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Clayton Von Croy is a character from Tomb Raider: Epiphany one-shot comics.


Clayton Von Croy revealed himself to Lara when she was tangling from a broken robe-bride under Egypt. He offered her a rope, which she did not refuse. Clayton introduced himself as Clayton Kasterman, not wanting Lara to know his real name. After Lara became suspicious of his presence there, as only few treasure hunters know of the place.Clayton revealed a map he had "found". It was a copy of Werner Von Croy's map, which made Lara even more suspicious. Clayton and Lara brave the trap ridden path to the Scorpion Staff. Lara gets the staff but when they surface, they are greeted by Kyra Von Croy. Kyra demanded the staff, which Lara obliged, though she had removed the jewel which gave it power. Even though Kyra revealed who Clayton really was, he played along with Lara, and stopped Kyra from shooting her. After returning to surface, and watching Lara walk away, he revealed that it all had been a game to him.
