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Queen Unuratu is the rightful ruler of the hidden city of Paititi. She inherited the throne after the death of her husband, King Sayri, but was usurped by Amaru, Sayri's brother and the High Priest of the Cult of Kukulkan. She has since become the leader of a faction of loyalist Paititians who desire to overthrow the Cult and end its centuries of oppression.

She is a supporting character in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.


Early Life[]

Unuratu married Sayri, the king of Paititi, and bore him a son, Etzli. During the wedding she bestowed him her ancestors bow as the symbol of joining the two families. When Sayri died while hunting for food on Paititi's outskirts during a terrible famine, Unuratu was enthroned as queen of Paititi, and she appointed Uchu to be the surrogate father to Etzli.

However, rather than continue as before and allow the Cult of Kukulkan to rule the city while she became only a figurehead, she spoke out against the Cult at her coronation. Amaru, Sayri's brother and the High Priest of the Cult, was already beside himself with grief for Sayri's loss, since he had tried to go hunting in Sayri's stead and Sayri had insisted on going by himself as king.

After Unuratu's act of insubordination, Amaru and the Cult openly seized control of Paititi. Although Unuratu remained queen and Etzli would still one day inherit the throne, she was rendered powerless when the Cult brought in food from Trinity and ended the famine. Although Amaru and the Cult enjoyed the admiration of much of the public, a faction of Paititians remained loyal to Unuratu and became the foundation of the Paititi Rebels.

The Cleansing[]

After the cleansing had been set into motion Amaru returned with the key of Chak Chel, into reforging the world.

Etzli went missing one day and she set out to look for him. Finding him with an outsider who had saved Etzli from the Cult's Serpent Guard on Paititi's outskirts, Unuratu took her into Paititi. Unuratu showed the stranger around the town, and she recognized Amaru, as someone from the outside world. Lara Croft started assisting the rebels in finding the Silver Box of Ix Chel, and assisted Unuratu saving her son from the cult. They were seen however, and resulted in the capture of Unuratu. Lara rescued Unuratu, and they sneaked into the city during the sacrifices. The managed to reach the tomb of Sinchi Chiqa, where another clue for the location of the silver Box was to be found.


While Lara was searching for clues, Cult of Kukulkan attacked. Unuratu was killed by Rourke when trying to save Lara from the cult.
