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Scorpion Staff is an artifact in Tomb Raider: Epiphany one-shot comics.


Scorpion Staff is a powerful artifact hidden underneath an underground pyramid. Its power comes from the blue jewel, which allows the user to use energy blasts. It is an artifact Werner Von Croy and Lara Croft were aware of.

After Werner's death, his daughter Kyra Von Croy started an excavation to find it. Lara knowing its power infiltrated to excavation and reached Scorpion Staff before her with the assistance of Clayton. When Kyra demanded the staff, Lara distracted her with the empty frame, and used the jewel to dispatch her mercenaries. When the guardian sphinx was damaged the tomb started to collapse. Lara grabbed the dropped scepter, and reunited it with the jewel. Lara escaped the place with the Scorpion Staff, adding it to her collection.
