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Yosaku GGB
The Red Reviver, Yosaku the Bloodstained
Japanese 与作 (よさく)
Romanized Yosaku
English Yosaku
Aliases The Red Reviver, Bloodstained Yosaku, Yosaku the Bloodstained
Race Human
Gender Male Male
Birthday December 8
Age 55 (start of the series);
59 (Post Time-Skip)
Status Alive
Height 195 cm
Weight 140 kg
Blood Type AB
Professional Status
Affiliation Ico igo IGO
Teppei, Toriko, Sunny
Occupation Saiseiya,
Biotope 0 member
Personal Status
Relatives None known
Debut Appearance
Manga Gourmet 94
Anime Episode 36
Japanese Voice Ginga Banjou
English Voice Bruce Carey
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"Bloodstained" Yosaku (血まみれの与作) is a very famous Saiseiya and a no-need-for-rules type of guy. He has a revival institute in the giant tree "Mother Wood", where he carries out all his revivals. The institute is also covered in blood from all his failures from the past. He is old friends with Ryu, the former boss of the Gourmet Yakuza, and Ichiryu, the President of IGO. In addition, he is a member of the IGO's Biotope 0.

He works to revive the dessert of Acacia's Full Course Menu, EARTH.


Yosaku is a very tall, muscular, hairy man who is always seen with at least one big cigarette in his mouth. He has a large mouth, most of the time he is always grinning widely that takes up half his face. He has a beard. Like his title suggests, he is always seen wearing a white lab coat and pants covered in blood stains along with black boots. He is never seen without the black bandana he wears. When he goes to rescue Sunny in Gourmet World, he is seen sporting a black tank top and black pants. He wears a suit under his usual blood soaked coat when he goes to free Zebra from Gourmet Prison.

Yosaku Expressions

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He has a rather rough and brash personality, ironic considering his occupation, such as gleefully laughing at the fact that the Gourmet Show Window was destroyed (despite sending Teppei to prevent its destruction), waking up patients by brutally striking their pressure points and is frequently seen smoking, while blatantly ignoring the no-smoking rule. In reality, he is a very kind man giving Takimaru the medicine that cure all diseases for free when the latter demonstrates his resolve and spirit for his sickly comrade. He has a running gag where he "breaks rules", something which he frequently states and boasts about. Nevertheless, although he states that he breaks rules he also states that he will never break a promise he makes. He has a lot of respect for Ryu as he invited him to be a member of Biotope 0 despite being in the Gourmet Yakuza and stood up for him when Rapp implied Ryu of leaking the information on CENTER, the hidden ingredient of Acacia's full course to the Bishokukai. He is afraid of getting punished by Granny Setsu and says it’s the worst thing to experience in this world.

Powers and Abilities[]

Yosaku is a member of Biotope 0, located in the Gourmet World, thus he can cope with both its harsh environment and the powerful beasts that live there. The fact that he was able to take down Zebra, the strongest of the Four Heavenly Kings, with Teppei's assistance (though Teppei notes that Yosaku had fully restrained him), is a testament to his power and he was likewise able to defeat Sunny in a sparring match almost totally unharmed. His strength is such that he is easily able to enter the Gourmet World, doing so to rescue Sunny after he attempted to brave the Gourmet World on his own.

Since he was able to immobilize Zebra, it is likely he is a master of Knocking. Physically speaking, his Resuscitation Shock requires extremely quick and accurate strikes, which he proved himself to be capable of. He is also able to stand on bodies of water, probably using the same method Setsuno uses, namely by rapidly stepping in place before either foot sinks much like basilisk lizards. Yosaku's resistance to pain is astounding, as showcased when he got his arm ripped off and reattached it without even flinching.

Saiseiya Skills[]

Yosaku has many techniques and equipment used to revive ingredients. He has a revival institution inside Mother Wood that is his own workspace for his Saiseiya work. At first glance, others are skeptical of him because of his appearance and demeanor but once they see him in action they will know why he is undeniably one of the most skilled and talented Saiseyas in the world. Inside it was mentioned that "incredible ingredients were being revived" (stated by Sunny) such as Chako Bird and Morning Rose. Yosaku is also well versed in the rehabiliation and curing of humans. He is a very knowledgeable Saiseiya and is shown to completely heal heavily injured people in mere minutes. Teppei, a very skilled Saiseiya himself, was his disciple. He is possibly the best after Mohyan Shaishai, as he alone was put in charge of reviving EARTH (the desert in Acacia's Full Course Menu).


Yosaku Kitsuke Shock small

Resuscitation Shock (気付けショック Kitsuke Shokku): Yosaku brutally presses at all the body's pressure points. This can wake people from comatose states in an instant.

Yosaku Paste Spittle small

Paste Spittle (ペーストスピトル Pēsuto Supitoru): Yosaku's saliva works as a strong bonding agent and he employs it to seal wounds. He uses this on a Gourmet Yakuza member whose arm was nearly ripped off and states that it will heal within ten minutes.

Paste Phlegm (ペーストフレム Pēsuto Furemu): Yosaku secretes a mucous substance that has stronger gluing properties than his saliva. He spits it at bisected limbs to reattach them to the body instantly, as he does with his bifurcated arm which he then uses to punch Kaitora.[1]

Wood Punch (ウッドパンチ Uddo Panchi): A basic, frontal punch which, thanks to Yosaku's brawn, packs great power and is not easy to dodge. He is able to inflict a fair amount of damage to Kaitora with it.[2]


Century Soup Arc[]

Yosaku is mentioned by Teppei multiple times on his trip to Ice Hell but eventually makes his appearance in the country of healing, Life, where he meets TorikoSunny, and his gang. They seek his help in healing them and he agrees, bringing them to his revival institution in the Saiseiya base, Mother Wood. He heals Match and his mafia gang, gives Takimaru the all-curing medicine he needs for Aimaru, uses a Revival Seed to regrow Toriko's arm, and finally promises to take Sunny to Gourmet World. He later tastes Komatsu's perfected Century Soup.

The Reality of Gourmet World Arc[]

He appears again at Biotope 1, meeting Ichiryu to go to Honey Prison to talk to Love in releasing Zebra. When they arrive at the prison, he then greets Pricom, Captain of the Guard at Honey Prison. Ichiryu contemplates that Zebra already knew they had arrived and wonders when they'll be attacked. Eventually, they succeed and Love allows Zebra to be released, where he then travels with Toriko and Komatsu to obtain the Mellow Cola.

Bubble Fruit Arc[]

Yosaku goes to the meeting of Biotope 0 on Cloud Tree, where he gets into a short-lived argument with fellow member Rapp about Ryu. He reassures the IGO president Ichiryu of his responsibility for the revival of EARTH.[3]

Cooking Festival Arc[]

Yosaku appears alongside Manan in Sector G, Gourmet Garden. Yosaku comments on how it will be hard to revive EARTH but is surprised to see that the day has 'finally' come. Kaitora appears in front of them as they are in a discussion. Yosaku then wants to ask Kaitora something.[4] Kaitora tells Yosaku that Mohyan Shaishai was behind the revival of the Four Beast, and also reveals that Mohyan and Teppei are part of NEO. After expressing surprise, Yosaku is stabbed from behind.[5]


When Sunny and Livebearer reached Area 4's civilization, they met Manan and Yosaku, who had fully revived EARTH.[6]


Yosaku CAD

Yosaku's CAD

  • His voice actor also voices Baidan.
  • Yosaku scored 9 in Power, 6 in Speed, 8 in Intelligence, 7 in Appetite, and 10 in Special Abilities on his Capture Ability Data of Volume 13, by the events of Century Soup Arc.
  • When he first appeared during the flashback in the Century Soup arc, his flask of whiskey is completely removed in the anime due to the extreme censorship.
  • When he says “nothing is worse than getting punished by Granny Setsu” it’s heavily implied that he already got punished by her at least once (most likely due to his mannerisms and attire). It explains why he’s extremely afraid when someone mentions her name.


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