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Rebellion of Paititi is one of the Artifact Collections in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It consists of two murals and four documents, all found in The Hidden City.



Amaru's Grip[]

Amaru's Grip - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Amaru returned for his brother's funeral. Inconsolable during the burial, and immovable after.

The next day however, he cut swiftly through the city. He unmasked the cult's leader, exposing them as outsiders.

"It is time for the people of Paititi to take control of their city," he said, holding a decapitated head in one hand, and the bloody knife in the other. "No longer will we bow to outsiders."


Famine - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The new methods of agriculture introduced by the Cult of Kukulkan have only succeeded in destroying more crops. First, the bee colonies collapsed. Then the cocoa crop failed. The earth is too damaged for anything but corn to grow. And the stalks are flimsy.

We must take action, or Paititi will suffer a tremendous famine.

Trinity Recruits Amaru[]

Trinity Recruits Amaru - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Another group of children is on their way from Kan, traveling via steamship. Of the ten I have sent, please keep a close eye on the one called Amaru. He shows the greatest promise. However, he is prone to bouts of sullenness, and often complains about missing his brother.

I suggest a special curriculum be created for this one, something that will keep him too occupied to be homesick.

Unuratu's Coronation[]

Unuratu's Coranation - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Unuratu approached the throne through the crowd, she walked beside it but did not sit.

"Why do we continue to believe this lie?" she asked the crowd. "Kukulkan controls the city, and I will no longer wear a smile and pretend it is any different. I will not be his puppet, trotted out to wave and smile."

The guards cut her off quickly, and ushered her away. Then they advanced, with weapons to drawn to disperse the crowds.
