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More artifacts related to the Maya pilgrimage.

Metamorphosis is one of the Artifact Collections in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It consists of two relics, two murals, and five documents, spread through most of the major chapters of the story.




Birthing the Serpent[]

Birthing the Serpent - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In the room behind the green and gold statue

Location: Kuwaq Yaku

This shows a basic sketch for a temple, rising from the middle of a city. If I squint, it sort of looks like a snake.

Merchant Sacrifice[]

Merchant Sacrifice - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City

Yskar Yaway united the two sides, ending the war. However, their blood still boiled. In order to placate the soldiers, someone must be punished. Yaway rounded up the merchants believed to be responsible for the conflict, and sacrificed them.

Rearguard Report[]

Rearguard Report - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Cozumel

A secondary party, a few days behind the main pilgrimage, reported strange things on the route. The beasts had become more ferocious, and the jungle itself more dangerous. The trees and vines gnarled and twisted, growing thorns as long as a man's finger and sharp as blades.

Secret Winds[]

Secret Winds - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In the Challenge Tomb after the pit of fire

Location: Kuwaq Yaku

The elders of the village have lied to us. There is no beast underground. The howling we hear is only the wind rushing out through small caves leading to the surface. They've used fear to control us for too long!

Once I make my way out of this infernal sweat bath, I will throw their lies at their feet...

Surprise Witness[]

Surprise Witness - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Peruvian Jungle

And in the moment the gods were satisfied Metnal did not kill his wife, a pelican landed at the accused's feet. This stunned those in attendance. This was a sea bird, hardly ever seen this far inland. The representatives of the gods decided to see what the bird meant to do.

It circled Metnal, flapping its wings and squawking softly, and then, it opened its mouth and a half-eaten fish landed at Metnal's feet.

This was understood by all as a sign of Metnal's guilt, and he was quickly executed.
