Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki

Tinnos is a lost city, rediscovered in Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft.


Tinnos was founded by Polynesians who migrated from Polynesia to where a meteorite had fallen. The area was tropical and perfect for a civilization to flourish. The Polynesians created a culture around the meteorite and worshiped it[1].

A special room was constructed for the meteorite, where it hovered. And artefacts were carved from the meteorite[2]. In time the people started to mutate and the Polynesians fled the city[1].

Tinnos was rediscovered in 1998 by the R.X.Tech under the ice in today's Antarctica. The guardians were still alive and defended the ruined city. Dr. Mark Willard obtained all the meteorite artifacts and activated the meteorite cavern, transforming himself into a giant monster. Lara Croft stopped him and took the meteorite artifacts away with her[2].

Ingame Locations[]


