional trigger, and Caroline was fully aware of that, so she threatens to kill his niece, Sarah Nelson, unless he turns his humanity off too. After a fight with Stefan, she orders Liam to finally kill Sarah, forcing Stefan to turn his humanity off in front of her.

Unlike Stefan, Caroline covers her tracks in order to avoid suspicion by the authorities. She follows an elaborate "routine", which is to attend school and look as normal as possible, just without feelings. Stefan makes an effort to convince Caroline to let go and live recklessly. It works, and Caroline strays from her "routine" and becomes even more dangerous and joins him with several killing sprees. She even contemplates killing Tyler and Matt, and even gets Tyler to accidentally stake Matt by pushing Matt in front of her when Tyler tried to stake her.

Attitude Towards Humans[]

"After I turned into a vampire, I killed someone. A stranger. I just…killed him. And what's worse is, I liked it. I have blood on my hands too, I mean we all do."
—Caroline to Alaric
As a new Vampire, Caroline remains loyal towards humans, despite her blood lust. After murdering her first human, Caroline felt extremely guilty over her actions. Stefan teaches her to adjust to her new life as a vampire and she is now able to feed without severely harming or killing someone. Caroline is the vampire with the fewest attacks on humans in the series, and always has great control with her bloodlust and has been rated as the best vampire among them. Like Damon and Elena, she drinks human blood from blood bags instead of hunting humans or animals.

"I ate him and he was delicious. I mean, you know how cute guys just naturally taste better?"
—Caroline to Elena and Bonnie
At first, Caroline was very cautious and careful about drinking from humans. She was more concerned about hiding the evidence to avoid risk of getting caught. This made her unique; she had the ability to control her bloodlust. For example, she was able to stop drinking from Liam before it killed him, because she didn't want to have to come up with a plan to cover his death up. However, after getting Stefan to turn his humanity off as well, he convinced her to let go, which made her much more reckless. She carelessly killed a man in a bar by mind compulsion, and also assisted Stefan in feeding off of an innocent college girl. She even came close to killing her friends Matt and Tyler.

Physical Appearance[]

Main article: Caroline Forbes/Appearance

Caroline is a beautiful young woman with a pale complexion, blue-green eyes and medium length blonde hair which she often wears in a variety of different styles; straight, curly or naturally waved. She has a slim, yet due to her cheerleading, toned and athletic figure. She is also one of the tallest women in the series. She stand's 5'8.

Since Caroline was introduced, her style has changed drastically, seemingly since her transition into a vampire. As a human, Caroline's clothing style included pinks and yellows, expressively bright colors which would draw attention to herself. Caroline took care of her appearance, always making sure to match her hairstyle and accessories to her daily outfits. Caroline's accessories were very eye-catching; large earrings, small bags, jewelry, and hairbands. The one color Caroline is rarely seen wearing is the color "blue", as she told Damon that her clothes seemed too tight on her body.

In the later seasons, Caroline's clothing choices change to a laid back, yet much more mature style; preferring to wear pale t-shirts, skinny jeans, high-boots; and the color isn't as bright and attracting as it once was. She sometimes wore short dresses in a variety of colors for occasions such as parties and fashionable skirts with matching tops. Her style in season two wasn't as eye-catching as it was once was, preferring paler colors instead of bright colors.

In season three, she wore a mixture of floral dresses and skirts with colorful cardigans and sandals, and dark jeans and jackets over bright colored shirts. During the Mikaelsons' Ball, she wore a blue-grey dress with very little makeup and hair pulled back. In Season Four, she chose to wear floral patterned shirts and tank t-shirts underneath biker leather and denim jackets, although on occasion would resort to wearing paler colors, skirts and tops. Her make-up choice has changed somewhat over the seasons, in early seasons, she wore much makeup, particularly lip glosses and lots of black eye-makeup to make her blue-green eyes stand out; however she wears a much more natural look, with little to no make-up.

Powers and Abilities[]

Caroline possess all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire. However, at her first day as vampire, while she was still a new-born, Caroline managed to compel one of her nurses to do her bidding, a thing that is very rare among new vampires, as Mind Compulsion is an ability a new vampire needs to be taught (either by an older vampire, or with time). Caroline also managed to use Dream Manipulation, a high form of Telepathy (a skill that usually requires practice and learning to achieve) on the first try, while she was less than five years old as a vampire. Over time, though considerably short when compared to other vampires, Caroline's skill over mind compulsion has drastically increased. After Lexi Branson, she is the only other vampire shown to cast realistic illusions on individual people (the only exception to this is Silas, who as an Immortal possessed far superior psychic capabilities). When she turned off her humanity, she was capable of tricking the mind of a person into believing that he could not breath then subjecting visions of spiders crawling all over his body, which led to a heart attack, then death.

Caroline is also a really skilled fighter. As a young vampire, Caroline showcased tactical strength when fighting the Tomb Vampires, all of whom were at least 150+ years older than her at that time. She's also managed to hold on her own against much older vampires such as Damon Salvatore, and Lorenzo. She also has been seen running at extraordinary speed, being able to outrun even werewolves on the Full Moon; she has also been shown to defeat a werewolf in human form with much ease. Caroline is also a very skilled deceiter: she succeed in tricking even Niklaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Katerina Petrova and the Heretics, vampires centuries older than she is. And unlike the vampires on both shows, Caroline can also use a gun - which most vampires are rarely seen doing.


Caroline has the typical weaknesses of a non-Original vampire.


Elizabeth Forbes[]

"All right. Give me a good-bye hug before I change my mind and drag you home with me."
—Liz to Caroline in I Know What You Did Last Summer
Main article: Caroline and Elizabeth

The relationship of Caroline and Liz is not the typical mother-daughter relationship. Caroline has always been distanced from her mother before and after becoming a vampire. At first when Caroline became a vampire, Liz showed rejection to her, but then ended up accepting it. Despite not spending much time together, Liz, cares for her and keeps everything in control so that other people wouldn't find out about vampires, especially for her daughter. Caroline cares about her mother and it has been suggested that her mother is the most important to her. Their relationship has improved a lot lately. Since their relationship improved they always tried to be in contact. After learning that Liz had cancer, Caroline tried to save her at any cost, but nothing worked. She then decided to make the last days for her mother pleasant. But while Caroline was preparing everything for that, Liz fell into a coma and Caroline didn't get to say goodbye to her mother. Liz finally died leaving Caroline devastated. After the funeral, Caroline decides to turn off her humanity because she can't handle so much pain of her mother's death. After the events of the eighth season, Caroline has moved on a bit after Liz's death, but has not forgotten her mother. At the end of the season, viewers can see Liz's spirit watching over Caroline with a proud smile on her face as her mother continues to witness Caroline's accomplishments in life.

Stefan Salvatore[]

"I promise you I will not let anything happen to you."
—Stefan to Caroline in Brave New World
Main article: Stefan and Caroline

Caroline and Stefan at first didn't have a close relationship. After she became a vampire, Stefan saved her from Damon and promised her that he would never let anything happen to her. Since then, Stefan has been taking care of Caroline like her mentor, helping her to be a good vampire. He has saved her several times, Caroline told him that every time he feels he's about to lose control she will be there for him. Caroline has given Stefan pivotal emotional support, she has always supported his relationship with Elena and she was the person who revealed to Stefan that Elena was sired to Damon, by her, he also learned that Elena had had sex with Damon. When Stefan lost his memories for a spell, Caroline was the only person that he trusts immediately, upon learning about Bonnie's death, Stefan told Caroline that he would always be for her as she has always been for him, Caroline helped to Stefan with all his problems. After the loss of Damon, Stefan left Mystic Falls, Caroline tried to contact Stefan, but he just put her away, later she and Enzo found Stefan. After being apart for some time Stefan realizes his mistake and tries to make up for it, they become again friends, Caroline's feelings towards him became evident and after Liz fell sick from cancer Stefan always try to be with her, he cares and show some feeling for her too, after spending much time together, Stefan took the first step and kissed her finally.

After Caroline's mother passed away, this halts her budding romantic relationship with Stefan. Caroline shuts her emotions off after Liz dies and gets Stefan to do the same. While without humanity, Caroline and Stefan sleep together for the first time. However, after they both gain their emotions back, Caroline states that she needs some time before becoming romantic with Stefan.

During the seventh season, Caroline finally realizes she wants to be with Stefan and they get together. However, when Stefan's mother and her adoptive vampire-witch hybrid children come to Mystic Falls, this complicates their relationship, especially when Stefan's old flame is a part of that group. Caroline also learns that Stefan's former lover was pregnant with his unborn fetus, but Julian (Stefan's mother's then-lover) beat it to death. Between Stefan becoming Rayna Cruz's target and his budding friendship with Valerie Tulle and with Caroline suddenly pregnant with Alaric's twins, this causes Caroline and Stefan to slowly drift apart and break up for three years. During this time, Stefan is forced to go on the run with Valerie and Caroline continues to raise her children with Alaric.

When Stefan and Valerie break up, he tries to win her back, but she is cold to him during their reunion. However, circumstances force them to ally together for the first time in three years and they slowly warm up to each other again. After the events of season seven, Caroline and Stefan are together again.

Lizzie & Josie Saltzman[]

Main article: Alaric, Caroline, Josie and Lizzie

The relationship between Caroline's twin daughters started when she realized she was pregnant with them. Shortly after Alaric Saltzman and Jo Parker's wedding massacre, Valerie Tulle helped Caroline figure out that she was carrying Alaric and Jo's fetuses as a surrogate mother. At first, Caroline thought this to be impossible being she took and failed pregnancy tests, including a failed ultrasound. Also, she thought the idea of her being pregnant to be ridiculous because she was a vampire, and female vampires cannot get pregnant. However, Valerie lifted the protective cloaking spell (carried out by the Gemini Coven shortly before their demise) and sure enough, Caroline was carrying Alaric's twin daughters. Caroline was overjoyed to find out that Alaric's fetuses had survived and she gladly accepted responsibility for them. Over the next few years, Caroline helped raise Josie and Lizzie as her own, along with Alaric. Despite her romantic life suffering as a result, Caroline never strayed from raising her daughters. Even when Stefan came back into her life, Caroline still prioritized her daughters as well. Introducing Lizzie and Josie to their supernatural lives was not easy, but Caroline was determined to help them through it, especially with the threat of the sirens. As of now, Caroline runs the Salvatore Boarding School both her daughters attend. Also, they live together at the boarding school, along with Alaric still being in all their lives as well.

Bonnie Bennett[]

"I love you."
—Bonnie to Caroline in Graduation
Main article: Caroline and Bonnie

Bonnie was Caroline's best friend but when Caroline became a vampire, their relationship became strained. Prior to Caroline's transformation, they were cheerleaders in high school and were always hanging out together. Bonnie had been wary of Caroline as a vampire, but gradually their friendship was strengthened. After Bonnie was brought back to life, she enrolls at the same university that Caroline besides being roommates with Elena. Caroline is the first to learn about the sex life of Bonnie with Jeremy, her boyfriend. They have always remained best friends despite the many challenges they have faced. They have been there for each other many times and protect one another when they are in trouble. Besides Elena being involved with many arguments with Caroline over the seasons, Caroline and Bonnie have never shared a disagreement or a physical fight, until Season Seven, when Bonnie is forced to become a Supernatural Huntress. Caroline is currently trying to save Bonnie from a lifelong misery of being forced to hunt vampires. Bonnie however is making it difficult being she is wired to hate vampires now. However, after helping cure Bonnie, Caroline and Bonnie have bigger problems being Enzo and Damon were captured by the Armory's monster. Caroline acknowledges how devastated Bonnie was to lose Enzo, the love of her life, and Damon, her best guy friend.

In Season Eight, Caroline assists Bonnie in helping her find Enzo and Damon. While doing so, Caroline must navigate her own life as her children grow. This puts somewhat of a distance on their relationship, but they remain close despite this. After Bonnie rescued the love of her life from Sybil, she planned to move into a house with him, but Caroline's fiancé ended up murdering Enzo. This puts Bonnie and Caroline in a very awkward and tense position, especially when Stefan's humanity switch is back on and Caroline decides to still marry him. Bonnie initially refused to attend Caroline's wedding as her maid of honor because she was still heartbroken and very angry at Stefan for killing Enzo while his humanity was off. However, Bonnie changes her mind and decides to become Caroline's maid of honor after all. After the events in the eighth season's finale, Caroline decides to stay in Mystic Falls after Stefan's death to turn his boarding house into a school, in his honor. While Caroline does this, Bonnie leaves the town both have grown up in and travels the world. This separates the two, but it can be assumed they still remained close friends.

Tyler Lockwood[]

"Everything I like about me, is you."
—Tyler to Caroline in Smells Like Teen Spirit
Main article: Caroline and Tyler

The relationship of Caroline and Tyler began when Tyler triggered his werewolf curse, she wanted to help him and never left him alone. They began spending a great deal of time together and Tyler fell in love with her ​​despite the fact that Caroline was in a relationship with his best friend Matt. After Caroline and Matt broke up, they began a romantic relationship. Everything got complicated when Klaus turned Tyler into a hybrid and also fell in love with Caroline. After Tyler conspires against Klaus, the latter ordered him out of Mystic Falls to spare his life. When Klaus returned for Graduation, he gave Caroline the gift of Tyler's freedom to return to Mystic Falls. Their relationship completely fell apart and are now broken up, however they still remain good friends up until Tyler's death in the eighth season.

Niklaus Mikaelson[]

"I've done more than enough. I've shown kindness, forgiveness, pity... because of you, Caroline. It was all for you."
—Klaus to Caroline in Down the Rabbit Hole
Main article: Klaus and Caroline

Klaus and Caroline met when Tyler was turned into a hybrid by Klaus. To take revenge on Stefan, Klaus tells Tyler to bite Caroline, he flat out refused but Tyler accidentally bit Caroline. Klaus went to Caroline's house to save her and gave her his blood. Since then, Klaus has expressed a romantic interest in Caroline and began sending her gifts. In spite of the continued rejection by Caroline, he has never given up. Despite the constant attempts of her friends to kill him, with Caroline's help, who was trying to distract him, Klaus still cares about her. Klaus leaves Mystic Falls but he returned for graduation and told her he intended to be her last love, no matter how long it takes. Klaus returns to Mystic Falls and meets with Caroline, after Caroline confesses her feelings in exchange for a promise that Klaus never come back for her, they kiss and have sex.

Elena Gilbert[]

"I'm really glad you're here, too."
—Elena to Caroline in I Know What You Did Last Summer
Main article: Elena and Caroline

Caroline and Elena have had a complicated relationship throughout the series. Initially, Caroline had a rivalry with Elena because she considered herself to be in Elena's shadow. After Caroline became a vampire, her insecurities disappeared and they became best friends again. When Caroline was getting in the middle of Elena's relationship with Stefan because of Katherine, it distanced them somewhat. When Elena made it clear she had feelings for Damon, Caroline expressed her disapproval, separating them. When Elena turned off her humanity, Elena tried to kill Caroline, creating an even greater rift. They resumed their friendship when Elena's humanity was turned back on. Despite all the problems in their friendship, they always care for one another. In Let Her Go, Elena tries to convince Caroline to not turn off her humanity, but Caroline snaps her neck. After resolving their tense relationship once Caroline gets her humanity on once again, they decide to help Jo Laughlin get ready for her wedding. However, Elena is soon forced into a sleeping coma by Kai Parker and Caroline and Elena, with Bonnie, all share a heartfelt goodbye until Elena wakes up again. After the events of the eighth and final season, Caroline is reunited with Elena and they become sister-in-laws being Elena later married Damon and Caroline is widowed due to Stefan's final death.

Other Relationships[]

Forbes Family, Saltzman Family, Salvatore Family, Mystic Falls Gang, Mystic Falls High School, Whitmore College, Mikaelson Family


The Vampire Diaries[]

Season One

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four

Season Five

Season Six

Season Seven

Season Eight

The Originals[]

Season One

Season Three

Season Four

Season Five


Season One

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four

Episode Absence[]

Season One

Season Two

Season Three

Season Four

Season Five

Season Six

  • In Season Six, Caroline doesn't appear in two episodes:

Season Seven


Main article: Caroline Forbes (novel)

Caroline Beula Forbes is a female character and a supporting character of The Vampire Diaries novel series. She is the old childhood friend turned rival-enemy of Elena Gilbert. She is an eighteen year old human girl living in the supernatural town of Fells Church along with Elena Gilbert, Bonnie McCullough, Meredith Sulez and Matt Honeycutt. She is also love interest of Tyler Smallwood. Caroline was also formerly good childhood friends with Bonnie McCullough and Meredith Sulez since the first grade. Caroline and Elena used to be the closest of friends growing up since kindergarten, but the two girls became intense rivals and each other's competition in terms of popularity, boys and social status at their high school. She is in frequent competition with Elena for the title of "Queen of Robert E. Lee High." Caroline has shown that she is threatened by and extremely jealous and envious of Elena's popularity and beauty. Caroline was very jealous, resentful, envious and angered that Stefan Salvatore, the new, mysterious and extremely handsome new foreign student at Robert E. Lee High, whom every girl in all of the high school tried to gain the attention of, chose Elena over her. Because of Stefan's rejection of her, Caroline had plotted to get revenge alongside Tyler Smallwood, by stealing Elena's personal diary to help to expose Elena's thoughts and secrets at the Founder's Day parade. But her plot with Tyler had backfired on her and she ended up humiliated in the end. Stefan first dated Caroline while attending the Homecoming Dance, while he was trying to stay away from Elena due to his intense connection to her. Later on in the books, Caroline became pregnant by Tyler Smallwood (who is a werewolf), she blamed Matt Honeycutt for forcing himself on her and claiming that Matt was the father instead of Tyler. However, she truthfully admits to Bonnie and Meredith that the real father of her unborn children is indeed Tyler Smallwood. She is carrying twin children and she is possessed by Misao's malach. Caroline Forbes is now a werewolf, in a relationship with Tyler and raising their two children, Lucas and Brianne.

Name Meaning[]

  • Caroline is a feminine first name of Old German origin, which means "free man". Caroline is a female form of "Carolus", which in turn is a Latin form of Charles, derived from the German word Karl, that means simply, a free man.
  • Elizabeth is from Ελισαβετ (Elisabet), the Greek form of the Hebrew name אֱלִישֶׁבַע ('Elisheva') meaning "my God is an oath" or perhaps "my God is abundance".
  • Forbes is a masculine surname which was originally taken from a Scottish place name meaning "Field" in Gaelic.


  • In the original script for Pilot, Caroline's last name was Truitt.<>ref [1]</ref>
  • Caroline drives a Ford Fiesta Titanium with the Virginia license plate number is "TYI-7L81."


22galeria Caroline Forbes has a photo gallery.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Mentioned by Caroline in Miss Mystic Falls
  2. Stefan said her full name in Today Will Be Different as he proposed to her.
  3. Her full name is shown on a desk plaque in her office at the Salvatore Boarding School, shown in The Tale of Two Wolves; she took Stafen's surname despite having died the night of their wedding.

See also[]
