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Zaus portrait
The King of Cooking
Japanese ザウス
Romanized Zausu
English Zaus
Aliases King of Cooking (調理王 Chōri-ō)
Race Human
Gender Male Male
Birthday January 3rd
Age Over 176
Status Alive
Height 197 cm
Weight 90 kg
Blood Type A
Professional Status
Affiliation NEO (formerly) ,
Restaurant Zaus (formerly)
Occupation Chef iconChef
NEO Member
Personal Status
Relatives None known
Debut Appearance
Manga Gourmet 123 (mentioned)
Gourmet 212 (appeared)
Anime Episode 125
Japanese Hamada Kenji
[v · t · e]

Zaus (ザウス Zausu), the King of Cooking (調理王 Chōri-ō), is a world famous chef who consistently holds the #1 spot in the IGO's World Gourmet Chef Ranking of top 100 chefs.[1] He is one of only five people in recorded history to have ever been crowned the "Super Cook" champion of Cooking Fest, ranking second place in the number of championships held at fourteen and is the current title holder. He is considered the greatest chef in the world alongside the equally famous and legendary "Gourmet Living Legend" Setsuno, and both are viewed with almost the same admiration as the legendary "Chef Goddess" Froese. However, Setsuno claims that most of the wins he has held in Cooking Fest were only due to her having been absent due to being busy at work.[2] Zaus was also the owner and head chef of "Restaurant Zaus".

In truth, however, Zaus was in actuality a member of the dark organization NEO, having been brainwashed by its leader Joie, and ever since Zaus has gone to great lengths to further NEO's goals, being willing to murder his former comrades, kidnap others, and leave the Human World in disarray. Because of his actions, Zaus was one of the antagonists of the Cooking Festival Arc.

Zaus is later freed from Joie's manipulation with the unexpected aid of Midora.


Zaus is a tall imposing man wearing a red and black-colored chef's uniform with striped designs on the middle front and shoulders and a large puffed toque (chef’s hat) and always keeps his uniform's collar raised. He wears a black sash around his waist and a pair of knee-high black boots. He has very chiseled facial features, moderately long white hair which he keeps braided into a ponytail and has a long pointy beard and mustache. He also possesses three scars near the corner of his right eye which had apparently grown in size since he was last seen, and Setsuno suspects that this was caused by Joie's Taste Change.

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Setsuno and Zaus's rivalry

Zaus' rivalry with Setsuno.

He is a very serious man who was passionate about cooking and chefs and had high aspirations for the next generation of young chefs. He also has a friendly rivalry with his fellow elder, high-ranking chef Setsuno.

After Joie used his Taste Change on Zaus, he became a cold and cunning man of little to no morals who would gladly kill anyone who gets in the way of his and NEO's true goals, and showed no remorse about the idea of killing his old friend and rival.

Powers and Abilities[]

Joejoe mentions Zaus' name as one of the chefs that would be difficult to capture. He has great speed and stamina, as he is able to run in the Triathlon alongside Setsuno without breaking a sweat. He also seems to be capable of running across bodies of water. However, much to Setsuno's surprise, he appears to have been easily knocked out by Starjun in the tent of the "Dark Cooking Duel". It is later discovered that this was only a deception and he appears in front of the NEO members unharmed, despite having been hit by Starjun's Camp Fire: Medium Flame. He is willing to fight Setsuno but is well aware of her strength and admits that he would lose without the help of both Kousairou and Kuriboh, whose powers allowed them to be selected as members of Biotope 0. In spite of his considerable power, Zaus is easily paralyzed by Jiro and heavily injured by Midora before he could even notice the latter's presence.

Gourmet Cells[]

NEO's trio

Either due to him eating some of Acacia's Full Course or to Joie's modifications, he can turn parts of his body into that of his Appetite Demon's, including strapping, gorilla-like arms, dark wings, and a much more robust constitution.[3]

Chef Skill[]

Zaus cooking at CF

Zaus's masterful cooking skills.

Being called the "Chef King" and holding the #1 spot of greatest chef, it is safe to say that his cooking skills are beyond excellent and few can match up to his great talent, and considering the common skills and abilities of those who rank near him within the World Gourmet Chef Ranking, it is likely that he is a master of Food Honor and is capable of hearing the "Voice of Ingredients". The very fact he is #1 on the World Ranking even with Setsuno, a Gourmet Living Legend on that list further prove his skill as the best. He also won several Cooking Festival, however Setsuno dispute his victories is due to her being too busy for work to come.


Zaus fights using a kitchen knife, wielding it with one hand. It has the peculiar ability to stretch at least a dozen of meters at high speed, enough to take Chiyo, a very powerful fighter herself, by surprise and stab her.[4] When Zaus uses his One Blade: Samsara Cut, the blade is as long as an ordinary knife's; however, he lengthens it afterwards, making it reminiscent of a sword. Later on, he is shown wielding two kitchen knives as dual swords.[5]


One Blade Cycle of Reincarnation Cut small

One Blade: Samsara Cut (一刀 輪廻おろし Ittō: Rinne Oroshi): Zaus uses a knife to cut an enemy in half. Even if the target's body is shielded, the slash will still hit, ignoring any obstacle and heavily damaging the target.[6] Its secondary (and most lasting) effect is that the wound will be ingrained into the target’s genetic makeup, making the scar a hereditary trait for several generations.[7] Samsara is the Buddhist cycle of reincarnation.



For over 56 years, Zaus competed in Cooking Festival alongside the other Top 100 Chefs and earned the title of "Super Cook" 13 times. He successfully earned his 14th title during the last tournament 4 years ago. However most of his wins were apparently possible due to Setsuno not having been able to make it to those due to preoccupations with work.

Melk Stardust Arc[]

After Melk the First, the world famous artisan, sees Komatsu's kitchen knife, he is very impressed, as the only other knives he has ever seen to have shocked and amazed him so were the knives of "Chef Goddess" Froese, "Gourmet Living Legend" Setsuno, and "Chef King" Zaus.[8]

Meteor Garlic Arc[]

Chef King Zaus is mentioned along with "Living Legend" Setsuno, "Tray King" Yuda, "Ramen Master" Kurakage, "Oil User" Wabutora, "Iron Plate Magician" Moh, "Ethnic King" Klaraman, "Boss of Underground Cooking" Livebearer, and "Poison Cuisine" Tylan, when Joejoe is listing the top chefs that would be difficult for the Gourmet Corp. to capture.[1]

Cooking Festival Arc[]

During the 50th Cooking Festival, Zaus, along with the rest of the Top 100 Chefs, participates in the chefs tournament to once again claim his title of "Super Cook". He enters the stadium first and the crowd explodes screaming his name. Little bit later, Zaus has a conversation with Setsuno, asking whether it is time to pass the baton. She replies that since the people continue eating, they continue cooking and they retire when they die, like in "Chef Goddess" Froese's final moments. She also mentions that she can't give the title of "Super Cook" to him either and that most of the times he won were times when she was busy with work. That is the spark of their old rivalry and Zaus says that it's time to settle it, to which Setsuno agrees.

Setsuno, Yuda and Zaus

Yuda along with Zaus and Setsuno in the lead.

Later in the first swimming part of the Triathlon Cooking, Zaus is seen running on water and is able to finish in second place, behind Setsuno. Moments before the finish of the third running part of the Triathlon Cooking, Zaus together with Setsuno and Yuda are fighting for the first place. He is about to finish second in the race, behind Setsuno, but Brunch with his ridiculous speed is able to surprise all three of them, jumping in front of them and stealing the win. Since Brunch is carrying Komatsu with him, Zaus finishes 4th. Brunch quickly provokes Setsuno and Zaus, calling them elderly problems and hindrances for dominating the industry for so long. Zaus refers to Brunch as little kid and tells him not to get cheeky, but the Tengu replies with an insult, which angers Zaus even more.

After passing the three preliminary events (Triathlon Cooking, Death Scale Cooking, and Entire Island Cooking), Zaus reaches the Championship Cooking, where he is matched up against Komatsu. It is also the first match in the event, and when it is about to start, Zaus tells Komatsu that he is glad that his first match is against him and that he will be able to go all out for the last time. He wants to enjoy the event as long as the time allows, hinting that he felt Gourmet Corp.'s coming. After the match starts, Starjun enters the tent and burns it whole,[9] after which Zaus is seen lying on the ground.[10] His body is missing when Setsuno goes to check for it.[11] Zaus later shows up at the NEO secret meeting in the Cooking Stadium, where he decides to kill off Setsuno. To complete his plan he asks Kuriboh and Kousairou to assist him in this nefarious deed.

While Setsuno is fighting Chiyo, Kuriboh grabs her in his hand and Kousairou uses his Food Technique: Calorie Consumption on her. Then, Zaus comes down slashing her with One Blade: Samsara Cut. Injured but unfazed, Setsuno requests Kuriboh explains their actions, warning him that a terrible punishment may follow his response.[12] After seeing Setsuno completely recover from his attack and negate its hereditary scarring effect, Zaus stabs Chiyo with his knife by extending it, explaining what it means "to drop one's guard." He states that he wanted her gone because Chiyo could one day become a threat to NEO, making Setsuno question him on their true goal. Zaus says that NEO is aiming for "GOD and Beyond" and to them, the Human World is worthless. When he invites Setsuno to join NEO in order to achieve their dreams, she angrily declines and prepares to fight.[13]

Later, he is shown struggling against Setsuno along with Kousairou, while Kuriboh lays unconscious on the ground. When Joie arrives at the Cooking Stadium, he is one of the fighters to notice his dark presence. He is left startled by Jiro's powerful techniques and affected by his Grand Knocking. When Midora shoots his Meteor Spice on Cooking Island, Tokage appears from the ground to take Zaus away along with the other members.

AIR Arc[]

A year and a half after the events at Cooking Fest, Zaus is present with several other members of NEO, watching on as Joie makes his way to the Dining Planet to meet with the Gourmet Nobility.[14]


When Teppei attempts to escape NEO Headquarters with Nakaume, he is confronted by Mohyan Shaishai, Joejoe, Kousairou, and Zaus, but they are stopped by the unexpected arrival of Midora.[15] After Midora seemingly kills them, they are revived by their Life Orbs.[16] Midora's Meteor Spice frees Zaus from Joie's control, and while Zaus is wondering where he is, Teppei rescues him and asks him about Joie's Golden Cookware.[17]

GOD Arc[]

They make their way to the Ark's kitchen, where they free Appolo from Joie's control and Nakaume discovers a collection of golden utensils. When Teppei and Nakaume resolve to go and help prepare GOD, Uumen Umeda stops them and Zaus and Appolo confront him, allowing the other two to escape.[18]

After Neo is defeated and Midora has restored the planet, Zaus welcomes back Uumen.[19]

Full Course Menu[]

Zaus' Full Course Menu
Course Course Ingredient Capture Level Status
Hors d'Oeuvre Hors Carpaccio of Zaos Marlin Unknown Decided
Soup Soup Potage of Bond Shellfish Unknown Decided
Fish Dish Fish Dish Gut Shark Fry Unknown Decided
Meat Dish MeatDish Roast of Garutasaurus Unknown Decided
Main Course MainDish Rock of Worldly Desires Stew Unknown Decided
Salad Salad Easter Lettuce Caesar Salad Unknown Decided
Dessert Dessert Melon Rabbit Sorbet Unknown Decided
Drink Drink Boiled Water of Every River Unknown Decided

Anime and Manga Differences[]

Zaus shadowed

Zaus (anime).

In the anime's version of Gourmet 156, Zaus is shown with a white and blue colored uniform while it is shown as red in the manga. This is likely due to his color scheme not having been revealed at the time the episode had been produced, as such the only reference the anime's staff had was Melk the First flashback, which showed Zaus in white clothing.


  • Zaus scored 9 in Power and Special Ability, 8 in Speed and Appetite, and 10 in Intelligence on his Capture Ability Data of Volume 29.5.
  • "Oroshi" can also mean "Grate". However, in order to avoid ambiguity, this article features the translation "Cut".
  • His name may be a pun of "Zeus," the king of the gods in Greek Mythology, which also relates to Zaus's title of "Cooking King."
  • In a special "Dream Combo" poll held for Volume 29.5 in which fans could vote for their favorite current or potential hunter/chef combo, Zaus and Ichiryu were selected as a popular potential combo by the author who placed the combo as a number 1 ranker in being the most expected, likely due to the fact that they were both considered the best chef and the best hunter and it would only be expected for the best of the best to have teamed up.


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