Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki

R.X. Tech, also known as RX Tech or RX-Tech, is an international company in Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft seen to have employed people from America, Canada, Scotland, and Nigeria. Their employees, soldiers as well as terrifying mutants are enemies.


R.X.Tech was drilling in Antarctica in search of a meteorite, when they stumbled upon some Moai heads. This discovery lead one of the scientists Mark Willard to investigate the connection further. He discovered that a group of Polynesians from Koma-Koma fashioned some artifacts from a meteorite that fell to Antarctica millions of years ago. Mark hired Lara Croft to find these artifacts. Meanwhile R.X.Tech has dug deeper via RX-Tech Mines, and found the Lost City of Tinnos.

R.X.Tech has their own ship called RX Explorer.


