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Mam Mural - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Mam Murals refer to multiple special collectible murals that are normally found in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

Ancient Aqueduct[]

Ancient Aqueduct - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In the Challenge Tomb

Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Trials of the Gods

A city is only as strong as its crops and people. From here, we control the water, never having to rely on the fickly rains again

Ancient Forge[]

from the DLC The Forge.
Location: Forge of Destiny
Collection: The Hidden Past

This place... it's an ancient forge! What were they crafting here?


Awaits - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City (Head of the Serpent)
Collection: Homecoming

The lone figure appears in a state of peace, as though waiting for something.

Bound to Wander[]

Bound to Wander - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Homecoming

The protectors failed... and are now doomed to recover what they lost.


Crumbling - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Second flag mechanism, so down the nearby ramp

Location: Trial of the Eagle
Collection: Exodus

The world around them began to crumble, the people decided to move. The artifact entrusted to them urged them to travel South, lest it seized by their enemies.

Death Lords[]

Death Lords - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Peruvian Jungle
Collection: Pantheon of Gods 3

These two gods are the rulers of the Maya underworld, Xibalba, literally the Place Of Fright. Vucub-Caquix, whose name means Seven Macaw, was a monstrous bird who was said to carry the false sun in his beak. His subordinate was Hun-Came, which means One Death. They were both defeated and killed by the Hero Twins, after challenging them to various sports and games in which both sides cheated. Vucub-Caquix lost his game of darts when the Hero Twins used blowpipes.

Exiled Twins[]

from the DLC The Nightmare.
Location: Howl of the Monkey Gods
Collection: The Nightmare

This shows the twins, Hun-Ahan and Hun-Cheven, leaving Paititi under cover of darkness. They journeyed, deep into the woods and... disappeared into the earth. The fault. Could this be the Valley of the Monkey Twins?

Exodus of Hope[]

from the DLC The Forge.
Location: Forge of Destiny
Collection: The Hidden Past

It shows a great journey South, from Mexico to Peru. Thousands of people following their queen, escaping mass drought.

Fate of the Yaaxil[]

from the DLC The Path Home.
Location: Mother Protector
Collection: Return to the Heavens

The Yaaxil have proven their worthiness. As a final test, they solved the mystery of this shrine to Xquic, opening the gateway. Then they formed a procession and left this plane, returning to the one from which they came.

Fertility God[]

Fertility God - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Pantheon of Gods 3

Chac was a very important god to the Maya. He taught them farming secrets, and oversaw growing and the harvest. Generally, he was associated with all forms of fertility. He was also in charge of wind, lightning, and rain, which was caused by his tears. He was in charge of preserving springs, wells, streams, cenotes, and other sources of water. Like the aspects over which he presided, he was considered benevolent and caring, but unpredictable. Physically Chac was depicted as a reptile with hair tangled in unruly knots, and his colors were white, red, yellow, and black, representing North, East, South, and West.

Founding of Paititi[]

Founding of Paititi - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Founding Paititi

The pilgrimage came to a fork of two rivers. And decided to settle. They erected two pyramids, and began their new lives as protectors of the Box.

Gathering Followers[]

from the DLC The Nightmare.
Location: Howl of the Monkey Gods
Collection: The Nightmare

It shows a procession of people coming to the Valley of the Gods, following sounds, or... song. They're all carrying their belongings and, what look like votive offerings. They must be worshipers! The Monkey Twins weren't ridiculed by everyone after fleeing Paititi... they were venerated by some.

God of Cocoa[]

God of Cocoa - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In the Challenge Tomb

Location: Mission of San Juan
Collection: Pantheon of Gods 3

This Maya god is very dark brown, almost black, with black-rimmed eyes, and facial features that seem to be melting at their extremities. This can only be Ek-Chuuah. He's the patron god of the cacao bean, which accounts for his coloring. Also, because ancient Mesoamericans used those beans as currency, Ek-Chuah became by extension a god of merchants and of trade. Interestingly, when he first appeared in the lore he was a god of conflict.

God of Death[]

God of Death - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Peruvian Jungle
Collection: Pantheon of Gods 3

A depiction of Ah-Puch, god of death and ruler of Mitnal, the ninth and most horrible level of the Maya version of Hell. One thing Ah-Puch enjoyed doing was dressing in putrefying flesh and visiting the surface to prey upon the living. According to legend, the only way to save yourself from him was to scream and yell like you were in unbearable agony. He'd assume you were already being tortured by one of his minions, and leave you alone. How appropriate that his harbinger demon was a screech owl named Muan.

God of Learning[]

God of Learning - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Pantheon of Gods 3

Itzamna is the son of the Maya creator god Hunab-Ku. He was the god of education, responsible for inventing writing and books. This made him an essential figure in the development of Maya culture. He was also god of agriculture, and created farming. He even presided over doctors, healing people with the help of his red-hot hand. Usually Itzamna took on a reptilian aspect, but he was also known as Kinich-Ahau, a fire macaw, who was patron of the number four, and controlled drought and disease.

God of Suicides[]

God of Suicides - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Kuwaq Yaku
Collection: Pantheon of Gods 3

Suicide was not considered by the Maya: In fact, it was considered an honorable alternative to living. Because of this, by committing suicide you could bypass the underworld and go straight to paradise, where other noble deaths included the sacrificed, those who died in battle of childbirth, and those who died playing ball. The suicide's escort on the journey to paradise would be this goddess, Ixtab, also called Rope Woman. She was the goddess of suicides, especially those who hanged themselves, and manifested as a rotting corpse hanging from a noose.

Heart of the Serpent[]

Heart of the Serpent - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Cozumel
Collection: Exodus

This mural depicts some kind of voyage or pilgrimage undertaken by the Maya. Seems they carried an item of great import, and traveled South, to the source of the pink fish.

The Amazon River, just like Jonah said.

History of the Godslayer[]

from the DLC The Serpent's Heart.
Location: Slayer's Gauntlet
Collection: To Challenge a God

It shows a mortal man killing a God with a bow... he's taking his crown and the throne... it's the Godslayer. I must be close.

Howling Caves[]

Howling Caves - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In the Challenge Tomb with the wolves

Location: Kuwaq Yaku
Collection: Trials of the Gods

When the caverns begin to howl, a warrior must descend to ease the torment. If one cannot be sacrificed, then all will die.

In Honor of Xquic[]

Location: Mother Protector
Collection: Return to the Heavens

It proclaims that this shrine was built to honor Xquic, Mother of the Hero Twins, Creator of the Silver Box of Ix Chel and the Key of Chak Chel, and Mother of their Protectors the Yaaxil.

"Those who have served Xquic with honor shall be granted the eternal reward of returning to their Mother."

In Honor of Zipacna[]

Location: Zipacna's Craving
Collection: Respect for the Gods

The maya god Zipacna, brother of Cabrakan, god of earthquakes. Zipacna is often depicted as a giant caiman, and is known for his destructiveness, arrogance, and volatility.

Judges' Gaze[]

Judges Gaze - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Peruvian Jungle
Collection: Trials of the Gods

Those charged with crimes are brought here, and they battle under the watchful gaze of the gods, the only infallible judges. Those proven innocent may leave, but the guilty are killed and thrown to Xibalba.

Legend of the Shield[]

from the DLC The Pillar.
Location: Path of Huracan
Collection: The Age Makers

There's an eclipse, and here... fire, water... these are the cataclysms. It's the Cleansing. Emperor Sinchi Chiqa stands at the highest point in the city. Hundreds of people are gathered below him, huddled beneath the shield. He's remaking the world, bringing about the next age.

Mother Deity[]

Mother Deity - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Via the King's Horn side quest, in the Challenge Tomb

Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Pantheon of Gods 3

The Maya goddess Ix Chel, like moon goddesses in many other cultures, was also a mother deity associated with pregnancy and childbirth. The natural phenomena over which she presided included waterfalls, rainstorms, and rainbows. She was also the goddess of all crafts, such as watercolor painting, and weaving, which she invented. But she wasn't exclusively nurturing: Her hair consisted of living serpents, she wore a skirt made of bones, and she had a legendary temper.

Path of Battle[]

Path of Battle - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In the Challenge Tomb

Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Trials of the Gods

Come, those who imagine themselves brave and bold. See if you can survive the trials awaiting within. Those who do will have earned their status as warriors.

Pillars of Heaven[]

from the DLC The Pillar.
Location: Path of Huracan
Collection: The Age Makers

It looks like this very place. There are many men moving through it. Even more lay dead. And this... it's the shield, the prize they are all seeking. This is a trial, just as Q'orianka said; the Path of Huracan - the God of wind and storms.

Shielding the Serpent[]

Shielding the Serpent - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Metamorphosis

It's difficult to make out. People settled between two rivers. They weren't alone. However, these outsiders don't appear dangerous.

Silver-Crowned Mountain[]

Silver-Crowned Mountain - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Climb the wall near the Temple District Base Camp to access

Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Metamorphosis

The peak of this mountain is hidden behind thick clouds. I can't be sure what these two smaller hills on either side of the mountain are supposed to represent.

Temple of Death[]

Temple of Death - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Kuwaq Yaku
Collection: Exodus

From life to death, full moon to new, this temple serves as Guardian to the Silver Box.

Temple of Life[]

Temple of Life - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Kuwaq Yaku
Collection: Exodus

From death to life, new moon to full, this temple serves as Guardian to the Silver Box.

Temple of the Moon[]

Temple of the Moon - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Cozumel
Collection: Exodus

Those worthy shall be sacrificed to the Red Goddess, she of the Waning Moon, and she of the Waxing Moon, Grandmother to all.

Life Taker and Birth Giver.

Temple of the Sun[]

Temple of the Sun - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: The Hidden City
Collection: Trials of the Gods

Only the worthy may call upon Kinich Ahau. Use his light to chase the shadows from your hearts, and the city itself.

The Challengers' Trial[]

from the DLC The Serpent's Heart.
Location: Slayer's Gauntlet
Collection: To Challenge a God

It shows many warriors braving a trial of water and fire, and... here... the prize at the end. That must be the Godslayer.

The Shield's Cradle[]

from the DLC The Pillar.
Location: Path of Huracan
Collection: The Age Makers

This is right here, where I'm standing. It shows the Shield of the Age Maker resting in its cradle.

Trial Reward[]

from the DLC The Price of Survival.
Location: The Sixth Seal
Collection: Sibling Tragedy

Victory marker.

Thirsty Gods[]

Thirsty Gods - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

In the Challenge Tomb

Location: Mission of San Juan
Collection: Trials of the Gods

When storm crash and rivers swell, direct the waters to quench the thirst of the gods, who toil above and below.

Tree of Life[]

Tree of Life - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Location: Mission of San Juan
Collection: Trials of the Gods

From its roots in the underworld, sheltering bats, it grows straight and true. Its trunk holds the realm of men fast, and its branches spread its white leaves across the night's sky.

Underworld Gate[]

Underworld Gate - Map - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Across the chasm in the Canyon Ruins

Location: Peruvian Jungle
Collection: Trials of the Gods

Here, under the watchful eye of one of the lords of Death, lies the gate to Xibalba, where all must travel when transitioning from this life to the next.
