Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki

Mummies are enemies that appear in Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation and Tomb Raider: The Times. They are servants of Set and awaken when the god is released and try to kill Lara.


The mummies are slow and frequently cough as they make their way towards their intended victim. Their only form of attack is to swipe their hands at Lara. The mummies also cannot be killed by most of Lara's weapons.


As the mummies cannot be killed by bullets, only explosives will destroy them. Explosive weapons are the Crossbow and the Grenade Launcher.

In-Game Appearances[]

Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation[]

Tomb Raider: The Times[]

Tomb Raider: Level Editor[]

Tomb Raider (Game Boy Color)[]

Tomb Raider: The Osiris Codex[]

  • Puzzle of Bastet
  • Ascent to Heaven
  • Tree of Life
  • Lost Tombs
  • Caverns of Horus
  • The Codex Conundrum



There are an unused mummy enemy that seems to be more aggressive in Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. These mummies were equipped with wrist blades and have attack animations with the blade. They however did not appear in the final game.

