Lara Croft Wiki
Lara Croft Wiki
Tomb Raider III levels
Madubu Gorge

Madubu Gorge is the third level of the South Pacific Islands in Tomb Raider III. In it, Lara must find out how good she is at kayaking in order to encounter Puna's whereabouts.



Weapons Found[]


  • None

Vehicles Used[]

Allies Encountered[]

Enemies Encountered[]

Locales Visited[]

  • Pacific Jungle
  • Pacific River


  1. 1x MP5 Clips
  2. 1x Large Medipack and 1x Rocket Launcher Ammo
  3. 1x Save/power-up Crystal


It is time for a very tough, but also very beautiful, level. This is the only level in the series where you have to ride a kayak, and it is very tough to control it. If you fall into the rapids without the kayak, Lara will instantly die. Furthermore, there is a walk through some spikes if taking the long path and a mandatory fall at the very end of the level that will take out around 60% of Lara’s health. Basically, make sure you avoid any other unnecessary damage if you do not want to use Medipacks.

Move forward and some bats will come out of the cave on the left. Keep going and a new enemy, a Green Dragonette, will come down from the bushes in the upper area. Another Dragonette will come up from the green ledge to the right. Once you deal with them, go to the cave where the bats came out of to find a Small Medipack, some Grenades, and some Uzi Clips. Go back to the ledge where the second Dragonette emerged from and drop down on the rocky ledges below. At the bottom, face the block in the rapids, take two steps back and use a standing jump with a grab to reach it. Use a running jump with a grab to reach the slope ahead.

Now, you can take two paths. The short path has no Secrets, but you will be riding the kayak and fighting the treacherous rapids in no time. The longer path has two Secrets, one of which is mandatory, so this is where you will be going to if you want to access the bonus level.

Short Path[]

On the slope, shimmy right all the way to the end and pull up to the block. Look to the right. You need to make a standing jump to the triangular section ahead. Once there, jump to the next section and then jump around the corner with a button. Pressing it opens a trapdoor back in the first area. Jump back around the corner and then jump towards the raised block. Land on the slope, slide backwards, grab the edge, and shimmy right until you can pull up. From here, use a standing jump with a grab to reach the very left edge of the block. Jump back on the slope and shimmy left. You need to pull up into the slope and jump off to return to the block in the rapids. The exact spot that you must jump from is where the slope changes colors from purple to white. From here, use a running jump with a grab to reach the ledges on the other side of the slope. Climb up the ledges until you return to the first area of the level. Return to the cave where you picked up the supplies, drop down through the trapdoor and board the kayak.

Paddle out into the rapids and let them carry you down the path. While riding, try to stay in the middle so you can snag a Save Crystal. As you round the corner, stay to the right to avoid the red rope, which will trigger some rocks to fall ahead. The paths converge here.

Long Path[]

On the slope, shimmy left all the way to the end, let go and immediately grab the ledge beneath Lara. Crawl through it until you can stand. Use a standing jump with a grab to reach the ledge with the Save Crystal. Press the button to open the trapdoor nearby. Use another standing jump with a grab to return to the previous ledge. Climb up and grab hold of the surface above you.

Swing across the river and drop down on the flat ledge on the other side. On this ledge, hang from its edge and shimmy right; pull up and use a running jump with a grab to reach the green slopes. Shimmy right, pull up, and jump into the cave. Ignore the wooden gate on the left and slide down the slope on the right. Slide down the next slope backwards and jump over the spikes. Drop into the next room and crawl through the crawlspace on the right, but stop and return halfway through, so that you can avoid a Dragonette, which appears right in front of Lara. Defeat it and crawl trough. Jump up the blocks, and then cross the bridge into the next cave.

Run through the small cave, and you will emerge on a solid foliage area high above the rapids. Jump to the Save Crystal and shoot the Dragonette back in the ledge you just jumped from. Backtrack across the bridge and into the crawlspace. This time, move forward and climb up the stairs, quickly shooting the Dragonette. At the end, press the button to open the wooden gate you ignored earlier. Backtrack there, using the climbable walls to get back over the slopes. You will take some unavoidable damage from the spikes on the way back.

You will emerge right next to a waterfall. Drop down on the ledge below and use a standing jump with a grab to reach the cave behind the waterfall.

Secret 1[]

This is the only secret in the game that is mandatory (if you took this path). Shoot the Dragonette down below, drop into the cave and search the dark corner. Your reward is some MP5 Clips.

From the high ledge where you entered, jump forward and grab the textured ceiling. Swing across and land on the far edge of the cave. Slide down the slope and jump at the end to reach the pillar. Use a running jump with a grab over the second pillar (picking up the Save Crystal on the way) to reach the third pillar. Shoot the Dragonette down below, and then use another running jump with a grab to reach the exit of the cave.

Climb up and go left for a Small Medipack. Turn around and sprint down the corridor to avoid the poisonous darts. Slide down the slope to enter the next room. Jump and grab the ceiling, but swing to the left first. Drop down on the wooden bridge and pick up the Save Crystal, then use a running jump with a grab to return to the previous ledge. Swing back across, going the other way, all the way to the end. Drop down and climb through the opening. Crawl through, and you will arrive on an outside area.

Use a running jump with a grab to reach the climbable wall to the left. Climb up and go into the corridor.

Secret 2[]

On this ledge, put Lara’s back to the slope on the right, walk forward five steps, and then back flip. You will land on the block, which is actually a slope. Catch the edge as you go over, shimmy right and drop down on the wooden ledge. Jump around the ledges to the front of the hut, and then go inside. Your rewards are a Large Medipack and a Rocket. Return to the wooden ledge. From here, you need to take a running jump with no grab to reach the slightly sloped ledge to the right. Start the jump from the very left corner of the platform in order to avoid the rocky overhang and veer to the right in midair to reach the ledge. Once you land the jump, you can backtrack to the entrance of the corridor.

Follow the corridor to a pool. Shoot the two crocodiles in the water and jump into the pool. Find the lever on the wall near the bottom to open the door, and then surface and board the kayak.

Paddle out of the door and down the rapids towards a waterfall. If you paddle against the current, you can angle right and reach a waterfall with a Save Crystal. As you go over the waterfall, try to stay on the right to avoid the red rope, which will trigger some rocks to fall ahead. The paths converge here.

The Paths Converge[]

After the red rope, the current will take you around a corner with some swinging blades. Paddle away from them and trip the green rope behind the waterfall to shut them off. Go down the falls and the paths split again.

The Left Path[]

The path will take you through some spikes and two blades, which you will take a huge amount of damage from, requiring you to use a Medipack in order to survive. Paddle through them and go over the falls.

Secret 3[]

When you land, paddle to the left and go behind the waterfall. Your reward is a Save Crystal.

Continue paddling to the plug room. The paths converge here.

The Right Path[]

Upon entering, in order to get in there, you need to turn left and paddle into the cave. Follow it to the end, and you will find yet another path split.

The Left Path[]

In the left path, the red ropes will cause some hazards to appear ahead on your path. The green rope will cause a Save Crystal to appear on a ledge above, which you will get later. After that, you must go down a waterfall with a Save Crystal in the middle. After going down the waterfall, paddle to the end, turn left and fight your way up the rapids to the plug room. Now, you can fight the current to the right to collect Secret 3.

The Right Path[]

In the right path, there are more red ropes, which will cause some spikes to activate. Paddle through them and you will arrive in the plug room. Again, you can fight the current to collect Secret 3.

The Paths Converge[]

In the plug room, go to the corner diagonally opposite of where Secret 3 is and fight the rapids until you reach a calm pool, which has a crocodile in it. Dismount the kayak and quickly swim ashore. Shoot the Dragonette and then the crocodile. Climb the steps and use a standing jump with a grab to reach the ceiling surface. Swing along the path, timing your run past the two burners. At the end, turn left and swing forward so you can land on the ledge. Turn around and use a running jump with a grab to reach the next ledge. Here, you will find a Rocket Launcher (or a Rocket if you already have it).

Climb up on the blocks and drop down on the ledge. You will arrive near the waterfall with Secret 3. Jump along the ledges and pick up the Large Medipack. Use a running jump with a grab to reach the ledge on the other side of the waterfall, which has some MP5 Clips. Return the way you came, but this time, climb up on the ledge to the left and grab the ceiling surface. Swing past the burner, go to the end and turn left. Swing to the end and drop down on the ledge. Take the Flares and the Shotgun Shells from the cave on the left.

Grab the ceiling again and swing across to the other end. Drop down on the ledge and follow it to the end. Use a running jump to reach the square platform to the left of the blades. Now, use a running jump with a grab to reach the climbable wall on the other side. Climb the wall all the way up and drop down on the ledge. Now, it may be wise to save your game. Climb down the pit, immediately sprint to the step on the left and crouch to avoid the boulder. Climb up the step and repeat the process for the next boulder.

At the top, step up on the platform and face the wall on either side of the room. Side jump down the path, which will trigger another boulder. Immediately back off the platform and grab the edge to avoid the boulder. Pull back up and jump into the hallway at the end. Jump over the burner and immediately sprint into the step and crouch to avoid the last boulder. Climb up the ledges and you will arrive back near the rapids. Use a running jump to the nearby ledge, grab the climbable wall, climb up and go for the next ledge on the left. Crawl through the passageway. At the end, use a standing jump to reach the block in the rapids. Now, use a running jump with a grab to reach the next block. Finally, use a standing jump to reach the block with the rope slider. If you took the right path and then the left path in this chamber, as well as touched the green rope, then a Save Crystal will be in the ledge ahead. To get it, walk down to the bottom of the rocks and use a running jump to reach the ledge. Now, use a running jump with no grab to return to the block with the rope slider.

Grab the rope slider and slide down into the building. Climb up the ladder directly in front of Lara when you land and quickly shoot the Dragonette on the right. Ignore the corridor in front of you, turn left and run around the corners until you find a switch. Throw it and return to the corridor. As you approach the ledge, another Dragonette climbs up to you and a torch ignites. Drop down the pit and slide down the slopes until you return to the pool room.

Board the kayak and paddle back to the plug room to find that the plug is gone and a hole is in its place. Now, make sure your health is well above 60% and very carefully let Lara down the hole. After a rough (and beautiful) landing, jump out of the kayak and swim to either ledge to shoot the crocodile. Swim to the ledge with a wooden door and go underneath it for a lever. Pushing it opens the door and lets out two more crocodiles. Quickly climb on the ledge and fight the crocodiles. Once you are done, go through the wooden door to finish the level.
